I 23[TF] gave countless happy endings to save my family’s massage parlour business

(This is an edit of the post I made yesterday that got removed.)

I know this is long but I feel like I have to get all of this off my chest and type it out to truly comprehend it. This is more like a confession to me as only a close friend that was a co-worker at the business knows about this.

Backstory: I was born and grew up in Thailand in a medium-class family and migrated to Australia as a teen.

In my younger teen years I was lucky enough not to have needed a job but at age 18 my parents were starting to get annoyed with me and I started looking for a job in my neighbourhood. I wanted something easy and that I could do part time while I studied at university. After a fortnight of waiting for replies to my applications I’d sent by email, my dad told me that he’d spoken with a relative who’s massage parlour business was desperately understaffed and needed someone ASAP who could cover the weekend night shifts. He told me a training shift had already been setup later this week, and although annoyed he didn’t even ask me if I wanted to work there or not, I agreed to start working there.

After the training and working there for a couple weekends – mainly on the front counter – it became apparent to me why the previous employees left: the place was old, dingy, smelt, and was in need of a good renovation. Most weekend’s it was dead quiet, you’d be lucky if a customer or two came in per night. There was also a no phone policy because the owner thought that if a customer came in while I was on the phone it’d look like we were lazy or something… I dunno. Luckily, most of my shifts it was just me and another employee. So whenever she was busy with a client, I’d hop on my phone and check my social media or straight up just watch porn to kill time.

After about a month working there, I was taken off the front desk and put on massage duty. Most of the guys who would come in would be mostly older white businessmen or tradesmen. I’d say about 4 of my first weekend’s worth of massages resulted in the guys getting hard under their towels and one even tried to put his hand up my skirt before I smacked it away. In the start I never satisfied any of the men or let them touch me and they’d usually finish and get up relaxed but unfulfilled. I could see it on there faces but there was nothing I could do about it even if I wanted to as it was company policy.

I want to say about roughly 2 months into working there, while I had just started the afternoon shift and two other employees were there, the owner came in and explained that with the current rate of customers, they were either going to have to start firing some of us or just shut down the parlour for good. By this point, I had actually come to like working there considering that if I was careful I could just watch porn (and even touch myself) at the front desk and not have to talk to anyone except for a couple of customers when they walked in (I didn’t talk to them while giving a massage).

Okay this is where it gets juicy. Skip forward about another week or two I’d say and I was on massage duty but no customers were in. So I did my usual routine of pretending to clean and prepare one of the rooms, hook the curtain into place so the other employee wouldn’t barge in on me, and started to get off watching porn. I distinctly remember the video I watched that night but haven’t been able to find it since. It was a well-built, brown-eyed, bald white man in about his late 30s and a Thai teen with braces and pigtails. About 3/4 through the video I heard the front entrance bell ding, alerting us that a customer had entered. I quickly must have closed the video, opened the curtain, and exited the massage room to meet the new customer. It took me about 10 seconds and a double-take before I realised that the customer looked exactly, and I mean EXACTLY, like the guy from the video I was JUST watching. Now I don’t know why but after seeing this businessman under these circumstances and knowing that I’d be massaging him in a minute, I got SO horny.

I introduced myself, guided him back to the room and told him to undress. Usually we give the client a towel at this stage so that when we re-enter the room they can cover their bottom half but in that moment, being so attracted to him I purposefully didn’t and just shut the door. While I was waiting for him to get undressed my heart was racing, I had never been this attracted to someone this quickly. A plan came over me in that time period, and that was that I’d service this man to completion. I wanted him happy and satisfied in the hope that he would come back again, just so I could see him. With this newly hatched plan in mind, another came over me. I walked out to the front desk and told my co-worker about a new album that I was “obsessed” with and that she should listen. I gave her some headphones and promised not to tell the owner that she was on her phone and she happily agreed. When she did, my heart about dropped in knowing that I could service my client to completion and not have to worry about any sounds exiting the room.

I re-entered the room and he was facing stomach down, complete nude. I begun my typical routine of starting with the shoulders, back, and feet. After what felt like forever, about 45mins into the session, I poured extra oil over his ass and thighs and began sensually massaging him. I worked closer and closer towards the groin area and made sure to get on top of the table, sit on his calves, and have my smooth ass rub against his slick oiled legs. I worked up his leg and began to graze his balls and his cock. According to plan, I saw his cock slowly but surely enlarge until it was pointing right at me. I knew now was the time to strike so I told him it was time to flip so that I could work on the front. Usually at this point I’d go back to the top and work on the arms and chest but I was so turned on by getting this total stranger hard, that I began with his lower legs and worked my way back up to my goal.

I began working his quads, while staring directly at his semi-hard cock. I wanted him to know that I was comfortable with it and that I liked it. I remember wanting to get him fully erect before I started to touch him again and so I dropped the oil on the ground towards his feet so that I could bend over at the waist and expose my black thong that I was wearing that night. My plan seemed to have worked as when I stood up straight again and apologised for making a bang, he said it was completely fine and grabbed a handful of my left cheek. I made sure to smile when he did that to again give him the assurance that this is what I wanted.

At this point his cock was fully erect and I couldn’t take it any longer. I clumsily moved up from his quads and put my hands around his groin, again grazing his cock. I slowly changed from a grazing motion to a stroking motion and then before I knew it I had my hand gripped around his cock. At this point he began softly moaning and it made me so happy that he was enjoying MY touch, MY hand, MY service. His hand again made its way up my left leg and onto my ass cheek, this time moving its way around to the top of my panties and pulled them down until they were down around my shoes. At this point I got super nervous because I didn’t know what his intentions were or how far I should take it with this man I had literally met just an hour ago. At the time I was so nervous and vulnerable but also SO horny and happy to pleasure this man that, when prompted, I gave him my panties to smell. (This was a little weird to me as I didn’t know that was a kink at the time.)

I turned my head back to focus on his thick ~8inch white cock when it made me seriously realise something. You see, whenever I’d watch porn I’d usually just pick something from the homepage but, more often than not, it end up being a white man with an Asian teen. Now at that time, I didn’t know why that was the case, I probably just blamed it on them having a higher production quality than the rest, but it was then that I realised that all this time, from the first pornographic video I had watched until just an hour ago, I had been practicing, subconsciously perhaps, for this moment. That I had become just like the other Asian girls that I’d watch on my laptop at home or phone screen at work. I even had the thought that this was my destiny; my parents had stopped their normal life and moved here (Australia) for this very thing.

It must have been after I snapped out of the train of thought that I had noticed the top of his cock glistening in the light. Some pre-ejaculate had leaked out and was now running down the side of his shaft. In that moment I took another unforeseen decision (perhaps decision isn’t the right word as it was more instinctive/reflexive). Before my conscious had the chance to keep up, I had my lips around the head of his cock. He let out a groan as I did as it must have caught him off guard considering my panties were still around his nose and his eyes shut. When I did come to my senses and realise what I was doing, I hesitated for a moment, before the aroma of his cock and balls overwhelmed me and I started sucking. In those days I wore my hair up in a high ponytail because I thought it looked best on me; for him it was something to grab onto and guide my tongue and throat up and down his cock.

By this point he was moaning really loudly and I hoped that my co-worker was still listening to her music. I was bobbing my head up and down his cock, slowly at first, but once he took control of me much faster and deeper. This caused me in reaction to start to moan on him as I was lost in the moment. I don’t remember how long I was sucking his cock, it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes before he sort of half yelled “I’m gonna cum baby”. When I heard him call ME “baby” it pushed me over the line and I just went into overdrive on him. I pulled out all the tricks I had seen in the videos: deepthroating, flicking my lips over his head, looking him in his eyes, letting him pull my hair. It was then that he pushed my head down all the way to his body(!) and his cock went all the way down my throat. He started to moan even louder and let out four (or so) thick bands of white cum. I remember how deep he was in me as I didn’t really get the chance to taste his cum until after it was done when it has sort of settled in my throat and came up a bit.

After it was done, I realised I didn’t have anything to clean him or myself up with as I left the towel outside! So I quickly left the room and grabbed one whilst also looking down the hallway, it looked like my co-worker hadn’t noticed anything (somehow!). When I had rejoined him, he used the towel to clean himself down, and didn’t really say much to my misfortune, I thought he’d at least say something. What he did do though was pull out about 3x the due amount for the session, said “Thank you baby, I’ll be back in again next Saturday”, and left. As I heard the front entrance bell ring as he left and I had the chance to sit down and collect my thoughts on what had just come over me, I realised my panties were missing, and that he must have taken them with him. Even though they were relatively new and by all accounts I should have been pissed that someone would steal my clothes like that, I didn’t have a problem with it. Knowing that he was so turned on by me and was now taking his little memorabilia back to his house to remember me with kind of got me horny again.

This was when I had my final grand idea of the night. I was the only one who was going to save my relatives business which would in turn save my easy-going job. What the owner and the other employees were failing to do was to put in extra effort that would result in returning customers (before that point pretty much all the clients would be first timers). I decided that this was what I would do and that I would pocket 30% of the bonus payment and give the rest to the house. That I would, to the best of my ability, really try and service, please, and pleasure my clients in anyway possible so that they would come back and even maybe tell a friend about the business.

I worked there for just over two years and was able to make a considerable increase in the profit of the company. I would tease the first timers, please the second timers, and regulars (if they were attractive to me) would get the chance to touch me and use my throat. The bald man became a regular for about a year and would always come in weekly and would make a fuss if he didn’t have me as his masseuse. After learning about his panty fetish, I found myself that using the bonus money he’d give me for the service to pay for more panties and lingerie that he’d have the chance to take home. With him I’d always allow full access to my body, mouth, and throat. By the end of it, as soon as I would hook the curtain, he’d drop his pants and guide me over to his cock. It was only after I had made him cum that would we move onto the actual massage.

Shortly after I left, my relative had the chance to renovate the interior and put up a new sign with neon lights outside. I had second thoughts when I did leave as I hoped that they knew why the business had increase so much shortly after I was hired. But, as I mentioned briefly at the start, there was one occasion when I forgot I was training a new employee and she heard what was going on in the next room over. Luckily, she didn’t rat on me and we shortly became good friends actually after that. I can’t say for certain but I think she must be the one who is keeping the business a float now that I am gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rrql0x/i_23tf_gave_countless_happy_endings_to_save_my


  1. Super hot story. Thanks for the insider perspective.

    Having had my dick in the occasional therapist’s mouth, those being respectable licensed therapists, it’s good to hear your view.

  2. I guess this answers the age-old question whether the masseuses at massage parlors ever get horny from their customers and “service” them voluntarily.

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