[F] Girls’ Holiday Sluttiness Remembered

So this all happened a few years ago now, which is kinda why I feel OK about sharing it. I’ve had to reconstruct the dialogue and the names to the best of my memory… hope that’s OK.

I had just got out of a long term relationship and had gone on a girls’ holiday. We all were friends from (boarding) school, so for us it was sort of an ironic holiday to celebrate after our first year at our different Unis.

Anyway, fast forward to the last-but-one night. I’d had a lot to drink and I wanted to stay out. My friends were arguing with me about going back, when a tall gentleman with a Sheffield accent (I think) stepped in and said he’d look after me. He said his name was Sam.

My friends wanted none of it, and I think they didn’t approve because he was a bit… well, from a different social class shall we say. But I looked at his stubbly beard, his tattooed arm and his muscular torso under that t-shirt and I thought…wow. Before I knew it we were making out passionately and my friends, in a sulk, had left us two to it.

I could see that he had friends with him but they discreetly (well, sort of discretely) kept their distance.

He started teasing me, telling me I had a posh voice. Ordinarily that would annoy me but he was so playful I didn’t mind. Soon we were dancing and making out. He kept touching my bottom in a very graspy sort of way which shocked me. I think I probably said gosh at one point too, which caused him some amusement.

The night not being that young, it wasn’t long before we headed back — to his hotel. When we walked in, I couldn’t believe the state of the room. Clothes, bedding, weirdly, pasta everywhere and… lots of booze.

After some more to drink (and my nerves had settled a little, Sam said (words to the effect of)

“*So why don’t you show me what that posh mouth can do?*”

I was shocked; I’d only had sex with one man before, my boyfriend… and here is this confident guy… asking… no, telling me…to suck him off. Well, it was probably the booze talking but… I got on my knees. I went over and lowered his shorts. He was nearly hard already; his penis was shaved which took me by surprise. He very gentlemanly and held my hair while I…bobbed my head up and down.

Soon he was grunting and I said,

“*Fuck me Sam!*”

And he chuckled, telling me he’d ‘*happily oblige the lady*’. Cue awkward doggy… a rough pounding… bedhead banging the wall… before he grunts and pumps the condom full. We lay there for a minute recovering our composure.

I was about to say I should be going, when Sam banged on the wall. I noticed then for the first time that this was a twin room; his friends, who had all discreetly been in the adjoining room, flooded in just about 3 seconds after I’d pulled my skirt down. They high fived and laughed and joked – it was kinda weird being there among a load of guys. I remember most distinctly the smell of their sweat, a metallic tang in the air.

His friends were: Jeff, a dark ginger guy with muscles who kept putting his hands on his head to show off his muscular biceps, even though it meant we all got to stare at his wet furry armpits.

There was Ed, a shortish guy with the most beautiful dark eyes and peaked eyebrows, thin, kinda hairy, whose hairy chest was visible underneath his thin, damp tshirt.

There was Lewis, who looked tough and rough. He had hair cut really short. He had been robbed earlier (apparently – I think he just got drunk and left his wallet at the table).

And there was Reece – he was chubby, hairless chested, brown hair, and supposedly a virgin, though they pronounced it *vérr-jen*.

This was all very well, but I was getting a bit weary so I said I wanted to go to the bathroom and sort my hair and stuff, then I’d be off.

Off I went to the loo, and after about 5 minutes I’d splashed my face with water and tried to sort myself out as best I could. I could hear the guys laughing about something. Suddenly, I noticed Lewis in the doorway.

“*Hey babe…any chance of a suck?*” (He didn’t say suck – he said some northern slang word but I forget it).

“*I’ve had a shite day, been robbed babe…go on…Sam says youre really good at blowjobs*”

Anyway…who knows why, but I said… “*OK then*”.

Sat myself on the floor. He stood over me, flopped his sweaty, uncut penis onto my face. The smell of man musk was… a lot but… I went to town. He told me to stare into his eyes when I did it…

After a few minutes… without any fucking warning, he just spurted the thinnest, wateriest semen ever into my mouth and on my lips. I coughed and reflexively swallowed most of it. He thanked me and patted my head, which was infuriating.

After Lewis had gone, I sorted myself out, feeling… that I’d gone through a process and grown as a person.

I waited for 10 minutes or so… wondering… hoping the *others might* *come in* but… they didn’t.

So…well… these guys don’t know my name, I thought to myself. They don’t know anything about me except that I’m a posh girl from England… so…I headed back into their bedroom…

“*Any of you other guys want some fun?*”

And went back to the bathroom, my heart pounding.

The room went weirdly quiet… then Jeff and Ed were in the bathroom.

I won’t bore you with the details… Jeff had a huge pair of balls and an average penis. Ed was circumcised which was unusual.

It was difficult to blow them both together, because Jeff was maybe a foot taller than Ed but they high fived each other awkwardly about 5 times while I sucked and masturbated them in turn. Jeff came first, aiming for my face but getting it down my top, and awkwardly walked out while I finished Ed off. Ed spurted in my mouth, the most acrid sort of load – girls you know what I mean.

I came out the bathroom, and they were bantering with Reece and doing shots. I told them I had to go. They said some cruel stuff to Reece – called him a eunuch or some such nonsense. So I said, *hey Reece… you’re a gentleman. Walk me to my hotel please?*

And… well, let’s just say he did. After, of course, Reece and I had made love quietly in the adjoining room. I rode him cowgirl, and riding his soft body was a great end to a slutty evening. As it was his first time, I let him blow in me without a condom. He only lasted 3 or 4 minutes but it was an awesome end.

Oh, and he did walk me home after.

So there we go. That was the first time I ever did anything like that, and I’ve had an eye for rough guys ever since.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rsa087/f_girls_holiday_sluttiness_remembered

1 comment

  1. I’m a college baseball player if you’re interested in doing anything. Just dm me

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