Eternal Spring: Chapter 4 [F/voyeur/exhib]

**Chapter 4:**

As I reach the bottom of the stairs out of her apartment block it suddenly hits me. I forgot my wet clothes there! Shit! I’m so forgetful sometimes. I’ll have to retrieve them another time I guess.. At least it’s a good excuse to hang out again sometime. I walk down the pathway between her apartment building and my own through the cherry blossom trees, which quiver slightly in the cool night breeze thinking about Ying and how open she was to bring me into her home after just meeting me for the first time. What a beautiful soul. It matches her beautiful body as well, which was certainly surprising and far more explicitness than I had expected. Sure, I’ve seen her get changed from my shower window a few times before, but being up close to someone like that was a totally different experience. “That poor thing” I say to myself as I continue walking down the pathway. She must have been so tired, yet she wanted me to feel safe in her home. Why she had no underwear on under her robe I don’t really know, but perhaps that’s just how she is in her own home. Of course, she didn’t expect to fall asleep while I was there and probably wouldn’t guess I would take a look at if she was indeed wearing underwear or not. Curiosity took control of me though.. I couldn’t help myself..

I turn off the path and up the stairs into the entrance of my apartment building, then begin walking up the stairs, thinking of Ying’s beautiful white skin and slender form. As I get to my floor, I walk towards my apartment door, swipe my access card and walk inside my apartment. “Honey I’m home!” I say to myself. Maybe one day there will be a man here for me to come home to. One day.. I put my bag down on the dining room table an take off my shoes, then take my phone out of my bag to charge. I take a quick look at some work emails that have come through as well as a few messages from Millie who is apparently far more drunk than she was when I left them, apologizing more and more. “It’s OK Millie, it was just an accident. See you at work tomorrow.” I reply back to her as I walk into my bedroom. I plug my phone into the charger next to my bed then get undressed next to my window, folding Ying’s clothes nicely into a pile on the chair. I’ll give these back to her next time I see her, or maybe I can ask her to come over sometime. Yeah, that might be nice. I’ll make a nice dinner for her. I walk back outside my bedroom and over to the fridge where I take out a bottle of water. As I drink it, the cool sensation of the water clears my throat from all the alcohol I was drinking earlier. As I walk back to my bedroom, I pull down my underwear and throw them in the dirty clothes basket near the entrance of my room, then pull back the sheets and hop into my bed. The sheets are crisp and white from the air through the window, but quickly warm up from my body temperature, as I slowly doze off to sleep.

I open an eye and the sun is bright on my face. “Ugh” I moan. I hate drinking. It kills my mood. I force open my other eye everything seems a bit dark. What in the hell.. Oh shit I forgot to take off my makeup last night! Suddenly I’m awake, as I look down at my pillow and see black smudges covering it. I slide myself off my bed and get the pillow case off my pillow. “Lucky” I say to myself as I look at the sheets. No makeup on them. I put the pillowcase in my dirty clothes basket as I walk out of my bedroom and into the bathroom. As I sit on the toilet I hear my phone chiming that I received a message. “No thanks” I say to myself as I flush the toilet, that can wait for now. I walk to the shower and turn the tap and hear my phone chiming again. “Whatever”. I’ll get back to my phone soon enough. As I step into the shower and the water runs down my face, I begin to see clearly again. Ah yes, world around me “Hello world” I say as I halfheartedly wave to nobody. I look over to Ying’s apartment window but she’s not there, but it looks like the light is on. Maybe she’s still sleeping? I continue washing myself and am careful with my face cleanser to clear the makeup off my face as best as possible. I turn off the shower tap and take one more look towards Ying’s window, but still nobody there. I turn around and leave my shower and dry myself and my hair, then apply some basic eyeliner and foundation, then leave the bathroom quickly glancing at the clock on my wall in the living room to see the time before returning to my bedroom. “5:28am right on time. What should I eat today?” I say to myself as I feel my tummy grumbling. I quickly make my bed, and open my wardrobe to find some clothes to wear today. I think black on black, yeah, lets do that. I take out a black Calvin Klein thong from my drawer, then some black shorts, black sheer tights, a black bra, a black thinly knitted short sleeve top and a black blazer. Hmm.. I don’t really want to do my hair up today. “OK” I say to myself as I grab a black baseball cap. “Cool”. I grab my phone off the charger, grab my tote bag and leave my apartment.

I take the stairs down to the entrance of my building again today, despite feeling slightly hung over, I always feel better when I can get some exercise. It’s another beautiful day outside with more flowers starting to bloom and fighting against the cool wind. As I approach the subway entrance a few minutes later, I see the same security guard from yesterday. I give him a quick smile and walk through the security gates towards my station. *ding* “Oh yeah” I say out loud. I grab my phone from my bag and take a look at the messages. Oh! It’s Ying! “Good morning Song, sorry I feel asleep last night! I slept on the couch until this morning haha”. “Oh by the way, would you like to go swimming with me tonight after work? It’s not far from the office”. “Just bring some swimwear and I’ll wait in the lobby at 6:30 for you. I’ll bring your clothes, they are dry now”. Oh shit, I didn’t bring any swimwear with me! I’ll just tell her we can do it another time.. “Good morning Ying, thank you so much for having me over last night! It was so lovely of you. Unfortunately I did not bring any swimwear with me today and I have left my house already. Maybe next time?”. There we go, oh here’s my train. I step into the train as the door opens and stand at the same place I always stand next to the door. *ding*. I check my phone – “That’s OK we can go shopping on the way and get some if you like?”. Hmm, she’s very persistent. I really should be nice to her after she looked after me last night though. “OK, sounds good! I’ll see you downstairs after work”. I really hope the pool is heated, I haven’t gone swimming for a long time, but doing some exercise is probably a good idea after eating all that junk food at the KTV last night. I check through my emails as the train continues into the city center, replying to some of my client meetings that are scheduled for the day, then leave the station on my way to find some breakfast. This morning I have decided to eat a local style of rice noodles that this city is famous for. It’s easy to find as it’s one of the most popular breakfast options here. I leave the subway station in the city center and head towards a street where my workmates have said does a good rice noodles. I order and pay at the counter, then get my noodles and take a seat. Flicking through some online stores, I get an idea of a bathing suit to buy for later. Bikini.. One Piece.. Traditional Chinese swimsuit.. ugh. So ugly.. I open WeChat and message Ying. “Heya, just wondering – what sort of swimsuit do you wear to go swimming?”. I flick back to the online stores and keep browsing through the selection. *ding* “I usually wear a black one piece, but today I have my new red one piece with thin shoulder straps. Why?”. I reply back “I’m looking online to see what is available but wasn’t sure what to get”. *ding* “Either a one piece or bikini is what most girls wear :)”. Cool, that’s easy then. I’ll get myself one of these later. I close my phone, put it in my bag, finish my steaming hot noodles and make my way to the office.

Arriving at the office foyer, I smile and wave to the guy at reception and wait for a lift and as per usual it’s super busy. We cram into the lift and people get out one by one, reshuffling for more personal space as it empties. As I enter the office I notice that there’s nobody from my team here. I wonder to myself how long they stayed out for after I left and if they will be able to function today at work. I sit at my desk, unfold my laptop and draft up an email to Mr. Zhao. “Hello sir, I wanted to update you on today’s work to be completed. We will have the photos ready for magazine print by this afternoon for XYZ fashion show coming up next month. I will send them to you later today for final approval. Also, thank you for last nights team activity. We all had fun and enjoyed ourselves. Talk soon. Miss Song”. I open my project timeline management program and look through today’s tasks and assign them as required to my team to work on. I look up and see Liz walking to her desk. I smile at her and she smiles back as she sits down to start work. A few moments later, Millie and An arrive looking as though they hadn’t drunk anything at all. Bright and chirpy – so lucky! Millie looks as cute as ever today with her big smile and oversized pastel sweater. As she walks up to her desk, she gives me a big smile, then sits down to start work. “Does she remember what happened last night?” I think to myself, remembering the cold beer running down my shirt and onto my skirt then Millie clumsily trying to undress and clean the beer off me. “Oh well” I say to myself. It was just a silly accident. No issues. As the day goes on and lunchtime comes closer, I decide to go for a little walk outside to see if there’s some food to eat. I’m not feeling particularly hungry today, so I just take a walk around the block to enjoy some sun. I walk past a small cafe and purchase a double shot piccolo coffee to keep my energy levels up. I love drinking coffee after visiting Australia a few years ago, but finding good coffee in China can be like playing Russian roulette. I sip my coffee on the way back to the office, thinking about the work yet to be completed that needs to be done by tonight. As I walk back into the office, I see Liz and Millie whispering to each other at Liz’s desk. “An must be out at lunch”, I think to myself. “What are you girls whispering about?” I ask. Liz’s face immediately turns bright red and Millie smiles her cute smile at me. “Oh nothing really. We were just talking about last night.” she replies. “Oh yeah? What time did you guys leave? Did you have fun?” I ask. “Yes Miss song. We really enjoyed ourselves” Liz replies. “Yeah, it was fun, and again, I’m so sorry about the beer” Millie interjects as she looks down from my face at my chest and stomach. I feel my face blushing reply “It’s OK. It was just an accident. No harm done”. Millie looks up at me and smiles again “You have no reason to feel shy. You are very fit! You should be proud of your hard work at the gym”. “OK that’s enough now” I reply back blushing more as I walk back to my desk. I hear the two girls giggling softly as I sit back down behind my computer screen. Those silly things, so young and so simple. They are right though, I am proud of my body and the hard work it took at the gym to get this shape.

As the day continues on and the sun falls slowly behind the foggy mountains behind me, staff in other departments start leaving the office to go home. One by one, Liz, Millie and An leave their desks and the office, leaving me alone in my corner to submit the final work to Mr. Zhao. I send my last email for the day just before 6:30, then send Ying a message. “Heyyy! I’m coming downstairs to the foyer now. See you soon :)”. I pack up my bag and take the lift downstairs, then wait for a few minutes in the foyer for Ying to finish work. As she exits out of the lift, she walks over to me smiling, then hands me a paper shopping bag with my dry clothes. “Oh thank you so much! I can’t believe I forgot them at your place. I didn’t even realize until I was already downstairs”. “It’s okay, not a problem at all! And it is a good excuse to hang out again haha” she replies. I smile back at her. “So, did you decide what swimsuit you’re going to get?” she asks. “Not really. Is it OK if we take a look at a few first? I’m thinking of a one piece”. I don’t want to reveal too much of myself after only getting to know Ying recently, although I did see a lot of her last night, albeit without her knowledge. “Yeah, that’s cool. The shops are just around the corner from here. We can take my car to the pool. It’s not far from home” She replies back. We walk out of the office building around the corner to a small sporting goods focused shopping mall. We walk through a few shops browsing the swimsuits, but a lot are old fashioned or designed for children. I want to look good, but not dress like my grandmother! Finally, we walk into a western brand shop and head to their swimwear section. They have two choices for one piece suits, a red option and a white option with black seams. I find my size and ask the staff if I can try it on. The staff member walks to me and leads me into the changing room while Ying is looking around the shop. As I take off my shorts, tights, shirt, jacket and underwear, I hear Ying from outside. “Do you need help? How does it look?”. “I’m still getting undressed hahaha” I reply back awkwardly. This would have been easier if I was wearing the clothes from yesterday! I open the door to the changing room slightly and look out. Ying is standing there in front of me. “OK, what do you think?”. “Nice! Is the fabric thick enough? White can be a bit risky hahaha” she replies. “Yeah, it’s quite thick, it should be okay”. I close the door to the changing room and change back to my clothes but without the tights. It’s too much trouble to put them back on if I’m only going to take them off again when we get to the pool. After changing, I walk to the shop counter to purchase the swimsuit. “That’s 800RMB please”. “Whoah, that’s expensive!” claims Ying. I swipe my bank card and the cashier packs my swimsuit into a bag. “It’s ok. I needed a new one anyway and this one is nice. Let’s go” I smile back at her.

We leave the shopping center together and walk towards where Ying parks her car. I remember the way from last night when we walked there together. As we leave the carpark, Ying asks “So.. private question, but I really want to know.. Does your job pay well?”. Shocked slightly by her upfront question, I smile at her and reply “Yes, I get paid quite well. My boss is very kind to me”. She looks at me enviously and replies “I don’t really get paid too much. I bought my apartment with inheritance from my parents. They live out of town now, but wanted to see me succeed in the city, so they helped me to purchase it a few years ago so I wouldn’t have to travel far for work”. That makes sense. It’s quite common for people to move outside of the city as they get older to live a quiet and more simple lifestyle. Coming from a small town myself and being lucky enough to land this job, I couldn’t have been happier with the outcome of my hard work at my previous job and the awards I was able to achieve from dedication to completing the tasks required of me. “So, where are you taking me? I didn’t know there was a pool nearby” I ask Ying.”It’s one block over from our community. There’s a sports center there with a running track and underneath the track there’s an indoor swimming pool with a diving room. I thought for tonight we do a few laps in the pool then go diving with fins. It’s a nice way to relax your muscles after swimming”. “Oh cool” I reply. “I’ve never been to a diving pool before!”. “Oh, you’ll love it! It’s super relaxing” Ying replies.

We arrive at the sports complex and pull into a car park out the front. I take my swimsuit with me and leave my bag in the car. The sports complex is much larger than I thought, almost like a stadium. How have I never noticed this place? Maybe I should discover my local area more. As we walk into the complex, we go down a flight of stairs to the lower area and there are high glass gates surrounding the main pool. Directly in front is an administration desk, and behind it an olympic sized pool in the center of the room. To the left is the change rooms and showers, and to the right of the pool is the diving pool. “Wow, this place is enormous!” I say as I face Ying. “Yeah, it’s a really good place. I love to come here”. We pay for a towel each at the desk and the pool entry fee, then walk towards the change rooms. To the left is the men’s room and to the right is the woman’s. We walk into the woman’s change room and put our bags down on a wood bench in the middle of the room. On one wall is a set of 4 shower heads with dividing walls, and on the other side some toilets. As I turn back to my bag after looking around, I notice Ying take out a dark red one piece swimsuit from her bag which she then places on the bench next to her. “Oh that’s a nice one!” I say as I take out my swimsuit from the shopping bag and remove the labels. “Yeah! I really like it” she smiles back at me. As she starts removing her clothes, I turn away to face the other direction and start removing my clothes. First my blazer, then my shirt, then my shoes and shorts. I turn back around to fold my clothes and place them in my shopping bag and notice that Ying is pulling up her swimsuit over her knees. I feel myself blushing as I catch a glimpse of her pubic hair and bare breasts hoping she doesn’t notice my face turning red. “Nice thong!” she says as I place my clothes in my shopping bag. “Th..thanks” I clumsily reply as I remove my bra. “You really have a great body shape Song. Nice ass, long skinny legs, and… are those abs?” She grabs my waist and turns me around, touching my abs. She is bent over slightly in front of me as I stand in only my underwear, inspecting my abs. As she stand up straight, her hair lightly brushes against my breasts, and I feel my nipples getting erect. I feel the blood rush to my head. She looks at my face and laughs. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to kiss you, I’m just admiring your body”. Trying not to sound shy and silly, I reply “Your body is in pretty good shape too. You must work out a lot”. She chuckles as she fixes the straps on her shoulders. “Thanks, but I don’t have abs”. She turns away and sits on the bench next to her bag and starts playing with her phone, so I take the opportunity to remove my underwear and put on my swimsuit. It’s tight against my slim body and hip bones, and my hard nipples are clearly defined through the swimsuit. I take my towel and hold it up against my chest. “OK, I’m ready”. Ying looks up from her phone, locks it, then puts it back into her bag. “Cool, lets go!”.

As we leave the change room, The bright lights from the main pool area shine off Ying’s glistening white skin. “She’s so lucky” I think to myself, envious of her beautiful skin tone. The red swimsuit suits her so perfectly. The dark red compliments her white skin nicely, and has a low cut back that just covers her ass. The thin straps around her shoulders connect behind her arms, giving her an almost ‘nude from the back’ look. We walked towards the main swimming pool and down the ladder into the pool. The water is quite warm and comfortable, which is a relief for me. We choose to share a lane together as to not interrupt the other people swimming. I notice a man in the lane next to ours who seems to be a very confident swimmer. I admire his strength as each stroke powerfully thrusts him forward in the water, his shoulder muscles rising above the water with each stroke. Ying catches me looking and smiles cheekily. “Your type?” she says through giggles. “Well.. I mean.. He definitely has a good body, but personality is more important to me” I reply. She takes two pairs of goggles and two swimming caps from the basket next to the ladder and hands one to me, then adjusts the straps on her goggles. I begin to put my goggles one, when she suddenly pushes off from the edge and starts swimming breaststroke down the lane. One lap, two laps, three, four, eight.. My body is aching, shoulders and legs screaming in agony.. Now I know how she is in such good shape! Swimming is exhausting on a totally different level to a workout at the gym. I see her ahead of me in the lane reach the end. “Please don’t do another lap” I think to myself and I push myself to keep going. I reach the end and touch the wall, then pull my body up so my head is above the water. I can see Ying next to me but my goggles are fogging up, so I take my hand of the edge to remove them, and my body slumps into the pool, taking me by surprise as my body aches from swimming. I feel a small hand grab onto my arm and pull me back from, stopping me from sinking and see Ying smiling at me. “You OK?” she asks. Catching my breath and grabbing onto the ledge while I tread the water, I get out a single word in a gasp. “Yep”. I pull myself along the pool wall to the ladder and legs quivering, get myself out of the water to crouch beside the pool. Ying gets out of the pool behind me, and is clearly not as worked out as I am, but her white skin has turned a pale red around her neck and back. “That was intense” I say as she helps me to stand up again. “Haha, yeah, but you did well! After a few more times swimming, you’ll be able to do that easily” she smiles back at me. “Do you still want to go to the diving pool?”. “Yeah, OK. Just give me a moment to catch my breath”. “Cool OK” she replies. I’ll go get the flippers. She takes her towel and wraps it around her waist then walks to the front counter to get flippers. I start making my way slowly over to the diving pool, walking past the entrance to what appears to be another change room. As I arrive at the diving pool, Ying is already just behind me. I sit on the bench and bend over to touch my calves and massage them. Ying hands me the flippers and I put them beside me, then ask “over there, that room. Is that another change room?”. “Oh that, that’s the men and woman steam rooms. We can try it later if you like? I usually don’t use it though because it feels weird to be alone in there. It’s good for your skin and to relax your muscles apparently”. I look up over at the room. I’ve never tried a steam room before. I assume it’s just a room filled with steam? I begin fastening the buckles of the flippers on the back of my feet as I lower myself from the bench towards the edge of the diving pool. As I put my feet into the pool, I realize that the water is much cooler than the main swimming pool. I feel my skin tightening as I lower my body into the water, holding onto the edge of the seemingly bottomless pool. Ying, next to me, lowers herself into the pool as well, noticing as well the apparent drop in temperature. “Holy shit that’s cold!” she exclaims as her shoulders drop into the water. She then took a deep breath, lowers her head under the water, arches her back and dives deep into the water. From above the water, I see her gliding elegantly through the water with her long flippers, twisting and turning. “How hard could it be” I think to myself, as I take a deep breath and arch into a dive. Kicking my aching legs, the instant propulsion from the flippers propels me through the water. Woah, that’s pretty cool, it’s almost effortless! I kick a few more times to gain speed and come up for air near Ying. “That’s awesome!” I say as continue treading water easily with the flippers. “Yeah, I told you! It’s so relaxing! Let’s do a few quick dives and check out the steam room. It’s so cold in here today!” She says before arching her back and diving back into the water. We dive and glide through the water a few times, reminding me of an old Chinese movie about two sisters who are snakes. Imagining ourselves as those elegant and beautiful characters as they are in the movie, moving with a snake like movement similar to us swimming together in this deep pool. I chuckle to myself as I come up for air. “What are you smiling about” Ying asks. “Oh nothing” I reply. “Just lost in thought for a moment”.

We pull ourselves out of the water by kicking our legs and using the power of the flippers to raise ourselves up above the edge, then remove our flippers by the side of the pool. The temperature of the air combined with the coldness of the water gives me goosebumps across my body. I look over to Ying, who’s hard nipples are clearly visible through her swimsuit. “It’s so cold” I say as I grab my towel and wrap it around my upper body. “Yeah, lets go to the steam room, it’s really hot and humid in there”. We walk over to the steam room, and as soon as we open the door, steam gushes out. “Quick! Don’t waste it” Ying says as she pushes me through the door. The room is dimly lit with warm yellow lights on the wall. The floor is tiled and very slippery and towards the back of the room there’s a small pool with steam bellowing out of it. To the side of the door near the entrance, there’s a wood rack to put towels. I put my towel on there, then turn back to Ying. “What are you doing? That’s where your clothes go, silly! You need your towel to sit on!” She starts giggling, as she pulls the straps down over her shoulder, revealing one of her breats, then the other. She pulls her clinging wet swimsuit down of her body and puts it on the rack, then takes her towel and starts walking towards the steps near the hot pool. Standing there shocked, like a deer in the headlights of a car, I stand frozen. I didn’t know we were supposed to be naked in here!? I look towards the clothes rack and notice a small sign above the rack that reads “Clothing Prohibited. Woman Only”. Well, I guess we already saw each other in the change room. What’s the difference? I pull the straps of my swimsuit over my shoulders, and pull it down to my ankles. I bend over to pick it up, then put it on the rack next to Ying’s. I then grab my towel and wrap it around my chest. It barely covers my ass and I feel as naked as the day I was born. I carefully make my way towards Ying, who has put her towel on the tiles and is sitting cross-legged on top of it on one of the steps. Her posture is perfect, creating an hour glass shape with small breasts and tight waist. Her beautiful while skin glistening with sweat and steam. “Do you want to take a dip in the hot pool?” she asks as I approach the steps, apparently unfazed that I was looking at her. “OK” I reply as I unwrap the towel from myself. I place the towel next to hers, then step back down off the steps towards the hot pool. I dip in my toes then quickly pull my foot out. “Wow that’s seriously hot” I say as I look back over to Ying, who is making her way down the steps towards the pool. “The best way to do it is to just let yourself into it slowly” she says as she crouches next to the pool, sitting on the edge. She swings herself around, then puts both feet into the water up to her knees, then splashes the water over her body a few times. I sit by the edge next to her and copy her movements, splashing water over myself. The feeling of the steamy air and the hot water goes from hot to relaxing as my body adjusts to the temperature, and I feel the muscles on my calves starting to relax. We both begin to lower ourselves into the pool by holding the edge of the pool wall with our arms behind us, dropping ourselves slowly into the boiling hot water. Both our bodies stretched out, with steam building on my abs, breasts and shoulders. My wet hair draped over my back as I lower myself into the pool. As I submerge my body, I feel a seat in the pool to sit on that I didn’t see before through the misty hot water. I place myself on the seat, letting my breasts float just below the water. Ying stretches herself out more, looking upwards at the roof as she lowers herself into the water, submerging her entire body into the water and sitting on the seat. The water level is just below her chin, as she’s a little shorter than me, completely covered by the water. “This is so relaxing” I say softly as I close my eyes and allow the hot water to sooth my muscles. “I’ve never been to a steam room before, but I think I’ll be coming back here..”. I open my eyes and look at Ying, who has her eyes closed and head tilted back, resting on the edge of the pool with her shoulders and breasts just above the water level. I close my eyes again, submitting myself to the relaxing hot water, putting my arms out around the edge of the pool and tilting my head back as Ying was doing. “This is so…”

I open my eyes slowly. They are heavy with steam. Did I fall asleep? I look over to my left and see Ying resting on my arm with one of her left hand holding onto my upper leg under the water. Did we both fall asleep in here? I push myself up to try and stand up and Ying falls away from me, suddenly waking herself up. “Oh my god!” says says as she quickly comes to. “Did I fall asleep?”. “Yeah, we both did actually” I reply laughing. “Why is it every time I’ve seen you I fall asleep hahaha?” she says as she stands up in the pool. “I don’t know, but it’s starting to become a habit! Soon I’ll start calling you sleepy instead of Ying” I laugh as I finish my sentence. She laughs too as we get ourselves out of the pool. We make our way back over to the steps where our towels are, then over to where our swimsuits are. “You’re a really cool person” Ying says, as I pull up my swimsuit over my hips. “You just sort of, go with the flow, similar to me I think. Not too worried about what people think”. “Thank you, sleepy head” I reply as I start chuckling. Ying looks at me smiling. “Nooo don’t call me that!” she says as she continues to laugh. “Nope, too late. That’s your nickname now” I reply. We leave the steam room tip-toeing our way back across to where the change rooms are, feeling the instant coldness in the air. We get changed while I keep teasing her about always falling asleep, making jokes about her possibly sleeping at work, sleeping on the train. We laugh as we leave the change room and walk out of the sports center back to the car. As we get into her car, I ask Ying if she’s hungry and if she would like to come over to eat some delivery food for dinner. She looks at me and smiles, and agrees to come over to hang out, then we begin our drive back to our apartment community.


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