Eternal Spring: Chapter 3 [F/voyer/exhib]

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I grabbed my bag, walked to the entrance of the KTV and paid for the KTV, then took the escalators back down to the ground floor of the plaza holding my wet shirt in one hand and my bag in the other. As I walked outside the wind was cool and very crisp, and I could now feel exactly how wet my skirt was. I took my phone out of my bag and called a didi to take me home. I wasn’t in a mood to take a train, and just wanted to get home to my apartment where I could get comfortable and relax. As I waited for a didi to accept my trip home, the cool wind whipped at my skirt and penetrated through my sweater. I could feel my nipples getting hard and my legs were starting to get goosebumps. Why is it so cold tonight? I stood waiting, looking at my phone, shivering and freezing.


I turned around to see who was behind me. Oh my god, it’s the girl from the apartment across the road.

“Oh, hello!”

I must have looked excited, as she smiled softly when I answered her.

“Would you like a lift back home? I’ve seen you walking in the same community I live in and I parked just around the corner from here”.

“Oh, uh, it’s ok.. I don’t want to trouble you”.

“It’s no trouble at all, let’s go, get out of the cold weather”.

“Oh.. ok. Thank you so much!”.

I followed her around the corner and down the street to a car park closer to the office building. She must drive in to work every day. Now I’m really curious what she does for work.. I turned my head to look at her while we walked an noticed she was holding a few small shopping bags. “Were you out shopping tonight?” I ask.

“Yes, I finished work not long ago and thought I’d take a walk through the plaza to do some shopping. I needed a new swimsuit and some gym clothes. When the weather gets warmer, I plan to start swimming again at the gym so I can stay in shape”.

That explains how she looks so fit. She also goes to the gym. “Oh that’s nice. I haven’t gone swimming for a long time. I usually just stick to working out at the gym”.

“The gym is good too, but for a whole body workout without distraction, I find swimming to be better. It’s great for keeping a flat belly!” She smiles while tapping her stomach.

“My car is just down here, lets go”.

We walk down the staircase to the car park basement and she unlocks her car. “Here we are” she says as the blinkers flash on an old Kia. Hmm, I guess she doesn’t earn too much money, but she lives in a nice area. Maybe she just doesn’t care about the car she drives? Either way, It’s a free lift home and much better than standing out in the cold.

“How come your shirt is wet?” She asks, looking at me as I look at my wet shirt. “Oh, there was an accident at the KTV. Someone spilled their beer all over me, so I took off my shirt to avoid getting a cold”. “Oh no, are you OK? Are you cold? I have some spare clothes in the back seat if you want to change? Dry your shirt on the back of your seat”. Wow, this girl is so nice to me! “I’ll turn the heater on. It shouldn’t take too long to heat up”. I turn around in the front seat and hang up my shirt on the back of my chair, then grab a large hoodie from the back seat. “Is it OK if I use this to cover my legs? I’m so cold..”. “Yes of course! It’s no problem at all”. She starts the car and drives out of the car park towards the basement exit. I put the hoodie over my legs and undo the buckle on the side of my skirt, then pull it down over my legs. “Thank you so much. You’re a life saver!” I say to her as I dry my skirt on the dashboard heater. “I don’t even know your name! I’m Song”. I put out my hand to shake hers. She looks over and smiles, and shakes my hand. “I’m Ying. Nice to officially meet you haha”. We both start laughing as we drive out of the basement onto the busy road.

“I saw you in the lift this morning and couldn’t believe it! I’ve seen you in our community before but had no idea until today that we worked in the same building in the city too. What is it you do for work?”. “I work as a manager for the photo and video editing team in KMG Photography. We write up articles for magazines with fun pictures”. “Oh cool, that sounds like so much fun!”. “Haha, yeah, it’s a good job, but I’m new here and still finding my feet”. “Oh, did you move into the community recently?”. She looks over at me then quickly back to the road. “Yeah! Only a few months ago, but anyway, enough about me, what do you do for work?”. “I work as a personal assistant for the law firm a few levels below you. Mostly just taking care of small things here and there. Nothing fancy like you!”. “Oh don’t be silly, that sounds like a great job too!”. She looks over and smiles at me, blushing slightly. We continue driving and talking all the way home. As we pull into the garage under the apartment block, she asks me if I’d like to come in to have some tea before going home. I thought for a moment and looked at my wet clothes but before I could reply, she takes my skirt and says “It’s OK! I’ll dry them on my drying rack They’ll be nice and warm again in no time!”. “Oh, oh okay, sure. I’d love a hot cup of tea”. She smiles at me and gets out of the car. I open my door and start to get out of the car, covering myself as best I can while also trying to hold my bag. I swing my butt around to close the door when Ying comes around to my side of the car. “Here, let me help you”. She takes my bag out of my hand and the hoodie almost drops. I quickly grab it with my hand and tie it up on the side. I feel my face blushing slightly. “All good. Thank you”. She turns around and we start walking to the lift out of the basement garage and up to level 4. The building design is almost identical to my building across the path. The elevator dings and we get out and walk across to her apartment door. She unlocks the door, opens it and walks in, holding the door open for me. “Welcome to my little home!” she exclaims excitedly. It’s a similar minimalist design to my apartment with white walls and wood floor with grey and wood furniture. “I love what you have done with the place! It’s very similar to my own style actually”. “Oh really?! I’ll have to come over sometime to see it”. “Of course! I need to repay you for your help tonight. You are an absolute angel”. She smiles at me and walks to her kitchen bar, and turns on the kettle. “Do you mind if I use your bathroom quickly?” I ask, as I move my bag to a corner out of the way. “Yes sure, it’s just there to the right. I’ll get you some dry clothes to change into”. I walk into the bathroom and close the door behind me. It’s a simple bathroom with a corner shower, toilet and basin, and a small bamboo drying rack next to the window. I remove the hoodie from around my waist and put it to the side, then start removing my sweater. Just as it covers my face, Ying knocks on the bathroom door “Here’s some clothes. I hope they fit!”. I hear the door handle open and as I pull the sweater up over my face, I see her peek in and throw some clothes in. “Sorry! I didn’t see anything I swear!”. The door quickly closes shut as I stand there in my underwear. The wind from door touches my chest and I feel the goosebumps start showing on my breasts and arms. What a day. I feel like half the city has seen me naked today! Tomorrow I’ll wear something that covers more and is easier to wear. I turn to look at myself in her bathroom mirror. The lighting in the bathroom is warm and shadows my curves nicely. I put my arms up to stretch and see me abs showing through the skin on my stomach. My white thong is tight around my pussy and creates a perfect V shape, with my hip bones clearly visible. “Not bad” I say to myself, as I bend over to grab the clothes Ying brought me.

I put on the sweat pants and tee shirt she gives me and hang up my sweater on the drying rack, then take her hoodie and open the bathroom door. Ying looks over at me while sitting on her couch with a cup of tea. “Oh good! They fit!”. “Yes, thank you so much. I’m truly in your debt now”. I put down her hoodie on the couch and pick up my wet skirt, then go back into the bathroom and lay it out over the drying rack. I walk back out of the bathroom and sit next to Ying, who turns on her TV. “If you’re cold, you can put the blanket over you to stay warm”. I lean over to the coffee table in front of the lounge and pick up the cup of tea she made me. “It’s OK, it’s very cozy in here”. “OK, it’s just… well. Your nipples are hard.. so I thought maybe you are still cold..”. I look down at my chest and see quite clearly that my nipples are very erect. I quickly grab the blanket next to me and cover myself up. “Thank you” I say as I feel warmth spread from my chest to my face. “I didn’t realize. Sorry…”. “Oh no don’t be sorry. it’s okay. We are both girls. You have what I have”. I smile back at her and take a sip of my tea. “It’s very comfortable in here. You have a beautiful place”. Ying turns to me and smiles. “Thank you. I don’t often have visitors over so it’s nice to have some company for once. Do you mind if I add you on WeChat?”. “Oh sure!”. I get up and walk towards my bag and grab my phone out. I see messages from my work team asking if I’m OK and got home safely. I quickly reply to say I’m home, then walk back over to the couch. “Here you go, this is my ID”. She opens her phone and scans my profile QR code. I get a notification that she has added me. “Thanks!” She says, as she quickly browses through the photos on my profile. “My pleasure” I smile back at her. “Hey, is it OK if I look around your apartment? I’m curious to see what the other rooms look like and what’s different to my one”. “Yeah sure! Make yourself at home!”. I get up and drop the blanket on the couch. With my cup of tea in hand, I walk into her kitchen first. “Your kitchen is almost identical to my one!”. “Haha really!”. “Yeah, seriously it looks exactly the same”. I walk out of the kitchen into her bedroom. Ah yes, this is familiar. I look out the large window wall of her bedroom across at my own apartment. I can see my bathroom corner window and notice it’s shiny and black. Cool, so that’s all people can see! I walk around her bedroom and see some general cosmetics, some clothes in the corner on the floor, a simple bedside table and a wardrobe. Very basic, she must like to live a simple life.

As I walk back out of the bedroom, Ying has started to stand up from the couch. “Do you mind if I quickly shower and get changed? My work clothes are not very comfortable”. “Yeah of course! I can go if you’d like some peace and quiet?”. “Oh no no! It’s OK! Just make yourself at home. I won’t be too long”. She hurries to her bedroom then comes out with a large soft knitted bath robe and some white socks, then goes into the bathroom. The bathroom door is a wood frame with a frosted glass center. As the light turns on in the bathroom, I can see a feint outline of her getting undressed and turning the shower on. Heh, does that mean she could also see me getting undressed when she walked in..? Maybe shes a lesbian. Oh well whatever, it’s quite common these days. I stand up from the chair and walk over to the balcony looking out over the sleeping beauty mountains in the distance. She has a telescope to the side, which I walk towards and peek through. The aim is at the top peak of the mountain, which is covered by fog. I angle it down to the side slowly to aim at the bottom of the mountain where the mountain meets the lake. I can see lanterns along the pathway and people taking a night time walk. It’s a beautiful area there, and if I lived closer to there perhaps I would do the same. As I continue to look through the telescope, I hear the shower turn off and the shower door open. That was a very quick shower. If she knew how long I shower for.. “hahaha” I chuckle to myself. The bathroom door behind me opens and I turn around to see Ying drying her hair wearing the bath robe. “Feel better now?” I ask. “Yes, much better!”. She wraps the towel around her head to dry her hair, then squats down on the ground to put on her socks. The bath robe is a thick knitted large robe that looks like it would fit a full grown man. As she puts on her socks, the side of the robe pulls back and I see the full length of her long legs all the way to the side of her ass. “Nice legs!” She looks over and chuckles. “Not as long as yours though!”. I smile back as she gets up and walks back to the couch, sitting next to me. I pour more hot water into her tea cup and then my own as we sit watching TV for a little while. There’s a classic drama show on the TV about a princess who lives in a palace. It’s easy watching and everyone knows this show. Ying takes a sip of her tea and slumps back into the couch with a big sigh. “Thanks again for this” I say as I look over to her. Barely able to open her eyes, she smiles at me then falls asleep. Not sure if I should wake her up or not, I put my tea cup softly back down on the coffee table to not wake her up. I get myself up slowly from the couch and see Ying slowly slump face down into the soft area I was sitting in. Her robe tie has come slightly loose and reveals the inside side of her breast against the couch. I look closely and can see the edge of her nipple. Is she naked under the robe? I look down at her for a moment, then lightly pull the robe away from her left leg. It falls softly back over the couch with ease revealing her whole body, completely naked, glistening white in the light. She has a thin layer of dark hair on her vagina, porcelain white skin and small pink nipples. She is truly a beautiful girl. I bend over to the other side of the couch and grab the blanket I was using earlier, then cover her up. I walk over to the door, put my shoes back on, grab my bag and leave her apartment.


1 comment

  1. I’m in love with this story so far. The character building hasn’t been over the top and it has just the right amount of erotica. I’d definitely love to see where this story goes and what happens between the next door neighbour and Miss Song. By the way, I’m curious, is this a real story or something you’ve made up?

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