The Nude Normal (Chapter 6) [Casual Nudity] [Family Nudity] [Exhibitionism]

Hello again r/eroticliterature! I am so sorry for the silence, the festive season took a bit more of my attention than I anticipated. But I’m please to say, Alex is back. If you’re still here along for the ride, thank you for your patience.

Beginning with this chapter, I’m going to be trying something a little different. The idea of writing and editing a chapter as long as the previous ones has been a little daunting to say the least. I knew it was going to take a lot of time, and honestly it was stopping me from even getting started. So moving forward, the chapters are going to be quite a bit shorter than before. Think of them more like interconnected vignettes, still telling the same overall story, just in more bite sized chunks, which just means there will be more in the long run. Please let me know if you especially like or dislike this new format so I can find a better balance in the chapters to come.

Also, thank you so much for all the chat messages I received while I was away. Your support still astounds me even when there was no new content and I appreciate every single one. Apologies if you don’t receive a response, I’ll try to get to you eventually. I’ve been especially intrigued by the messages where you tell me about the *effect* Alex’s story has had on you. Which got my voyeuristic mind thinking, and, if it interests you, I’d like to invite you to take it one step further. From today, I’m opening up my chat inbox to *original content* from you all. Make of that what you will (it is a story about nudity and exhibitionism after all). I don’t care about gender, and, as long as you’re 18+ and don’t include anything illegal, there are no limits. Get creative, inspire me for the story to come. Get naked for Alex. I genuinely can’t wait to see your response.

If you’re new to this story, you can find previous chapters [here](

I hope you enjoy Chapter 6.

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# The Nude Normal
# Chapter 6 | Home Coming


“Alex, please.”

“I’m sorry, I just… I’m about to explode.”

I looked down at my naked waist. My cock was at full mast looking back at me. A feeling I would usually savour, bask in, celebrate. But this time was not like the others. This time I was hard because I *really* needed to pee.

It was the late afternoon on the day we had left our summer beach house vacation. We had been driving for hours that seemed like days, Dad at the wheel, Mom next to him up front, and Ava and I together in the back seat. The first few hours had been nothing short of *amazing*. After stripping completely nude moments before we took off, the feeling of being out on the open road in nothing but my birthday suit was equally liberating, thrilling, and arousing. I had been able to lower my window when we were on the highway, letting the summer air fill the car and rush against my body, my cock in various states of arousal as we made our way back to the city.

But, as the day had grown on, that feeling had begun to transform itself. That feeling was now sheer desperation.

We had made a couple of stops on the way home, to get drinks, snacks, and to find a public toilet in the towns we stopped off at. But given my *current attire*, I was wasn’t exactly able to leave my seat in the back of the car. Dad had given me one of his dirty shirts to put over my lap to shield my very visible penis from any inquisitive passers by, but there was no way I could’ve risked getting out to stretch my legs, much less go into a store to use their facilities. And now, all the drinks my family had bought me had finally caught up to me. My bladder was at full capacity. If we didn’t get home soon, there was about to be a new water feature installed in the backseat of my parents car, courtesy of my cock.

“There’s a couple of empty bottles up here in the front,” Dad smiled from the driver’s seat.
“Michael, please,” Mom shot back at him. “No one is peeing in a bottle while we’re all in the car, I don’t care how bad you need to go.”
“The boy’s busting,” Dad tried to convince her.
“No,” Mom stood firm. “We’re ten minutes away from home.” She turned from her position in the front passenger seat and looked back at me. Her eyes met my hard cock pointing to the ceiling of the car at my lap. She looked at it as she spoke to me.
“Well… I… Alex,” her eyes finally meet my own. “You hold on, I’ll tape up the end of that thing if I have to.” She turned back to face the front. I shuddered at the thought she had just implanted in my brain.
“Michael. Step on it,” she said to my Dad as we continued the last stretch to home.

“Does it hurt?” Ava looked at me, sitting next to me in the back seat. I could feel her eyes running across my exposed penis. It was a shame I was in too much pain to enjoy the sensation.

“I mean, it’s not pleasant,” I told her.

“If it makes you feel any better, I’m busting too,” she tried to sympathise with me.

“As long as I get to use the bathroom first,” I told her, matter of factly.

Her expression turned into a grin then. “I guess we’ll have to see who gets there first,” she winked at me. I just shook my head disapprovingly at her as she smiled cheekily. I was in no position to be playing risky games.

Out the window, the familiar surroundings of our suburb came into view. We weaved through the streets, the last feelings of the week long holiday drifting from ourselves as we returned back to the setting of our normal lives. My penis wobbled in my lap, still hard. It suddenly felt strange being nude like this. It was one thing to have been naked with my family at the beach house, a place that felt different enough in itself that it might have not have even been me putting myself on display like that, instead an alternate, holiday, version of Alex. But now as I was back in the place where I lived my normal life, there was a sudden awkwardness, an embarrassment, of being nude in the family car as we turned into our street.

Not that I had much time to consider these feelings. There were only moments before the dam was going to break, flooding the surrounding area. There would be no mercy.

We pulled into the driveway of our home, and my seatbelt was unbuckled before the car had even stopped. There was an urgency to Ava’s movements too. Something told me she wasn’t going to give me what I wanted.

Dad turned off the engine and I opened my door. I put my bare feet on the concrete driveway, my naked body visible to the street at the end of the drive.

“Alex,” Mom said quietly as she rose from the car herself. “Get inside, if someone sees you…”

Being seen was the least of my worries, and should have been of hers too. I was ready to unleash right there and then on the pavement.

Dad unlocked the door and Ava and I raced into the house. She looked at me and laughed as she took off down the hall in the direction of the bathroom. I called out her name as I took off behind her, our bare feet slapping against the floorboards, the seriousness of the situation rising in my voice.

She made it to the bathroom first. When I came around the doorframe closely behind her, her pants were already around her ankles and she was sitting on the toilet.

“What the fuck,” I said out loud, almost angry with what she had pulled on me.

“Sorry,” she said back and shrugged her shoulders. It looked like she was enjoying my suffering. I looked around the room and spied my only solution. I had no choice. It was seconds from disaster.

I pushed the door closed and made for the shower. I pulled open the glass door and stepped into the cubicle. With my hands on my hips, I waited a moment. And then it started to pour from me.

“Fuck,” I whispered as the relief started to rise.

Ava and I shared the moment in silence, the only sound the trickle of her pee hitting the water in the toilet, and mine hitting the floor of the shower. At one point I let out an involuntary moan as my bladder emptied itself, and I heard her giggle. It was heaven. It had been a big week for me and orgasms, but ironically, none, not one of them, had felt as satisfying as this moment.

I watched as the last drops of pee fell from my still hard cock as Ava scrunched some paper to wipe herself. I turned on the shower and water fell from above, rinsing what was left of my juice down the drain, and cleaning the splash back that had met my feet.

Ava had flushed and was now standing, her pants back around her waist. I turned off the water and stepped from the shower to face her.

“That was just rude,” I told her as she tried to hide her smile.
“I did say I was busting,” she told me cheekily. I shook my head as my own smile revealed itself on my face. I felt her eyes move down my body, coming to rest at my cock.
“Why’s it still like that?,” she asked, like she was waiting for it to answer for me.
“I mean, it’s had a big afternoon,” I joined her in looking at it.
“Emphasis on the *big*,” she smirked.

Her gaze wasn’t shifting, so I wiggled my waist a little and it wobbled in the air between us. She looked entranced by its movements. Outside Mom and Dad had begun bringing in the bags from the car, and we could vaguely hear them in the hall behind the closed door.

“You know,” she said then, breaking the silence. “I’ve always been kind of jealous.”
“Jealous?” I asked her. “What of?”
“That you guys can, well, y’know. That you can just go anywhere. Standing up.”
“Oh,” I smiled as I realised what she meant. “I mean it’s definitely one of the perks, yeah.” I had a thought then. “Can’t you too, if you really wanted to, I mean?”
“If I really wanted to I guess.” Her eyes met my own now. “It’s just a bit… messier I guess. Not as easy as when you have a hose that points itself.”
I laughed. “Well it’s not always quite so *pointy*,” I admitted. “Most of the time I have to do the pointing myself.”
“Do you actually?” she asked then. “Like hold it, I mean?” She suddenly sounded shyer. “Is that a dumb question? I don’t know exactly how it works for guys.” A small, awkward laugh escaped her.
“No question is a dumb question,” I reassured her. “I do hold it, yeah.” I wrapped my right hand around my still-hard cock and stood there, imitating like I was peeing despite it’s still erect state. A gentle smile washed over her face at the sight.
“Can I… have a go?” she said quietly. I didn’t realise what she meant at first. “Just to see what it’s like. To see how you do it?”

Then I knew.

“Of course,” I looked at her. “Alex the anatomy model at your service.”

She smiled at my awkward joke and looked down at my cock again. She inhaled, then moved from her position in front of me and stepped behind me. I felt her body move close to mine until I felt the fabric of her shirt up against my back. Her presence was warm, and sweaty. She kept moving closer until I could feel her breasts pushing into my back and the tips of her toes touching at my heels.

I just stood there as her right hand made its way around my body. Her fingertips glided over my bare skin as it began to approach its destination. My crotch tingled in anticipation as I felt her breath on my neck. I swallowed as I felt her hand on it for the first time, gently wrapping her warm palm around my cock and holding it in her hand. The moment was even more intense than when she had done the same thing when she had had her unexpected orgasm at the beach house. The feeling was electrifying and intoxicating. A shiver went up my spine as I came to get used to the feeling of my sister holding my hard cock like she was.

“Wow. It’s so…” she spoke softly behind me. “I like it. Is this okay?”
I nodded slightly. “This is a very okay. I like it too.”
“Good.” I could feel her smiling without even seeing her face.

“Then you just, let it out, I guess?” she continued.
“I mean, pretty much. And you aim in the direction of the toilet. Or the shower drain, if someone has beat you to it.” She laughed again and her exhale of warm air tickled my neck. She gently moved my cock in her hand like it was joystick to a game she was playing.
“Do you still need to?” she asked then, in a more serious tone. “Let anything out?”
“I mean,” I began. “My bladder is pretty empty. That was a big one.”
“Shame,” she said, almost disappointedly. “I wanted to feel it in action.”
I could tell where she was trying to take the conversation, which made my cock begin to throb with excitement in her warm hand.
“It’s not the only thing that comes out of it though,” I took her hint. I think I felt her grip tighten at the suggestion.
“What do you mean?” she feigned ignorance. She was at her cutest when she was like this. It turned me on to no end.
“Well,” I tried to sound as professional as possible. “It’s not just a pee factory down there. There’s another… substance that comes out. It’s a little bit thicker, but a lot more fun.”
“Oh, professor?” she played into me. “What is this *substance* you speak of?”
“Well, my student, it’s… well, it’s semen. As well as pee, I can make semen come out of it.”
“Semen?” she responded in an acted surprise. “Well that does sound very interesting indeed.”

She paused for a moment.

“Professor?” she asked then.
“What is it?” I asked her back.
“Would it be possible to get a *sample* of your… semen. For educational purposes I mean. To see how it is *done*?”

“Anything to help you learn,” was all I could manage to say. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen.
“And how does one, get the semen out?” she asked, still keeping up the innocent student tone.
“It’s very simple,” I spoke quietly. “All you have to do is *rub*.”

She exhaled. Her breath was shaky against the back of my neck.
“Like *this*?” she asked, as she began to slowly stroke my cock in her hand.
“Yes. Yes, just like that,” I muttered as the ecstasy began to wash over me. Ava was standing behind, my cock in her hand, and she was stroking me. It didn’t feel real. To say it felt good would be the understatement of the millennium.

“And then the semen will come out? If I keep stroking, just like this?”
My breathing was beginning to increase. “If you keep stroking long enough, and fast enough,” I told her.
“Oh?” she returned. “You mean you want me to go *faster*?” Without waiting for a reply, she she tightened her grip and began to increase her speed. I had to focus all my energy on my legs to make sure they didn’t just give out underneath me and send me to the floor.

“Wait,” she paused then and removed her hand. “It’s feeling a little *dry*. What if I…” She made a wet sound with her mouth. She returned her hand back around my cock and it felt suddenly wet. She resumed stroking, this time her hand gliding much more smoothly over my shaft. “Much better,” she giggled.

“Much better,” I muttered, unable to properly speak.

“How long until the semen comes out, professor?” she asked from behind me.

“I don’t think I’m going to last very long. Sorry.” I told her.

“Don’t apologise, sir.” With her free hand she ran her fingertips down my back, ending at my butt. She cupped my left cheek and squeezed it in her hand. “Mom and Dad will be wondering why we are taking so long. I’m ready to see it in action.”

She put her stroking into next gear and I could feel her wet fingers rubbing on the underside of my engorged head. She continued to squeeze my butt and my stomach muscles contracted accordingly and I felt my cum prepare itself in my balls. My breathing was heavy, although I tried to stay silent so Mom and Dad wouldn’t get wind of what we were doing just metres from them on the other side of the door.

I don’t know if it was intentional, but I suddenly felt her pinky finger breach my asshole. It pushed against it as her hand continued to squeeze my cheek, sending my arousal into overdrive. My orgasm shot through me almost at once, my knees buckling and my stomach spasming as my semen shot from my testicles up into my shaft. My breath became tight in my chest and I let out a small moan. She continued stroking and milked the cum out of me, and it landed in a handful of streams on the tiled floor in front of us. She kept stroking right until the end, the last remaining globs escaping onto her already wet hand.

“Professor,” she finally spoke as I came down from my orgasm. “That was… incredible.”
“*You* were incredible,” I told her, as she removed her grip on my cock and butt and came around to face me.
“The pleasure was mine,” she smiled. “Thank you for the demonstration.”
“Anytime,” I laughed, still trying to reclaim the air in my lungs. I looked at her, standing in front of me in her tight shirt and shorts, my cum mixed with her saliva shiny on her hand.

She was just so beautiful.

Mom and Dad’s voices outside broke the moment. “We better go,” Ava said in response to their noise. “They’ll be getting suspicious.”
“Mm,” I agreed. “You go. I’ll uh, clean up here.” I looked to the mess on the ground in front of us.
“A professor, *and* he cleans up after himself. What’s not to like.” She smiled, then kissed me on the cheek. I just stood there, stupid in awe.

She turned from me then, and tiptoed around the tiles, before letting herself out the door, pulling it to behind her. I heard her speak to Mom in the hall as I unrolled some toilet paper and got started on the mess.

“There you are, love. Beth just texted me. She and Sarah want to pop round tomorrow afternoon now that we’re back.”

Ava stayed silent.

“Is… is that okay with you?” Mom asked her, confused as to her silence.

“Yeah. I guess,” Ava responded. She sounded less than enthusiastic.
“Okay, great,” Mom said, perhaps not noticing Ava’s sudden change in tone, Dad called her name from down the hall and she went to meet him.

The floor clean, I flushed the paper and washed my hands, before opening the door and joining Ava in the hall.

“Is everything okay?” I asked her, standing next to her.

“Yep,” she said almost coldly. “We should go help them unpack.” She turned from me and made towards the living room. I followed her, my penis returning to its flaccid state as I walked.

Something that Mom had said had changed Ava’s mood completely. Why had the mention of Sarah’s name shaken her so much?

**Chapter 7: The Visitors, Coming Soon**



  1. When you said smaller chapters I thought it would be too short, but that’s still a good length. Anxiously waiting for the visitors

  2. Great story. I would have loved a bit more teasing about Alex experiencing exhibitionism on the way home.

  3. These are going great, I’m working on some stories too and the sense of suspense you’re building is good to learn from.

  4. Love the writing! Its a perfect mix of story and detail without going too much to either side like a lot tend to do.

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