The beginning of my [MF] sexual adventures

*** Normal guy who is told he’s good looking and this has led to some fun sexual adventures. With that said I am not perfect as it did lead me to a path of cheating at times. Though some adventures did start before I was 18 yrs old, I am only writing about those after I turned 18. ***

*** Back history***
How did this start…
Well, I never thought of myself as “popular” with the girls. I had the two or three girls each year expressed their liking of my since 1st grade. This continued on to 8th grade. It started as a boring school year. I didn’t dress the best and guess I didn’t care. Apparently how you dressed was a big thing and I failed to notice. That is until I met “N” who was a grade lower. This change my world for the good and the bad. N was in someway part of my life from high school and beyond. This Jr High romance became short lived but N will pop up from time to time in future stories so I believe it was important to mention her. Also to mention I never had done anything other than kiss N until my senior year. The main thing to know is she, N was part of that “popular” crowd. She got her hooks in me and changed the way I dressed from bargain basement to the world of popular name brand. I will go into her more later.

The girls:

L – 5’4 120 very pretty, straight brunette hair just past shoulders and b cups, athletic on dance team.
A- 5’9 160 very pretty, straight brunette hair almost to mid back and D cups, athletic played volleyball but quit her senior year.
N- at 18, pretty curly blonde hair to middle of back, 5’5 , 130-135 and small A cups, on the dance team and dancing seemed to be her thing.
C- 5’6 130 very cute and sexy, straight dirty blonde hair just above shoulders, B or C cups little bigger than L’s.
B- 5’8 pretty, curly brunette hair, heavier than A but she had a rack that was huge I mean that had to be DDD or bigger. She was pretty girl who got lots of attention.
Me- 5’9 ish maybe 5’8 and 140.

Senior Year HS.
I had been dating a girl (L) and going on year two my senior year. She was definitely very pretty and nice body. I have no doubt she did truly love me. Unfortunately for her, I was immature, horny and there were other girls that didn’t seem to care if I had a girlfriend. L was also friends with N. In fact they were on the schools dance team together since L moved to our school her freshman year.

I was L’s first and both being 18 she was a wild thing that was a bunch of fun. Pretty much any time and any place. She loved sex. Whether in my room, her room, my truck or outdoors. We were truly like rabbits humping all the time and all over. Her family moved into a new uppity neighborhood development that had lots of new homes being built. We would often walk around and into these homes. They were perfect locations for me to bend her over and take her like she liked. She would tell me she loved how I would take her. That she felt deep desire for me when I fucked her harder.

L was great and wonderful. I loved seeing her in her matching bra and panties. L was definitely fun, exploring her body and my first
time taking fucking ass. She loved her mouth on my cock and I didn’t mind.

L had lots of friends and some I had gone out with before L moved into town. Others I had flirted with in the past, some flirted with me behind L’s back and few annoyed me. So I was typically going out Friday night & Saturday night with L one night and A the other. Well,
there was times I would meet with one for a quick hook up and leave to go see the other to hook up. So yes there was times one was tasting the other. I know, it was a dick head move but honestly that was what I was using to make my decisions then.

L had a friend “C” who I had flirted with and made out with before her. We never mentioned this to L. There weekends that we spent the night at C’s. C had a single mom who would be out with her boyfriend all weekend with her sister going to friends or her boyfriend’s. C was had a boyfriend who would also stay. She lived in a small two bedroom condo so she shared a room with her sister. This meant we all slept in the same room. So these nights were full of us fucking in front of each other. L was a little shy about C’s boyfriend seeing her body so she was always cover up but C didn’t mind me seeing her in all her glory. This actually led to me and C meeting up a few times after school before her mom got home.
This was typically when she and her b/f had a fight and she wanted to fuck. She loved her tits played with and loved me cumming on her body.
We even fucked in her sister’s bed which was the one L and I used. My and C was an occasional thing. She told me she preferred me fucking her to her b/f. I believe she was just using him to have someone.

Somehow though this wasn’t enough for me. I started seeing a girl, “A” (18) from the next town over who worked at the same place as me and worked part time like me. It quickly became a sex thing. After work and then weekend nights. “A” was the first girl I ever had sex with without a condom. In fact it was our first time at her place. We were making out and as things progressed she told me she wanted me cum in her. She said she wanted to me in her completely. I probably shouldn’t have but I did. It did feel great to let myself be drained while still deep in her. It wasn’t until afterwards that she got on birth control.

A knew about L and over time L found out about A and that did not go well at all. But things worked out and L and I stayed together. Me and A continued on for a bit longer. However this discovery cause L not to trust me very much and led to arguments. I admit she had no reason to trust me. L was pretty, ok she was hot. There were other guys that would have loved to just take her out to a move or dinner. Those guys would have no clue the things L and I have done. I did know that L had told a few close friends about our wild times.

Often I and A would double with her friend B and her boyfriend. This was typically going to a party or heading over to an adult cousin’s who let me have free reign of his place. This meant me, A, B and her b/f in a back bedroom fucking in the same room. There was never any swapping but we all enjoyed watching the other. Well me and B did end up fooling around further down the road at her place.

I and A lasted about half a school year with the occasional hook up after that time. Our “break-up” occurred one night when she had been drinking. I suspected there was another guy with her. I did have feeling for A and was worried. I drove over B’s place figuring she might be there. B’s parents went out every Friday night and stayed out real late. They liked to party. Once there I was met by B and another J. They told me A wasn’t there andtold me to go to B’s room. So I did. It was obvious they had been drinking also. I waited a few minutes and in walked B and she dimmed the lights. She said she and her boyfriend broke up so they were at her place just drinking. I told her again that A broke up with me and I suspected she was with another guy. I was worried because she sounded drunk. B said that A had been in a pissy mood, drinking and sure she, A didn’t mean it. B said A and her parents got into a big argument. A was upset over it and she probably just needed time.

B sit beside me on her bed. She put her face real close to mine and we kissed. She pushed me back and straddled me taking off her shirt. My goodness, my first up close look at her huge tits. She obviously knew what she had with them and that guys wanted to get their hands on them. She undid her bra and my hands found my way to them as well as my mouth. Damn, I wanted her bad at that moment. I attempted to get her pants off. She stopped, stood up, pulled them off and then straddled me again wearing just a thong. I had been in the room and seen her fucked over 20 times. Now it was me that was going to be the one. She felt my hardness and told me we couldn’t fuck. That I was with A. I reminded her that A broke up with me. B said that she believed A would come to her senses later on. I said I thought it was bullshit that she would do what she did and she is probably fucking that other guy right now. B got up and went to her door. Standing behind the door she opened it , called out to J and told J don’t let anyone come back to here room. B walked back over. I questioned her about what she told J. She said that J came over with her b/f and his friend. B then straddle me again and began kissing me. I was hoping B would change her mind but she again said we couldn’t have sex. We continued making out and then B kissed her way down and started removing my jeans and underwear. B then started sucking my cock mixing her tits into the mix. It felt great but I knew me and B were
crossing a line and that after tonight there wasn’t going to be anything between us. B finished me with me cumming on her tits.

Just about then J knocked on the bedroom cracked opened the door and said the guys had left. B seemed a little panicked and got dress while telling me I needed to get dressed. B had me stay in her room while she walked out. She came back a few minutes later and told me I needed to go and she walked me out the back.

Later on I found out from B that A was there. She (A), J, J’s b/f and his friend came over with alcohol. A started kissing with the friend and B said something to her about it. They got into an argument. It was after this A called me and broke up.
B said the friend and A went into her brother’s room to be alone. I had arrived just about when this happened. B didn’t want me to see A and the guy so she rushed me into her room. When she had left me she went to check to make sure where everyone was. When she called out to J she wanted to make sure J knew not let A in her room if she tired. J was making out with her b/f in the living room when A and the friend came out of the brother’s room. J told A that B was in her bedroom talking to her ex b/f who came over. Apparently the only one that got lucky that night was me. The friend got pissed off when A wouldn’t do more that kissing and feel her tits. So they ended up interrupting J and her guy. The b/f left taking home the friend.
J had knocked to give heads up that she needed to get me out of the house. B said she was pissed off at A for treating me the way she did and kissing the friend. B thought for sure that A was going to fuck the friend. B’s b/f had broken up and she was horny, thought I was hot and pissed at A. She couldn’t bring herself to fuck me but after the kissing and feeling me get hard she wanted to please me.

A, did end up calling me the next day but B told she wanted to call me after the guys left but she wouldn’t let her. Me and A did start hooking back up again. But it only for a few more weeks and things slowed down.

Let me know which story you would like to read next
Future stories:
– G the Cheerleader (HS story)
– Adult cousin, his friends Girlfriend/26 first. She takes three cocks (HS Story)
– N’s Mom the Milf (N’s senior year of HS, one year after my graduation)
– N’s friend T (N’s senior year of HS, one year after my graduation)
– N finally fucked (N’s senior year of HS, one year after my graduation)
– N fucked again (College)
– Cousin/18 (f) and her friend “K”(College)
– Cousin’s friend R /18 and friend K/18 (College)
– Kinky 30’s couple (College)
– 18 yr old Blonde Swedish exchange student (College)
– 19 yr old Sexy Wealthy Athletic Blonde “D” (College / introduced by a friend R)
– 23 yr old Sexy Cute Kinky Blonde (College/ Introduced by friend R)
– 24 yr old married redhead with a spinner body and husbands approval (College)
– 48 yr old Married Milf husband knows (College)
And others
