Friend mother/ Erotic series Part 1

This real life experience happened to me three years ago. At that time I had just started working in a shoe-making factory in Tamilnadu, as an accountant. I was twenty-four, unmarried, and had no experience in matters of sex, whatsoever. I mean, I used to think about having sex and I used to masturbate. But I had never had any real experience with a woman. For one thing, I was shy. Another, I abhorred the very thought of having sex with a prostitute. But sexual desire in me was there in plenty. I was masturbating almost every night, and I was also wondering if that was affecting my health adversely.

I was a friendly guy at my workplace. Everyone liked me because I had a good sense of humor. I was from Kerala and I was not able to speak Tamil well. But I was picking up fast. There was one other malayalee in our company, a boy of nineteen named Shiju. He ran errands and did odd jobs. He was of a poor background. He was not a talkative person. And, even though we belonged to the same state, we were not friends in the real sense. We knew each other, that’s all. From my side, I had never let him feel that I was keeping a distance from him because of our positions, me an accountant and him a mere labourer in the factory. The fact was that he was not friendly with anyone. He was an aloof sort of creature.

When Onam came I asked permission from my boss to go to Kerala. He was reluctant at first, since it was a new factory and work was going on in full swing, but seeing that I was already home-sick from being away from my hometown for a long time, he granted me a leave of five days.

So I got ready to go to Palakkad, the district to which I belonged. I was to leave by the six o’clock bus in the evening and catch the Trivandrum mail at Katpadi railway station in the middle of the night.

While I was hurriedly doing the packing, Shiju came to my room. He too had asked for leave, but the boss had declined straight away.

“What is the matter, Shiju?” I asked. “Want me to bring you something?”

“No,” he replied. But by the expression on his face I understood that he wanted something from me. It was usually money. He used to borrow small amounts from me when he had to urgently send money to his home.

He said now, “Will you do me a favor, sar?”

“Name it, Shiju,” I said benevolently.

“Sar, if I had got this leave for Onam I was planning to bring my mother here.”

“Your mother? Here? Why”

“Family problems, sar. Ever since my sister has got married my poor mother is not getting any peace of mind at home. She is not at all treated nicely. Her daughter and son-in-law want to drive her out of the house.”

“Oh. But, Shiju, where will you keep her here? In your room? It is so small and you are sharing it with someone?”

“That person is about to move. And I am sure that we will manage, sar.” He waited a few seconds. Then he said, “If sar don’t mind, can my mother accompany you when you are coming back here? She is a village woman, sar, and has not seen much of the outside world.”

I thought about it. I had no problem with that. “Where will she board the train?” I asked.

“At Palakkad Junction itself. I will convey the message to her through telephone that she is to meet you at the station.”
