Party Foul [M/F][Public] [Part 1 of maybe 2?]

“They’re looking for another couple for beer pong,” Kel says, filling her plastic cup at the beer table. “You up?”

“I don’t know, maybe…” Tory responds. “Who’s my partner going to be?”

Kel looks up at him, smirking, and throwing an empty cup at him. “You should be so lucky to have me as a partner. My back still hurts from the last time I carried you.”

Tory shrugged, “True. Sure, let’s go.”

They grabbed their cups and headed to the basement of the house they found themselves at for a second weekend in a row. They made plenty of friends in college, but there always seemed to be one house they congregated at. Granted it was one of the few that was big enough for more than 4 people, and was far enough away from their neighbors that they wouldn’t have to worry about noise complaints. Tonight was a little different, in that they didn’t know most of the people there, but that wouldn’t stop them from being social.

Taking their places on one side of the table, they eye their competition up. Standing across from them is another couple who they only met earlier that night. Around the same age, there was an obvious height disparity as he, with a short, scruffy but maintained beard and short black hair, towered almost two feet over his partner. Her dark, curly hair pulled into an efficient ponytail, and a smile affixed to her face. The heat and humidity from the basement air condensed in beads of sweat on their dark skin. They smiled at each other.

“Game face,” Kel ordered of her partner. “Let’s do this!”

“I have to apologize, she’s not used to winning unless she’s on my team.”

The other couple laughed at the ill-placed trash talk. “Usually you’re supposed to trash the other team,” Aaron said through a smile. “But this is a bold strategy, maybe we’ll get thrown off our game.”

The game progresses as normal, each couple hitting shots and rearranging their cups and casting voodoo curses in thinly veiled attempts at throwing off the other team. The longer they play, the more they drink, and the more talkative Kel and Tory become. It isn’t long before they’ve thoroughly befriended their opponents and now the laughter is coming louder and longer. Eventually, the game whittles down to a few cups on each side, their excitement attracting a small crowd.

“It’s down to this!” Kel announces loudly. “If we nail this shot, we are the National Beer Pong World Champions of the Universe!” The basement has turned into a sauna, and everyone’s clothes are sticking to their body. “No pressure,” Tory echoed. “No pressure at all.”

Aaron and Gab both laughed. “We thrive under pressure!” she asserts. “This is nothing to us. We should make this interesting…”

“I’m game,” Tory says eagerly. “What do you have in mind?”

Aaron and Gab look at each other, taking a moment in the kind of silent conference only a couple who have been together for years can truly partake in. “How about…” he trailed off, glancing between the two beautiful ladies on either side of the table. “Strip pong.”

Silence befell the room, followed by a low, eager cheer that becomes more and more enthusiastic with each passing second. Kel and Tory laugh embarrassingly, looking around at all the eager faces surrounding the table. Tory took a moment to really study Gab, her white tank top is practically see-through to her white bra. Knowing she’s being sized up, she sticks her hip out to the side and poses.

“Girls and guys?” he asks.

“Well yeah,” Aaron replies. “Equality, you know.”

“So…what are the rules? Miss the cup and strip, make it and the other couple strips?”

“Yeah, that sounds fair. Last clothed team wins.”

Kel and Tory look at each other and shrug. “Do you want to?” she asks softly behind a coy smile.

Tory takes a moment to weigh the odds before smiling. “Hell, let’s go for it.”

The crowd erupts and now becomes twice as invested as when the game first started.

Kel steps up, eye-balling her target through her alcohol induced haze, launches her first attempt. The ball sails through the air, clangs hard off the rim of the cup and bounces harmlessly off the edge of the table. Gab smiles, briefly points and shyly says “Shirt.” Suddenly all eyes are on a laughing Kel, who takes her glasses off before peeling her shirt off over her head and dropping it to the side, allowing the crowd to gawk at her voluptuous, now barely covered breasts.

Gab picks up the ball, and effortlessly drops a shot directly into her target, much to the shock of Kel and Tory but the elation of the crowd. Kel looks in absolute shock at Gab as she begins to play with her bra strap, knowing what’s coming next. But to her surprise, Gab points at Tory and says “Your shirt.”

“Either they’re hustling us, or they’re taking mercy on us, but it can’t be both…” Tory says, pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it to the side. “Drink it in, ladies…a genuine dad bod.” A few mocking whistles come from the crowd as Tory flexes and poses. He then picks up the ball and begins to eye his shot. Letting it fly through the air, it lands perfectly inside their cup and sticks. “Boom!” he celebrates. “Shirt, please,” he gestures at Gab. She shrugs and removes her shirt, slowly from the bottom. Pulling it over her head, she lets it dangle on her finger for a moment before dropping it to the ground. Her breasts may have been a size or two smaller than Kel’s, but they were just as pristine under the glistening sweat of her body.

Picking up the ball, Aaron begins his warm up before letting his shot fly. Drifting through the air, his shot lands well off its mark and bounces away. Tory and Kel look at each other in silent debate over who takes off what. Gesturing at Aaron, Kel begins “Shir-” before Tory interrupts with a loud “Bra!”

Not wasting a moment, Gab reaches behind her back and unhooks her bra, shrugging the straps off her shoulders. Keeping her hands over her breasts, she discards it to the side before slowly moving her hands away. All eyes are currently fixated on her beautiful, glistening body. She smiles, shrugging and placing her hands back on the table.

As Kel begins her next turn, Gab notices that she can’t take her eyes off of her magnificent body, and leans over slightly, framing the cup perfectly in front of her breasts. Kel’s shot drifts predictably wide, and before Aron can pronounce the B in ‘bra’ she has it off. Just like Gab, Kel was on full display. And, just like Gab, she was enjoying every minute of it.

Several rounds later, the game is a dead heat. Kel is down to her panties, and Tory completely naked. On the other side, only Aaron’s boxers remained with Gab’s sweat dripped body on full display. When it wasn’t his turn, he did his best to cover himself up, knowing that the half erection he had would definitely be brought up by someone. Gab, on the other hand, had no issue flaunting her body, occasionally spanking herself, or softly playing with her breasts.

It was Gab’s turn, and she had been on fire all night. As she lined the last shot, Kel reached over, swatting Tory’s hands away from his cock and began to stroke it gently. Gab stopped in her tracks, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I can’t tell if I want to stop you or encourage you,” Tory said.

Kel smiled, taking a moment to heavily lick her palm before returning to her new strategy. Tory abandoned any sense of objection, dropping his arms to his sides and standing upright. Kel dropped to her knees, taking his cock deep into her mouth and began working the shaft. Murmurs of disbelief began to drift through the crowd as Kel lost herself in the moment. Being surrounded by people, dripping with sweat, looking at another beautiful couple and standing next to the man she loved was too much, though the alcohol helped those feelings of lust bloom.

Tory closed his eyes, resting his hand on her head, quickly muttering to himself. Glancing over, he noticed Aaron and Gab had too become lost in the scene that was unfolding. “Pretty sure I’m winning the game,” he said with a smile. Aaron and Gab both laughed in agreement. “But why don’t you finish us off.”

Almost on command, Gab’s shot soared through the air, landing perfectly in the cup. Hearing the distinct clang, Kel slid her panties down, leaving them bunched up around her knees. With one hand, she began to stroke Tory’s cock while she snaked the other below to her already wet pussy and began massaging her clit gently.

With one last smack, she removed Tory’s cock before standing up, kicking her panties off, and pushing him towards a nearby sofa. The crowd immediately parted, with onlookers swapping glances between each team, as Gab and Aaron disappeared to a nearby guest bedroom.

Sitting Tory down, she carefully straddles him before guiding his cock deep inside her once more, bracing herself on his shoulders. She leans back, giving him a full view of her now sweat covered body before she starts rhythmically bouncing up and down. Tory takes a moment to glance around, coming to a quick realization that he’s nowhere near as nervous as he thought he might be. Instead, he’s wrapped up in passion for his beautiful girlfriend and strangely comfortable for all the world to see. He figured he would see this on the internet at some point in the future, but that was a problem for future him, and one he wasn’t sure would make a blip on his radar. Kel slowed down slightly, methodically rubbing her breasts into Tory’s face and taking a moment to catch her breath. She had been with him for long enough that she knew he knew how close she was to finishing, and just what she would need to get there. Giving him one last passionate kiss, she climbs off of him and crawls to the other side of the couch. Standing on one leg, with the other knee in the cushions, she braced herself on the arm waiting for Tory. Glancing around, she catches the eye of one other person who is slowly unzipping his pants. Silently, she shakes her head ‘no’, which is respectfully obeyed. She knew her boundaries and when she was ready to push them. This was out there, but she wasn’t ready for another step.

Tory slides in behind her, spanking her ass and guiding it to a better height, which Kel obediently follows. Once back inside her, she gasps once before letting it go of a long, continuous moan. Tory follows that up with another spank and started fucking her harder and faster. Letting go of the arm, she sinks head first into the cushions using them to muffle her screams slightly. Tory kept the pace up, grunting between thrusts, clawing at her back and pushing her further into the cushioning. Soon, he could hold himself back no longer and pulled out. Wasting no time, Kel spun around and swallowed his hard, wet cock down her throat, taking everything Tory had to give. His body shuttered and convulsed, his knees locked up and he fell backwards into the couch. Kel followed his body back, never being one to not finish what she started. She gave his cock one last loud smack before crawling up his body and resting gently on his chest. The heat from the basement and now their sex filled bodies wasn’t enough to deter her from getting a few minutes of intimacy. She was smitten with him.

Eventually she opened her eyes to look around. A few people had taken their phones out, and she was long past trying to cover up her modesty. She rested comfortably with the choices she made, knowing who she made them with. She gave Tory one last squeeze before sitting upright. From the other side of the room in a makeshift bedroom, Aaron and Gab were still going at it, made more obvious by a small crowd that had circled the doorway. Kel glanced at Tory and smiled.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Tory said abruptly. “And the answer is yes. We’re already dressed for the occasion.” He smiled, leaning over to kiss Kel gently before helping her to her feet and giving her now slightly red ass another firm spank.

They both walked across the room and slipped through the door…
