Destined Siblings, Chapter 9 [MF] [inc]

By the weekend, the place looked and felt like a home finally. Andrew and I each had our own bedrooms, with a single large bed and each bedroom also doubled as a place to work or study. While my brother had been able to have the movers move all his bedroom related furniture and his work desk back from the old house, we had to buy all that for me and have it delivered. In the end, it was that I had the better furniture and especially in terms of the storage and usage for both of us that I had no doubt that my brother would be inside my room very often.

The dining room was of modest size, barely big enough for Andrew’s tiny dining table and four chairs. The kitchen was fully filled to the brim. Over the counter, there were dishes and food in the cupboards, as well as food in the refrigerator and on the stove/oven. The refrigerator was nearly full with food, despite the fact that it was very clearly evident that the residents of this apartment were students or someone who still ate like students.

The TV, his game consoles, a futon (or “flip-n-fuck,” as Andrew describes it), the media rack with our DVDs and his video games, a coffee table, the cable modem and wireless router for our home network, and a bookcase for displaying his collection of statuettes of (mostly busty) anime girls were all found in the living room.

The bathroom was the only “issue” I had with this apartment. It had a door to each bedroom, which was good, and plenty of storage, which was ideal for all of the cleaning materials, but there was only one towel rack. It was a little inconvenience, but it bothered me enough that I resolved to acquire another towel rack for the bathroom as soon as possible.

Sunday was a day for us to rest and unwind, as Andrew started his new job the next day and I had to return to university and start my summer job working at the library. The day started in the same way that Saturday had ended; in my big brother’s arms, spooning with me. I woke up to his hand softly caressing a breast and his erection nudging my back.

“Did you wake up in a rather really horny mood?” As his fingers cleared the traces of my sleep, I muttered, wondering if he could hear my grin.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself.” On the back of my head, he gently kissed me. “There’s a very lovely and kind woman in my bed, and she’s as naked as a Jaybird.” “How can I not be horny?” you might wonder.

His bare presence did have an effect on me, which was amplified by his hand fondling my breast. I didn’t say anything else; I just let him touch me and brush against me. It was a faint whimper or a satisfied sigh when I did make a sound.

“I guess the goal for today is to make love to you in every corner of this apartment,” he eventually whispered, breaking the comfortable stillness.

That made me grin. “Even the closets?”

He said, “Sure.” “Each one of them has enough space.”

“All right… but will you be able to come that many times in one day?”

He paused for a bit, his grip on my breast tightening slightly. “Okay. There are no closets. However, two bedrooms, the bathroom, the kitchen, the dining room, and the living room still remain to be. And then there is the balcony.”

I took a deep breath and shuddered. In concept, having sex on a balcony is lovely, but the practicality of it was badly affected because our balcony was clearly visible to everyone in the parking lot. Furthermore, there was an apartment below ours with an enclosed patio right beneath our enclosed balcony, and we had already found that our downstairs neighbors would sit on their patio at random hours to smoke in the few days we had been there. Plus, there was a path right next to their patio that led residents to and from the parking lot, so even if we weren’t seen, someone with a keen ear might hear us nonetheless, hear our bodies combining, hear the splashing of my wetness being driven out of me by my big brother’s penetrations.

“Believe me when I say that the potential of being found makes things even more interesting.”

I knew that he’d once had sex with a girlfriend not far from a prominent state park’s hiking trail. My old roommate admitted to me one night that she had been pleasantly fucked in the university recreation center’s women’s locker room after closing time, despite the fact that she and her lover both knew the cleaning crew would be coming in shortly to clean. I’d seen tales on the internet from people who had attempted sex in public or semi-public areas, but I couldn’t see myself enjoying such a rush, let alone allowing it to happen.

I finally admitted, “I’ll have to think about it.” “If we do,” I finally acknowledged, “let’s keep the balcony for last.”

“All righty then,” he whispered into my ear, his voice full of optimism and cockiness. He was totally immersed within me, making love to me, formally, in what seemed like a heartbeat, officially starting our long and fun day of sex.

We mixed basic tasks like washing and doing the laundry with sexual episodes throughout the day. My big brother stepped between my wide legs as I sat on the counter between the two sinks, resting back against the long mirror in the bathroom. He sat in a chair in the dining room, and I impaled myself on him, and we held each other closely and just kept making out a lot while we made love. I was taken from behind while bending over the counter in the kitchen. As he lay on the bed in my bedroom, I rode him, facing him and reclining back, supported up on my arms but with my chest in a position that allowed him to fondle my breasts. We used the flip-n-fuck in a regular missionary position in the living room.

The city had been overrun by the night. Due to the fact that it being a Sunday night, most shops and places were closed, there was little movement in the parking lot as tenants of the apartment complex prepared to return to work in the morning. Andrew was in his bedroom, finishing up a few things for work, while I stood in my bedroom’s walk-in closet.

I was drawn to the Victoria’s Secret purse.

I was soon wearing the underwear I’d purchased, the lingerie over which my brother and I had fought for several days. He would finally see it, which was his right after winning the wrestling fight, yet I would never have bought it if I hadn’t planned for him to see me wearing it. The lingerie would also help me feel better about his desire to have semi-public sex with me, his own little sister.

I walked from my bedroom to the dining area, where nearly every wall was covered with mirrors. I loved how it looked on me: a sultry pink lace bra with ruffles and metallic accents, as well as a matching panty. Someone could easily grasp my nipples or slip into my yearning sex via slits in the perfect places

Someone could easily grasp my nipples or slip into my yearning sex via slits in the perfect places

…and that “someone” was in the bedroom beside mine.

After a while staying in my bedroom, I applied some lipstick and I went into the living room and turned off the lights.

“Are you going to bed so early?” Andrew called out, having obviously noticed the living room’s sudden lack of bright light.

I merely stood at his bedroom doorway, my arms folded just below my breasts, resting on the door jam. I answered, “Not yet.” “There’s something we need to do first,” I whispered.

“Oh?” He turned around at that point, his attention switching from the laptop to me, and he immediately grinned. “The lingerie from the other day?” he asked, and I nodded. I crossed the room, arms at my sides, and stood in front of him, straddling his thighs and clutching him closely, savoring the feeling of his arms around me.

“I’ve wanted to wear this for you,” I confessed, “but I wanted to wait a little longer so it would be a surprise for you.”

“Well, it is a wonderful surprise,” he said softly into my ear as he stroked the back of my head. “But what about the ‘first thing that we have to do’? What’s the deal with that?”

I kissed his cheek, “Take me to the balcony, just like you wanted,” I requested. “The lingerie stays on, but you’ll still have total control of me…”

That was when he slid a hand between us, among my thighs and then snarled softly in a very enticing way as he noticed the open-crotch style of the panty.

It wasn’t long before he was ready to dip into my body again. As he stood, I clung onto him, almost forcing him to carry me, my arms and legs securely wrapped around him. We paused for a moment to turn off his bedroom light, making it virtually impossible for anyone in the parking lot to look up and see us as we opened the blinds and pulled them aside before sliding open the glass door and stepping out onto the patio, as the sliding door to the balcony was just outside his bedroom.

Andrew cautiously went to his knees and assisted me in laying down on the patio’s soft pavement. He positioned himself next to me and just stroked me, apparently astounded that his young little sister would be dressed in anything seductive solely for him.

My nipples were already hard and I was already wet, but his attention amplified both sides of my situation. There was no doubt in my mind that I was prepared, and there was no doubt in his mind that he was prepared as well, as I kneaded him through the front of his trousers. But for some reason, he only wanted to touch, and that was alright with me

…for the moment.

Perhaps Andrew was only caressing me to get me used to the possibility of being detected. Because he was between me and the parking lot, just his fully clothed backside would be visible if anybody happened to glance up, but given the relative darkness of the patio and his usual all-black attire, I doubt anyone would have been able to tell there was someone on the patio. I did hear a few cars go by the parking lot, and there was a small group strolling by on the sidewalk who were chatting pretty loudly, but otherwise, everything was quiet and serene, and my anxieties and concerns began to fade, pushed away by my increasing lust.

“Please,” I begged finally. “Please, take me…”

“Not yet, Anna. Not yet”

He put his hand on my shoulder. He kissed me on the lips. He licked my hand. He even raised a nipple and bit it just hard enough to be erotically painful. He smacked my hands away and gave me a mild warning whenever I tried to zipper his trousers. It started to make me feel like a sex slave, simply there for him to use as he wanted, but I was so excited by his acts that I didn’t care about his words – I just needed him inside me… and his fingers were just not enough.

I was pleading, begging, and debasing myself while attempting to remain as silent as possible, with my body writhing and stewing in its own passion.

I’d turned into a lustful woman, and only my big brother could fulfil me. Despite the fact that sex on the balcony was his fantasy, he refused to give me what my body desired.

“Do you want me inside you?” he said directly into my ear, and I almost burst into tears at the way he was teasing me. I kept begging, almost ready to tear his clothes off, but he kept taunting me, refused to give me what I wanted, and slapped my hands away every time I tried to touch him.

My entire body was buzzing with anticipation and desire as he finally placed himself above me and unzipped his trousers. And as soon as he squeezed through the split in the lovely pink panty and rapidly pushed his way into me, I now understood his lengthy teasing as my orgasm flooded my entire existence. As I bucked wildly under him, his lips were pushed firmly to mine, my sex grasping his like a vice as he rode me, his deep penetration stirring the stormy sea of ecstasy.

As I laid there weakly, my entire body was still spasming, my heartbeat was still pounding in my ears, my lungs were still gasping for oxygen and sparks were still flooding my closed eyelids. “Now be quiet this time,” he said amusingly, and it was only then that I realized why I had been kissed so passionately, and only the darkness could disguise my sudden profuse flush.

My brother took his time in making love to me. While the orgasm I had just endured after all the taunting had been extremely effective, I still hadn’t truly enjoyed the experience. This time, while formally properly clothed by societal standards, I enjoyed myself, enjoyed the lovemaking. The taunting person I hoped to never see again was gone, it was the lover I knew and cherished that was present above me and within me and even though I did not climax this time, I felt so much closer to him than ever before. When my big brother finally poured all his love into me, it was such a sweet and tender moment that I almost cried of joy, clutching him tightly and gently kissing his face as he laid upon me, satisfied and devoted and vulnerable.

Andrew eventually slid off of me, putting himself between me and the parking lot yet again. I glanced at him in the darkness as he changed his clothes to a more decent level, wondering whether anybody knew what we had just done in plain view of the parking lot.

“Perhaps I should probably get you a gag,” he joked, and I blushed again, fairly certain that someone would comment on the noise I had made the next morning.

After an entire day of just sex, we ended the night with a shower together. We were both exhausted, so there was hardly any sexual touch between us, but that didn’t matter;

-what mattered was that we were together, living all on our own and that it felt like what seemed of us together was absolutely destined.
