[MF] Fates Chapter 10: The Merc Life

Aro was awakened suddenly by metallic clangs upon the doors of the sex stinking room. He groaned, rubbing his eyes with the hand that wasn’t wrapped around the sleeping shoulders of the bleach blonde elf that blissfully slept on his chest, cuddling up to him tightly with one stocking coated leg hiked over his naked body to hold him like a teddy bear. It was a nice thing to feel, especially since her sizeable bust pressed up against him harder than they ever had before.

The knocks on the door sounded again, and this time it forced Aro out of bed. It was difficult not to wake his woman, but with a roll outward and a quick move to replace his body with that of the pillow he rested on during the night, he was free. Trysh’alia cooed, and cuddled the pillow firmly, tuning her body to the side and burying her face into the comfortable sack of feathers. Groggily, Aro slipped the sheets from the bed and wrapped it around his waist and hairy body; it left the sleeping elf without covers, which meant her toned back muscles and fat ass exposed themselves toward the door. The same door which now a haphazardly clothed Aro opened with a disgruntled sigh.

His posture shot up, and his expression changed drastically. He was no longer half asleep, going through the motions to allow a maid inside to clean while they slept. Now he was protecting his bond mate. He stood in the middle of the doorway, broadening himself as to hide the girl on the bed as he looked at the similarly blonde elf in shimmering crystal-like armour. Her pointed ears poked out from her tied back hair, and her bright yellow eyes shot up at him with a professional look before attempting to hide her wandering eyes to the rest of him.

“Citizen.” She said with a commanding voice. “I am ensign Raquel’lla, of Vernande’s fifth troop regiment. Recently our temple has had issues with a certain infidel and criminal in our laws.” The knight softly pouted her full lips and shook her head disapprovingly. Her clawed gauntlet coated hand produced a small ball of glass, with a puff of smoke twisting and twirling around inside it like a rampaging tornado.

“Her name is Trysh’alia Everlove. Have you seen this woman anywhere around this place? the High Matron of our temple has told us it is likely that she has broken our most sacred laws of celibacy.” She pushed the ball up into Aro’s face, and he focused on it, rather than the impressive cleavage the metal corset armour had given the attractive elf. Sure enough, inside the ball was the head and shoulders of the very same woman he had been close to for a few days. Trysh. Aro started to sweat, throat drying up as he kept his body as wide as possible.

“Nope, she looks trashy…I’d much rather be into a woman like yourself, I’ve always liked a woman who knows how to handle a sword.” He winked at her, and caught her blushing deeply at the comment. He grinned, and shook his head.

“W-well…I say…Um…Goddess…You, citizen are rather forward with your advances; but as a staunch follower of her lady Vernande, goddess of abstinence and celibacy, I must decline your advances…B-but if you come across such a girl, then I beg you to come find me in the city, or another one of my many sisters who now occupy the city.”

“I will certainly do that, just for the chance to have a look at you again.” he winked again at her, leaning forward just a little to tease her even more; as he did, he smelt her naturally sweet aroma, similar to Trysh’s. He caught Raquel’lla’s lip quiver and hand tremble, and just like that her devotion to the temple seemed to waver, even if it was just for a second. She looked over him, spying the parts of his firm chest that was exposed, then down to the swell of the bedsheets between his legs. Her cheeks burned a deeper red and she stepped backward.

“Very well…Be sure you do citizen, me, specifically…I will look forward to it. Wait, no, um…Goodbye!” Her flushed and frantic state of emotions caused her to back away and give a rushed bow, scuttling away to another door down the corridor. Aro grinned as he closed his own, stretching before looking back at Trysh. With her entire painfully thicc body wiggling softly with her movements, Aro stepped up to her, sitting on the edge of the bed and softly stroking her toned arm. He caressed her for a few minutes, cock clearly swelling up to its full erection as her heavy chest and perfectly meaty ass casually exposed themselves to him. Trysh’s eyes opened with a cute mew that escaped her puffy lips.

“Good morning.” Aro muttered to her, combing her long bleached blonde hair back over her knife ear. She twisted herself to face him, grinning sweetly before reaching forward to lovingly cup his hand.

“And to you, my love.”

Aro rose from the bed with a squeak of the wooden frame, and let the sheets that wrapped around him fall and expose himself. Trysh eyed him gleefully, with a bead of drool forming on the corner of her lip once her bright blue eyes met his war club of a cock. She stretched, and sat up in the middle of the bed on her knees, legs spread wide with her posture arched forward to push her impressive, natural 36L cups outward. “I hope you’re free to…Explore me all day today…”

Aro scoffed and kissed her, and like all the times before, she kissed back, whilst pressing her small hands on his hairy chest. “As much as I’d love to do that, we have to prepare to leave…” he said after breaking the minute long meeting of lips. She gasped and pouted cutely, ears flicking in shock.

“Already?! But it’s so lovely here!” she bounced on her knees that made her exposed tits bounce up with her, biting her lip and fixing her blue gaze upon his erect cock, as Aro went for his clothes it swayed and densely slapped his hairy legs and as it did, she felt her mouth salivate with thick, goopy spit. “Can’t I just suck you for a little while? It seems a shame to let that erection go to waste…”

Aro paused with his clothes in his hands, god knows he was tempted to just take her once again, push her backward and rail on her tight, perfect pussy until he came inside; and he knew she would accept it, he smiled when he saw her thick thighs quiver and shake, a signal that she was too horny to contain herself. He slipped his shirt on, and shook his head to her. “We can’t risk anything; a temple soldier came looking for you just now.” Trysh’s eyed widened and another cute gasp sounded from her parted lips.

“Oh goddess…Did she see me? I’m pretty easy to recognise, with my natural muscle and all…Aro…We have to leave, but where will we go? How can we get away from a shadow that will forever cling to us?” Her posture went from proud and sexy to a dishevelled hunch. Aro sat on the bed beside her, pulling his underwear up over his fat monster. It poked out the leg of them, and pulsed and stirred like a sleeping dragon’s tail. Trysh remained fixated on it before he pulled his slacks up.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll keep you safe.” He nudged her, and she felt uplifted. Of course, he would always be there to protect her, and she would always be there to lick his wounds; and to drain his balls whenever he felt the need to. Healer was her second job, Aro’s slut was her main priority now.

She clicked her fingers and the small leather bag floated toward her. “Well, if you’re not going to take me until later, I’ll just need to wear something that will make you take me in the closest alleyway…” She cocked a brow at him as a dash of red formed on his cheeks. Her heart raced at seeing him blush, and her panties started to soak in her tasty secretions.

“Something cute please.” Trysh said as she opened the small sack. There was a heavy woosh of wind and a shimmering sparkle of glittering stars before clothes shot out from the bag and floated up in front of her. She first looked upon the belted sandals that would run up to her knees; and the small heels on the backs of the impressively made leather. Then she looked to the white pull over sleeves with a small hoop that would hook over her middle fingers. Floating around to the side was a line of earrings, some studs, some tiny silver strips of metal that would hang from the hoop that would go in her ear. Next to it was makeup, wooden pots of mascara, eye shadow and shiny gloss with all the right brushes and tools to apply them to her already perfect face.

Her body jumped from excitement to a hint of embarrassment when she saw the tunic. thin white and partially transparent; and backless, with the white skirt that was shorter than short, would probably only just fit over her meaty ass. It would expose almost everything, which excited her to no end, just the mere thought of parading around the open streets clinging to Aro, where the slightest gust of wind would reveal her ass and constantly dripping wet pussy…It made her exhilarated. But it was the most revealing thing she had ever worn, and as she stripped bare, pulled her usual black panties over her curvy booty and thighs, and started to dress, her embarrassed suspicions were all but confirmed.

She felt cute, sexy, horny, slutty…Everything really, when she pulled the semi see through tunic over her neck and adjusted it to cover her intense breasts. The centre parting exposed the tightness of her belly, and gave the perfect view of her glowing ovaries shaped brand of bonding. After strapping her magical sack to a thin brown belt that wrapped over her waist, she held her hips and sheepishly looked at her lover with a red face and bashful look. “H-how do I look?”

Aro only looked to get harder underneath his slacks. once she finished adorning her ears with the jewellery, and pulling the white sleeves over her arms his cock violently pushed against his leg, begging to be pulled out and slapped over her soft, thick body. His parted lips and wildly moving eyes all over her body was the answer she needed to confirm that he loved it.

She twirled around and giggled, making her bleached hair swish around and her tiny skirt to flare out to expose her fat ass that had already started to engulf her simple black panties. She smugly flexed her back, letting her Donis muscles expose themselves. “Fuck…I love how its backless…” Aro muttered, the squeak of the bed sounded again as he stood, and feeling the presence on her back Trysh leant back and pressed herself onto his front. The makeup floated away toward the closest mirror, the bathroom, and patiently awaited its master to apply it to herself.

“It’s missing one thing though, for sure.” Trysh cocked a dark brow at her lovers’ words, craning her head back to rest on his chest as her pink eyes started to flicker and glow within her deep blue sapphires. A second later her man produced a redwood box, varnished nicely. it was flat, and shaped a large square bigger than his palm. A giddy grin formed over her pouty lips, spinning and taking the present.

“Oooh, I love presents! thank you so much Aro, I love it!” she quickly rose on her tip toes and kissed him quickly, before skipping to the bed and planting her rounded behind upon the sex canvas. Aro chuckled and crossed his arms; she hadn’t even opened it and she loved it…He now desperately hoped that she would indeed adore it.

Her expression changed the moment she opened it. From smiles and excitement to shock. Then, as she crooked her neck upward the biggest smile formed, dimples dipping in her cheeks and her brilliant teeth on full display. “Oh my gosh yes!” with a flick of her hand the necklace rose up from the box, a long silver chain with a beautifully crafted rose flower blooming in the height of summer, made from the glimmering Eifland sapphire cut out from the gemstone mountains.

Of course, Aro did not know just how significant this expensive gift was. Trysh, being an elf, recognised the engagement necklace immediately. It was an elven tradition for suitors to procure a gemstone of their girlfriend’s eye colour from the glittering mountains, and proceed to cut a floral shape into it to create a necklace, to signify how the relationship between man and woman bloomed. After the war, it became common for business to open up, selling these pieces of proposal for men of all races to propose to their elven women; yet nowadays, the brand upon their wombs was more than enough to show their bond of matrimony…

Trysh always liked the idea of receiving the necklace of her dreams, even though her old way forbode it upon pain of death. Of course, she accepted. Even though she knew full well Aro had no knowledge that he just popped the question to his dummy thick client turned lover.

The elf bounced giddily, making her boobs push out of the tunic which, after pulling them back in, pushed against the fabric hard. “I’ll never take it off for as long as I live my love…” She said, grin still painting her pretty face. With a quick slip over her head and a long, drawn out pull of her hair over the chain she stood and regarded it. It sat comfortably on her chest, held up by her boobs that stood perkily on her body.

“I’m going to see what I look like, I’ll be right back, then we can set off ok love?” Again, she kissed him, teasing his hard cock with a firm squeeze before skipping off into the bathroom. Aro watched the skirt throw up and expose her ass as she skipped biting his lip to avoid the temptation to say ‘I’ll come with you.’

He was glad she liked it, as he shopped for it, and spent all his money on it, he felt the weight of stress and worry crash down upon him. If she hated it, would she have even let it be known? Would she have lied to him and told him she loved it beyond all imagining…He pondered as he paced around the room, and moments after, the sounds of scuttling and teeth chattering scrapes sounded. Aro turned to the window of the room, he did not ready himself for a battle. He knew the sounds. The sounds of a post lady.

The dusty blonde-haired girl came into view, with her cat ears poking out of her head. She smiled at Aro, and looked around the room. “Ah, I heard you got a sexy elf companion now. How very you Aro, putting your dick inside her the first chance you get…Such a man slut…” The girl pounced up and sat like a cat upon the bed, her skimpy leather outfit exposing more skin than appropriate for any courier.

“Another job Hilly? Do people know who my new companion is? How in god’s name did you find me anyway?”

“Yes. Yes, but I wouldn’t worry, she’s your partner now, seeing as Luca handed in his leaving notice…So that means she’s a member of the guild, which means she’s protected under our laws…Provided she stays in a city where our guid has jurisdiction…Oh, and to answer your last question. Neko people find their targets Aro, I could smell you as soon as you got into the city.”

“Is that a way of telling me that I smell?” Aro replied with his arms firmly crossed over his chest. The cat-girl Hilly giggled and sprung from the bed and crept toward him as quiet as a mouse, her long fur tail whipped and shook as she crept up to him. All Neko were short, shorter than Trysh at least; who in general was just a short person. Hilly barely made it over five feet.

“No, but you stink of elf cum and sweat. Was she better than I was?”

“She’s an Elf.”

“Is that a nice way of telling me that she was better than me?” She said cocked a smug brow and giggled. She reached backward to a small pouch in her leather outfit, and produced a small envelope. Aro, amused at her comment took the letter and quickly scanned it. Pure white paper, the sender was rich. And the pink wax seal upon the back with the symbol of a naked mermaid only furthered his suspicions.

“Baroness Tibbler. She has another job for me?”

“Looks like it. You’ve become her favourite merc it seems.” The bathroom door opened softly and the cute coo of Trysh’s melodic voice came out.

“I love it so much Aro, what do you think?” She looked up from her heavy chest to see the Neko standing a little too close to her man. A frown overcame her face, as she swayed her hips and sassily flicked her long hair back. She grasped onto Aro’s arm, and firmly pulled it between her tits that pushed them up causing them to spill over the semi-transparent tunic. “Hello.” She said to Hilly.

The cat girl smiled and fixed on the elf’s body, rolling her eyes before bounding to the window. “Enjoy the job hotshot, try not to get killed ‘kay?” she mewed before leaping out of the window. As she left, Trysh loosened her tight grip upon her man, just a little.

“Who was that?” She asked, turning her attention to the letter that Aro had opened.

“Delivery girl from the guild. We have a job.” He turned to her and looked upon her face. A blush formed when he noticed how she expertly applied her makeup as well as the necklace. All done up and ready for the day.

“Oh, we do? I guess I’m your partner in work as well as in life too huh? What does it entail?”

“It’s from a noble, a woman I’ve worked for before, Baroness Tibbler. She usually sends letters to me to come to her estate within the city, this is just an official invite to get through the gates.” Trysh reached for the note, and Aro slipped it to her, her pinkie-blue eyes scanned the words and her puffy lips mouthed the words she was reading.

“Very well! let’s go there right away!” She giggled and kissed his cheek on the tips of her toes, glossy lips grinding on his facial hair with a horny giggle. “But, are you sure you don’t want to take advantage of this lovely bed before we go?”

“And ruin all that pretty makeup you have on? After the job we can fuck like rabbits.” He grinned smugly, which made the elf’s eyes glow pink. Just imagining what his hairy cock would smell like after a long day in the sun, and how horny she would be after wearing such a revealing outfit all day, she could hardly wait. In fact, as they walked out of the room, key in hand ready to return it back to the pretty elf on the desk, she could feel the pleasure between her legs as her jiggly thighs rubbed against each other.

Her wetness trickled down her thighs the longer the twosome was out in the burning hot sun. She could feel every set of eyeballs fix on her when they travelled carefully down the bustling streets. From mature men to curious women, recently legal teens and even jittery old men, no one could take their eyes from her. Every small step she took with her sexy Elvish sway caused the miniskirt to flourish and twist around her fat, squishy ass, and with it, a small audience of followers began to start abandoning their routines to travel in their direction, staying back enough to not incite the wrath of her dangerous looking boyfriend.

She thought, as they passed an alleyway, that she should change into her leathers Aro gave her in the Ripper bar, yet, her mind changed every time she felt Aro’s eyes upon her cleavage, or when she felt his horny fingers brush over her exposed thighs. Every time he did, she felt a surge of moisture squirt from her pussy; she was an absolute mess, a horny mess that just needed to be touched. But her love was right, even though sex was amazing, work was just as important. Afterall, how could they afford a bed to fuck in if they had no money?

Just as the thought passed through Trysh’s head she gasped and regarded the towering building that loomed over them both. She gazed with awe at the three-story mansion that was encased in a cage of tall metal bars and a grand gate that was guarded by no less than three men. Clinging to Aro, and slithering her hand into his she looked to him with a hearty smile, eyes still as pink as they were back at the brothel. “It’s a beautiful home, I would have never guessed such a place would be in the middle of the capital.” She squeezed his hand, and squealed softly as she felt him squeeze back.

As they approached the men, Aro could see the looks of lust come across their aged faces. Like he, they too had an almost unhealthy attraction to elven women; an attraction that came into light when Trysh smiled at them as the duo paused at the gates. “Afternoon Aro.” One said, fixed on the shimmering body of the pale skinned elf clutching her love.

“Been a while huh? Who’s the new girl?” Another asked whilst grasping one of the gate doors to pull it apart. Even then he looked upon the overwhelming bust that compressed onto Aro’s arm. Tryshs’ ears flicked with a giggle, looking up at Aro and whispering.

“I think they like me.”

Aro nodded sharply in agreement, grinning. “My girlfriend and partner, she’s a well-trained cleric.”

“Well trained in other things I hope.” The joke made the other two cackle humorously. Aro hummed along with them as he pulled Trysh through the gate.

“I will be soon enough boys, Aro will see to that I’m sure…” She winked at the closest one, who’s face burned brightly at seeing the pink hearts of her eyes fix upon him. She laughed internally. They may have a fetish for Elves, but the chance of them being able to handle one would be quite slim she thought.

“You’ve gotten a lot more daring with your words you know. Whatever would your goddess say if she heard you being that flirty?”

“She would probably love me even more Aro, it seems that the temple has lied about far more than their morals…But that’s a story for later, right now we have a job to do…And sex to have afterward…” Aro’s heart skipped as he looked upon the look of clouded lust over her face, he could only imagine how soaked her panties and thighs were at that moment.

Before Aro could respond in his usual witty and flirty way, the doors in front of them swung open loudly, crashing against the walls of the manor. Trysh jumped out of her skin and turned her attention to the doors, seeing the figure of a barrel-chested man beside a shorter framed woman with long frizzy hair that ran down her back. She stepped forward past the huge man, holding her chin high and proud with her arms crossed under her white fur coat that hung loose down her bronze skinned shoulders.

Trysh stared in awe at the woman who clicked her high heels down the stone steps slowly and with the same confidence Trysh saw within Juliette, the Madame of the brothel in which she had lost her virginity within. The blonde knew importance when she saw it, and released her grip upon Aro before giving a curtsey; bending her knees in a small squat and pulling at her miniskirt. She pressed her thighs together after, as to keep the shine of the sun reflecting on her sticky inner thighs to be caught by the Baroness.

“Aro my dear. So good to see you again!” Tibbler said with a voice that commanded attention. The tall bronze skinned woman gazed at Trysh and smiled, nodding with appreciation at her politeness. “Is this a business enquiry? Or have you come for pleasure?”

“You sent me a job request?” Aro replied firmly. His voice made Trysh’s body vibrate enough for Tibbler to raise a brow at her. The baroness regarded the elf as she smiled and shook her head.

“I did. It’s a simple task. Last week a servant of mine stole a prized idol of mine. A fertility totem…He fled the city a couple of miles out west toward a cave according to my scouts…He came in, but never came out.”

“It’s always nice to see your pretty face Lady Baroness, but I hardly think a simple job like this needs our attention.”

“Only one of my two scouts returned, and the one who did come back is far too petrified to say what happened. I’ll pay you and your gorgeous new companion upon the returning the idol to me. The same rates as usual I presume?”

“Very well, I accept…I can’t deny the mystery interests me.”

“And me! The cave is westward, yes? we shall be off at once, come my love.” Trysh, with a determined pout across her glossy lips flicked her hair over her shoulder and moved to spin with the flare of her miniskirt before Tibbler cut in.

“Hold on one moment…I would feel bad if I let you leave to get that lovely outfit all dirty. I shall prepare a carriage for you.” She snapped a finer at the burly man, who bowed and stomped away toward the left of the manor, past the small bed of rose bushes. “It shall be ready for you both in roughly an hour…In the meantime…Aro? go and allow your woman to let off some steam, she’s practically bursting at the seams.” Tibbler giggled and turned to leave. “The guest room in the left-wing ground floor is empty…Try not to get the sheets all messy like the last few times.”

Trysh’s pink eyes lit up even more at the opportunity, firmly grasping Aro by the hand and pulling him forward with her Donis strength. She was too horny to barely comprehend the fact that Tibbler hinted at Aro sleeping with other women in the very same room; yet even if she did hear such a thing, her body would light on fire with lust even more than it already was.

The excitement on Trysh’s face was clear for all to see; even though there had been a suspiciously absent cohort of staff that had not been present since entering the manor. As Aro felt her pull and tug on his hand which she held so tightly forward down the halls of the Baronesses mansion, he too started to feel the excitement of having her again wash over him. Every so often her silky hair swished far enough to one side to show the glint of heavy pink emanate from her eyes.

Hear eagerness reached its pinnacle once she saw the large oak door which Tibbler had mentioned to them, a skip in her step pulled Aro further still as her miniskirt flared up to show her thickness eat away at her simple black panties, and down her thighs the ever-present sticky moistness of her nectar leaking though the fabric. Aro’s mouth watered for her, his cock swelling up underneath his slacks.

At the door she spun on her heeled sandals, looking up at her lover with a dimpled grin. “I want to be on top this time…” She cooed with a wink; nipples clear as day poking against the almost see-through white tunic. Aro smirked, and throbbed at her hard. The creek of the door rang though the halls as the hourglass elf pushed it open, and firmly pulled Aro inside.

Aro barely took notice of the bedroom that greeted them, he was far too fixated on his pounding heart and the bubble butt of his woman sway with her elvish walk complimented by the way her miniskirt twisted around it. Suddenly he slammed into her with an abrupt thud, snapping him out of his lusty trance. Trysh had halted in place in the middle of the room, fixed on the figure in a frilly black and white maid uniform. A uniform that was far too revealing of her heavy Elvish bust, a skirt that barely hid her thick ass and white stocking clad thighs pulled up by garter straps that dug deep into her soft skin. Trysh eyed the woman’s long silver pigtails that swished around as she dusted a varnished table. Her pink eyes trailed up to spot the knife ears poking out from her pretty hair.

“Oh…Hello…” Trysh spoke, the feeling of Aro behind her made her want to reach her hand behind herself and fish for his familiar bulge. The maid perked up, cocking a brow at the duo. She smiled smugly, and crossed her arms underneath her heavy tits.

“Good evening babe, missed me have we?” She said with a velvety voice which was quite synonymous with the elven kind. Trysh gasped and turned to Aro, who wore an expression she deemed to be one a child would give when they had been caught stealing cookies which did not belong to them.

“Babe?” The blonde mimicked to him. Aro awkwardly shifted on his feet, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Who is this girl Aro?”

To Be Continued in Chapter 11: The Queen of Cucks…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rpyeqv/mf_fates_chapter_10_the_merc_life