[MF] The best gift I ever gave and received was horrifying, made me feel dumb, and was chosen for me.

I, Mark(M) am married to a life long friend, friends with benefits, girl friend, fiancé, and confidant named Sarah(F). This story is based on fact and I have tried to keep it as close to exactly what happened as possible.

Our relationship has been complex at times. Friends in high school, to friends with benefits, and then to marriage. But one thing that convinced us we were destined to be together is that regardless of our lives path apart, we alway found our way back to each other again.

One night months before we married, we were 2 bottles of wine into an evening when the topic of our sexual escapades came up. Sarah and I both had plenty of partners over the years. We had been on and off over 20 years and we had told each other some things but we had kept it as vague and bland as possible.

The stories shared that night were detailed and descriptive; that’s what two bottles of wine can do. What came out that night surprised both of us. The stories were hot, kinky, and made these discussions something we did more often. Discussing our past sexual adventures is a sure way to make an average night at home turn into a night of hot sex.

This story is a recount of an early and arguably the most important experience in our lives. This story was reviewed by Sarah before releasing for accuracy and we agree the important part of this story is for the first time we abandoned the newness of the relationship or sex, to create passion and desire. We where totally absorbed in the moment, nothing else mattered. There was no shame or doubt holding us back.

Just note, I am not a great writer but have some stories to share. Please provide constructive feedback when applicable.

It all started just before Christmas 1994. I was coming home for the holidays to visit family and see my “Kinda,” girlfriend who is now my wife. Her name is Sarah. Sarah and I (Mark) never officially broke up after high school when I left for the Army and she decided to go to college. It was left that way so if we ever got together again, and we were not in relationships, we would pick up where we left off-Sexually at least.

This was the first time we were practicing this arrangement. On the first day in town, it was just like we never parted but now we were, “Adults.” That meant we could spend the night together and our parents couldn’t really say anything…. Wrong. Her parents were pretty conservative so we weren’t sleeping at her place. My mother was much more lenient but unless we wanted to sleep in a room next to her, our options were limited in the house.

So we resigned ourselves to not sleeping together which made her parents very happy. But, they also believed what we did before she got home was her business. So my mother’s finished basement became our hideaway until early morning. Then she would head home just before her parents woke. That worked well until my brother and his family showed for the holiday and occupied the basement.

As a private in the Army, I had a minimal income. Luckily I didn’t really have bills and while home, my mother took care of me like I was in school again. So I decided I was going to get a hotel room for the next few nights as a Christmas present to me.

Next, I decided I wanted to get something I had heard about during basic training that other guys were bragging about. I thought maybe something like a dildo. We had never used anything like that. Honestly we just humped like rabbits, Always the same 3 things: missionary, blowjob, or eating her out. We were just doing that multiple times a day.

So I got up the nerve 2 days before Christmas to go into the local city looking for these magical objects others described in basic training. I looked through the phonebook (yes it was that long ago) for an adult book store and found one in a part of the city I had never been too. I figured no one I knew would ever spot me parked out front, or in the store.

I realized this “adventure” might be a mistake when I pulled into the parking lot. It was a white brick building with a heavy layer of grime covering it from top to bottom. There were no windows or lights except for neon lights on the front that read, “XXX,” “Adult Books,” and “25¢ Video Booths.”

There was a smattering of cars in the parking lot with a couple guys standing under the glowing neon lights. I could see their heads turn and follow my car as I drove by the entrance to park.

I parked and looked around, almost second guessing my decision to do this, when I convinced myself that basic training taught me enough self defense to manage whatever was about to happen when I got out of the car. Boy would that end up being an Ill faded conclusion.

I got out of the car looking as tough as a 19 year old, 175lbs kid could and strode up to the door. I did everything I could to not make eye contact with the guys standing by the door. As I reached for the door handle one of them made a sucking whistle noise at me. I instinctively looked in their direction to see them both make “suggestive” gestures with their mouths and tongues at me.

I should have turned around right then but I felt the safest place would be inside, not trying to get to my car. And the next thing I remember was standing inside this building, heart pounding, staring at a wall of Dildo’s and masturbation sleeves. I quickly turned and looked around and noticed I didn’t really know what I was looking at. It had the smell of must, feet and unwashed ass that hit you like a brick.

As I scanned the open area in front of me I saw 3 guys staring at me like I was their next meal. I saw 2 other guys, heads down like they didn’t want to be seen, ignoring everyone there. I took a couple steps and saw a small booth to my right with a big 300lbs man, half bald, glasses and an earring. The hair he did have was pulled back in a greasy, grayish black ponytail and made me rub my hair to make sure my hair was not that greasy. He had a beard covering most of his face with remnants of what appeared to be his previous meal in it. He didn’t even look my way and continued to read a magazine with naked women in it.

I quickly looked down and avoided eye contact with everyone. I found myself in a row of anal plugs and lubes, then moved on to various sized dildos. This was turning very educational for me. I continued to walk around more in awe at some of these things. A double headed dildo? Anal beads? Cock ring? Blowup sex dolls? I remember thinking what the hell was all this ? As I continued to look around, I could still see the 3 men staring at me. It creeped me out and I was considering finding a way to flee when I wandered by a corner filled with video tapes of porn which caught my attention for a moment. Just as I passed the videos I saw an open doorway leading down a hallway. The hallway was behind some hanging strings of beads. I passed through and a sign said “Video Booths 25¢.” This caught my attention and I started down the hallway. I could hear what sounded like people having sex all around me. There were about 7 or 8 doors that said occupied Or unoccupied on them. Next to each door handle was a dowel sticking out of the wall with a roll of paper towels slid onto the dowel. A sign above the paper towels said “Clean Up After Yourself.” I had no idea what that meant then. I opened the door and saw a stool and a video screen. I entered and switched the sign to occupied.

I had heard about these and I dug into my pocket for a quarter when I heard the door to the booth next to me open, then shut. Then out of the corner of my eye I caught something moving. I looked down and saw a hand reaching through a hole in the side of the booth. I immediately jumped back in fear. Before I could really process what was happening, a voice came through the hole.

As the hand pulled back and the finger suggestively went in and out of the hole, a man’s voice, trying to sound feminine said, “Hey sugar, you can come over here with me.” Before I could do anything, the bottom half of a face appeared in the hole and said, “or you can just abuse my face right here.”

I remember vividly yelling ”Ahh!” Out of shock! Then I yelled, “Oh not just no, but hell no.” I hit the door and was in the main part of the shop as fast I could. Everyone was looking in my direction. I froze.

The guy behind the counter said loudly, “Hey kid, come here!” As I walked to over about ready to shit my pants, he’s said “you know what loitering is? You can’t loiter here. So you gotta buy something or I will have you thrown out.”

I could now see 2 of the men that looked at me as a meal earlier moving towards me. I guessed they were going to be the ones throwing me out. He then said, “you even old enough to be in here?” I nodded and pulled out my ID.

Apparently I was so nervous I grabbed the first thing I saw in my wallet which was my Military ID. He said “Oh military man. Ah. But you still need to buy something or get out. You’ve been here long enough.” I think I just stared, not able to say a word. He said, “how about this and grabbed something from a box of random condoms and toys on the counter. This box was this store version of impulse buys like you see in a grocery store.

I didn’t know what he grabbed but I just nodded my head to acknowledge that’s what I wanted. I was still ready to shit myself and I saw help in the store. He said, “good, need batteries for this?” I again just shook my head and he grabbed some batteries.

He punched in something into the register and said $24. I didn’t look down and prayed I had that much as I grabbed all my cash. Luckily I did have it. And he handed me the bag and my change.

As I turned to leave, the guy who I assumed was in the booth next to me was at he door giving me that look like he wanted to eat me. The other 2 that started to approach had returned to their spot along the wall and continued to stare.

As I walked towards the door I remember the 2 guys outside and could see the guy from the booth standing almost in front of the door now. I was convinced I was about to get jumped and raped. I considered shitting myself to deter the rape if it came to it. God knew I felt like I would crap my pants even if I wasn’t going to get raped I was so scared.

Just before I reached the door I bolted at it and crashed though. I looked over my shoulder and the guy from inside was looking at me crazy and the 2 that had been outside already jumped back in shock. I gathered myself as quickly possible and headed towards the car not looking back. I heard from behind me one of the men say, “Damn! Well we didn’t want to talk to you anyway honey.”

I got into he car as fast as I could. My heart was racing thinking about what might have
just happened and how I needed to get outa there as quickly as possible. I locked the doors, started the car and tore down the road with an unknown item in a bag. That item would become the best gift ever.

Sarah and I planned on staying in a motel Christmas Eve . It was not a big deal for me as long as I made it home before family present opening began. For Sarah though it was going to be a little more difficult. She was in collage but knowing Sarah was out sleeping with a man all night, was a bit to much, to soon for her parents. However, she guaranteed me she was going to be there all night.

On Christmas Eve my family obligations were wrapping up. It was 9:00 and Church was over, our yearly Christmas cookies and coffee were gone, and my brother’s kids had gone to bed. I figured Sarah’s family was about done too since they were not known to be late night partiers. So when I saw a break I headed to my room, grabbed my bag and “the Gift,” and headed out.

When I got to the motel and checked in, it was one of the motels that all doors exit to the outside. The inside was a queen bed I think. It was a bigger bed than mine I knew that, and there was only one. It had an over- sized chair like one you would see in your grand parent’s house. There were full length mirrors on every wall, I think and an armoire with a tv on it. Bottom line, it was nothing special but I thought it was great.

I changed into just sweat pants and got the gift out. I don’t remember the exact name for it but it was an elastic ring about as big as a half dollar with another sleeve type ring connected to the top. It had this small egg shaped device in the sleeve. After I examined it closely, added some batteries, I had figured it out.

After 45 minutes or so after arriving there was a knock at the door. Sarah came in a little flustered. “Finally. Do you know how hard it was to figure out what room was yours? It’s almost 10:00 on Christmas Eve! No one was at the desk. Just an emergency number to call. I started knocking on random doors hoping you would answer. I looked at her inquisitively and sat on the bed.

“Sorry. I didn’t even think about that.” I said. She sighed, paused, then smiled. She then said, “Well let’s not waste time then.” as strode to the bathroom. While she was in there I fumbled around with the gift and positioned it close.

The door opened as she said Merry Christmas! This was the first time I had ever seen a real live person in lingerie. She had on a red lace see through bra and matching string bikini panties. I could see her perfect C cups and nipples though the sheer lace. The bikini was the same material and I could see the v shaped bush behind the lace.

She grinned and walked totally into the light and stood in front of the mirror and turned. At this moment in time, I concluded I was definitely an ass man. I can remember how amazing it looked in the light. I could see where her round firm ass met her toned legs. For the first time in my life I had an urge to bury my face in her ass.

She said, “What do you think?” I said nothing and stood, grabbed her, picked her up an tossed her on the bed. She giggled and said, “ohh, what’s this?” I said nothing, reached down and pulled her panties off with aggressive vigor.

I knelt down, spread her legs and dove in between her legs. She moaned loudly and breathed out heavily, “Holy Christ! I guess you like it.”

I went up and down and across her clit with purpose. I could taste her fluid quickly after I began and slid my finger in her. I slid my finger in and out in unison with my tongue. She really seamed to enjoy this move and it dawned on me she wouldn’t last long like this. We had only been in the room for maybe 10 minutes and she was about ready to have an orgasm. That’s when it dawned on me. Christmas Gift!

I stood quickly, shocking Sarah. She looked at me startled and said, “What?” I moved to the head of the bed and reached under the pillow and retrieved the device. I said “time for your Christmas Gift, so close your eyes.” She said, “Now? I was just about to have an orgasm.” I said, “Close your eyes. And no peaking.” She complied with a sigh and shut her eyes.

I moved to the bottom of the bed and got on my knees. I took the 1/2 dollar sized ring and slid it over my right index finger, lifted her right leg (my left side) and slide my index finger inside her. I used my right thumb to push the sleeve onto her clit. She gave a moan of approval. Then I turned it on and it took off rumbling like an earthquake on her clit.

Sarah dropped her leg and sat up in shock, eyes wide open. “What’s that?” She exclaimed. All I said was,”Merry Christmas.” And pushed her flat on the bed. I pushed it against her clit harder and stood. I placed my free hand on her chest to keep her from sitting up. She seemed to like that move and intensified her moan. Her hips began rocking and all of sudden, she found Jesus. She started moaning, “Jesus! oh Jesus! Lord, Oh my God!”

She grabbed her breast and pulled down the lacy bra covering her tits. She grabbed her nipples with more force than I had ever seen on nipples before . In a breathy moan she said, “Bite me. Bite my nipples.” I leaned over and latched onto her right nipple and nibbled. “Harder” she cried. I could see her pulling her left nipple straight out making her tit look like a triangle. I mirrored what she was doing with my teeth.

She tried to sit up again and I pushed down and held her in place by her neck. That move did it, Sarah began convulsing and wriggling uncontrollably. She yelled, “I am cuming! Jesus I am cuming.” I wouldn’t say she was squirting but she was oozing more than I had ever seen.

Once she stopped shaking she reached down and pushed my hand away. She begged’ Please stop! I cannot take it!” I pulled my hand back releasing the stimulation. She was panting, and said “what is that?”

I showed her the device and said, “I guess you liked it.. We have been in the room for 15 minutes and you have already cum!” She chuckled and said, “this thing might make this the longest Christmas you have ever had.” As she said this she was looking at the device, she said “well you have yet to cum and we need to use thing like right.”

I looked at her and said, “What do you mean? That’s how you use it.”

She said, “I don’t think so. I think I heard these things are called a buzzing cock ring. See. Your dick goes though the hole.” She was creeping forward as she said this and reach for my sweat pants. She slid them down exposing my rock hard dick. She leaned in and engulfed me taking the whole thing. She held it for a moment and leaned back leaving my dick soaked with saliva. She then slid the cock ring down my shaft.

I felt dumb but Sarah didn’t seem to care. Actually she seemed excited to use it again.

I slid the ring off and gave her a detailed recap of how I got the toy. When I was finished she looked at me for a long moment and burst out laughing.

I said I it wasn’t funny and she stood still giggling and walked into the bathroom. A moment later I saw the lace bra come flying out the door followed by Sarah peeking around the corner.

She put her hand around the door opening and pointed her finger suggestively going back and forth around the door opening. She then said in a voice holding back laughter “Hey sugar, you can come over here with me.” She let out a little giggle she couldn’t contain and disappeared back into the the bathroom.

I jumped up, pulled off my sweats and said, “I can? Well you asked for it.” and strode into the bathroom, cock ring in hand.

What makes the vibrating cock ring the best gift received or given? Because it was the beginning for both of us to freely explore desire and intimacy without guilt or doubt. After this, gone were the days of 3 basic moves and everything was about the orgasm. This opened the door to intimacy being about the experience, connection, and the journey.

So this vibrating ring and the expiernce with it make it the best gift ever given or received.

If enough want to find out what happens when I walk into the bathroom, I will gladly write.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ronyx5/mf_the_best_gift_i_ever_gave_and_received_was