Monsteria enyclopedia: Vlad/Sirona

I don’t remember much, other than Marcus leaving me in the wagon, then something loud, then I woke up in a beautiful home being attended to by a tall handsome man.

When I first woke up he was at my bedside, rubbing a moist cloth against my forehead, he had dark smokey eyes and dark-colored hair. a trimmed beard completed his grizzled look. 

When he spoke it was in a language I didn’t understand, it was flowery and smooth. He saw my confusion and cleared his throat, this time speaking in Chinese.

“Hello young maiden, I hope you are okay?”

his voice was beset in his throat, deep and smooth. his eyes sparkled like the infinite night. 

I couldn’t speak, I was stunned by his presence, his manner was that of a king, his aura that of a leader. 

my body went weak and I fell back asleep. dreaming of the mysterious man who saved me. my dreams followed the softness of his skin against mine, dreams of his figure lifting me on high and announcing our union to the world. In my dreams, he was the sweetest man in the world. We traveled to the ends of the horizon showing all those who witnessed who we were and what we were. 

my dreams also turned to the lecherous and debaucherous. his form towering over me, pumping, savoring. He had me in his warm embrace, whispering sweet words of praise in my ear as he explored my body with his strong fingers. I was in paradise.

My husband had the facade of a nice man, but actions speak louder than words ever will. He was married not to me, but the job, he hadn’t touched me in years. He hadn’t recognized me as his wife in almost a decade. His caravan was the only thing that mattered to him. 

But I stayed faithful through it all, helping him achieve his dream. 

But now, in my waning years, I want to enjoy the rest of my life. And I think this man who saved me will show me how.

I woke once more in the same plush bed, being tended by the same man from earlier. He was changing a bandage on my stomach. to get to it, it seemed he had to remove my shirt.

his hands moved, practiced, and quick. He noticed me staring and smiled at me. “Awake again? or are you gonna sleep on me some more?” He replaced the bandages and handed me a simple cloth shirt. I sat up and put it on, covering my bare chest. There wasn’t much pain in my body, just slight soreness in my stomach.

He sat on his small wooden stool waiting patiently for me to get dressed. For some reason, I felt it was okay for him to gaze at my naked body. I pulled the shirt over my head and laid back down in the bed. 

“what happened?” I asked, my voice was hoarse, my throat was on fire. 

he said from his stool. He was tall, easily two heads above me. He was dressed smartly, a crimson vest under a black jacket with long grey pants. they were clothes I’ve never seen before, he dressed importantly, like royalty. 

“well,” he started, walking towards the southmost wall. “I was traveling along the mountain path and noticed your caravan’s wreckage. I didna see anyone else there, only you.” he produced a small ceramic jug from a box near the wall. He gestured for me to sit up, I did, he handed the small jug to me, it was full of cold water. I drank it slowly, feeling the soothing liquid wet my lips and moistened my throat. 

I didn’t realize just how thirsty I was. 

I finished the jug and handed it back to him. He took it as he sat back on his stool, sitting it on the floor. “I Took you to this hotel room and have been taking care of you over the past two days. you were running a bad fever, and you had a few broken ribs. but I Was able to get them back into place and used my special herbal mixture to stave off infection.”

“So you’re a doctor?” I asked.

“Not quite, just someone with some time on his hands and the proclivity to help someone in need. May I ask your name mein fraulein?”

“Lu, and your’s?” 

“Vlad, im from Europa, I assume you are from China correct?”

I nodded. “Yes, I was traveling with a friend when our caravan was struck by snow falling off the mountain.” At least, I think it was snow.

“I see, you must be hungry, would you like to go to lunch with me?”

my stomach rumbled at the thought of food. I can’t even remember the last time I ate anything substantial. “I would like that very much.” 

He exited the room for a moment then returned with a mass of folded cloth.

“Your other clothes were beyond repair, so I took the liberty of getting you something new.” he handed me the bundle, they were golden and red threads intricately woven into a rather nice looking dress. I quickly put them on and looked down at myself, I looked stunning. 

“Wow, this must’ve cost a fortune.” The clothes felt comfortable on me, and frankly, they made my body look good.

 “It’s the least I can do, can’t have you walking around naked, and I can provide something nice.” He looked me up and down. “Something less than extravagant would be wasteful of your beauty.”

My heart thumped in my chest.

We went out into town, it was midday, we found a nice restaurant and settled in at our table.

He sat across from me, his brooding eyes trained on mine. “Miss Lu, may I ask, what are your plans?”

I hadn’t thought about it, I didn’t have anywhere to go, and I don’t even know if Marcus is alive. “I guess, I’m not sure. I haven’t been able to think about it.”

“Well, may I be so bold as to ask you to travel with me?” He put out his strange hands, palms up. “If it would interest you, I would like to have some pleasant-looking company.”

My heart throbbed again.

Well, I don’t have much of a choice, do I? “I don’t want to be a burden, but if you would allow me, I wouldn’t mind traveling with you..” 

A smile crept from his lips. “I would love to travel with you mein fraulein. The walk to my home is quite lonely.

And at that moment I saw Marcus walk into the restaurant. He looks different, more determined, bolder, stronger. He saw me and rushed over.

We both chatted for a moment, I told him my plans and then he left, as quickly as he arrived.

Vlad and I made the preparations to go to the mainland, and then to his home. He spoke fluently to the natives here, a lot like Marcus.

it wasn’t long before we had a boat agree to take us to the mainland, supplies for the journey onward. the sun was beginning to give way to the coming night.

as the sun waned, I noticed Vlad becoming more anxious. his movements were sporadic, he was walking fast towards our hotel room. we made it there, disregarding everything we passed. 

He sat on the bed, breathing hard. muttering rhythmically under his breath. His eyes were closed, strained even.

“Vlad, what’s wrong?” I asked, sitting next to him on the bed.

“*Doamne ajuta-ma*” he spat out. His hands were shaking. “The night is upon me once again, prey, leave this building.”

He opened his eyes, they weren’t human. They were black, completely and fully. My heart dropped. 

I couldn’t help myself, I threw my hands around his neck and pulled him in an embrace, he was cold as a corpse. I felt my warmth being sucked into his body as I held him there.

He shook violently against me, but I held on, keeping him here.

Minutes passed, he muttered in a strange language the entire time, but I held him.

Then, it stopped. He slumped onto me, completely still.

He was asleep.

I tucked him into his bed, and sat on the stool next to it, and watched over him. He was deathly still, no movement at all.

I dozed off at some point in the night.

My dreams were something to remember.

I stood in a cathedral, one of high spires and intricate architecture, stained glass depictions of important figures stared down at the altar.

I was standing there, alone, holding a bouquet of black roses, I wore a long white dress, and I was crying.

Red hot tears stung my eyes and rolled down my cheek.

I turned and stared at the large open door. As if waiting on someone. But that person never came. I knew they weren’t coming, I knew they were somewhere else. I knew I was alone now.

I dropped the flowers and raised a hand to my neck. Two tiny pinholes, scarred over, we’re marked on me. I was given a gift, and I knew I had to use it.

I woke up in the bed, Vlad standing over me.  He looked tired, deep dark circles under his eyes. But he was smiling. “Good morning, I have something to tell you.”


Thousands of miles away, a woman stumbles across something magnificent.

Her name, Grace. She stood tall, with a head of fiery red hair and freckled skin. Her piercing blue eyes stared at the artifact she had been hunting for nearly a decade. She smiled.

She stripped off her leathers and other clothing, showing off her naked form, her petite breast poked outward. her long legs took her into the small pool of water in the deep dank cave.

She waded into the pool, the cool crystal water rising above her shapely ass. She shivered.

She reached the center of the pool and began the incantation. 

*O ’Sirona, thig thugam agus deònaich dhomh mo mhiann, tha mi a’ tabhann mo bhodhaig dhut mar phàigheadh ​​airson beatha shìorraidh. feuch a seo mo ghlaodh o ‘bhean na h-aibhne* 

Her raspy voice echoed off the walls. 

A bright light burned under the pool of water, just a few feet away from her. The water coalesced, wrapping around itself and forming into itself until it was the shape of a woman.

The water grew skin, becoming Sirona. The matron of the river.

Sirona stood at eye level with Grace.

Beauty is a strange thing when talking about Sirona. She isn’t human, far from it, but when she takes human form she appears as something akin to a goddess.

She was all lean muscles and perfect angles, sparkling blue eyes in stark contrast to her head of deep black hair. She was thin, her torso nearly flat. Her legs shot out of her pelvis like vines. She moved with impossible grace, a perfect being to those who see.

She moved toward Grace, barely a ripple in the water as she approached. Her hand darted out and grabbed Grace by the head, pushing her under the water.

Grace fought, as anyone would, but she was just too strong.

Minutes went by, her vision went black, her body went limp under the pool.

When she woke up, the sun was shining high in the sky. She was lying under a fig tree, breathing normally.

“My cave isn’t enough to properly introduce myself.” A voice rang beside her. It was Sirona, laying on her side, staring into her eyes. “I’m Sirona, and you must be Grace O’Malley.”

Heat rose into Grace’s cheeks. “Yes, mistress.” She quickly rose to one knee and bowed.

“Oh quit that. I’m nothing special.” Sirona patted the ground beside her. “Lay by me, talk to me.”

Grace obliged and took a comfortable posture next to the river goddess.

The two lay there, staring into the eyes of each other, enjoying the sights. 

“So, you want life everlasting my dear O’Malley, and what do I get in return?”

“What can I offer you, my goddess?”

“Simple.” She said sweetly. “I want nothing more than a friend, a companion.” She shifted a little closer, inches from Grace’s face. “I want to be your companion, your lover.”

Faster than Grace could react, she was held in a deep embrace, warm lips planted against her, hand pulling the small Irish girl against the nigh-perfect body of the goddess. 

Sirona gripped her by the hips, forcing her deeper into the kiss.

*she tastes like Lillies* Grace thought.

They made out, a deep passionate kiss, swirling their tounges, tasting each other deeply. Sirona allowed her hands to wander across Grace’s form, feeling her skin under her, dragging her fingers across her in a sensual display. 

Grace shivered under the goddesses touch, she was so soft against her, so sweet to her. 

Sirona broke the kiss and smiled at her. Sirona moved fast, grabbing grace by the legs and pushing her on her back, spreading her legs into the air, revealing her already wet pussy to the river goddess. 

Sirona smiled, looking at the redhead. “so delicious looking, so sweet and innocent.” she mused. “Never had the hands of a man on you have you? never even touched yourself down there. well my little songbird, time to change that.”

Grace nodded.

Sirona dove down, putting her lips on the little redhead’s unshaven mound, she kissed against the bush, moving down to her sensitive thighs, each kiss bringing out light moans and gasping from her. Sirona put a hand on her lover’s stomach, and her other hand went to her need. she took her two fingers and spread her tiny lips. sh smiled, in front of her was her new lover’s sweet little flower, ready to be plucked. 

she lolled out her tongue and gave her a small lick against her labia. 

Grace let out a shocked gasp, and she moaned from the sudden feeling. she had never experienced something like this before, she had been raised like a proper girl.

 Sirona went to work, licking up and down her wetness. tasting every drop of liquid she could get her mouth on. 

Grace’s mind was in a frenzy, a thick haze of pleasure plaguing her, robbing her of reason, she just sat there enjoying the goddess’s work. 

and work she did, attacking her with her moistened tongue, lapping against her like waves on a shore. she found her small pleasure button, hidden away under a small hood. she licked against it, sending powerful shivers through the girl. 

she felt amazing, her tongue was a gift from the gods. something felt weird, pressure in her stomach, a dam about to explode.
“Sirona, i, I don’t, whats…”

“shh, my lover, let it happen, let it take you.” she cooed from under her. 

She relaxed and allowed the orgasm to smash against her. her body spasmed, shaking violently as waves of pure bliss erupted from her body. she cried out, a loud moan letting even the heavens know how she felt. she rode out the orgasm for a moment, feeling the high of pleasure begin to flee from her.

She breathed hard.

Sirona knew not to take it too far, so she left her home, climbing to hold the poor woman.

Sirona whispered in her ear. “So many more of those in your future, do you accept my terms? life eternal for as long as I am by your side?”

Grace gave a weak nod.

“Good girl,” she said, petting her thick red hair. “excellent.”

{Hey all, new story for ya face! if you enjy lemme know in the comments, and if you really enjoyed thow me a couple bucks and you can get into the patreon exclusive discord and harras me every day. love you all, merry christmas.)

–the series in order–

1.Chinese dragon

Monsteria Encyclopedia: prologue Chinese dragon from Erotica


Monsteria Encyclopedia: slime from storytimeNSFW


Monsteria Encyclopedia: Oni from storytimeNSFW


Monsteria Encyclopedia: Tanuki [futa] [blowjob] [buttjob] [anal] [furry] [cum] [like lots of cum] [buttstuff] from storytimeNSFW

5. Spider girl

monsteria encylopedia: spider. [monster girl] [quadruple handjob] [lifted missionary] [creampie] [facial] [multiple eyes] [erotica] from storytimeNSFW
