Tribal Traditions (Part 2) [Breeding] [Cuckold] [Interracial] [Ritual] [Tribal]

The couple was tired and exhausted as they made their way into the depths of this seemingly endless jungle for over an hour now.

Ann’s arms and legs were covered with cuts and scrapes. In Marks blind rage he had forgotten the fact that he had given the guide their pack to carry earlier during their trip since he was too exhausted and the weight was too much for his smaller frame.

All their survival equipment, From Medicine to Food was within that pack.

Ann was dehydrated and ready to collapse, but she simply went on behind her husband with her gaze downtrodden on to the ground.

Mark went on completely oblivious to his wife’s condition. Fueled by rage and spite as he tugged her along every step of the way.

The couple continued their trek in complete silence. Hours seemed to pass by as they traversed this endless hellscape of a jungle.

As Mark made through a clearing of vines he tugged on his wife’s arms only to find that she was no longer walking alongside him.

She had passed out from exhaustion.

Mark quickly moved to her side. “ANN” as he knelt down alongside his wife’s body. “Wake up baby please!”

All of the anger he felt prior had dissipated and instead he could only focus his mind on saving the woman he loved.

He pressed his ear against her chest to press for a pulse, then raised his head up before he felt something with the force of what felt like a sledgehammer slam against the back of his head.

And his world went dark.

He had no idea how much time had passed once his eyes had opened once again. As he slowly woke up he made out the sight of a large fire in his bleary vision. It’s heat slowly bringing him out of daze.

Which is when he immediately remembered the last thing that had happened.

He shot up and attempted to stand on his feet. Only to realize he had been bound by ropes he had never seen before that ran across his entire body.

“ANN!” he shouted as he began to panick. “WHERE THE FUCK AM I? LET ME OUT PLEASE!”. He pleaded as he struggled against the ropes.

Each movement he made caused the ropes to tighten around him and inflict pain. As his thrashing only seemed to increase his desperate shouts.

The sound of big footsteps approached him, and a piece of cloth was lifted within the tent he was being held in as a large man entered into the room.

He looked like nothing Mark had ever seen before. Golden bands were wrapped around his biceps. His ridiculously toned body was covered in Red Markings, and his tanned skin seemed to almost thrive off the sunlight. He wore nothing but a brown loin cloth around his waste. Yet there was one thing in particular that stood out about this stranger.

His eyes glowed in hazel gold just like the guides did.

The Man shouted something behind him
in a language that Mark could not understand. Before looking Marks way and giving him a smirk.

Mark struggled to break free of his binds as the Man made his way toward him. Before he had time to say a word the Man lifted mark up in his binds and tossed him over his shoulder as if he was little more then a rag doll.

An act that utterly humiliated mark as he now realized something new.

He was completely naked.

As the Man exited the tent the light of the sun blinded Mark for a moment. As his vision adjusted to the light he began to take note of his surroundings.

All around him people who looked similar to the man he was being carried by were engaged in their everyday activities.

The hustle and bustle of a village was something Mark was quite used to, but he quickly realized something was very off about the place he was in.

The entire place seemed to mainly consist of women. Some draped in cloth and jewelry whilst others were bare naked. None of them paying any mind to what the other was wearing or not wearing.

Each of their bodies covered in different red marks. Their tanned skin glowing beautifully in the sun. Some seemed to have collars made of gold around their necks whilst others walked along in complete nudity.

That’s when Mark saw something that made him lost for words.

A Man towered over all the women around him. In his hand was what appeared to be a leash as he talked to another man standing before him.

But it wasn’t the Man that had shocked Mark, but what he was guiding along in his leash.

A woman was right beside him. Her body bare for the entirety of the village to see. She was on all fours, her neck in a golden collar which was connected to the leash. She was pregnant, and clearly far into her pregnancy considering the way her belly touched the ground.

Her breasts hung below her loosely. Massive and engorged. As Mark looked on he realized that two golden rings were pierced into her nipples, bound with chains that went down to her clitoris which was also pierced with a golden ring.

Mark will never forget the look in her eyes as her eyes met his.

A look of complete, and utter bliss….

Mark’s own cheeks began to flush red as he realized his cock was now beginning to throb from all the sights he was taking in.

The Man who held him laughed as he felt it poking his shoulder. He said something that Mark could not make out then gave a sharp swat against his bare ass.

An act that caused Mark to yelp loudly and blush even deeper as his intimidation of his captors increased.

“So this is what it felt like for her…” he thought to himself.

Mark couldn’t see where the Man was taking him, but quickly realized that he was now in a temple like structure with stone walls that looked as old as time surrounding him.

The man climbed up a flight of stairs and finally placed mark down upon his knees.

He then turned to face what was ahead of him and kneeled down. His fist touching the floor as he looked up at the man that sat before them.

As Mark looked up himself he was awe struck by the man before him. A Man of massive stature who seemed even bigger then the man who bought them in.

His arms were covered in 3 golden bands and there was a distinct red marking upon his chest. His eyes seemed to glimmer in gold just as the bands did. Unlike the other men however, he wore no loin cloth, and his manhood hung fully on display.

Mark was stunned by what he was seeing before him, but before he could ask any questions his mind brought him back into focus.

He needed to find Ann.

“Where is my Wife! She was with me where the fuck did you bastards take her?”

The Man before him let out a bellowing laughter that shook Mark to his very core. He slowly raised his hand up and in instant the man who had bought mark into the temple turned and left.

He then stared directly into Marks eyes, which sent a shiver through his body.

Mark did not understand why, after all they were both completely naked so what made mark feel like he was staring directly into his soul?

As mark came out of this trance, he realized that just like he saw before in the village. There were two women, both completely naked and on all fours. Heavily pregnant with golden piercings attached to their bodies and collars around their necks.

Yet this time the golden leads were attached to the stone seat that the Man before him sat on, and unlike the other women he saw they had a distinct marking on their forehead.

Yet they carried the very same look in their eyes.

“Like what you see?” The mans deep voice startled Mark.

He smirked as he looked directly at the small foreigner and rubbed the rear of one of the women that were beside him.

“Finest women in the entire village.”

Mark was stunned at his articulate english. Despite the fact that this man looked completely and utterly foreign to any form of western culture.

“Your mate was safely brought into our care when we took you in.”

As he spoke those words Mark suddenly began to picture his sweet, beautiful wife in the hands of these savages. A thought that immediately filled him with rage.

“You fucking savages better not have laid a finger on her” he yelled in wild rage.

The Man seemed completely unfazed by Marks shouting, continuing to rub the girls rear as she let out a deep moan and pushed herself back onto his hand.

“Savages? and what makes you think that we are simply a bunch of savages?” he asked with a smile.

Mark clenched his teeth. “What your doing with these women here…it’s fucking sick…you people are twisted.”

A chuckle escaped the lips of the Man before him. “These women are ours to own and enjoy….and unlike the men of your lands, we care for them. Not letting them roam in dangerous jungles with their bodies covered in scrapes unlike your kind.”

Mark’s temper rose upon hearing those words. Yet he couldn’t think of any retort. Deep down inside he knew he had failed Ann by letting her get to that point in the first place.

Suddenly a flurry of footsteps sounded behind him as the Man who had brought him here held his wife on his shoulders. Unlike Mark her body was not restrained, and the man put her down gently before his chieftain.

Ann covered her naked body with her arms as her eyes darted around the room. As soon as she locked eyes with Mark she rushed toward him. Exclaiming his name in glee as she wrapped her arms around him.

“Im so happy your okay!” she exclaimed as she tightened her grip around her husband.

A flurry of emotions hit Mark like a train as he relished in his wife’s grip.

He had failed her, failed to stand up for her, failed to take care of her, yet here she was overjoyed in his safety.
