Tribal Traditions [Breeding] [Cuckold] [Interracial] [Tribal] [Ritual]

Far in the eastern hemisphere in a jungle that few men dare to enter. There is a legend regarding a tribe who’s customs have lasted generations.

Every attempt at contacting this tribe has lead to those who venture within their territory to disappear without a trace. After multiple failed expeditions and armed man hunts hellbent on destroying the tribe were completely wiped out. the nations around their territory decided to shelter its existence from the outside world.

No one would venture in and no one would venture out of a place that simply did not exist on any map.

Well, mostly no one.

Ann Lockhart was a woman who had it all in life. Her father owned a massive oil company. Which meant the Lockhart family had never had to worry about putting food on the table or chasing careers.

She was able to attend one of the best ivy league colleges in the states, and by the age of adulthood she had owned a share of her fathers company that would be able to provide for her a thousand lifetimes over

Yet despite her privileged upbringing Ann’s spirit of adventure refused to buckle. She graduated at the very top of her class in Archeology. Had went on multiple volunteer missions to aid underprivileged families in the Middle East, Africa, and India. Driven by her sense of adventure as well as spite of her father who wished for his daughter to simply enjoy a wealthy marriage and bear him some grandchildren.

The young woman hid a lot of spirit beneath her small frame, and so the very notion of settling down put a weight in her stomach, and she instead began to date men her father would classify as losers, and reject every potential suitor that came her way.

After all they were all the same, none of them giving a damn about her passions and personality but instead eyeing her body and her fathers money.

This is when she met Mark. At first glance he seemed like simply another privileged white guy who wanted a piece of her. Yet after talking to each other Ann had realized that she had found someone who, for the very first time in her life. Could match her adventurous spirit.

And so the two quickly got married and set off to explore the world together.

With Ann’s ambition and Mark’s puppy dog like attachment to her they traveled to places where no one would dream of going. Made countless memories that many would not even dream of, and discovered locations that the “civilized world” had not step foot in for generations.

One of these locations was a jungle hidden away between multiple nations in the Middle East.

Ann and Mark had used a guide to reach a village in dire need of aid near the mountains. The guide had quickly noticed that the couple was most certainly not from the area, and his demeanor changed from stern callousness to a welcoming hospitable air.

Mark knew something was off about the man from the moment the guide towered before them.

He was unlike any of the others in the village.
Where they were malnourished, he was built like an olympic athlete. His voice was loud and authoritative, and unlike the darkened eyes of many of the locals his eyes shown like golden hazel in the sunlight.

Mark couldn’t tell whether there was truly something off about this Man or whether he was more bothered by the fact that he could tell Ann was flustered in his presence.

“Oh stop Mark. You think im drooling over every dude that says hello to me.” Ann replied to his accusation of her nature around the Guide out as they walked behind him. Far enough away so that he couldn’t hear their whispers.

“Yeah, well not every guy makes you stutter upon a simple Hello. Also your as pale as a snowflake. Even a blind squirrel can see you blush.”

Ann immediately began to blush again at his remark. “I..Well you-Ugh forget this…”

Ann’s head tilted downward as her blonde hair flowed in the wind.

“You realize that even if my body finds someone else attractive…I only like you, and will only ever want you.” Her tone was more sullen, almost defeated. “Why would i ever betray you…”

Mark quickly tried to soothe his wife’s woes. “I…Im sorry baby i didn’t mean it that way i just think we should be more careful of new people….”

He let out a heavy sigh, then put his arms around her shoulders. “Besides… guy is as lucky as i am to have a girl like you.”

Ann turned his way and smiled, the sullen look she had a moment ago was now gone as her bright blue eyes caught Mark in a trance.

Mark squeezed her tight. Telling himself that even if she feels anything, she was far too shy of a girl to ever act on it, and out of all the buff jocks she could have chosen to marry. She went for him instead. A thought that put a smile upon his face.

He was indeed a very lucky man.

The guide stopped in his tracks, catching the couple off guard.

“The Village is through there.” he said as he pointed to the beginning of a jungle the likes of which the couple could never imagine.

“Unfortunately if you wish for me to take you there you must raise the payment….” He said dropping his warm and welcoming town and replacing it with sternness.

“Oh bullshit” mark said in anger without thinking in response. “You told us that you would take us all the way to the village with the money we already gave you.”

The guide simply turned his head down and smiled. “I said i can guide you to your destination, I never said how far toward your destination.”

Mark’s rage began to boil. Until the moment Ann tugged on his shoulder and drew him back to down to earth “Sweety please, we have more then enough, let’s just pay him and go.” Her eyes were filled with the pleading that always shook him to his very core.

He hesitated, giving a glance back to the guide and back to Ann. Then at the jungle before them.

There was something about that jungle that unnerved him to the very core. Making his stop in the middle of his sentence as he tried to tell the guide that they would go alone.

But Mark was determined to prove himself. He was tired of his wife never viewing him as capable. Sure he wasn’t as strong or as skilled as most other men but he could still provide for her. Couldn’t she see that?

“…W-We can go ourselves.” Mark forced himself to utter after mustering all of his courage.

Ann looked at her husband once more “Please Mark we don’t know anything about the terr-.”

Marks tone had changed, going from simple anger to something else entirely. It was as if all the times his wife had dismissed his capabilities had pent up into one violent rage. “Oh YOU would want him to go with us huh? Why so you can keep admiring his body while you think i don’t fucking notice? You think i can’t fucking do this on my own?”

Ann’s shoulders sank. She was shocked. She had never been yelled at like this by her husband. Neither had she ever question his ability. She simply wished to aid him every time he struggled. Making her husbands accusations of unloyalty shatter her perception that of him.

She was not angry, simply hurt, as she looked down at the ground in front of him in a stunned silence.

Mark put his hand around her arm then gave a look to the guide. “We’re more then able to handle ourselves.”

The guide simply shrugged, his smirk unwavering. “Suit yourself”.

As the couple turned around to head into the jungle Ann felt a sharp swat against her ass which made her jump up and let out a yelp.

Mark turned around in blind fury, expecting exactly what he heard, but as he did he realized he was now only inches away from the guide.

He tried to speak, to shout in anger at the man who had openly humiliated his wife right before him, but words could not leave his mouth. As his massive build towered before Mark with a sense of intimidation the likes he had never faced before.

The guide leaned down, his body movements as slow as a beast ready to pounce, and looked him in the eyes.

“Just taking my payment…” he said with a sinister grin.

His face turned to Ann, who was now on the verge of tears. Yet instead of giving him the same look he gave Mark, he nodded at her with a look of calm assurance.

Instead of fighting with the guide. Mark grabbed Ann’s hand and pulled her harshly toward the jungle. Almost making her stumble as she was yanked along.

“Why did…” Ann mumbled as tears filled her eyes.

“Because he’s nothing more then a savage bag of shit.”

But Mark did not understand why his wife was crying. She was not shocked by the man’s advances. She had faced them
her whole life, by countless men who desired her small voluptuous frame for themselves. Instead, she was shocked by the fact that her husband, The man that vowed to protect her, had simply let him do it…

Tears fell down her cheeks as a mixture of shame and loneliness from her bodies reaction to the guides actions and her husband’s lack of protection overwhelmed her.

Mark ignored her. Pulling her along into the depths of the unknown without batting an eye her way.

Link to part 2:

Tribal Traditions (Part 2) [Breeding] [Cuckold] [Interracial] [Ritual] [Tribal] from eroticliterature


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