[MF] female orgasm at a sex party

The potency of what I was experiencing only became apparent when I realised I had been orgasming for a rather extended moment; softly moaning out my pleasure and seemingly helpless to stop all the while he continued to handle the insides of my hungry sopping pussy, my footing getting wetter and wetter as my gush streamed onto the floor..

Maybe it was something to do with the way that it started. I’m not really sure, I don’t really remember how it started.

In the dim lights, his hand on my throat, his grip tightening around my jugular and bending back into his arms as he held me into him, in the middle of the room filled with people. Watching his face map out the undulations of my body as he slipped his hand down to my fleshy little vulva, sinking his fingers confidently inside me. He was gonna shake me up.

I had already cum earlier that night and I really wanted to be a good obliging girl again. So I said silently to myself, 

“Just surrender”, and as it would happen, by body obeyed. My eyes slipped shut, heavy with my fading breath, heavy with the pleasure mounting between my legs. Completely at his mercy as i began to coo out my pleasure, softly, but unceasing,

“Uh uh uh, thank you, uh uh uh” I heard my voice from outside of myself, quieter than my usual pleasureful moans. I felt fragile, like I was completely powerless, my body consumed with the pleasure and unable to do anything but respond to his touch.

“Uh uh uh uh” I was conscious of how close I was as my body trembled and before that conscious thought was even done I found myself in the egoless abyss, my juices running down my legs onto the floor, soft incessent moaning, the same as before. Totally helpless as my body began to crumble and my orgasm did not stop.I was suspended, cooing out my astonishment as each second passed. The floor was getting wetter, my body was full on shaking. There was at least one, maybe 2 other guys with us now, and like gentlemen i felt them come in to support my limp little body, as I crumbled further and further into pieces of spaceless ecstasy. My head lulled back, for a fraction of a second I felt my consciousness almost fade with the intensity.

“Oh my gosh, thank you thank you, oh my gosh , yes, fuck” I was a slur of pure horny bewilderment. What was happening that my fishnets were soaked, toes spasming in a puddle of my own pussy juices, continuing to pour down my legs, as relentless as my stammering voice. There was another moment I felt like I might pass out. How long had it been?

“I feel like a pig” i had thought to myself, because I read once their orgasms last half an hour. It felt like I had been orgasming for minutes, like I didn’t even exist as flesh anymore, maybe that’s why i couldn’t stand. I had transcended my body and all that I was a throbbing swirl of pleasure, alchemy in his fingertips. I was the sparks in my nerve endings, I was a swollen molten heat against his writhing hand. He paused at one point,

“Do you think she’s got more?” He asked and then answered his own question,

“I think she does” And I did. I don’t think i ever would have stopped coming if he hadnt have let me go, the three guys helping me to a mattress on the floor. I said that I thought i could stand on my own now, but i was bambi, soggy, with buckled knees, slipping in my juices. They set me down and i laid there for some moments, facing the wall, panting, exhausted, trying to express my wonderment between breaths.

“oh my gosh, what just happened?”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rnw31y/mf_female_orgasm_at_a_sex_party

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