Step Sister Corruption Part 197 – Day 112 Drive Home Pt 5 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I walked out of the mini mall parading as a gas station chugging my third bottle of electrolyte juice thankful that they sold electrolyte fluids or the girl’s would be carrying my ass to Kel’s car.

I had secured each girl’s silence through my dick as I stretched each girl’s pussy hearing the same cacophony of uniformed echoes through the shower walls.

True to Jaime‘s word her sister was able to secure a personal shower and reserved an hour in there.

How I have no idea.

I just know after I bought five bottles of electrolyte juice I came back to the table with the girl’s with Heidi sitting there with a shit eating grin.

We had to wait for Heidi’s number to be called before the show started which was only a few minutes.

Once her number was called Heidi reported to the counter to receive her key for the shower with some towels and the first *group* went into the back where the showers were located.

The first group was me, of course seeing how I was the main star in this fuckfest that is my life, with Heidi, Kumi and Jaime.

We got into the shower room that was probably a little larger than your typical room where there was a personal toilet, a bench to put your clothes and moderate sized shower.

Seeing how Jaime was the one that worked this *deal* she naturally went first.

Jaime laid the towels down on the ground after taking off all her clothes exposing her body covered in tattoos and piercings.

Jaime’s right arm was completely covered in tattoos giving her complete sleeve. Her left arm just the upper half was covered. Her chest had some type of bird underneath her breasts. There was some circular tattoo circling her navel. Her sides were covered. Her left leg was completely covered. Her right thigh was covered.

Her nipples, navel, clit and right labia were pierced.

Now I knew none of this as up until now Jaime, much like her sister, had worn long sleeve clothing to protect their bodies from the cold.

She opened herself and smiled at me, “Take me!”

I was too entranced with all her tattoos as I tried to figure out what each tattoo meant but remembered why I was there.

I took off my clothes releasing my standing dick to the world.

I got down on my knees and guided my dick towards her opening and pushed elicited a loud *FUCK!* from my would be blackmailer as she felt exactly how large I was.

I didn’t care though I could have used some type of foreplay or at least some lube as she wasn’t exactly ready for me. But after a couple of strokes I was able to slide into her.

I didn’t lean down and complete the missionary position instead I remained upright and used Jaime’s thighs to keep me upright and her legs open so I could fuck her as I watched her breasts sway from the motion.

Heidi laughed and spoke, “How is he sis?”

She moaned out loud, “He’s fucking massive!!!!”

And she returned a look towards me and smiled, “How’s my pussy? Ready to come yet?”

I smiled and thrusted hard into her making her breasts sway hard and her scream loud then went back to normal thrusting as I chuckled, “How’s my dick?”

She moaned out loud as my dick kept slapping inside her as she didn’t last long until her orgasm hit her causing her body to convulse and slam her legs together but my hands and arms kept her thighs down.

I didn’t stop to enjoy her orgasm she doesn’t deserve that treatment I just kept slamming my dick inside her making her scream even more before she groaned.

I alternated my thrust from normal to quick jabs making Jaime scream and moan.

I let the fucking go on long enough until I counted four orgasms from Jaime before I pulled out and rolled Jaime to the side and smacked her ass, “You’re done!”

Jaime panted, “But it hasn’t been five minutes.”

Kumi spoke, “Actually it’s been seven minutes.”

Jaime panted as she exclaimed, “Really?”

Kumi nodded.

Jaime looked at my dick to see that the tell tale signs of me cumming wasn’t there just a fat blob of precum leaking from my cock. She looked at me, “You didn’t cum?”

I shook my head.

She stared at me wide eyed.

Heidi pushed Jaime off the towels, “No he didn’t sis. Now move it’s my turn!”

Heidi laid down in Jaime’s spot to reveal the same amount of tattoos and piercings as Jaime. Almost exactly alike as if they on purpose got the same exact tattoos and piercings for a specific reason.

What reason that was I have no idea.

Heidi opened her legs, “Fuck me harder than her I can take it!”

I smiled as I guided my dick towards her opening and pushed.

Heidi quickly exclaimed a loud *HOLY SHIT!!!* as my girth widened her opening and took a couple of thrusts before my length disappeared into her pussy.

Now I really wish I had lube. This whole tight pussy’s without lube was beginning to chaff my dick.

Still I fucked Heidi like she wanted hard and fast as she exclaimed a loud series of cursing and begging for harder thrusts into her tight young pussy.

Much like Jaime, Heidi didn’t last long before her body succumbed to orgasming on my dick….multiple times.

By my guess by the time her time was up I counted five orgasms.

Just like Jaime, I rolled Heidi to her side and smacked her ass, “You’re done.”

I was doing this to prove a point.

Jaime quickly moved Heidi to the side but Kumi pushed both off as she exclaimed, “Oh no bitch you had your turn. It’s my turn now.”

Jaime pouted, “But he’s close look at his dick!”

I laughed and thought *bitch if you only knew!!!*. I knew I was climbing orgasm mountain but technically I wasn’t even at the quarter mark.

I looked down at my dick to see it dripping precum and was red but that was from irritation more than a sign that I was close.

Kumi looked at my dick than Jaime, “Then I guess he’ll cum in me then. You’ve had your chance!”

She opened herself though not covered in tattoos Kumi had some tattoos but no piercings.

Once again I guided my dick towards Kumi and thrusted my dick into her as she elicited a loud *FUCK!!*.

I looked at Heidi and Jaime as I fucked Kumi like it was nothing, “Go get the next group.”

Heidi nodded and quickly got dressed before leaving.

Jaime pouted, “But I want another turn!”

I looked at her and shook my head, “Nope.”

And quickly started fucking Kumi hard as her moans and pleas drowned out Jaime’s begging for another turn.

I looked down and watched Kumi’s tits sway with each thrust she obviously enjoyed her pussy getting destroyed before her body tensed and her pussy tried to clamp around my dick.

I pulled out as Jaime laughed, “About to cum?”

I looked at her and slowly shook my head.

She looked at me in complete disbelief, “Really?”

I reached over and grabbed the electrolyte juice and proceeded to pound it. After shotgunning the juice, I gasped, “Nope.”

She looked down at my dick wide eyed, “how? It looks like you’re ready?”

I looked down at my dick to see my veins has popped out and looked red though I knew it was more irritated than *ready* as fat blobs of precum was just dripping out.

I looked at Jaime and shrugged, “Just not ready I guess.”

She looked at me with new determination, “I want another turn. I will not accept a white guy is better than my current black stud.”

I smiled, “Sorry this was a one time deal. You agreed.”

She pouted, “But….”

Just then a knock came at the door and Heidi spoke, “I got the rest of the girl’s. Open up.”

I looked at Jaime, “Do you mind?”

I looked at Kumi who had slowly over came her orgasm, “Your time isn’t up.”

She groaned as I opened her legs and inserted myself back in her thrusting inside her making her moan loud.

Her moans escaped the bathroom as the door opened and a group of girl’s came in to see the sight.

I was just finishing up Kumi as she screamed and grunted as her body underwent another orgasm.

I looked at the girl’s, “Who’s next?”

On and on the fuck fest went as each girl’s was exposed to my dick and precum that seemed to continuously leak into each girl’s pussy to help lube them up as I’m sure my dick did nothing but leave a small pool of my precum in their wombs as my dick pierced their pussy’s.

Jaime for her part just stared at me as she watched me dominate each girl without cumming once wide eyed.

After the last girl got her turn I sat down in the shower area gasping drenched in sweat as I looked at each girl, “So we have a deal. This secret remains with us?”

Each girl looked at me and nodded. Well most nodded. Jaime looked at me wide eyed, “You still haven’t cummed?”

I sighed and looked at her, “Nope! Now do we have a deal?”

She grumbled but eventually she acceded that she would keep her trap shut.

The girl’s left me to get dressed as they each left a little wobbly from having their own pussy’s abused though each had a smile on their faces.

The only one’s who remained in the room with me were Jaime and Heidi.

I finally got dressed as I was about to leave but Jaime stopped me, “You sure I can’t have another round?”

I looked at her and shook my head, “No.”

I left as Jaime uttered, “But….”

I heard Heidi speak, “Get over it sis. You didn’t make him cum.”

I walked off and towards Kel’s car.

When I got in Kel was laying in the car completely nude, “Hey there lover. Did you have fun?”

I closed the door and smiled at Kel, “Let’s just say we need to tell Summer we might have some *willing* victims to add to our circle.”

She smiled, “Tease!”



1 comment

  1. He just did them all raw like that and Kel didn’t even mind and he didn’t give Summer a heads up first? I also wish he would’ve had them all kneel as he spurted on their faces.

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