
Her duty shift at the “Center for unlucky people” was everyday from 6pm to 8pm.
Kate started this journey right at the beginning of the year, when school restarted.
Charity shifts weren’t mandatory, but were a big help to get more points for her scholarship.
She had always been an independent girl no matter what, but being able to help her single mom to save some money for her studies was making her proud.
Moreover, she was enjoying her shifts there. People going to the center, were almost all oldies or homeless people, that she was happy to help.
She never knew her grandfather and her grandmother, because her mom was an orphan who grew up with her auntie, so being able to help those old people there, was making her feel like having a lot of lolo and lola.
She was a really tiny girl. Many times there, people were asking if she was adult enough to work there and also joking on her because she was so small to be hard for her to reach the food counter.
Kate was 19 already, but definitely her outlook and her height and weight, were making her look like a secondary school girl.
She was a 4”4 sparrow tall for 68 pounds. A Blow of wind should have been making her fly away, but she was also a girl with a strong will and that was what everybody could see and appreciate of her.
Everyday, after school and finishing her homework at home, she used to take her bicycle and go to the center to serve food to the poor of the town.
The center, was an old building where people could find warm food and a shelter.
Some people were actually living there not having a place to go, especially while the rainy season.
Johnathan was one of them.
He was a 58 years old homeless. A rough man, unfriendly with many. 6 feet tall with a long beard and long hair salt n’ pepper. Rumors were that before he was a famous pianist, also having concerts in famous halls and theaters, but around his late 40s, he got sick for arthritis and his career fell off and, due to depression and alcoholism, also so his life.
Johnathan once, told to Kate that he used to have a wife and 2 kids that he did not see for years now.
She was actually one of those less people he liked to talk to.
Not having a father herself, the story was making Kate sad too.
The situation was bad enough for Johnathan and that, was just the cherry on top of a life wasted and lost in disgrace.
Sadly the rainy season was also the worst period of the year for Johnathan. The colder weather and the humidity were making his arthritis more painful and for him, even just hold fork and knife sometimes was a real struggle.
In those “bad days” as he used to say, Kate started to help him eat his food. She started to fed him a few weeks before. That night was raining really hard and she could saw him struggle a lot trying to eat. His hands were shaking to the point that he poured some soup over his pants.
Get home later to help him eat, hadn’t been a problem for her and also, her mom wouldn’t have been home before midnight, due to her shift at the restaurant where she worked.
Inside the structure there were also a few of volunteer nurses helping the guests for some other needs, but make them eat wasn’t one of their duties.
Johnathan that night also wanted to gave her a small tip, but she didn’t want to take his money knowing how miserable his life was.
Their friendship at the center was not hide at all. Some other guys were jealous of Johnathan because Kate with her natural “lovely nurse-attitude” was taking care of him in a real special way.
A few times, she also accompanied him to his room just to be kind, but the cheeky rumors from the other guests, were making her feel bad sometimes.
The first time Kate saw Johnathan dick it was on a Sunday night.
He hadn’t been able to help himself eating for the pain in his hands and she was helping him eating his dinner.
They were sit at the table when “I need to take a piss” exclaimed him.
It never happened before with her, but Kate knew that ringing the bell, would have alerted a nurse and they would have helped him for what was his need.
Kate had already rang the bell a couple of times, but nobody was coming.
“Kate I need to take a piss” Johnathan said again. “I can’t stand anymore” explained her.
She was looking around, searchinfor someone with her eyes, when from behind an old woman said “Nobody’s gonna come. They are all trying to save the old Sam who got a heart attack”.
“Ok, let’s go” said Kate to Johnathan.
Nobody would have helped and wait probably would have been just bad for his prostate health.
Anyway she was studying as nurse at the college, and she knew that sooner or later something like that should have happened in her job duties in the future too.
The PWD toilet wasn’t far from the dining room.
They entered and Kate closed the door behind her.
Johnathan was keeping himself hand in hand, massaging his fingers.
Kate knew he was in pain for real. She could see it from Johnathan’s facial expressions so she didn’t see nothing bad in helping him.
She unfastened his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, letting it fall on the floor, and started pull down his underwear when she noticed he was kinda hard.
Kate stopped for a moment sawing that.
“Sorry baby Kate” he was used to call her that way, “it’s long time since a beautiful girl put her hands around there… or maybe is just my prostate’s problems” he said laughing.
Kate, laughed back and made him sit down while pulling down Johnathan underwear.
Her eyes, couldn’t not notice his dick. It was big. Way bigger than those she used to see sexting with her schoolmates.
Also, Johnathan compared to her, was a giant in height and weight.
Kate for her age, wasn’t that innocent, but nor a slut.
A few years before, she used to date a schoolmate, a couple of years older than her. At first he was nice, sweet and she fell for him, just to find out too late, that he was just using her for his and his friends fun.
The guy, was a real kinky one. Prone to BDSM and wild sex, took Kate virginity in a real bad way. She felt almost like raped, used and abused by her own boyfriend. He also had took video of them fucking and posted it on Pornhub, exposing her to the public views.
Their story went on for more than a year, where Kate got handcuffed, tied with rope and penetrated with any sort of objects under the effects of her abusive and controlling boyfriend.
She had been brave to quit that dangerous relationship, just when he invited a couple of other friends at his home to fuck Kate all together.
That night she just ran away and told the whole story to her mother, which threatened the guy to call the police and tell everything he did to Kate when she was still underage.
What happened with Johnathan, didn’t let Kate really shocked. She knew to be pretty and her Lolita look, was actually a big turn on for many guys.
Her duties at the center were going on quietly, same as her friendship with the man.
His young years stories, he was used to tell while she was feeding him, were making Kate interested and feeling like she didn’t want him stop talking.
Lately, her duties finishing at 8pm, were lasting always after 10pm.
One night, right before leaving, Johnathan asked Kate if she could accompany him to the room.
“My hands really hurt baby girl. Can you help me get ready to sleep?” asked Johnathan.
She didn’t really think twice about it and nodded as sign of approval.
The small room was looking clean, but with a dim light. There was in just a single bed with a metallic cabinet where Johnathan used to keep his possessions and few clothes.
Has happened before, when Kate took him to pee, Johnathan was holding his hands showing pain with his facial expressions.
His pajamas was already laying on the top of the bed.
Kate started unbutton his shirt and took it off.
Johnathan chest was hairy and with the same color tone of his beard and hair.
His body still tonic for his age, didn’t show the signs of a dissolute life.
She started unbutton and unzip his pants, that slipped lands.
Once again, Johnathan’s dick was making his briefs swollen, and this time there wasn’t even the excuse of the need to pee.
Kate helped him to sit on the bed and turned herself to bend and pull up his trousers that were on the floor.
An acid smell of pee started pervade the small room.
Kate was folding his clothes and putting it on the hanger without noticing Johnatan on his bed.
She turned and “Johnathan what happened?” exclaimed seeing him with his briefs all wet.
Kate went to take a basin with warm water and a few towels to clean him.
She removed his wet briefs and started to clean him with the towel soaked with warm water and soap. Her hand inside the towel was rubbing Johnathan’s dick, that was already a little harder before. Her movements on him, made him harder and horny.
“Don’t stop Kate please” he murmured.
His dick, was getting fully hard, and Kate’s tiny hand that before was just rubbing it thru the towel, grabbed it firmly and started shaking it with passion.
She didn’t even know why she was doing that.
Was it mercy? Sympathy for Johnathan? Was she liking it?
All those questions were running thru her head, but also, she was enjoying rub that big piece of meat and she didn’t stop when she heard him groan. She continued even harder when he started to moan and shake, till his warm splash of cum started flow out and mess her hand.
Silently, she took the wet towel she was using before, cleaned her hand, Johnathan’s dick that was getting flaccid and helped him dress up and get ready to sleep.
Riding her bicycle back home, the rough road started to give her vibrations thru the seat. Pedaling to get back home faster, she didn’t even notice that she was accidentally rubbing her pussy on the seat.
She noticed it just once home.
Putting the bike in the rack, her hand went on the seat and got wet.
Something sticky was on it.
Her period was days to come and she didn’t feel peeing at all.
In the dark alley where she lived, everything was quiet. Nobody was around.
Still standing still beside the rack, Kate moved up a little her uniform skirt and touched her panties. She was soaking wet.
Riding back home, probably being careful to the cars and the dangers of the traffic, she was focused but in the back of her mind something was blending.
Checking her panties, her fingers touched softly her clit. She felt it swollen.
A shiver passed from there up to the spine and hit her mind.
There was still more than an hour before her mother would have ended her shift at work.
Kate ran thru the hallway of the building were she lived. With her shaking hands, found the keys inside her backpack and opened the door.
Just a few minutes later, she was laying on her bed, naked playing her pussy.
Her soaked panties on the bed were releasing a strong smell that pervaded her mind.
She took it, smelled it and started licking and sucking the cotton soaked with her moods.
Coming from nowhere, the thought that Johnathan would have probably did the same with her panties, made her more wet. Made her wanting for more.
She was digging herself already with her 2 small fingers, but the feelings were like she needed for more.
Opening her eyes and looking around the room, she saw a thick marker on her desk. She sucked it to make it wet with her saliva and started pushing it slowly inside her pussy. She was fucking herself with a marker and the feeling was good, but it was still not enough. Johnathan dick was really big and the imagine of it and the willing of it, was sticking in her mind.
Suddenly, she remembered about her mother telling that she would have gone to the market before going work.
Jumping down her bed fully naked, Kate went to the kitchen, opened her fridge and there in the veggies compartment, she saw the cucumbers.
Looking for one that would have suit for her, she took one and went back to her bed.
Even being really wet, the cucumber was hard to enter. It wasn’t big like Johnathan of course, but she started thinking what would have been the struggle to welcome him inside her.
She poured some nivea lotion over the cucumber and started again to push it slowly, little by little, inside her tiny pussy.
With her knees raised and the cucumber in her right hand, she was fucking herself and imaging that was Johnathan.
She never saw him sexually before that night, but that little pee incident in his room and her jerking him off, was something that she couldn’t take off of her mind.
Closing her eyes in her bedroom while playing herself, it was like she could still smelling the acrid smell of him. The mixture of poor hygiene and pee stains on his briefs, that she was used to sniff on him anytime she was feeding him at the center. It was all so new.
Kate was a really clean girl. Very careful of her hygiene and always wanting to smell good.
But something about those smells, were triggering her deepest kinky thoughts.
The orgasm she had that night with the cucumber was epic. Even trying to last as long as she could, she came too fast and so much.
She washed the cucumber, put it back in the fridge and went to take a shower, as she was used to do any night before sleep.
Coming back to her room, she noticed her panties still on the bed where, a few minutes before, she just consumed one of her fantasies.
Because of her body type, her mother was still used to buy her those childish cotton panties adorned with puppies, flowers and funny designs.
She sat on the bed, took it up and started thinking.
The lower part, the one that touched her pussy while biking home, was still wet and smelly. Her mind went away, back to the center, thinking what Johnathan would have felt if she surprised him, making these unicorn’s panties as a gift.
On a second thought, she just threw it in the dirty laundry basket behind her room’s door.
“Kate I’m home. Aren’t you sleeping yet?” asked her mother entering home from work.
“You’ve school tomorrow. You better sleep” scolded her kindly.
Kate, just hugged her mom and kissed “goodnight”.
She almost passed out, right when she put her head on the pillow and slept like a baby till the morning after.
Her alarm started to ring at 6.30 as usual. Waking up, her mom from the kitchen yelled her “Kate bring me all your dirty clothes. I’m doing laundry today”.
She removed her pajama, took off the blankets from her bed and started to collect the dirty clothes from the basket, when she noticed still there her unicorn panties.
The wetness was gone. The lower part, soaked the night before, had became like crunchy because of the pussy’s juice stains.
Kate, sniffed it once again. The smell, if possible, got stronger than the night before and her mind ran back to the idea of making a gift to Johnathan.
She folded it into 3 and took one of those small plastic bags where she was used to put her snacks. She sealed it between two fingers and hide it in her backpack.
School on Thursday was finishing at 5.30pm and, as usual, she was biking from school to the center without going home.
Kate and Johnathan didn’t talk that much that night. For sure, nothing from the night before was mentioned. As usual, she helped him with his food, and as usual, in the middle of the dinner he had to take a piss.
“Kate I need to take a piss” the nurse passing by heard him saying.
“Let’s go Johnathan” replied the nurse, with Kate disappointment.
His jacket was resting on the back of the chair as usual. Same as her backpack, was resting on the back of Kate’s chair.
Seeing him walk away, in her mind came back about the small plastic bag with her panties. If there was a good moment to make him a surprise, that could have been the right moment to slip the bag inside his jacket’s pocket, and so she did.
Nurses that night were almost all free. Once dinner was finished, Kate said goodnight to Johnathan and just left the center, meanwhile he and a nurse were walking to his room.
Kate, spent the whole Thursday’s night and Friday’s day, thinking about what she did. Johnathan the night before had been a little rough. Nothing really strange for his character, but after what happened that night, she thought that maybe he would have been different.
Her slightly insecure way to be, was making her think that maybe she hadn’t been good in jerking him. Maybe he didn’t like how she did, what she did. Maybe he was expecting more than just that. A lot of maybes were running around her head, to the point that her Math professor scolded her, after asking her twice the same question, which she didn’t listen at all!
“Where are you today Kate? Is your head above the clouds?” yelled him.
At home, she couldn’t also focus on her homeworks.
Johnathan’s behavior from the night before was bothering her and, also, she decided to do that move and she was totally unaware on how should he have been react to it.
She definitely needed to clear her mind.
Quitting her homeworks and jump in the shower, was at the moment the best and only decision she took.
Sitting on the floor of the shower with the water flowing all over her body, she decided to get rid of those hair growing on her body. She didn’t care much before about it. Her armpits weren’t that hairy, but she had some and also, she had never shave her pussy before. That small black bush down there never bothered her before. Schoolmates she used to date and have fun with didn’t really care if she was hairy or not. Their only target was to cum and nothing else really mattered.
But Johnathan was a man. A man with experiences and years on his shoulder.
In her mind, he would have been attentive even to the small details and Kate wanted to be perfect for him if something was going to happen.
Her fears to not “be enough for him” got stronger when, finished shower, she saw herself in the big mirror in her bathroom.
Her age was saying 19, but her height, her weight, her body and her braces were saying like she was still a child. Also her breast. She was almost flat. Nothing more than 2 small bumps with puffy nipples.
But that night, something happened to gain some confidence in herself.
“Hi Kate” greeted her smiling Johnatan while passing by to collect his food at the counter.
That night his hands seemed like better. He wasn’t showing pain on his face “Finally” thought Kate looking at him going to the table.
Finished her duty at the counter, Kate as usually went to Johnathan’s table. Usually, at that moment, she should have start helping him to eat his food. That night, he had almost finish everything and when Kate arrived to the table “Thanks for your special gift” he said to her “It was smelling so good” finished to say.
Kate knew what he was talking about. He surely found her panties in the small plastic bag and that made him happy.
Kate also, was happy and relieved to not seem to him like a crazy little slut, even if that was what she hoped to become for him.
“After dinner you should come to my room. I have a surprise for you” told her Johnathan.
Entering in the room, the usual smell of pee stain that Johnathan used to have on himself, got stronger and Kate’s mind got run over.
It was reminding her the smell of the boys’ toilet at school. She entered there a couple of times, when she used to stop at school overtime to have some fun with her schoolmates.
But the smell in Johnathan’s room was something stronger. Something hitting straight to her brain and shaking her emotions.
Her feelings got stronger in the moment she saw Johnathan sitting on the bed.
He was there, opening the small transparent plastic bag where her panties were jealously kept like a trophy. He approached the bag to his face and sniffed inside it.
Kate’s eyes that were looking at the scene, immediately got caught by something moving inside his trousers.
His lose beige pants, were suddenly getting swollen in the genitals’ area.
Johnathan was getting excited smelling her panties and Kate was getting excited looking at that scene.
“Come closer” he whispered to her, while rubbing his hard dick thru the fabric of the pants.
Kate, excited, started to walk toward him, which with a sudden move of his arm, grabbed her arm and pulled to himself.
She found herself standing right in front of him. Right there, with his hand moving up between her tighs and reaching her lace thong, which she wore to look more a woman to him.
He moved up her uniform’s skirt.
“What the fuck are you wearing?” he suddenly asked.
“Where’s your usual cotton panties?” asked again annoyed.
Kate didn’t know what to say. In her mind, she wanted to be a woman to him, when he liked her baby girl look.
“Take ’em off now” ordered Johnathan to Kate.
She slipped down the tiny red lace thong, letting it fall on the floor at her feet, while Johnathan was keeping up her skirt.
A sparkle of joy shone in the eyes of the man, when he saw Kate’s tiny bald pussy.
His hands, that night, were like miraculously healed. He unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt, making it fall also on the floor.
With his hands on her butt cheeks, he pulled her against his face.
Johnathan started sniffing Kate’s pussy, while she was caressing his long hair and pushing his face against her body.
Her legs were shaking inside her 2” heels and the white socks up to the knees, and more, started to shake when she felt his tongue make its way between her legs.
“Touch me baby girl” said Johnathan to Kate “I’m so hard for you”.
He took up Kate like a doll and throw her on the bed.
Kneeling on the bed, right beside Kate face, he took her hand and put it on his hard dick.
She started rubbing it thru the fabric, but Johnathan unbuttoned and unzipped himself fast as he did with her skirt.
He wasn’t wearing briefs that night. The acrid smell of pee from his dick was strong and really close to her face.
Her small hand was playing his hard dick, which was looking to Kate really big.
The smell wasn’t bothering her that much, also, while masturbating him, his dick was getting really wet of precum.
Jonathan’s hand pushed Kate’s face against his dick.
“Suck me little slut” he said.
Those words, triggered Kate, making her more excited.
His dick inside her small mouth was making her choke.
Black lines of mascara were forming on her face, due to the tears coming out her eyes because of choking and all her lipstick was smudging from her lips to his dick too.
Johnathan started to touch her pussy. She was already wet and he pushed one fingers inside her. That gnarled and bony finger inside her, made her more hot.
She felt like losing humors from the inside and soak his finger playing her.
Looking straight in her eyes, Johnathan pulled out his finger and licked it clean right in front of her.
Moaning and pulling out from her mouth his dick for a moment, Kate murmured “Please fuck me”.
Johnathan sat on the bed, taking Kate on his lap.
She was facing him, naked from the waist down to her knees, with still her shirt uniform on.
Was Johnathan asking her to not remove it. Being dressed as school girl, was making him more excited.
She slowly started to rub her pussy on his dick. She was wet, but his dick was something she wasn’t sure to be able to handle. Her previous boyfriend, wasn’t a foreigner and his dick was definitely way smaller than this one.
Johnathan took her by her hips and started move his dick like entering in her pussy. She was really tight. The head of his dick, trying to dig into Kate, made her groan for pain. “Ouch Johnathan, is painful” said Kate, but was like he wasn’t hearing or just didn’t want to listen. He was pushing, trying to enter her and she was feeling pain, way much more than when she lost her virginity.
Her pussy was dripping wet over his dick and he was trying hard to fuck her.
Kate’s feelings were like something was wrecking her down there, and the worst pain she got it when Johnathan’s dick slipped out her pussy to hit her asshole. The head of his dick, slipped from a hole to the other, somehow finding partially its way in.
Johnathan was fast enough to cover Kate’s mouth which almost screamed for the pain. Tears were running down her cheeks.
Him, instead, got more excited from the situation, to the point to start moving the head of his dick inside her ass and suddenly shot a big load of cum inside it.
Kate just let herself fall on the bed crying. She couldn’t believe the pain she was feeling.
Johnathan just moved to pick up Kate’s lace thong, stood up and cleaned his dick with it.
“I don’t wanna see you wear something like that anymore you slut” said to Kate throwing the dirty thong in the trash bin.
“Now dress up and get out of my way” his voice thundered.
Kate pushed her bike all the way home.
The pain in her ass, didn’t let her sit on the bike seat and also, she was feeling her legs weak enough to not be able to ride.
Slowly walking home, her feelings were mixed and confused.
Johnathan made her feel used, degraded. He didn’t even kiss her or had been sweet.
The sensation was to be just a cum dump for him, but on the other side, thinking that he was finding her exciting because of her very young look, was making her more confident with her outlook.
A mature man was finally seeing her like a sexually desirable girl.
Once home, she throw her clothes on her bed and went inside the shower.
The feeling of being wet, didn’t abandon her the whole time walking back home. She was also scared to mess her skirt because she was feeling like something was going down her legs.
She got really surprised when looking down, she saw some blood running down her tighs.
Under the shower, she washed herself and touching her asshole she felt still a little pain, but also she felt like she was a little lose.
Her finger was able to go easily in. The feeling was good and her mind flew back to the center, to Johnathan.
Like before, sitting on the shower’s floor, spreading her legs, she started masturbate.
Finger herself was something she was used to, but not being able to welcome Johnathan dick was something making her feel bad.
Kate started to use to fingers inside her. The soap on her hand was making it easy to slip inside. Then she started with 3 fingers and she felt like her pussy, slowly was stretching. Going on for a little time still, she started using 4 fingers. She could see her fingers vanish inside herself and that was making her feel good and excited. The goal in her mind, was for the next time to be able to welcome Johnathan inside her.
The feeling of being open wide, the view of her pussy open and her fingers hitting the right spot, made her cum really fast.
She finished showering and just went bed, where she fell asleep still just wearing her towel and with her hair still wet.
“What happened to you last night” asked Kate’s mom while breakfast.
“You didn’t even dried yourself, nor waited for me to be home” she continued.
“I just had a lot to study mom, no worries I’m fine” Kate answered, and to avoid other questions, just took her backpack and went school.
Saturdays and Sunday, were her off days at the center. Most of the guests while the weekend were going back home to their families, and for those who didn’t have families or friends, there was a place not far from Kate’s home that was giving away food for free also to the homeless.
It was right before dinner time when Kate met Johnathan right in front of that restaurant. She was coming home from Dana’s house where she had been there to study and for some gossips’ chit chat.
Johnathan’s behavior was rough as usual. Despite their friendship, outside the center, he was keeping himself far from her. He was ashamed of his status and she was known as a very good girl in her area.
Kate was the first greeting him and asking if he had dinner. His answers were evasive and his eyes always looking around to see if someone should have seen them talk together.
“Come home for a coffee when you’re done here” said Kate to Johnathan.
Her mother on Saturday and Sunday, was used to work 2 shifts at the restaurant to earn some more money, that were never enough.
Johnathan kindly rejected her offer and left without saying anything else.
It was almost 11pm and Kate was on her sofa watching TV and eating chips.
Almost ready to sleep, she was wearing just an oversized Chicago Bulls tank top and cotton panties.
Someone knocked at her door.
“Who’s there” she asked moving towards the door.
It was late and she wasn’t waiting anyone.
She looked thru the peephole. It was Johnathan.
“Johnathan, such a surprise” she exclaimed opening the door “I’m happy you changed your mind”.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll prepare the coffee” said Kate showing him the sofa with a gesture of her hand.
Bare feet she walked to the kitchen and started to take out coffee, sugar and warm up the water.
She didn’t hear him coming. What she felt were his hands slipping inside the wide armhole of her tank top and grab her nipples between the fingers.
Arching her back backwards to feel him closer, she felt him already hard.
Johnathan was squeezing her nipples quite hard. His chapped fingers were giving her a painful feeling which was giving her pleasure.
She started moving her hand backward, between his legs, trying to move up reaching for his dick, that was pointing in the middle of her back.
Her hand reached it, rubbed it for a while, to move up and open his trousers.
Johnathan still playing her left nipple with one hand, moved the other down to Kate’s panties.
His fingers touching her thru the cotton were making Kate shiver and her legs shake. Good thing she was leaning against the kitchen counter top.
Kate’s clit was getting squeezed by Johnathan fingers, while she was rubbing his dick back with her hand. She could feel her panties getting wet and his fingers make way moving aside the edge. Once again his finger was slipping inside her wet pussy. Her hope was that this time he would have been able to own her roughly.
In a snap of a finger, she found herself laying with her belly on the kitchen counter top. Johnathan pulled her up there, just holding her by the hips.
His hands tore her underpants violently and started to rub the head of his dick on her wet pussy lips, slowly pushing like he tried before.
Kate thought about how she had been able to push inside 4 fingers the night before.
“Wait” she murmured, and started finger herself from behind, giving a hot show to Johnathan’s eyes.
Holding and rubbing his hard cock, he was seeing her fingering herself, first with a couple of fingers, till she reached almost to enter her whole hand inside.
The scene, made him more horny if possible.
He snatched out her hand and seeing her pussy widen enough, pushed himself inside carelessly.
Kate felt again like he was ripping off something inside of her and his hard dick hitting her bowels deep inside her belly.
A sense of dizziness and weakness pervaded all her body. She was feeling like passing out while he was hitting her hard from behind.
Johnathan was riding her like a filly, pulling her pony tails from behind.
Still laying on the kitchen counter top, he went on and on for a time she wasn’t able to remember.
She was enjoying it so much, but the wrecking feel inside her wasn’t going away. There was a watery sound while him was moving in and out, like she was really wet. Also she could feel their mixed humors running down her legs and wetting down from her feet that weren’t touching the floor.
“I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum” he said suddenly slipping his dick out her pussy and turning her on his way.
Kate slipped down the counter top falling with her ass on the floor, when Johnathan came. A few squirt of warm sperm ended up on her face and on her tank top.
“Lick me clean” said Johnathan while still stroking his cock.
The salty taste in her mouth, was even acrid than the time before she sucked him. His sperm taste was like mixed with pee, but she could also taste her own pussy juice over his dick.
Kate went on licking and sucking for a few mins, when Johnathan just pulled out his dick from her mouth and started fix his pants.
Still down on the floor, she just watched him fix himself and leave, closing her house door behind her back.
Good thing her mother wouldn’t have been back before a couple of hours still.
The floor between her legs was a real mess. There was like a puddle of their mixed juices and Kate was almost sure that she peed herself for the pain when she felt like almost pass out while fucking.
It took her almost 30 minutes before being able to stand up, and also when she started to move, she felt her legs couldn’t hold it.
After cleaning up and taking a shower, she just went on her bed and fall asleep like it happened before.
Her Sunday passed just sleeping and reviewing a few subjects for the next day lessons.
It was already 7.30pm of Monday and strangely Johnathan didn’t show up yet at the counter where she was giving off food at the center.
Kate was looking around the dining room looking for him.
Mostly all the other guests were around. The last were arriving for the dinner shift between 7.30 and 8.00.
“Did you see Johnathan?” asked Kate to one of the nurses that were accompanying a guest.
“Oh, didn’t he tell you? He left this morning and won’t come back” answered back the nurse.
An obvious sad shade pervaded her face, to make the nurse saying “I know you were very close to him. I’m sorry for you Kate”.
Going to the center for Kate wasn’t the same anymore. Also, she couldn’t believe that Johnathan didn’t feel anything and he just used her like a cum dump.
Days were passing by all in the same way. School, homeworks, center and back home and sleep, waiting for another day to pass.
The good news came on a Monday’s night. The center’s manager, called Kate in her office. “This is Frankie, the guy who’s living in Johnathan’s room now” she said talking to Kate. “Due to the good job you did with him, we would like you to take care of him in the same good way” continued.
The manager accompanied Kate and Frankie to the room to put his belongings in place, and… “Ok, I think you should know each other for a while” said leaving the room.
Once closed the door, Frankie put his hand in the pocked of the jacket and pulled out a small plastic bag. Kate, immediately recognized it.
Inside there were her panties. Those she gave to Johnathan.
“I think we will become good friends” said Frankie smiling.
“I think so” answered back Kate with a cheeky laugh.
