For the Love of Stars part 7&8 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long]

These are the final parts of my short story and the most dirty parts of the whole story. You can find the rest of it on my profile or just enjoy this dirty scene. I hope the ones who read the whole story have enjoyed the build up. This is it, what you’ve all been waiting for! Merry Christmas you filthy animals.


7. The Offering 

A distant pinging came bouncing through the tunnels and into the creature’s lair. The aliens did not notice the sound but It did. It had intended on breeding another one of the aliens before going back to grab the others in the cave but they were getting too close and doing damage. They could not be permitted to harm the forming nursery. 

The creature began to pull together, preparing to leave the chamber again but hesitated. Now that it knew the eggs would thrive, the biological imperative urged it to seed more. A deep aching throb came from within, another egg was ready to plant. It began to feel frustrated with indecision. It had become rich with choices of survival options, fight invaders or plant eggs. Before, it only had to exist in this cold place. The frustration inside the creature rose and broke just as another faint pinging came to the chamber. It screeched as it moved out into the tunnels.
Though it moved quickly towards the chamber the signals were coming from, it had learned caution. These aliens were tricky unless caught off guard. It used its sonar hearing to navigate back to the previous skirmish areas, careful to pay attention to changes that the aliens made. They had done no real damage to the caves. Over the previous millenia, the creature had nothing better to do than carve and dig deeper into the body of its parent. It’s body heat had taken 1000s of years to cool and it had to go deeper to keep up with the fading. There were many ways to reach the same place. 

The echos the alien was making were becoming less spread out. It guessed they were in the Chamber of Memory and felt an angry stirring. Were they defiling It’s work? It would make them pay for such transgressions. It needed the aliens but this would be beyond need. This would be personal. 

It slowly approached the chamber, not revealing itself right out. It sent high pitched tones in to get a position of the aliens but it only located one in the room. The alien was not doing anything which was strange. It merely sat on the ground, striking it with a tool of some sort. Carefully, the creature sent one large tentacle into the chamber. 

The alien’s actions continued to confuse the creature. Instead of making the fear sounds and trying to hurt it or escape, the alien tossed its tool away. The creature froze, monitoring the rod’s echo as it clattered away. It half expected the object to explode but nothing happened. After a few seconds, the creature sent the scout tentacle towards the alien. It closed in slowly like a wild animal coming in for food scraps. 

It flinched back as the alien touched the tentacle with its own warm appendages. That had never happened before. Slowly, it came forward again, curious to what the alien might do next. Again, the small warm appendages touched the tentacle with gentle pressure. There was something slick on the aliens fingers but it did not hurt the tentacle. It allowed the alien to touch and feel it, being just as curious as it seemed to be. 

Fiona watched as the tentacle slithered towards her. Her breath quickened and her heart fluttered as it came steadily closer. When it was close enough, Fiona took her trembling hand away from her wet sex and gently touched the tentacle. She giggled softly when it flinched back. Again, it crept close enough to touch and she reached for it. He fingers closed around the black tentacle and softly stroked her own love juices onto the appendage. It seemed to relax in her grip slightly and she took that as encouragement. 

Fiona gently pulled the tentacle to her face and without knowing why, licked it. She ran her tongue along the bottom as if she was trying to warm up a man’s cock. The tentacle shuttered slightly, causing a sense of pride to rise in her. Again, she pulled her warm wet tongue over the appendage and watched as the rest of the enormous creature slowly entered the chamber. Fiona kept her eyes on the creature, wanting to see its reaction as she slowly pulled the bulb of the tentacle down over her breasts and stomach. 

The powerful appendage seemed to hum with strength as she lined it up between her spread legs. Fiona did not know if such a creature could be seduced but the play was doing wonders for her. She felt a maddening itch in her pussy that needed to be touched. Besides, this magnificent creature needed to understand that the pain was over. It had won and she would help it continue to thrive. Fiona moaned as she helped push the tentacle into her pussy. 

It wiggled into her easily but did not go deep. It seemed to want to only have a taste. Fiona did not move, she endured the scrutiny and felt a little abashed. What if it rejected her? Was there something inside her that it would find unacceptable? These sudden fears were more damaging to her than the creature entering the room with its full attention on her. She watched it approach with her chin lowered submissively. 

The creature moved into the chamber, a rapturous lust overcoming its sense of caution. With the egg brimming inside and the confirmation of this alien’s sex, it lost patience and hurried towards her. The black tentacle pulled out of Fiona, leaving her with an empty feeling she despised immediately. Like a teenager in the grip of their hormones, the creature came to her. The black tentacle returned to the creature and from its protective depths, the purple tentacle with glowing silver veins appeared. Fiona caught the creature off guard again by wrapping her small fingers around the swollen tentacle. She ran smooth, warm skin over it and a spasm rushed through it.

Fiona had not expected the tentacle to respond to her touch like a male human would but her sensual stroking did produce a throbbing effect. A thick fluid, not unlike semin, oozed out of the end of the tentacle and dripped down. It did not have a scent that Fiona could detect so she touched the tip of her tongue to the bulb and tasted the creature. It had a brackish and salty taste that reminded her of human cum. She did not really like the taste but could tolerate it. She opened her mouth and let the next throb ooze the liquid into her mouth. It produced more than she could drink and the warm goo ran down her chin and coated her breasts.

The creature began to buck the tentacle urgently and Fiona knew it was time. She spread its cum over the purple tentacle before aiming it at her pussy. The creature bucked just as she had it set and in one fluid motion, the whole thing slid into her depths. 

“Oh!” Fiona gasped in surprise as the air left her body. The creature filled her body to the absolute limit. She could feel her pussy struggling to open and the feeling of the invasion finally broke the orgasmic wall that Fiona had been building. She writhed in time with the contractions of her vaginal muscles. Her mind went grey as the orgasm shorted out her whole existence. There was nothing to her in that moment but the unyielding hardness that would not let her pussy relax. 

When she finally regained her senses, Fiona cooed her satisfaction up at the mass of tentacles above her. The creature seemed to be resting itself inside her. It did not thrust, only kept a constant pushing pressure against the entrance of her womb. She imagined the sight within her, the reddish bulb pressed firmly against the hole that life came from. Was it trying to coax its way in or did it just wait to push its load directly in? She was excited to find out. 

Fiona waited for the creature to start moving but after a few moments, she realized the creature did not really know what to do. She giggled at the thought of this ancient god being like a virgin boy, all cock and no skill. She took a black tentacle in her left hand and pulled it towards her face while reaching down with her right hand. As she sucked the cool black tentacle into her mouth, she began to stroke the purple one with her hand. After a few seconds, the creature understood and began to slowly move the purple tentacle in slow strokes. 

The new sensations made the creature tremble in delight. Fiona laid back and let the creature use her body to learn. It bucked into her with no predictable rhythm and kept her gagging with the black tentacle. She was surprised again when the black tentacle twitched sharply and began to cum in her mouth. Fiona could not even try to swallow the load. She coughed and it flew from her mouth, coating her body and the tentacle. That tentacle seemed to wilt slightly and was immediately replaced with another one. She was going to be busy for a long time. 

After servicing 3 more tentacles to completion, Fiona was covered in the creature’s cum. The most recent recipient of her pleasure was still hovering above her, lazily splashing drops of cum down on her. Fiona’s hair was plastered to her head and face and her eyes were trying to force their way open. She felt exuberant in her duty and squealed in delight when the creature began to really push hard against her womb. It growled from some place within the mass of appendages as it pushed the egg though the purple tentacle and into Fiona’s waiting womb. 

The feeling of being impregnated by the creature sent Fiona over a massive ledge of ecstasy. Her own body began to buck and spasm but she refused to let the purple tentacle against her womb move, even as she felt the stiffness of it fade. The ball of heat inside her thrummed with life and she could feel it wiggling within her. It could not be more than the size of a pea but she could feel it exactly. Her slimy hand released the purple appendage and rubbed her lower stomach lovingly.

The creature did not know what to do next. The alien had surprised it so completely with its willingness, that it wondered how to treat the female. The way she had serviced it was so interesting and felt wonderful, better than the other aliens by a long shot. It wanted to keep this alien close by and have her take every egg it could produce. This lustful thought was a fantasy. It knew the aliens could hold one at a time but it wanted this one to be the main one. The creature did not want to shift her willing spirit. It wrapped one small tentacle around the alien’s wrist and gently pulled her towards its lair. 

The alien rose slowly and wobbled uneasily. Sounds came from the alien, soft and melodic but incomprehensible. It gathered up a small bundle of items and followed the creature’s gentle tugging. It had to move slowly, not wanting to damage the alien or the egg she held. It wanted to go faster because being away from the other egg felt dangerous. The aliens were too unpredictable and leaving them with precious cargo was a risk. The alien walking behind it though seemed, different. The creature felt a strange sense of trust towards it. It innately knew she would protect their child. 

Roto finally managed to drag himself to Yulia’s curled body. His face was red and shiny with effort. The pain shooting through his back was fire but he pushed on. Finally, he reached out and placed one battered palm on her slimy shoulder. Did the fucking thing have to put all this on her just to lay an egg? He doubted it. The monster was cruel and would do it just to hurt them. 

Yulia responded to the touch with a grunt and slowly rolled towards him. Her far away eyes suddenly sharpened as she saw Roto. She sobbed out a word in Russian and threw herself onto her love. She flinched back when he cried out in pain. “My love, what is wrong?” Her hands were all over him, inspecting his body for the injury.

“Not outside.” His teeth were clenched tight. The move across the cavern had been too much for his body. “Inside. My back.”

Yulia knew what that meant and wanted to feel despair. The emotion would not come, could not usurp the feeling of wholeness at being with Roto. This place would be their tomb but these last moments were a gift she had not dared to wish for. She quieted him and used a piece of discarded clothing to clean his face. Roto drifted in and out of consciousness as she held him on her bare lap.

The woman who had been an astrophysicist and was now a prized incubator cried out suddenly. “Oh! It’s moving! I think it’s coming out!” 

The woman stood and took a couple of shaky steps before squatting down. She moaned out, not in pain but in the effort she used to push the squirming ball out of her body. It did not take long and soon enough, a slimy ball the size of a tennis ball fell to the cavern floor. It looked fuzzy with tiny black tentacles waving around. One slightly larger and purple tentacle rotated around and pointed straight up. The tiny creature could not do much except wiggle in place. 

The humans all went silent during the birth. Now they all seemed to be holding their breath as they waited on what came next. The new mother only peered down, not knowing herself what to do.
“Step on the fucking thing.” A man’s voice came from the dark. “Go on, while it’s still small.”

The woman felt her heart jump with the suggestion. Step on, her child? Her child? She could not pull her eyes away from the little creature on the ground. It shivered as if it was cold. A stone inside her chest moved and she felt an uncontrolled rush of affection towards the baby. 

“Step on it! Hurry up!” Gregory whispered sharply. 

“I-. I can’t.” She stood over the baby not knowing what to do. “Let me think, I can he-UHHF!” She began to bend over when a set of hands pushed her from behind. 

She fell forward, kicking her legs out in a reflexive effort to keep her baby safe. The hard ground nearly knocked the air out of her. 

“Fine. I get it. You’re too disturbed. I am too… I’ll take care of this mess.”

The man she had once worked with looked down on her with a stranger’s face. The scientist felt a rising fear she had never known and motherly adrenaline flooded her system. She watched, as if in slow motion, as Gregory pulled his foot up and positioned it over her baby. She already knew she would be too slow at getting to him. She would have to endure this too? How much pain could she be forced to hold?

“NOOOOOO!” She screamed and reached out as his foot began to drop. 

A loud, thunder clap boomed through the chamber and the man who had been about to stomp stumbled back. His face became a mask of confusion as he looked down at the hole in his chest. His last word was soundless as his mouth moved and he fell back with a weightless thump. A few of the humans screamed but most of them only cowardly huddled against the walls. 

Standing in the cave entrance with her feet spread shoulder length apart and holding a EXO Knight pistol was a ferrous looking Fiona Whitman. She looked like a goddess of anger with her hair slicked back and her naked body standing strong. The image made more terrible by the monster reared up menacingly behind her. She held the pistol like a pro and her sharp eyes scanned quickly for danger. 

The creature shot into the room right after the man had fallen back. It ran through the humans, looking for the woman and found her on her knees cradling a small ball of vibrating tentacles. She opened her hands and let the, father? Mother? It did not matter, she let the creature feel over their offspring, feeling like any proud mother would. 

Yulia looked on in numb shock at the visage of EXO 4 walking into this hell with a weapon and her head high. Surely, her eyes were deceiving her. That was not her comrade standing next to the monster and looking down at the hell spawn with a happy smile. That could not be her friend holding one of the tentacles as if she was its lover. Fiona could not be the person who had just coldly killed a human to protect a monster. “Fiona? This cannot be.”

The woman who could not be Fiona stiffened suddenly and began to turn around. Yulia wished she had stayed quiet. She protectively placed her body over Roto’s without putting her weight down on him. She looked up into EXO 4’s hard eyes and knew the nightmare would never end. “What is this?”

Fiona stood, looking down at Yulia with an unreadable expression. “This, my friend, is holy work that has been commanded by the stars!” Fiona’s arms spread out as if she was delivering a sermon. Yulia noticed the suddenly devout woman was still holding the pistol. 

“You’ve lost your mind!” Yulia hissed while clutching Roto tighter. 

“No, dear. You just don’t understand.” Fiona squatted down in front of Yulia, not close enough for the woman to grab her. “You think like a human. You want to spread, murder, steal and it doesn’t even matter to you the pain you leave in your wake. It’s disgusting and you say I’ve lost my mind?” Fiona laughed harshly. 

Yulia bared her teeth at the mad woman in front of her. She could not think of what to say and only wanted to lash out. But she could not leave Roto alone, not with his back broken. 

Fiona looked at Yulia long enough to see the woman posed no threat and rejoined the scientist and the creature. The offspring was shivering slightly in the woman’s cupped hands. Fiona reached over and affectionately ran her fingers through the small tentacles. The baby felt warm and still a bit slimy from the birth. 

The scientist beamed at Fiona. 
“Congratulations.” Fiona smiled back at the woman. “You bore the first spawn and therefore the future of this world. What should we call it?”

Smiling down at the infant, the scientist smiled and said, “We’ll call it, Obsidian.”

8. 10 Years Later

Fiona woke slowly as the golden light of early morning crept into her window. She stirred slightly, stretching out her muscles and felt as good as new. The air was warm on her bare flesh and the soft blankets bunched around her waist were more for comfort than necessity. She felt a sliding in the sheets and giggled when thin tentacles caressed her soft skin. “Good morning to you too, Obi.” The small mechanical box on Fiona’s wrist hummed out a sonorous translation of her words.

The mass of tentacles, much smaller than their ancient parent, snuggled against Fiona and vibrated contentedly. In the short decade she had been here, Fiona had held many eggs for her master. She could not even count how many and though all of those offspring had left and spread out to cover more of the planet, the first hatched had never left her side. In kind, Fiona never seemed annoyed or bothered by it’s obsessive tendency. She doted on Obsidian regularly and entirely. Luckily, Obsidian’s mother held no ill will towards Fiona and was pleased in her offspring’s joy. 

Near her bed chamber, a room full of hot steamy air was full of carnal sounds. Fiona’s naked feet made faint slapping sounds as she walked over and peered into her master’s room. The huge mass of tentacles rested in heated pools of jet filled water. A blonde woman with the biggest breasts Fiona had ever seen was in the water and thrusting herself against the purple tentacle with glowing silver veins. The woman saw Fiona enter and slowly stopped her thrusts but did not move off the appendage. 

“My Queen.” The woman breathed out. “Do you require the Master? I can go.” The woman looked crestfallen. 

“That depends.” Fiona walked over to the woman and used the nail of her pointer finger to lift her chin. “Do you want to hold an egg?”

“Yes, my Queen!” The woman’s breath was quick and spastic. 

“Do you want to be a good mommy for the Revival?”

“Yes!” The woman had begun to grind her hips, looking into Fiona’s strong face and seeing encouragement there. 

“Then you keep your pussy right where it is.” Fiona kissed the woman softly on the lips as her left hand massaged the place between pussy and hard purple tentacle. 
A thick black tentacle coiled up her right leg and softly probed Fiona’s pussy. She spread her legs slightly and let her lover in. 

She hummed appreciatively as it pushed into her and sat pressed against her womb. It tasted her insides for a few moments as she lightly ran her hands over the blonde woman’s breasts. Their kiss grew more passionate as they had their bodies used by the magnificent creature. The wet sounds of pleasure, just louder than their moans, echoed through the caverns of their home. 

“Please, my Queen. Please?” The blonde woman begged with her steamy lips pressed against the soft flesh of Fiona’s neck.

“Yes baby! Yes! Cum for Master. Let them know how much you want it!” Fiona grabbed the woman’s hair and held it tightly as they both orgasmed for the master. 

Fiona’s knees wobbled slightly as she left the steam room. The warm cum from her lover’s black tentacle dripped slowly down one thigh. Obsidian reached out and helped hold her steady.

“Thanks, sweetie.” She patted one of the creature’s tentacles and noticed the swollen purple one pointed straight up. It was leaking their lubricant and looked painful. “Oh, my poor baby. Were you watching again?”

Obsidian vibrated with pent up energy. 
“Fine, I’ll take it but I’ve got stuff to do today so you’ll have to be my legs.” Fiona stood over Obsidian and waited as the creature rose up and pushed its purple tentacle into her waiting pussy. A wonderfully provocative squishing sound happened as Obsidian pushed cum out of her. It nestled against her womb and throbbed in delight. “Mmmn, good. Back home where you belong.” Fiona cooed. 

Obsidian continued to rise until Fiona’s feet no longer touched the ground. She curled her legs back and held one of it’s black tentacles like a rein. Using gentle tugging and pushing, Fiona directed her carrier through the passages and out into the fresh air. The stiff tentacle buried inside her offered an effective way to keep hold of the creature as it skittered quickly over the stones. 

The canyon had changed dramatically since Fiona sent out the call to the Star Children organization. Many houses and labs had been built directly on the canyon walls for the new society. They had responded quickly and efficiently, arriving in mass to the planet to offer their services and protection. With the long reach and power of the secret organization, they had even managed to set the planet on an exploration ban list. No military or settlement operations could legally land here. The records had all been scrubbed clean of any proof of what had happened here 10 years before. 

Fiona rode Obsidian over the neat constructs, feeling a moment of vertigo at the strange position of walking across a wall. She could feel the great strength in her mount as it confidently strode with her weight. Inside her, the tentacle was pulsing slightly, a sign she recognized in any phallic object that could produce an orgasm. 

“Wait, Obi! If you cum now, we’ll fall!” 
Obsidian picked up speed, racing nature and making Fiona squeal in excitement. They made it to the landing just in time. Obsidian’s tentacles all jerked with the force of its orgasm. The tentacles that had been holding them up all collapsed and twitched in euphoria. They fell to the ground as a mutual orgasm bounced between the connected creatures. She held her body pressed down on Obsidian, making sure it stayed as deep as possible. “Yes, Obi! Cum inside me. Fill me all the way up! Give me all your eggs.” 

The warm flood of Obsidian’s cum was so nice it moved Fiona into another orgasm. She thrust her hips a few times, using her pussy to squeeze out all the tentacle could give her. The creature could not yet produce eggs so this act was entirely for pleasure and the release of pressure. She did it for her companion whenever they wanted it from her. Fiona held Obsidian as it trembled and slowly calmed down.

“You foul bitch! Must you humiliate us so often?” The voice sounded gruff and haggard. 

Fiona collected herself, standing slowly with help from the First Hatched. She felt the soft purple tentacle slide out, leaving her feeling empty and cold. The gel-like cum from Obsidian seeped out from between her swollen pussy lips and flowed down her thighs. She stretched and let a satisfied smile rest on her face for a few seconds then turned to face the glass wall. 

Roto Martinez sat in a wheeled armchair and glared out through the glass. Beside him, with one hand on his shoulder, stood Yulia Draven with an intense scowl on her face. They were clean, dressed in gray clothes and inside of a comfortable looking human habitat. It was a prison for all intentions but the Star Children had gone out of their way to make it cozy and luxurious. Fiona had seen much worse living conditions for free people. 

“Sorry about that. Obsidian got a little carried away this morning.” Fiona walked over to the glass wall. “But honestly, are you still so repulsed? We have been here 10 years, this is the way things are on this planet.”

“You can say such things on your side of things.” Yulia hissed at Fiona. 

“True. But you know I can’t let you go. You’ll bring war to my people. The EXO Knights all died here, if the humans got word of our existence, they’ll come back and fuck over everything we’ve rebuilt.”

“Your people? We are your people. You’re a fucking human being, Fiona. Even if you’re trying to ignore that.”

“I’m merely a servant of the stars, dear. That is all.” Fiona walked back over to Obsidian who had been basking in the sunlight. “I was hoping some time here would soften you to this place but it seems you’ll both just have to stay here forever.” 

“Hey, 4?”

“Yes, Roto?”

“I hope you fall and break your fucking neck.” He turned his chair away and rolled deeper into the cell. 

“Or your back. Then you’d get to see how useful you are to those monsters when you can’t use your body.” Yulia did not turn away. Her hate filled eyes stayed locked on Fiona. 

“Ahh, that’s the difference between us. I’d still try to help these poor beings.” Fiona squatted and wrapped the slender fingers of her right hand around the limp purple tentacle. It was still sticky from its last orgasm and Fiona used the cum to stroke the flaccid appendage. Within seconds, the silver veins jutted out with the intensity of its arousal. “The stamina of youth.” 

Fiona smiled at Yulia who was watching the purple tentacle closely. The poor woman had been so long without sex, seeing how Roto could not exactly use his penis. It was a tragic situation that Fiona had tried to help the woman with. 

Fiona lowered her waist and took Obsidian’s tentacle as deep as she could. When it bottomed out on her womb, the creature rose again, giving Fiona the look of a twisted spider woman from some nightmare tale. Without looking away from Yulia, Fiona spread her legs and let the pale woman see the place where she and Obsidian connected. Her pussy was red and stretched out around the throbbing purple tentacle. A quick look of longing crossed Yulia’s face and the woman subconsciously squeezed her thighs together. 

That was enough torment to appease Fiona’s ego. With one last knowing look and a lazy wink, the two lovers jumped back out and into the open air of the canyon. Fiona thought that Yulia would come around eventually. After 10 years of celibacy and a constant reminder of all the debauchery happening around her, the woman was losing her resolve. 

Fiona respected the woman for her dedication but for the love of stars, she needed to get laid! Roto Martinez could have been fixed. There were doctors here that could sort him out in a surgery or two but the stubborn soldier refused treatment. Fiona thought that was selfish of him. His partner needed to be physically loved. That woman was passion made flesh, wasting away on morals. It was a shame but Fiona had strictly enforced new consent rules on the tentacled creatures. Yulia would have to come willing from her vows, no one would “accidentally” give her release before she broke it herself. 

As they moved through the canyon, Obsidian becoming increasingly feverish inside her pussy, Fiona looked over her Queendom and smiled. “For the Love Stars and those who devour them.”


A decade of dust could be heard grinding gears deep inside the mechanism that powered the droid. The worn treads had broken away years ago but the machine had a mission. It had to find the base. Though it had searched and searched, the forgotten soldier could not locate the objective. It moved inch by slow inch as the rollers that once supported treads could only spin uselessly. Finally, inevitably, the gears stopped and so did the wheels. The shifting ground and harsh winds were all that would move the battle droid now. 

“Hey Ale! What’s this?” A young man with long black hair ran to the deactivated robot. 

“Hey! That’s an old military droid!” An older man with a grey beard said. “How about that, eh? The military, here on a hands off world? Looks like we’re not the only poachers here.”

“Is it valuable?”

“Dang right it is! Help me load it up. We’ll take it to the Andy System and unload this thing in the spaceport.”

The men loaded the combat drone into their raggedy old scalpers ship and blazed off into the sky. In the cargo hold, a faint red light could be seen blinking in the absolute darkness. EXO 6 still had a mission to accomplish.
