For the Love of Stars part 5&6 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long, non consent-ish

This is a continuation of a story that can be found on this sub or on my profile. The story is heating up and the final act is just around the corner! All you sickos will appreciate parts 7&8, just you wait and see.


5. A Savior Among Salvation 

“Son of a bitch!” Commander Illidan swore and spun towards the exit. He was pretty sure he told them not to bring the roof down. 

EXO Knight 4 raced toward him, keeping her eyes scanning the surroundings. “Was that from the others?” 

After a minute of silence, a second explosion boomed out, closer this time. The EXO Knights were no strangers to combat explosions but in this environment, they might as well be coffin nails slamming into place.

“I don’t know.” He began to run. 

Fiona glanced back at the wall of intriguing carvings as she followed, her stomach fluttering with excitement. ‘Finally!’ She thought. ‘After all these years, I have a mission!’

Fiona Whitman of the EXO Knights was not who she claimed to be. She had been bred and raised by a secret society living among the colonists. They were the Star Children, humans who had not been born on a planet. They did not believe that humans had a divine right to rule the whole universe. They were meant to help it and spread peacefully, not to conquer it. The Star Children were seeded all thought-out the human society and infrastructure. They used their influence to aid the universe when they found a chance to do so. 

Fiona believed in prophecy and the guidance of the stars. The last panel on the wall had not been translated out loud but what she had seen changed everything. This plant they stood on now was no mere mass of stone and elements. It was actually the dried corpses of a giant creature that once flew through the heavens. The last child of the great beast now lived within, fighting for more time. To call it an accident that the husk would stop in this place, providing just enough warmth to keep its offspring alive, would be willingly overlooking the hand of fate. This was the calling of the Star Children and here she was in a prime position to answer and help the poor creature. What greater calling could she hope to find than to bring this creature back from the brink and set the universal scale to its proper condition?

Fiona ran behind the Commander and knew she would have to find an opening to eliminate him. She could not let more information about this creature fall into the human’s hands. They would attack and annihilate the last of a race of gods. Something so ancient, humanity had no right to decide its destruction. If her people could get to it first, they could do the truly noble honor of restoring it to power. 

Commander Illidan kept his rifle pointed forward even though an icy chill tickled his neck. EXO 4 was behind him, his rear was covered. Why did he feel vulnerable? This fucking cave. He never knew how claustrophobia felt until this day. He just moved on, hoping the pain he was sensing would not become reality. His feet began to slow and finally stop. The intersection they had split up at was blocked by a limp body in a battle suit. EXO 5 was laying on the ground in a pool of blood. 

“Shit.” The Commander whispered. “Kevin is dead.” 

‘One down.’ Fiona was thinking critically. She needed to find Yulia. “Can we go around? Where’s 3?”

“Don’t see her and her tracker isn’t pinging.” Commander Illidan stepped around the young man’s body and aimed a light up the tunnel. The tunnel looked too dark, possibly blocked off by the explosion. 

“He’s here and the explosion came from their assigned tunnel. We have to assume it’s blocked so our only choice is to check the exit.”

“Roger that.” She was calm. If the way out was already blocked, that would make her task that much easier. 

They moved quickly down the tunnel, both hoping for a different discovery. What they found at the end was not anything either of them wanted but their questions were all immediately answered. 

Yes, the tunnel had caved in, the way out was blocked. 

Yes, EXO 3 was still in here and accounted for. 

Yes, the creature was still in the caverns. 

As she watched his retreating back, Yulia Draven wished for the worst to happen to the coward. Roto had been brave and saved her more times than she could count. He had also been her secret, compassionate and committed lover. They took every moment they could steal away together and loved each other so deeply that even poets would be skeptical. Hot tears stung her eyes as she felt helplessness sink in. He was deep in this nightmare alone and now abandoned. The rest of the squad could leave but she would stay. Even if she died of starvation before she found him, Yulia would look. 

Without any kind of warning, EXO 5 was ambushed. The monster was just there, the whipping appendages made more terrible by the way they absolutely filled the tunnel. He tried to shoot but could not get his weapon up. The monster grabbed Kevin around his broken leg and yanked him off his feet. The pain that shot through him was white and blinding. Blanketed in fear and pain, Kevin only thought of himself. The monster was dragging him away, he did not want to be buried in this hell. 

EXO 3 tried to catch up but she was too battered. It did not matter in the end. A second explosion erupted just ahead of where the monster had been dragging Kevin. EXO 5 must have thrown another grenade. That damn fool was going to shut off the whole tunnel. She braced against the shockwave, losing more strength in her armor and resolve. She felt so emotionally drained and physically battered, Yulia’s legs became lead weights. She felt her death on her shoulders like a physical weight and decided to not be taken alive like Roto and 5. If it grabbed her, she would take her own life. That act of defiance would have to serve for her revenge. 

“I am sorry, Roto. I tried. How I wish we could have gone down together. How romantic, huh?” A small smile tugged the corner of her lips. She walked forward, refusing to let her body limp. 

“Romantic? No, no, mi amour. ‘Twould be Glorious!” Yulia heard his voice in her imagination. 

She never got the chance to keep her pact. One moment Yulia was walking forward, the next moment she was face down on the ground. Just like in any nightmare, her sidearm flew from her grip and clattered down the tunnel. She could feel the cold grip of the monster through her armor but the feeling of being dragged to hell did not follow. The monster massed over her, the weight and amount of the thing squeezed the air out of her. It slapped at her armor, tugging away the parts that it could remove. The damn thing was disarming her. 

Yulia assumed the monster had learned from EXO 5 about their weapons and would drag her away when it knew she was not dangerous. She fought against it the best she could but her flailing had little effect. Fighting this monster was like punching an ocean. Before long it had her arms and legs bound and pulled apart as if she was in a medieval torture device. It spun her around and slammed her back into the hard stone. The HUD in Yulia’s helmet was glitchy as it tried to scan the danger. The horrible sight was made worse by the faulty digital data being forced on her. 

From some part of the monster’s mass, it screeched down at Yulia as if it was frustrated with these troublesome house pests. With a sinking feeling, Yulia felt its tentacles squirming into her under suit. It had not been content with removing only her armor. She could do nothing as the bio-suit was torn to fibers and her pale skin became exposed to this frigid place. ‘Now. It’ll take me to Roto. Then we can freeze together.’

But the monster had other plans for Yulia. It ran the rugged bulb of a tentacle over her body as if it was feeling her up. Yulia’s skin broke out in goosebumps as it traced down her stomach and over her exposed genitalia. The tentacle probed at her vagina and for a terrible moment, she thought it would penetrate her. It slithered away, seemingly satisfied with the frisking. The monster seemed to be vibrating with some emotion but Yulia was growing increasingly frustrated with her captivity. 

“FUCK YOU, BEAST!” Her throat bled with the force of her shout. “KILL ME YOU FUCKING Гавно!” Her shouts became horse and her voice cracked as she aimed violent words at the monster in her ancestral tongue. 

With the limited LED lights from her discarded armor, Yulia saw a purple tentacle with glowing silver veins slowly slither out of the monster. To her, the tentacle resembled a human penis. How was that possible? She instinctively knew what was coming but could not comprehend it. Why in all of this chaos would this monster be interested in sex with an alien? It made no fundamental sense. Had it encountered humans before the colonists? 

Her doubt and confusion abruptly broke as the purple appendage first poked and then pushed at Yulia’s opening. It broke through, sliding past her pussy lips into her body with surprising ease. To her continued disbelief, the penetration did not hurt. It filled her body in a way she had never experienced. Being stretched and penetrated to just about her body’s max but not over it. The nerves in Yulia’s pussy thrummed with joy and her mind began to go blank. An unexpected orgasm was racing down to her lower stomach. 

Yulia bit down hard on her own tongue, piercing it and tasted hot blood. It helped pull her mind back into her control. The monster wanted her body? Fine. It could have it, she was dead anyways. It would not have her mind or surrender. Yulia closed her eyes as the pulsing tentacle relaxed itself right against her womb. She thought of Roto and how it had been to be with him. She imagined a distant island and sweet love in the warm sand.

Commander Illidan and EXO 4 came running into view of this act just as the monster was cocooning EXO 3 in its black tentacles. Their intact armor and HUD showed them exact details of the purple tentacle and what it was doing to their comrade. Illidan felt ill, an ancestral repulsion of this violation surged into him and caused him to act based on a desire to hurt and destroy. Using his lightning fast armor processor, he switched his weapon’s projectile rounds for an electronic containment blast. He aimed and fired at the monster. 

Fiona watched as Yulia disappeared into the creature’s appendages. She felt her stomach flutter at the sight of the purple tentacle nestled into EXO 3’s body. Fiona wondered the same things Yulia had wondered, questioning why it would want to mate with humans. The reason did not really matter to Fiona, she was just curious. The fact that it had killed Kevin and taken Yulia meant it had discovered something about the female humans that it needed. She felt renewed excitement in her secret mission. She could be useful to the creature and could help it try to bring its species back to power. 

Fiona saw the Commander’s gun rise and took a step away from him. They already knew their guns would not hurt it, he was just going to make it angry. She did not want to be stricken down in it’s retaliation before she got the chance to be of service. When the charged poly fiber net burst out and enveloped the creature, Fiona realized that she had underestimated the Commander. She would have to do better.

The shot gobbled the monster in the netting and Illidan squeezed the trigger, not letting the charge stop. The monster thrashed against the burning but could not dislodge it. It screamed from some unseen mouth and tried to flee. The net held and Illidan began to laugh like a mad man. “Yeah! Got you now, you bastard! How do you like that, huh?! Maybe I’ll fuck you next! How about it?!”

The Commander was intent on frying the monster alive. Yulia was lost, even if she was still alive, what life would there be for her after that? He only hoped that someone would shoot him if something like that ever happened to him. So, in the spirit of revenge and mercy, Illidan poured in every bolt his weapon could produce. So focused on this murder, Commander Illidan never saw the betrayal coming. 

Fiona could not stand the sounds of pain coming from the creature. She could also hear the faint screaming of EXO 3 as she too experienced the shock. She had to stop this immediately but knew no words would work. She had known in the back of her mind what accepting the mission had meant. This dirty job needed to be done, she was lucky there was only the Commander left. Fiona moved silently behind Illidan, using his bloodlust as cover. She drew her pistol, aimed and squeezed the trigger. 

6. The Reunion

The poison heat trap was excruciating. It tried to buck the thing off but it seemed to have adhered to its body. A rage scream came from its center and the usual sonar effect backfired on the creature, giving it a scrambled perception of its surroundings. All too quickly, it felt the poison seeping into its flesh and burning there. It could not keep the currents from traveling through to its captive. The alien female began to shake and scream against the poison. 

When the pain was just starting to hit a new height, the pressure cut off completely. The poison trap began to cool and fall away. The creature heard a heavy object fall to the ground and wasted no time. It flew down the tunnel it had come down before finding the new alien female. 

The creature let out a few high pitched whines that restored its nearly perfect sonar sight. The pain was fading quickly, the damage had been superficial. It could not say the same thing for the alien that was twitching within its grasp. Had the poison heat damaged it inside? It did not know but it would not discard the alien. Even if it could not hold one of its precious eggs, the alien was so delightfully warm inside. 

Fiona watched the creature scurry away and felt a stab of disappointment. Why did it leave her behind? The moment of self consciousness passed quickly. It had been hurt while harboring a prize. The creature did not reject her, it merely had other tasks. Fiona looked down at her dead companions and felt badly for them. Just more needless death and for what? For the sake of humanity to steal more and more of the universe? She hoped her mission here and the missions taken by the other Star Children would help free the humans of their needless purpose. 

EXO 4 returned to the rounded chamber to look at the carvings again. She walked steadily, no battle walk or scanning. The stars were on her side now, whatever happened to her would be within their will. She took her armor pieces off and piled them near the cave mouth. She breathed in the musky, damp cave air as she placed her helmet on top of the pile. She aimed the powerful helmet light up at the ceiling and it provided just enough illumination for her naked eyes to see the room. 

Fiona ran her bare hand over the walls, feeling the texture of the carvings and marveling over the details. How did a seemingly blind creature carve like this? It had to see somehow, she guessed it would be sonar but also touch. With that many appendages, anyone could create a map in the darkness. She felt enraptured in this place. The carvings spoke of high intelligence and artistic abilities that far surpassed most humans. The tragedy of this loss may have been unknown to the wider universe but it would be a grievous loss nonetheless. 

The mental image of the purple tentacle kept pushing to the front of Fiona’s thoughts. She felt her body responding to the memory with arousal. She even pulled the recording of the encounter up on her wrist pad to see it again. She zoomed in until the whole screen was a provocative image of Yulia’s stretched pussy. Fiona squeezed her thighs together to feel some tension on her own throbbing sex. There was no blood on the creature’s, cock? Tentacle? It did not matter, either way. It looked as if the penetration did not hurt or damage Yulia at all. 

By the stars, her body felt alive with lust! Fiona was a being of adventure and duty. She enjoyed daring missions and dangerous situations. Her adrenalin rush was like a drug and while some of her wildest moments ended with her being fucked like a slut, she did not necessarily have a high sex drive. Sex could not or had not yet pushed her to a rush that she wanted to pursue. But now, seeing this creature and what it wanted from her, Fiona’s pussy was literally dripping in anticipation. As her hands removed her bio-suit, exposing her skin to the elements, she shivered in delight. 

Roto woke up slowly, fighting off the fog of unconsciousness with tremendous effort. It felt as if he was laying on a bed of nails with one particularly long one poking into his lower back. The pain was sharp and focused on one spot but he could not roll off of it. His body was numb and disconnected in a way he did not want to examine. Roto checked his arms and found that they responded like normal but wondered why his eyes were not working. He opened them as wide as he could and a fear tried to grab his heart. His legs were one thing but to be blind as well? That would be too much. 

In a flash, Roto remembered everything that happened and tried in vain to rise. He slapped at the wrist display on his armor, activating his overhead spotlight. The sight of so many people suddenly trying to shield their eyes was like looking into a P.O.W. war camp. They looked thin, broken and utterly lost. He recognized their torn and tossed uniforms as ones used by colonists. This was the Folly Days crew. 

A naked woman walked toward the place that Roto laid, holding her stomach and swaying slightly. He wondered if she had been swimming in some kind of slime. She was slick with it and leaving a trail of sticky footprints. She looked down at him with distant eyes. “You’re an EXO Knight. How many of you were sent?”

“5.” Roto spoke through gritted teeth. “Just a scouting party.”

The woman nodded as if she was confirming what she already knew. “Not nearly enough.”

“No…” He took his helmet off so he could look at people without blinding them. Looking around, Roto saw many people standing and crawling around but several of them were laying on the ground just barely moving. 

The woman noticed his gaze. “It would appear our captor has become proficient at breaking a spine in just the right place. …among other things.” She absently rubbed her stomach. 

“What does it want with us? Is it, does it eat us?”

“I don’t think so, not in the way you’re thinking. At first it seemed to only want our body heat. It sent its tentacles into us and just stayed there for a while, absorbing it. I think what happened was unexpected. Poor Gregory was with its main, body when it happened for the first time.”

Roto felt his gorge rising. He had seen various battles that went ugly and the destruction had been sickening but this was something else entirely. Grinding his teeth against the pain and sickness he grunted, “What? Just tell me.” 

“It’s laying eggs.” She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the disgust on the soldier’s face. “Inside us. I can feel it here, growing, squirming.”

The woman sounded as if she was trying to be disgusted but Roto thought he heard something else in her tone. Something like, fascination.


A faint explosion could be heard just moments before the ground trembled. Roto tried to count the space between explosion and tremble but the moving ground sent a spike of white pain through his mind. When it passed, the woman did not continue and Roto did not try to fill the silence. 

“I would try to help you but I don’t think moving you is a good idea.” She knelt down in front of him. “Can you feel this?”

“No.” Roto felt nothing, not even knowing what part of him the woman was touching. “Move me. I don’t want, laying down, when it comes back.” His words were coming in the space between the throbbing pain.

The woman helped him over to a cave wall and he leaned against it. The pain in his back was much worse now so he had to slide down and lay on his side. At least he was against the wall and not in the middle of the ground, still helpless but less exposed. His guns were gone, the rifle lost in the tunnels, his sidearm just missing. He would use grenades to bring this place down but EXO 5 had been on demolition detail and he seemed to be using them. 

Maybe the others would win. Maybe Yuli would come bursting into this chamber with hell in her eyes to scoop him up. 
Not long after being moved to the wall, a skittering sound came from one of the dark tunnels. The hostages began to groan and whine, knowing that sound meant the monster was coming. Roto wished he could be upright with weapons but could do nothing but stare in horror at the moving darkness. 

It came into the chamber like wild hair whipping in a gust of wind. The tentacles spread out quickly, seemingly taking an inventory of the chamber. Finally, it felt the woman who had helped Roto and it postured over her like a spider warding off a foe. The woman meekly stood, spreading her legs slightly. Roto watched as a thin black tentacle coiled around her leg and slithered up into her pussy. It rested there for a few seconds and withdrew slowly. 

The same tentacle that had checked on the egg, wrapped around her wrist and gently pulled her to a place in the cave where she could sit. Apparently, holding this monster’s spawn grants certain privileges. Roto remained still and quiet throughout this nightmare. He thought he might go crazy if this continued. His mental resolve was tested moments later as the monster began to open its body and revealed his lover in its embrace. 

It held her limp body by wrist and ankle and pulled her up and off a large purple tentacle with silver veins. It made a wet plopping sound as it fell from her body. A steam of gel like goo ran out of Yulia’s pussy and down her pale legs. Roto watched in numb shock as it placed her gently on the ground. Yulia curled up on the cold floor, wrapping her body in on herself. 

Roto Martinez, one of the most capable and hardened soldiers in the human race, lost his sanity as the lights on his helmet illuminated his own personal hell. 

Fiona sat on her discarded clothes with her naked back pressed against the cold stone wall. The fingers of her right hand ran loving circles through the damp folds of her pussy, teasing herself with passing glances on her clitoris. Her left hand held a battle shock baton that the EXO Knights carry. Without activating the electrode, she cracked the end down on the ground producing an echo that moved through the tunnels. The act sent a thrill into her body and Fiona quivered. She had just rang the dinner bell.
