[FFM] My best friend [F31] and I [F31] are probably going to visit the rich guy who we cheated on our BFs with on vacation again

“Probably” because of Omikron etc.

Three and a half years ago my bestie and I got seduced by a rich man on his yacht when we were on vacation. The sex was the best I ever had and we stayed with him for an exhausting but phenomenal week. You can read about it on my profile.

Ever since that happened, we loosely stayed in contact with him and we always planned on meeting and fucking again some time but we never went through with that…

…until now that is. My boyfriend is going to spend the days around new year’s with his friends, drinking a lot and doing guys stuff so I have a perfect excuse to take my best friend and fly with her to somewhere warmer. So we contacted the guy who’s cock we worshipped when we were on vacation together a few years back and he got time so we booked flights and are planning on viaiting him at his vacation home.

Right now we’re both really excited and looking forward to it. We are texting with him daily right now, exchanging nudes to boost our excitement etc. He also told us that he wants us to be extra-horny for him when we arrive so we pledged to not have sex with our BFs the week before we go, which we were so far able to follow.

I’m just really excited and curious right now and hope everything will be about as good as the last time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rmtqfd/ffm_my_best_friend_f31_and_i_f31_are_probably


  1. Oof. Whelp guess the bfs aren’t long term material. Great for the rich guy though!

  2. Do you think you will be able to go completely with out sex till you go? Presumably your bfs will want to over Christmas and before you are separated for a week!

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend! And yes I agree! You should do everything you can to be extra horny when you get there

  4. Hot damn! I hope you and your friend get to see him and you write a story about this new encounter.

  5. got a news flash babe …the “guy stuff” you think he’s doing actually means banging hookers and doing blow.

  6. I hope it does for you both too lol and look forward to reading how it went when you get back and hopefully update us on it

  7. Oh wow, have a great trip! Holding out on your bf for the rich guy sounds so naughty! What are the chances of greeting your bf with creamy sloppy seconds on your return?

  8. I attempted to kill myself after my gf of 5 years revealed she had cheated. I was shopping for rings at the time and had just put in an offer on a house. I spent 2 weeks in the hospital and lost my job.


    I wish nothing but suffering for you and your friend. Some nice traumatic experiences might be good to build some empathy so you actually care about other human beings.

  9. Geez haha, gf fucking someone else with me is fine, spitroasted her the other day. But cheating is a new level of just mean): just break up w him at that point :p I guess money talks:/ I’ve been w my gf for 10 years tho since high school, it would just hurt too much

  10. Looked through the comments. One thing I noticed is that anyone who is excited about the details and following this is getting down voted. I am guessing the Reddit moral police are all over the cheating issue! Bible bashers do your worst the more down votes the better 👍🏼

  11. I remembered your story as soon as I read the title. It was hot as fuck.
    Enjoy your time and please do tell us how it was.

  12. I don’t get the comments. “HuRr dUrR uR pIeCeZ oF sHiTzZ”
    The post has a clear and highlighted cheating tag. That itself should clue off you moralist fuckers. If you want “moral” horniness, go fuck off to the other flairs, there are ample stories like that.

    This one is exclusively for those of us who get off on these kind of stories and we will. Cope and seethe or die mad lmao 🤣🤣

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