Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F/F] Part 53


=== ***Roxanne*** ===

Someone forgot to close the damn curtains…

Sunlight seeped into the room, blinding me. I looked around to find myself on the floor, half of my clothes off while the other half is over my tits. I have Alana laying on top of my arm, her mouth slightly open and a little drool coming down off the side. I’m lying on top of Chris’ left arm, while Belle and Alexa occupied the right.

I guess we fell asleep on the floor. I slowly slid Alana off me while I snuck away, correcting my clothes and looking around.

Victor and Raissa laid down on the bed, with Raissa draped over his body and Victor snoring pretty comfortably. Corey and the good doctor is on the couch, with Emily’s slightly pudgy but still very sexy body on top of Corey. I guess because Chris has many lovers, we decided to take the floor, on top of the carpet.

Belle and Alexa’s pussy is red, probably sore and is filled with semen. I woke them up, each grunting and groaning, and urged them to go and clean themselves up.

“Mom, carry me please?” Alexa groaned as she cuddled against Belle, rubbing her head deeper into her arms.

“Baby, I’ve got a hangover too. Roxxy, close the fucking curtains, please, it hurts my head.”

I didn’t drink as much and neither did Alana, but she took care of us last night, making sure we didn’t do anything stupid or anything.

It’s a Sunday and we’re all off, miraculously. Alana usually works Monday to Wednesday, though sometimes she’ll pick up a shift on a Saturday. Dante kept telling her to just enjoy her life and work less, but Alana wants to take care of her dad. I can appreciate that; I think she wants him to enjoy his life too because he sacrificed so much for her. But Dante found something new when he started working. He found his passion again with cooking.

Chris started to stir as the sun moved towards his eyes. He looked at me with a squint, “morning,” he said with newfound confidence, “you’ve been up for long?”

I gave him a kiss, a minute long kiss it seems because he didn’t want to let go. “Mmm,.. I haven’t been up for long,” I replied as soon as my lips became mine again. He tried to kiss me again, but I just pressed his lips down, “save it for the others,” I said with a gentle smile, “I’ll go and order us some breakfast.”

Room service. Jupiter High is known for their great food, well actually the hotel is known as probably the best hotel in the city, perhaps even the state. Awesome food, very good customer service, really tidy halls, and it is always booked up, yet Victor always has a room here for some reason. He won’t go into details on how he’s connected with the owner, but from what Sam has always said that the owner basically owes his life to Victor.

“Yes, I’d like to order room service please. Um… I would like the egg plate, 9 of them, and a lot of orange and apple juice. Thank you very much!”

Belle and Alexa stirred, and Chris tried to move his arms, but Alana and the duo refused to move. Instead, Belle scooched in closer, Alexa doing the same, and Alana throwing her leg over his thighs. Chris just sighed and looked at me in defeat, shaking his head slightly.

“Hey, you wanted all these girlfriends’ lover-boy,” I observed with a laugh as I bit a fingernail. There’s enough space on the couch for me and I looked over to my left to see Corey and Emily in a loose embrace, still fast asleep.

Victor stirred and Raissa snored lightly. His cock is standing straight up, morning wood as men call it, and I could clearly see how big and thick he is.

But is he… bigger? Not longer, but somehow a bit thicker. Not as thick as Chris’ but it’s definitely thicker. I wanted to move in closer. He groaned as he reached down and rubbed himself, and then I see his eyes shot open.

“What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK!? WHAT. THE. FUCK!!??”

He shrieked as he looked around, he sat up and looked down, and his outburst has suddenly gotten the room into a frenzy. Corey and Emily looked around in shock, asking and demanding what’s happening.

“Querido, what is with the shouting! At so early too! You are sending my head into pain, my love!”

“Raissa… Raissa… my dick! My dick!”

Raissa blinked a few times and looked closer at it. “What is wrong? I see… hmm?”

She grabbed it once, and then let it go. She grabbed it again, and let it go once more. “Are my hands smaller? I could wrap my entire hand around your dick before, but now… I cannot.”

Victor looked down to Raissa’s hand around his dick, his face in a panic. “It’s not just me then. It’s thicker! Why?”

Corey pieced it together as he looked down at his own dick. “Oh no… Oh no… me too! My dick is longer and thicker too!”

He revealed himself and he’s definitely improved. I could only smile at their panicked faces. Corey’s dick is a lot thicker and longer than before, probably around Victor’s size and girth.

Emily’s face is that of pure lust. Raissa’s is the same. Why? Because they now have a boyfriend with an improved penis size. They’re feeling what we were feeling when Chris’ dick got bigger.

“Chris! You! This is your fault, you and that damn pill!” Victor accused with his finger wagging at him.

Chris only shrugged. “Honestly, I thought it only affected me,” he replied, “and now we’re in the same fucking boat.”

Corey is the most affected by the change. He had a “normal” dick size out of the three of them, so now he has a monster too. His face, how fear has crept it, is very telling: he didn’t want the change, I guess, but he’s just poking at his dick, which is starting to harden.

“Is it permanent!?” Corey begged, “please say it’s not permanent!”

“I’m afraid mine is,” Chris lamented as he looked down at his crotch, but you two should probably get checked out.

“What the fuck is in that pill!?” Victor shrieked, “where’s the bottle!? Do you have it?!”

“Querido, compose yourself, please!” Raissa said as she slapped his face, “you’re making a scene, and you are embarrassing yourself.”

Victor looked at her, obviously hurt by her words. “Raissa, I’m already struggling with my size, and now it’s gotten thicker!”

“So? It is not like you are that much bigger. Corey is handling it better than you are,” Raissa replied with attitude. It’s true. His dick only got wider, not longer. Corey’s is considerably longer than what he had before, and thicker too.

“Emily, w-w-what do you think? Should I get it tested? Should I be worried?” He said calmly, but fear is still apparent in his tone.

“All of Chris’ test came back negative, his bloodwork was unremarkable and there was nothing really wrong with him. But you should still get it looked at. Same goes for you Victor and calm down will you!”

Victor took a few deep breaths in to calm himself, then a sudden knock spooked him. The normally calm and collected Victor unraveled before us, and I can only sympathize with him.

“Room service,” said the voice from behind the door. We all hastily got dressed while Belle, Raissa and Emily rushing into the shower due to their filthy, cum stained bodies. Alana groggily straightened herself up and the boys put their pants on.

I opened the door, and a pretty blonde walks in. She flashed her nice, green eyes at us and her strawberry-blonde locks of curly pulled into a tight ponytail.

“You ordered… 9 plates of the egg special?” She said with a gentle smile. She scanned the room and then her face sunk into that of despair.

“Victor…?” She gasped slightly.

“Anna? F-Fancy meeting you here,” he returned as he buttoned up his jeans. Anna further scanned the room, seeing the half-dressed Chris and Corey and Alexa on the flooor, asleep, with Alana slumped over on the couch.

“Um… s-sir, y-y-you ordered the eggs, correct?”

Victor only nodded.

“Ay Querido, do you ha— “

When Raissa got a look at the new face in the room, she got such a wicked look across her face. “Oh? What is this? Little dove, you work her now?”

Anna got a really fearful look across her face, but she stood her ground. “H-Hello, Raissa.”

Raissa approached her and walked in circles around her like a hungry shark. She could be so intimidating if she wasn’t only wearing a bra and thong on. “Mmm, you are well? What happened to your office job?”

“I-I-It got closed. A lot of the w-workers left, and there aren’t a lot of places hiring.”

“Oh? Is that correct? Hmmm, you… are still with my husband?”

Anna closed her eyes tightly. “I would r-really — “

“Are you still with him!? Answer me!”

“No! Three months after what happened between us, I found him sexting other women. Then, he told me to leave his house.”

Raissa’s face twisted into pure joy as she cackled in delight. “Ah, little dove, then you know how I feel! When you stole my husband, you know my pain now!”

But her celebration was cut short when Anna started to cry. “I lost my job. I lost the place I lived in. I had to use my savings to live in a shitty motel for a good month or two until I got this job! Now you’re laughing at me!?”

That look on Raissa disappeared, replaced by something akin to compassion. Raissa approached the sobbing Anna, taking her into her arms and rubbing her back softly. “I am sorry, little dove. I did not mean to hurt you so. Salazar, that rat… Is he still in our old house!?”

Anna came away from her embrace, “No, no just… just leave him. Don’t let him worm his way into your head. It took me a while to get over it, I had to go to therapy, not just for his betrayal but for mine as well. Victor, I am so sorry about how much I hurt you. You did not deserve what I did to you, and I hope you can forgive me.”

Victor came over and hugged her as well. “I’ve forgiven you already,” he said, but Anna has this weird look on his face.

“Um… Victor. Your… your…”

She pointed down below and Victor found his erection stabbing her stomach. He yelped as he leapt back, trying to push it down. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!”

“Victor! That is for me, and me alone! If little dove is to have a taste, that is MY decision!”

Having said that, Raissa crept on over and slithered behind Anna. “So, little dove, would you like a bite? I know you still want him, and I am feeling rather generous.”

I can see the little battle being waged in Anna’s head, and then she decided. “I… I am still on the clock! Please, please enjoy your food. Uh… umm… it’s… it’s good seeing you two again!”

With that she left with an uneasy smile on her face. We told her to wait as her make-up is quite ruined from her crying, but she didn’t stop.

Victor held onto Raissa’s hand, and he gave her a little squeeze.

We each grabbed a plate and ate. Wow, the scrambled egg is smooth in my mouth with that little saltiness from the shredded salted egg on top of it. The bacon is nice and crisp with the mellow fat melting in my mouth, and the fruits are nice and fresh. The toasted English muffin added a nice extra texture to the whole thing, and I opted to put the egg and bacon inside the sliced muffin.

I can tell why their food is top notch. They didn’t skimp on the quality and the freshness, and it’s very well made.

“Now that is a good breakfast,” Chris declared with a slight laugh. Victor and Corey glared at him, still a little mad at what happened to them.

So now we know that the pills are “magic” or some shit. We don’t want to just throw it away, someone else might get at them, so the three of them decided to simply lock it away. They’ll go into a bank, get a safety deposit box, put the bottle in there and they’ll get a key each. That’s the decision on “sealing it away” but Chris does have some reservation.

“What about giving some to guys who need it?” Chris offered, but Corey and Victor scoffed at him.

“Dude, we can’t just be giving random people this mystery pill. We don’t know how it will affect them. What if they get a heart attack? Or what if they have congestive heart failure and their cock swell up and burst.” Victor pointed out methodically.

“He’s right. The best thing to do is just seal it away,” Corey added, “what happened to the company that makes it? Has there been any other cases?”

“Apparently they went bankrupt 5 years ago, and that bottle expired like a year ago or something,” Chris said with his eyes raised and a confused tone in his voice. “Why did I drink this shit…”

“You boys worry too much,” I said trying to break up their little conversation, “you got bigger dicks! You should be happy!”

“Happy? Happy…” Corey chuckled as he pierced a bacon and brought it up to his mouth, “I was fine with my size. I didn’t have to hide it like Vic does, so now I need to.”

Emily wrapped her arm around Coreys and kissed his neck, “Corey, when we get home, do you want to, uh… test it out?”

Corey looked at her, then to his crotch, and smiled. “Yeah, I guess I can be happy.”

Raissa sat on Victor’s lap. “Querido, me too please. I would like to, um… you know.”

“Oh?” Victor placed his hand on her opposite hip and brought her tighter against him, “well, would you like to tell me why you said those words to Anna?”

“Um… she… she needs our help, Victor. She needs our help. Do you not want to help someone in need?”

Victor can tell there’s more to that. He knows her, he knows she does not forgive easy, but I guess knowing what Anna went through softened up our Brazilian entrepreneur. Victor gave her a kiss and patted her thighs.

=== ***Alexa*** ===

We separated after breakfast. Alana, Roxanne and I sat in the back while Bella and Chris sat up front. We drove back home, back to our sanctuary, and we all went to our separate rooms.

I felt uneasy .I wanted something. I wanted more. It’s like an itch, I can’t scratch it and it’s deep inside me. It’s this longing, this want that just won’t go away.

I feel like an animal in heat. I feel like some sort of addict. I walked over to Chris and Bella’s room and opened it to find them just lying there with Bella reading a book and Chris playing on his handheld videogame.

“What’s up Alexa?” Bella asked and I marched on over to them.

“Chris. Chris, this is your fault. This is your fault!”

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow while Bella slowly closed her book. “What is my fault?”

“This! I cant… I can’t… I’m… fuck! I… you did this to me! Because of you, I cannot even lie down on my bed without expecting a dick to come inside of me! You turned me into this!”

I lunged at him and we wrestled for a bit on his humorously large bed. I got on top of him pretty easy because he doesn’t know how to defend himself properly on his back. “Stop struggling! Just get your dick out!” I growled at him as I lowered my head. We’ve got our hands on a lock together and he’s struggling just keeping me off of him. I locked my legs on his hip and began grinding on his growing erection.

“You really don’t have a ground game,” I snickered, and his breath exploded as he tried to contain a short laugh.

“I never claimed to have a good one,” he countered, “Bella, did you know she used to be a phone sex operator?”

Bella gasped and I gasped, “I told you that in primate!” I scolded him as I smacked his face, which he then took advantage of and grabbed me into a hug, then he rolled and now he’s on top of me.

“You worked as a sex phone operator!?” Bella gasped again, “When!? Why!? Did you enjoy it?”

I was about to speak but Chris put his hand over my mouth. “Oh, she enjoyed it. She did it when she was a teenager to some dirty, European men.”

“Oooh, Alexa. Such a dirty, kinky, sordid past!”

Bella crawled on all fours towards us and laid down, “and you enjoyed it, too? Jeez, you’re such a dirty girl!”

Chris finally got off me and laid against the head of the bed. Bella moved to his right while I laid down next to his left. He bridged his hips and removed his pants, revealing his mighty tool with the head already leaking out precious precum, twitching and throbbing angrily.

Bella gave me a nod and I started stroking his cock after running my tongue across my palm. Bella and Chris started kissing, then he moved to me. His tongue is nice and rough, his lips soft and gentle. He alternates between our lips with Bella grinding her crotch on his legs, making mewling noises.

Bella’s hand went under mine while we jerked him off together, and we looked at his face wracked with pleasure. My thumb went parallel to his dick, allowing me to rub under his glans and that little web under the head.

Bella glanced at his dick, and she gave me a little nod, so I guess that’s my signal. So, I happily dove right into his dick, shoving the entire thing down my throat in one go. Chris gave a surprised yelp as he tried to immediately take me off, but I’m not about to let him.

“Hungry, horny girl,” Bella squealed as she straddled him, but she gave me enough room to continue. “Chris, I’m so horny right now.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” he groaned, “shit, you girls have gotten used to taking my cock into your throats, haven’t you?”

I could only give him a glare, but I wanted to tell him that yes, we have gotten used to his dick. I say that loosely, as when people got “used” to something, it becomes boring and mundane. With him, we just don’t gag and choke as much as we used to but we still find his dick incredibly enjoyable.

He pushed my head down further until I could feel it past my throat, throbbing and pulsing. I could feel my tears emerging from my eyes, and then I started gagging and spitting up. When he let me go, I just gave him the most evil look I can, but I continued to stroke his rock hard dick.

Bella just kissed and moaned as he slipped his other hand down the back of her pants, and I suspect he’s fingering her.

I twist my hands while they glide up and down his cock. It’s slick with my spit and I continued my efforts.

Bella wore one of those really long shirts, which is humorous because she’s tall and her torso is a little on the long side. But it’s long enough that it covered her upper thighs. “Alexa, slip it in baby. Momma wants it bad,” she moaned while looking back to me, and I can hear Chris sucking on her tits. She slid her panties aside and nodded expectantly at me, and so I did as I was told.

“Oh god, Chris it’s so big!” She gasped as I watched her pussy lips slowly engulf his cock, swallowing it within her.

=== ***Chris*** ===

Alexa has been kind of grouchy. Ever since the hotel, she’s been a little on edge. Maybe it’s seeing me with someone that’s not a part of our group, or it’s the other men, but she’s definitely been a bit on edge.

Bella’s been a little more horny and provocative too, but before all of this she was just quiet and wanted to read her book. But with Alexa coming in and wanting some, I guess Bella figures she might as well get hers too.

So she rode me, hard and fast with her thick ass bouncing on me. I see Alexa sitting by, obediently waiting for her turn, and Bella’s eye rolling to the back of her head. Her ass has gotten much softer, more plump if I compared it to last years.

“Fuck me Chris. Fuck me hard! Make me cum on that big dick!”

I started pressing on her little brown button as she bounced, and sucked on her tits. I started thrusting upward to meet her too. She grinds herself onto me, swiveling her torso around so my rod just grinds against her walls. Finally, she started spasming and shaking as she finally reached her destination. I gently laid her onto her side as she twitched and whined.

I took Alexa by the hand and went out the door.

“But -“

“Shut up,” I told her as we made our way to her room. I slapped her plump ass to urge her, letting her know who’s boss right now. When we got to her room, I held her at arms length and positioned her before me as I sat on her chair.

“Strip,” I told her, “dance and strip for me.”

Alexa wore a tight denim shorts with a green tank crop top. She has her hair in her usual tight braid that runs on the side of her head, and a pair of glasses that she only wears when reading.

I sat back and slouched a bit and she looked at me weirdly. “What’s wrong? I said strip,” I repeated and she just huffed at me, “I know you’ve seen strippers before, I want you to do a routine for me.”

So she started moving a little bit, with her hips kind of swaying side to side, and she’s getting a little bit of a groove on. She kept her angry glare at me, with her eyebrows furrowed and a small but noticeable crinkle on her brows. I must admit I like seeing her angry at me, frustrated even, and it makes our love making a bit more… exciting.

She then moved towards me, resting her hands on my naked thighs, and she twirled and danced on her toes. She bent over while her back is turned to me and rubbed her ass all over my cock, smearing whatever fluid Bella left behind all over her cheeks, then she stepped forward a bit and started slowly, and alluringly, taking her denim shorts off, revealing a nice, pink, G-string.

Most importantly, she’s working on her tan line. Her skin has gotten a tad darker, she was pretty pale before but now it’s so apparent that she has been working on it. A small line of pale that mimicked her G-String.

She laid down with her ass against my crotch, grinding herself against it. My hands went up and over her chest, rubbing her breast over her shirt.

“You’re not very good at this,” I joked and she gave me a small laugh. She was pretty good, in my opinion, but I’ve never gone into a strip club before. Her ass continued to grind against me while her hands guides my own.

She slid herself down and then faced me, grabbing my dick and stroking it. She took my ball into her mouth and sucked it, licking and fondling it with her tongue while she worked the shaft. “Good girl,” I groaned and she moved onto the other ball and then she started licking the shaft and head.

When she’s satisfied with how slick it is, she rubbed my cock against her belly. I felt every bump of her well defined abs, and while she’s not as cut as Bella is she still has a practical set. But man it felt good with her rubbing me all over it. She then stuffed it between her tits while her crop top is still on.

“I’m going to make you cum with my tits!” She declared. I don’t receive a lot of titty fucking, despite my girls having a nice juicy set of tits each, and the one person who has the smallest breast just happens to be the one who is eager for it.

I can’t tell if they’re all hypersexual individuals. They all love sex, they crave it almost every day, and frankly Alexa herself sometimes can’t function without sex at least once a day. I’m not one to complain, though, and I quite enjoy giving them what they need.

I can feel her sternum, and her nice juicy breast. She eagerly bounced with my cock between her tits, letting the head peak out from above and there’s even enough that it jabs her chin. She tucked it in, though, and she can still take the head into her mouth. She sucked the head while she moved her breast.

“Cum! Give it to me! Give me your hot cum!” She implored, and while I would like to give it to her it’s just not enough. If this happened when I was 22, then yes it would have worked and I’d have sprayed her with my semen, but I’ve experienced so much that I need more just to get off.

When she realized I wasn’t going to give her anything she took herself off and slapped my junk. It actually felt somewhat good, having her slap it, and so she did it again. She grabbed it tight and slapped the head and pinched it, even biting it a little bit more firmly, just to elicit pain. I hissed and gasped at her and she slapped it again.

“You like that, you fucking pervert? You like having your dick slapped?” She growled at me as she bit my shaft with her incisors. She then licked the area she bit, and gently ran her finger over it. “Can’t hurt it too much, otherwise Bella will hate me.”

She got up and danced some more, with a bit more rhythm and more hip swaying. She faced her ass at me and shook it, twerked and pumped her ass up and down. God, she can really throw her ass back and if her hair wasn’t in a braid I think it would’ve been a great performance. She backed up on me again, taking my dick and rubbing it on her ass crease, sawing it between her juicy ass. Despite being a fit girl, she still had a great booty with a nice softness to it.

“You like fat ass bitches? Is that why you enjoyed Emily’s ass?” She demanded, “you liked hers and Raissa’s ass don’t you, you fucking pervert!”

“She only gave me head. I didn’t cum for her at all,” I confessed and she gave me such a shocked expression.

“You still didn’t answer me,” she corrected as she straddled me, “I know you like fat ass bitches.”

I ran my hands across her muscles back, how many small bumps there are her muscles. She slowly lifts her crop top up and off her, letting her ample bosoms fall and jiggle a little. Immediately I went for them, taking one in my mouth and gnawing and sucking on it. I’m ravenous when it comes to tit sucking, I fucking enjoy it very much. She started moaning, little squeals and whimpers, and she tried to tear me off but I’m not letting her.

She has a button there, her feel-good button, one of them at least. Her nipples are sensitive, increasingly so and just getting them sucked turns her on immensely and sometimes it’s enough to send her into an orgasm.

“Stop sucking on my tits!” She complained, but I know she’s loving it. Her cute accent makes her sound brash and unapproachable, but to me it’s lovely and sexy.

“I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to fuck you, hard.”

“Do it, then,” she tempted me while she reached back and rubbed and squeezed my head.

She kissed me, bit my lip and sucked on my tongue and lip. All of the girls I’m with, all of them, had expressed that if they had met me before Bella, and we got together, they would have never shared me like how Bella did. They would have kept me for themselves, selfishly.

While I enjoy my life right now, I sometimes wonder about how my life would be if I was monogamous instead. I could sit and wonder, If I have a girl to satisfy.

She kept grinding her ass against my cock until I finally felt that familiar, but welcome, tightness. “Fuck! You’re so tight!” I groaned as she slowly lowered herself

She whimpered while her pussy swallowed me whole, and I can feel her wetness, her little folds and bumps in her pussy, and the general warmth all over my cock. When she finally bottomed out, she just stopped and sat there on my dick for a good half minute.

“S-so good,” she finally said, “it’s so good!”

She pushed me over to my back and started bouncing on my dick. “Your dick is so good! I love it! I love this dick!”

She had this wild look on her face, of pure ecstasy and elation written all over it. Her tongue hang out, her eyes are wide and wild, and she just rocked back and forth. “I love it! I love it!”

“Fuck me harder! Fuck me harder!”

I lift her up and got her on her back, legs spread and eager for more. She got her legs up and over my shoulder, her ankles around my ears, and I kept pounding and pounding into her, wet slaps echoing all over her room. “More! Please, please fuck me more! Please make me feel good, I want to cum again, I want to cum again.”

She whimpered and gave little squeaks as I kept on. Our eyes are locked on one another with my hips hammering downward onto her. “Make me feel good, let me cum again, please, please make me com.”

“Who’s pussy is this?” I asked her.

“It’s your pussy, it’s your pussy!”

“Who are you?“

“I’m your bitch. I’m your whore, I’m your little cum slut,” she whined and gave her cute little squeaks. “Please, please keep fucking me. Empty your balls inside of me, please!”

She said all of that but I’m hoping she stays her usual, naughty and bratty self. I quite like that about her, truth be told, and I missed that about Alana. I think my little Latina princess grew up a little bit, or had to actually because of what happened, and while I hoped she stayed like that, how she is fits her nicely as well.

I took her legs off from my shoulders and let them fall where they may. She grabbed me with surprising strength and held me close, then wrapped her legs around me.

“You thought you broke me? You thought you made a sex slave out of me, didn’t you? American pig, you cannot break me!”

There she is.

“Give it to me. Give me your cum! I want it!”

She pulled me in closer to her and we shared another kiss, “cum in my Russian pussy!” She hollered with a deep groan as I finally felt my release. It’s such a punch in my gut, that soul sucking, body and mind numbing ejaculation that makes me give her a shivering breath. She, too, gave shaky breaths as she just glared at me, never breaking that eye contact. But I can tell she’s enjoying herself.

I pumped myself into her, moaning with each stroke, feeling more and more of my semen leave me. While she did glare at me, she couldn’t hide her soft little moans and whimpers. “It’s ok. It’s ok, let it go.”

Then she gave me this deep, sensual moan that made my back shiver. “It feels so good! More, fuck me more while you empty your balls into me!”

So I did. I fucked her more and more while more of my semen leave me and swam into her. I don’t think I was done, so I took myself off of her and deftly shoved it into her mouth and fucked her face even.

She gagged and choked while I kept on fucking and fucking her mouth. I pressed myself deeply into her mouth and I felt another load shoot out from me. “Fuck, coming again!” I groaned as I jabbed my tool deep down her throat. Her throat and lips tightened and she muffled out a yell as I started cunning down her throat. I felt her throat contract and spasm around me, and I savored that feeling. That feeling of being in control of her, my little Russian bratty princess, it fueled me and egged me on.

When I finally detached myself from her, she just laid there with her mouth agape and her eyes glazed over. Fear overcame me as I thought I suffocated her, but when she gave a little gasp, relief washed over me.

“C-crazy, American,” she groaned as she pulled herself up. She crawled up to me, wiping her lips of my remaining cum and licking it off the back of her hand. She laid down across my lap and started sucking me off again, licking and gently sucking on my cock. “Crazy, fucking, wild Americans. I love it…”

She and I laid together. I generally sleep with Bella, sometimes the girls will sleep with us.

“H-How did you two meet?” She asked me as she snuggled up beside me.

“It’s not a very long story…”

~ End of Part 53 ~



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