[MF] My first time with my Fiance

Quite a few years ago, I unexpectedly fell into a relationship with a girl. Neither of us were looking but we had an immediate spark when we met.

Though we weren’t officially a couple, we had spent a month or so together and were generally accepted by our friends as an item.

One weekend, she had a small party planned at her house. Just a get together with some friends, for a little boozing and time together.

The party was fun, but I was still so nervous around her. She was certainly into the relationship, but I had a constant internal pressure to impress her and be a presentable and quality boyfriend. So as the drinking went on, I became progressively more worried about making an ass out of myself.

Fortunately, her friends thought well of me and simply wanted me to loosen up and have a fun night. So, after a bit of egging on, I let up a bit and went with it.

Towards the end of the night, I had gone too far. I was substantially more drunk than I had ever intended. Her, being the wonderful person she is, thought it was hysterical and was entirely unoffended by my situation. Her roommates encouraged me to stick around and sleep it off there, so I didn’t have to worry about an uber.

I pulled her aside and confirmed with her that it was okay, as up to this point we hadn’t ever slept in the same building and I desperately did not want to impose. She was 100% fine with it.

Well come to find out a bit later, me crashing there ment we were sharing a bed. Which shocked me but she lead me up to her room without hesitation.

Now right about this point is when the spins hit me. I was far too drunk, and it was getting to the bad side of that experience. But she was entirely understanding, she stayed up and talked with me while I did my best to get the room to stop spinning enough to get to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up. Instantly feeling like a train had hit me. But, after a few breathes, I realized we were cuddled up together in the middle of her bed. I immediately felt this intense emotional wash, just a strong sense of love and affection. Despite how smashed we both got, she helped me get to sleep and we cuddled and slept together.

But at the same point, I realized something else. I’m in my boxers, and she is stark naked. Apparently, she sleeps naked 100% of the time and I got to discover it in the best way possible.

My less-than-graceful wakeup had roused her somewhat, and she rolled over and greeted me. I was instantly nervous again as I am sure she was aware of our sleeping position, and certainly woke up feeling me rock hard behind her. Not to mention, I’m sure I wasn’t the most presentable after a night of drinking.

We talked for a bit, just light conversation. I was trying to pretend I wasn’t feeling as rough as I did. She was talking about her staus, she was better off than me but still a bit rough feeling.

Then she moved closer, went in for a kiss, and as smooth as can be she pulled my boxers down and began stroking my cock.

I was without words, but I was all in for the experience.

She asked me if it was okay, I gave her a resounding yes, and I reached to reciprocate. I was met with the warmest, and wettest sensation instantly. She immediately shook, like a cold chill, and commented how sensitive she is. Telling me how she knew I was in no condition the night before, but she spent some time after I fell asleep using her favorite vibrator but it just didn’t do the trick.

After a few minutes of this, she pulled me on top of her and wrapped her legs around me. She wasn’t intent on letting me go until we were done, and she wasn’t afraid of waking up the house to do it.

But, in my pervasive attempts to be the greatest boyfriend ever, had to get free of her legs. Moments later I positioned myself worked my way down her body. Gently kissing her neck, teasing her nipples, and worked my way down until I got a good deep taste of her. She was shaking while I worked. Gently kissing her clit, soft tongue work with her lips, and even gently pressing my tongue inside her.

She pulled my head up after a few minutes and told me, in no uncertain terms “I want to feel you inside me, right now”

More than happy to oblige, I crawled back up and kissed her, then slowly went inside her.

She was shivering as I began a slow and gentle stroke. This progressed as time went forward, but always keeping things at a reasonable and sensual pace.

Up to this point, aside from some light dirty joking, we hadn’t really discussed sex. I honestly didn’t know what she would like, so I kept thongs simple and sweet. This was a very loving and sincere intimate moment for me and I hoped for her too.

We rolled around and continued this for a bit, first with me on top, then switching to her. Just enjoying the moment with eachother.

We stopped momentarily as we were both so exhausted with our respective hangovers, and I asked her what she wanted next.

She danced around the question a bit, asking me what I preffered and how I was feeling, if I was close to finishing or not.

By this point, by no means to brag, she had a substantial and frankly beautiful to watch orgasm, and she told me she wanted to get me next.

She then asked if I would let her back on top, to which I was happy to accept. But I told her I would give good warning before I finished, as I assumed she would prefer some notice.

She climbed on top, told me not to worry, and proceeded to ride the life out of me before I could say another word.

I was almost breathless. She was so skilled, and knew every trick to make things feel better.

In a near blink of an eye I was about to cum, and I still mentioned it to her. She laid down a bit and began to kiss me deeply, and right as I reached the edge she went all the way down, and began flexing her muscles to grip me as tight as she could.

I came, locking lips with this lovely girl, with our bodies pressed together, and her encouraging me along in what was undoubtedly one of the strongest orgasms I have ever had. She was talking to me about the fullness and sensation, trying her best to encourage every bit from me that she could.

We laid there in this moment together, sloppy hungover lovers freshly woken up, our first sexual experience together.

At this point we laid back down, briefly napped, then woke up to shower and begin the day.

(Thanks so much if you read this wall. It’s an honest to goodness story, slightly editorialized for style. It was a genuine and emotional moment for me. Might be on the wholesome side for this sub, but I really appreciate anyone taking the time.

There is more to this story and more to tell, so if anyone has any interest please let me)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rm57j1/mf_my_first_time_with_my_fiance


  1. Beautiful story of y’all’s first time together. Also very lucky that she sleeps nude. I would love to know more of your story. 🙂

  2. Wow, no wonder she has since climbed the ranks as gf and now fiancee. The love and intimacy of the first time was incredible! Hope your sex life is still sizzling.

  3. Lovely story. I just wished throughout the story that you had given us a bit more of the background on why/how come you guys hadn’t hooked up yet, how long you had been dating and how you met, etc… To build up the suspense, of course. It was all very hot.

  4. Have an upvote for a sweet story. These are the kind of stories that get my lower half tingly and wet.

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