Fun by the pool [f] part 2

Part 1 is on my profile. I know this isn’t as wild as other stuff on here but please be nice :)

Not much else happened that day, we spent a couple hours in the sun while I worked on my tan the boys struggled to hide their very obvious erections. Eventually it was time to call it and Brad and I left. We had some very hot sex, although I was still new to the whole thing.
The story picks up about a week later.
Similar to the last time we were hanging out at Nate’s house, however this time I came prepared with some swimwear since the plan was to use the jacuzzi that evening.
When we got there everything was normal, we talked about school and any other random things that friends talk about. They both decided to shotgun a beer and pretty quickly drink another. They had both finished two by the time I was about halfway done with a hard lemonade, this was actually quite an accomplishment for me.
The water was quite warm so we wasted no more time before getting in. The boys were already in their board shorts and I used the restroom to change into a yellow one piece. Quite the change from the uniform I wore last time, I thought to myself. I admired myself in the mirror for a moment, my skin was a nice rich tan and I had managed to dissipate some tanlines during last weeks adventure. I was blessed with a petite frame and I thought I looked quite sexy as I gave myself one final look. When I returned to the jacuzzi and climbed in Brad informed me that our friend who was supposed to join us wouldn’t be able to make it. I was bummed to hear this as I was quite close to him and he was good at balancing out Nate and Brad’s craziness but soon enough we were all drinking again and having a good time.
After about 30 minutes I noticed Brad nudging me repeatedly which was getting quite annoying. He finally whispered to me that my top was becoming lose. After glancing down I noticed that the deep V of my swimsuit was in fact pulling to either side which was exposing a small bit of my dark nipples. As a reflex I quickly adjusted, but in my mind I decided to play a game. How long would it take Nate to comment?
He was in the middle of a long winded story when I let my top slid slightly just to expose a portion of one nipple. This went unnoticed so I decided to do the same to the other side, still nothing, although Brad had definitely noticed.
After a minute or so of conversation I decided to move again, this time one nipple was completely out, the cold night air against my wet skin made it hard almost immediately. Brad nudged me again but I pretended not to notice. I was wondering why Nate had said nothing, he usually was not so subtle with his stares and with closer to 4 beers in I would have thought a comment would come almost immediately. I wondered if maybe the lighting in the jacuzzi was too dim, oh well I had an idea.
“You two are looking close to empty, want another round?” I asked. They both replied positively and I climbed out to grab two more beers from the cooler. Maybe it was the hard lemonade combined with the hot water but I could definitely feel the affect as I staggered back to the jacuzzi. Truthfully I had forgotten that my breast was almost entirely exposed at this point so I was caught off guard when Nate said, “hate to tell you this Maddy but that new swimsuit might need to be returned for a different size” he gestured toward my chest. At this point I was genuinely struggling to walk a straight line without falling with my wet feet on the concrete around the pool. Add to that the beer in either hand and all I could do was cross my arms as I approached in an attempt to cover. I carefully set one beer down at a time while covering my chest. “You were naked here last week what’s the big deal?” Nate joked. “Yeah yeah yeah” I couldn’t think of a clever reply as I finally got submerged under the hot water to my neck. “Well technically naked isn’t the correct term” Brad butted in. “That’s right, just topless” Nate added.
Now I’m not sure why I took offense to this but something rubbed me the wrong way, “what do you mean JUST topless? That was the high light of your lives and you know it” I quipped.
“Well sure it was great” Nate replied.
“Absolutely” Brad jumped in, “but it just wasn’t naked. Not that being topless isn’t any bit as bold.”
I really was failing to understand the point he was attempting to but maybe that was due to the amount of alcohol consumed.
“I think what Brad was saying is just that going topless by the pool isn’t all that taboo in certain cultures” Nate was trying to help as he could tell I was getting irritated.
“Exactly, so while it was surprising you took your top off, it wasn’t an earth shattering surprise was all that I was getting at”, Brad shortly followed as if to undo his statement, “of course we enjoyed it immensely.”
“Got it. I think I understand.” Brad and Nate looked at each other like they had dodged a bullet, I sank down into the water again as they started to discuss some random topic. In the midst of their conversation I stood up on the edge of the jacuzzi. The lemonade did the trick because the cool night air suddenly felt warm as I hooked my thumbs into the straps of my one piece. I pulled both straps to the side and down to my waist before I turned to face the boys. Their conversation had trailed off after I stood up and I think they had been asking me some questions but I couldn’t hear them with the loud thumping of my hear beat. Now facing them with both breasts exposed, in the light from the patio shining behind me, I shimmied my swimsuit down to the floor.
The steam from the hot jacuzzi water in the cool night air lightly lofted off my skin. In this lighting my golden yellow complexion appeared much darker, my tan was rich along my arms, back, stomach and breasts. Their eyes seemed to lock on the wet swimsuit as I casually moved each foot out of it and kicked it aside. From there, their gaze turned upward, not even pretending not to stare at my exposed bald pussy. It was incredible how my newfound nudity had changed the dynamic of the situation. I went from “one of the guys” hanging out in the jacuzzi on the edge of the conversation to the center of attention in an instant. This was my party now and they were like putty in my hands. Before anyone said another word, I did something perhaps even more surprising, I jumped in the pool, the deep end.


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