Destined Siblings, Chapter 8 [MF] [inc]

I was so desperate to stay in bed all day the next day but as Andrew said we needed to cover a lot of distance. Which basically meant we started early, drove for a long time and we arrived at the last hotel we were going to stay in during the trip earlier than expected. We ate our dinner in the hotel restaurant and quite a few people looked at us kind of curiously. We weren’t even being affectionate or talking loudly or wearing any weird clothing. We were simply just a big brother and a little sister enjoying their meal together.

After dinner and a short walk in the streets near the hotel, we went back to our room, the last place where we would be enjoying for a while. While Andrew worked on his laptop, I decided to lay down on the couch with the book I was reading for most of the day. I don’t know when but I fell asleep and suddenly, Andrew crouched beside the couch with his hand gently rubbing my stomach.

“I had no idea that my little sister was actually a Sleeping Beauty,” he joked.

“Well, let me fall asleep again so you can wake me up with a kiss.”

We shared a quick smile for a moment before he rested his head on my chest. I never had anyone rest their head on my chest other than our family cat back when I was about fourteen years old. As I kept cradling my big brother’s head and ran my fingers through his short hair a long time has passed silently.

“I like what I hear,” he finally said.

“You just like hearing it through my breast,” I chided him.

“That helps as well,” he admitted.

He lifted his head up from my chest and started kissing both my breasts very appreciatively, making me smile again.

“I’ve loved breasts like every other man but the fact that these are your breasts really makes them all the more significant.”

Rising from the floor, my big brother settled himself upon me with his hands on my breasts as we kissed. It felt so good to have him pressing me into the couch and his hands kneading my small breasts. I could feel his cock harden and lengthen up against me and soon I was helping him move against me and slowly increase his arousal just as his actions were slowly increasing the flow of desire from my body.

Something unexpected happened, as his hands were focusing on my breasts, I felt the love pouring directly from him into my heart and I subconsciously began to feel more comfortable with my own body, specifically with my breasts. There was something tender and heartfelt about how my big brother touched me, about how the attention of his hands was so riveted upon my breasts. I could never fully explain it in words.

Words are simply not adequate enough.

It wasn’t just his hands… It was something very intangible yet I could feel it spread through my skin, penetrating deep into my soul. It was almost like a “permission” to view myself as beautiful even though my body was not quite up to the societal standards for an eighteen-year-old girl.

My body responded in a very pleasureful way, through my shirt and bra, I was very certain that my big brother could feel my nipples poking into his palms. Even though I was fully dressed, I could practically smell my own thoroughly-aroused musk. Even though he was in the dominant position and pressing me into the couch, I attacked him with my mouth, delving so deep into his mouth that he squealed with surprise and squeezed my breasts even harder and harder, which simply made me want to try to slither my tongue down his throat.

When we finally stopped to breathe a little air, I was hot and we were both breathing rather heavily. He gazed deeply into my eyes with a lust that bordered me for a second. The natural, deep-rooted gentleman within him held the primal beast at bay and I was thankful for that, as it was the gentleman which had so completely shaped the personality of the big brother I knew and respected and loved. This primal beast was very new and foreign to me, an exotic animal I had never seen and was not entirely certain I wished to see.

“We need to stop,” he said, I guess more to himself than to me. “Right here.”

I could only nod, somewhat relieved that the primal beast was still caged, yet for some reason I was slightly saddened that I had not become my big brother’s prey.

We decided to bring things to a simmer between us by going for a swim together. I put on my bikini and wore my shorts and t-shirt over it, while Andrew put on his swim trunks and t-shirt. We each grabbed an extra towel from the bathroom and made our way downstairs.

Moon light was upon us and the air felt nice and cool on my skin as we stepped outside. While there was an older man swimming laps in the indoor pool, we were alone at the outdoor pool, the underwater lights giving the pool almost an eerie glow. The large canopy over the pool made the area even darker, which further highlighted the pool’s near-glow and also gave us some privacy from any prying eyes in the upper floors of the hotel.

Because I’ve never been a great swimmer, I waited in the shallow end of the pool while Andrew did many laps. He grinned when he finally stood by me again.

“At least your bikini is getting wet the perfect way this time,” he said.

I hit him in the arm, playfully

That triggered a new round of wrestling, of sorts. He dunked me at least three times as often as I dunked him, but that was the usual, and it felt amazing and now, this was a terrific way to raise the sexual tension between us as he seized my breasts every now and then without letting go of them during all this.

Finally, as we stood alongside the pool, drying ourselves, I looked at him, thinking of all the fun we just had in the water and remembered the time when it was only my brother playing with me in that way. Standing before me was the same person, just a little older, a little more muscular, and maybe a little sexier in my opinion, but now he was also the protector of my heart.

“I really needed that swim,” Andrew said as we reached the seventh floor in the elevator. “Otherwise, I’m not sure I could’ve…”

“‘Could’ve’ meant what?” I prompted.

He groaned and reached for my hand. “I could feel the ‘other’ me coming out before the swim,” he said. It’s someone I don’t particularly like, since he is so unusual, so… aggressive. He’s not like me, and I’m not fond of him.

And once the elevator buzzed for the seventh floor, he let go of my hand. We maintained a decent distance apart as the elevator doors opened and we went out into the warmly lit lobby, our conversation was put on hold until we were safely back in our room and the door was firmly locked behind us.

“Something only one other person other than me knows,” Andrew finally continued, clearly uncomfortable, “is that I’ve really fucked someone before.”

I was confused. “I’m not sure why you’re worried about that now…”

“You’ve known me all this time, Anna. I’ve always been respectful to you, our mom and every girl and woman I’ve ever known. Sure, you and I have messed around a little; wrestling, for example. but it was all in good fun. When you and I make love, it is exactly that; truly making love, truly polite and respectful, extremely courteous, and lovely. But there was one incident when I didn’t make love with someone; instead, I fucked her. It was fast and hard, and I’m fairly certain that she spiked my drink that night. And I couldn’t stop, even though I was mortified by what I was doing. Even though she clearly enjoyed it, especially when I bit her viciously as I came into her, it simply wasn’t me, it wasn’t the kind and sweet Andrew I’ve always been, I saw a monster in me that day that shook me for days afterwards, and even now.”

I had known of my big brother’s “success” in sleeping with women in broad terms, but this was a surprise to me, even if I had sensed it earlier in the evening when he was on top of me on the sofa. I felt the beast, preparing to rip into me, rutting with the only intention of spreading his genes, growling with victory pride. And yet, even then, the gentleman in him was so powerful and so prominent that I basically just saw the beast shrink into the shadows of his sexuality, into regions the gentleman would never know or care to explore.

To be honest, I did not particularly wish to experience this monster of a persona my big brother has in him. I was perfectly happy and satisfied with the calm, respectful and cherishing lovemaking we have been enjoying. I was more than willing to offer up my body to him, but I wasn’t certain that If I wanted him to just simply take me, use me and pound me away as if I were simply a sex toy, or just a vessel for his sperm. That was something I wasn’t prepared for just yet.

And I was grateful that we arrived at this point, this awareness and realization before we finally moved into the apartment together, which we would share for the next three years at the very least. Having reached at this point when we did, this early in this relationship, would essentially keep the beast away from us in the apartment.

As if to demonstrate his point about being kind, calm and respectful, Andrew made love to me in the dark later that night, with the covers over us and the warmth that was produced by us. I gave myself entirely to him, my hands clenched around his penetrating body as I orgasmed and burst around him. And then he kept going on, pushing me towards my second climax before pouring his seed deep within my willing body.

As I slipped off to sleep, he was still on top of me, his weight forcing me down into the mattress, his hands still clasping mine.

But somehow, when I woke up in the morning, my big brother was underneath me. I never could figure out how that happened overnight without me waking up during the “switch.”

We only had a three-hour journey ahead of us, so we took our time getting ready in the morning. We arrived for the hotel’s complimentary breakfast with three minutes to spare. We lingered in the suite for a while before checking out shortly before noon.

After a relaxed trip that included a long lunch at a truck stop along the way, we arrived at our apartment around 4:30 p.m.

Our apartment.


Andrew was standing behind me, his arms over my lower ribs as I leaned back into him. Finally, we had a home. Despite the fact that it was almost lacking of anything useful at the time, this would soon be our home.

We’d be living together once again. This would be our escape from the stresses of everyday life and the demands of modern society.

It was a simple, boring flat at the time, with light brown carpeting and walls, tiles, cupboards, and doors in different shades of white and grey. The covered balcony, however, was perhaps the best aspect of the apartment itself, allowing a place to lounge “outside” while yet being protected from any kind of insects, especially during the summer. This was however sadly dampened by the view from the enclosed balcony: a perfect view of the parking lot.

“Let’s bring your things in from the car,” I suggested, “and then, this will truly be a home.”

“It’s already a home,” my big brother said as he squeezed my hand, “because you’re here with me.”

We had almost no food in the apartment, so we had to eat our dinner outside and then head to the grocery shop. Andrew ‘s kitchenware was somewhere on the moving truck, so we had to settle for meals that could be eaten as-is or microwaved. Because of these conditions, I imagine the girl at the checkout was amused by our choices of groceries we just bought.

We still only had a single ottoman for seating, which I had previously purchased for the dorm room and that was the extent of our entire furniture. There were no beds, chairs, tables, or bookcases in the room.

But, at least and most importantly we had each other.

As it was getting dark, I was sitting on the floor in the living room, leaning against a wall, reading a book when Andrew said, “I suppose we’re sleeping on the floor tonight.”

I was aware that we would be sleeping on the floor, but I hadn’t given it much concern until he stated it. “It’ll just be for two nights,” I replied. “I believe we’ll make it.”

We went “to bed” pretty early that night, which was probably what we needed to do after travelling for so many days continuously. “The bed” consisted of a couple pillows and a sheet from my dorm room. And because the hostel only ever had tiny twin-sized beds, it was a tight fit for us both under the sheet, but we didn’t mind. My big brother clung to me; his naked body sensuous on my skin. However, neither of us could sleep. In the back of my mind, I was thinking that we should truly make this place our own by having sex. Considering how quickly Andrew began to touch me, he very definitely felt the same way. Especially when his erection grew much more noticeable against me.

The sheet was quickly abandoned. We were stroking, kissing, touching, and nibbling each other. He slid a thigh between my legs, and I started rocking against him. His breath stuck in his throat as I sucked lightly on one of his ear lobes. He squeezed a nipple forcefully, and I gasped softly as I squirmed even more against him.

At last, my big brother finally rolled me to my back and slowly entered inside me gently, properly, and tenderly. My body happily submitted to him, accepted him, and attempted to pull him even further into me. I’m curious if he thought he was making love to a squeamish butterfly because of how tenderly he treated me. My own big brother was the one inside me, slowly draining my femininity.

The first orgasm was completely just my own. My body met each reverent push, seizing the embedded bone and flesh of him, and when I reached climax again, it was ours, his white-hot love flooding my body with each tremendous thrust claiming me as his. Only then were we able to drift off to sleep, since the long journey had come to an end, and despite the fact that our material belongings had yet to arrive, we had finally made the mostly-vacant apartment our home.
