[stepcest] [drugs] Section 18 (Part 2)

So, Mr. Furlong, where was I? Oh yes the first night Eric and I made out. It’s been a while, you know? Do you need some more water?

Jack Furlong shook his head, and hinted at me to continue my story. So I did

Well, after that night, things got a little bit funny. We did our best to play the part. Eric tried to push things a bit a couple times. But he was so naive and clumsy. He didn’t know how to woo a girl. So I just told him “not tonight” and he got the hint. We were perfect step relatives around our parents. And then at night he’d try to get to me, but I’d push him away. He was too straightforward. Finally, a week in, he had had enough. He came to my room after everyone had fallen asleep. He told me he missed the dope and he missed me. I had a party tomorrow night. My friend Amy had a get together at her house. My dealer would be there too. “I’ll take you” I told him, “but you better behave. And no making out. No touching. Nothing inappropriate. I am into this dude who’s there. He gives me dope too, so if you want any, you better chill, alright”?

He told me he got it. Of course, he didn’t got it.

We went to the party. He met everyone. Clearly, he was out of his depth. These were older people. People into shit. He was the straight kid. Finally the dealer shows up. His name was Alan, I remember now. I am not telling the last name, you know, in case you try to pin shit on him?

“Miss Jacobs, this is not my job. I only..” tried to interrupt the federal investigator. I gestured his way to let me finish. He would not get Alan’s last name.

So, Alan shows up, he gives me a little bag, and tells me to meet him in twenty. We had made out before. He just didn’t want to sleep with me for some reason. I wanted him so bad. He was this older dude, in good shape, and well, older. When you’re 19, a guy in his late 20s, he’s like dope to you. Add literal dope to it, and, well, you get the memo. But that night Eric wasn’t having it. He told Alan to eat it. There would be no meeting.

I tried to get him to quit it. “Sorry he’s just my stepbrother he’s a bit too defensive” I said. Big mistake. Alan started laughing at him. “Stepbrother” he said. “You know your little stepsis liked to touch dick? Bet she never touched yours.” or something like that. I don’t know. Alan was an idiot. He was the perfect idiot for a 19 year old girl, but he was an idiot. Now? I would not touch him with a 10 foot pole. Fucking idiot he was. But, anyway, Alan taunted Eric. And, you know, Eric, this little innocent kid who hadn’t so much as skipped school one day, he jumps a fucking drug dealer.

I have no idea where Eric got all that, but he jumps the dealer, and starts going at it. He is defending me. I did like to touch dick, so you know, he was defending me against the truth, which is weird. Especially for Eric. But I guess he thought he was standing up for me. Anyway, Eric took a bit of a beating, but somehow fucking Alan had it worse. So, Alan leaves in shame. He forgets all about the cocaine he gave me.

Can I be honest with you?
“Please” answers Mr. Furlong. The question was rhetorical, but government folks, always taking everything literally. So I was, honest with him.
By that point, I was turned on by Eric. He had shown himself to be a man. And he had stood up for him. Fought an older stronger dude for me. For what he thought was my honor. Like, fuck,that’s hot. We still had the drugs. So, we went into one of the rooms upstairs. And started doing the coke. And then we made out.

At some point my shirt came off. I don’t even know how or when or who did it. But we ended up naked on the bed. And from there, it was.. It felt so natural, you know? Like there was nothing to be said, nothing to figure out. “I don’t have a condom” he panted. Like I thought he would, you know? “Just pull out” I told him.
After a brief pause for dramatic effect, I continued. “He did not pull out”. Like the stern officer of the state cared about my dramatic pauses. Yeah, he did not pull out. He didn’t even last a minute. And yet it felt so good to have him inside me. We hugged tight. I let his cum leak out of me. He loved me, he said. I didn’t believe him. But he did. I think I loved him too. But I just didn’t know it yet. But that night, at that party, it’s when it really began, you know? It’s when Eric and I fell in love. “I love you Sarah” he whispered as he held me so tight, his limp dick rubbing against my thigh. I didn’t answer. But I loved him. I still do. It’s different now, though.

Mind if I grab another cup of water? I asked Mr. Furlong, and without waiting for his answer, I walked to the kitchen. “Do you need anything?” I yelled at him. “No, thank you. Let’s just keep the story going”, he said.
“I’m coming back” I retorted, as I made my way back to the living room, and to the memory of my relationship with my stepbrother

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rkcdo6/stepcest_drugs_section_18_part_2