I [F28] fucked Jesus Christ for the experience. [FM]

Ok. So hear me out, it’s true. This is a weird story, I’m aware. But you’ll understand it soon.

This just happened some days ago. I’m assuming the Lord is a con man attempting to gain sex/power/control. Or, maybe he believes he really is Jesus Christ. Or, and I realize this is a stretch but I’m also not claiming to be someone in any position to know what or who someone really is, maybe he IS Jesus Christ. Those are our options. What I **do** know is that I fucked him, and that’s all I know for sure in this whole thing. That’s all I really *NEED* to know tbh.

So, this all started when someone from my hometown messaged me wanting to know if I wanted to smoke with him. I didn’t know who he was but it was 6 am and I was feeling adventurous. So, I said yes. I met him at the gas station near where I was staying. We went and parked somewhere, smoked, talked, whatever. He [M30] asked if I wanted to ride with him to his house. I said sure. He told me about his family on the way. He said his brother [the Lord in question, M28] had lost his mind this year and was just lost in the sauce. I was expecting a man in psychosis when I met him bc of his brother’s description.

We got to his house, the brother gets in the car to smoke with us. This man is not at all in psychosis that I can tell. I’m an RN, albeit not a psych RN, but I am decent at spotting psychosis, or a manic episode, or schizophrenia. None of these seemed to fit whatsoever. He was super chill, very appropriate in his feelings and actions. He was “normal”. He only started talking “abnormally” when I said something about becoming spiritual myself, this year. He chimed in and seemed excited to be able to talk about his own experience with someone else who understands.

He started telling me very similar experiences to the ones I have had this year. We talked and talked and talked. I pretty much didn’t even acknowledge his older brother the rest of the time. He was the one interested in me but, I much preferred the younger brother (I’m going to call him the Lord from here on out and you’ll see why shortly).

The older brother was very ego-driven. And only cared about himself and what his life was about, close minded to other experiences. He also cared greatly about trying to get me to suck his dick regardless of me saying no. So, It pushed me further from being curious about him at all to being curious about the Lord, instead. Plus, the Lord was much more attractive, down to earth (at the time), and not pushy or judgmental at all. I liked him and his vibes. Quite a bit actually. The more the older brother got on my nerves, the more I tried to figure out how to fuck the Lord even if just for that fact. At one point, the older one realized that I had a connection with the Lord (btw nothing had been said yet about him believing he may be Jesus Christ, I just thought he was spiritual in general).

The older brother asked if I wanted to have a 3some with both of them. I knew I didn’t wanna fuck the older one but I felt that I could obviously make it work to get the Lord on his own this way. So, I said yes. I also said I needed to go home and take a shower and eat and stuff first. So, they dropped me back off at my car. I ended up kinda just fucking off time and deciding I shouldn’t go meet either of them.

Well, the Lord had msged me himself and said “you left me hanging” or something along those lines. It was from a FB account that had 1 friend, some older woman. No other posts or friends. Just his profile picture (sexy as fuck I might add). Red flag. But also, maybe he doesn’t let random girls into his business just yet. I can respect that, I keep my stuff normally separate from my personal life as well. But, also possibly a red flag.

I told him I’d come pick him up, hoping he got the hint that I meant JUST HIM. He did get the hint and I picked him up at the top of the driveway so I didn’t have to even pull in front of the house. He was yummy and really sweet. We started talking spiritual ideas again. He went a little farther into his own experience which had been going on far longer than my own. Mine had just started very suddenly on a particular day this year in June. His had been going on for years and years at this point but it seemed he had sooo many similar experiences as I have. His ideas and opinions seemed to match my own about a lot of it so far. Except the fact that he says he thinks he might be Jesus Christ reincarnated. That’s somewhat the opposite of my own experience because I don’t believe I am anything I’ve ever heard about, and I’m only trying to figure out my spirit so that I will come to learn more about it, if that makes sense.

He has picture after picture of signs he has been given (as do I), he has story after story of connections he has made with the Bible and his own journey (that is the other thing that doesn’t align with my beliefs, since all this began I find it to be somewhat similar to Buddhism however to each his own and I think it’s more of a personal journey that is different for each individual and their prior experiences in life helping to mold the idea), he has all the “stuff” showing me that he is, in fact, on some sort of spiritual adventure and truly believes what he has learned so far.

It’s one of those touchy subjects because it’s so faith-based. One must have faith through their own experiences that anything at all exists. There isn’t concrete proof of any of it. But, it doesn’t mean it’s not so. I know that. And I’ve dealt with people not understanding me and my experience and it’s hurtful. I didn’t want to do the same thing to him. So, if he says he might be Jesus Christ, then I believe him.

He has done the hard work to get to this conclusion. He never claimed to be able to know what Jesus Christ presumably knew. He doesn’t claim much of anything because of it. Only that he might be him and must figure out what exactly that entails as he learns more. A humble Jesus Christ if you will.

So then we kinda start getting sexual. I wanted to fuck him even more kinda at this point because I mean… if I’m having faith he is Jesus Christ… I get to fuck Jesus Christ essentially. Lol. I thought it would at least be a good story to tell. I can’t turn it down, now. I’ve invested my spiritual self, my slutty self, and my time into this man for the last x amount of hours. I’m fucking the Lord. Period.

So, I am embracing this fact. I use humor in all situations, especially one like this. So I’m like “I mean I can’t call you Daddy.. you are Jesus Christ… what can I call you!?” He laughs and jokingly said “Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior” and then he said “Hell maybe just say My Lord for short”. Yummy. Perfect. Done. I’ll ONLY say that if that’s what the Lord wants 😉 it’s the slut in me to please. And what better way than that. So we start fucking in my car. He has the Lord’s big dick if I were to guess what kind of dick the Lord might have. (don’t get offended, like I said I use humor during times like this, obviously I don’t deep down believe he’s the Lord but I am having faith he is so I’m going with it).

We started out with me on top of him and the passenger seat reclined back. I’m talking the most shit about him being my Lord and all that, just embracing the situation to its’ fullest. Why not?

He was somewhat “too sweet” for me. Like, I need the Lord to channel Lucifer and fuckin slap me in my face if possible. I also need to be called a worthless slut. I also would like to be beat on if possible. Fuck, idkkkk. Call me the Lord’s one and only slut. Do the worst you can, Jesus Christ. I’m banking on this fact. He never really embraced it at all, very Christian-like of him I guess. But, it was still good.

I sucked his dick. He got on top of me. It was over some time after that. 5/10 if I had to rate it. However, I’m sure it was similar for him, because it’s rare the first time you fuck someone that it really just blows your mind ya know? I’m willing to put in the time and effort for the good sex to happen in the future, I always am aiming for that, anyways. So it was as good as a first time could be in my opinion. Nothing to write home about but nothing to complain about either. It def had great potential though, and that’s what I base the first time off of. I knew I could get Jesus Christ to believe he is allowed to have a lil dirty slut to fuck and treat like shit if only to get the full “worldly” experience on his journey. I don’t think Jesus Christ is above having that. Ya know? He’s not “too good” for a slut or two on his respective journey.

Then, it kinda turned only spiritual again. It took me on quite the mind-fuck of a journey for the rest of the night. A lot of talking about the world needing to wake up and realize the evil in it (I mean I agree but also don’t believe that’s something I can personally tackle, I can only do my part by doing my own journey to the best of my ability), he tells me he sees the darkness in me, and the chaos. Which ironically is very much so a part of my journey. The word “chaos” is meaningful to me, very much. I won’t bore you with the details but it’s just kinda a “trip” to say the least until we get back to his house and he tells me he will text me and for me to let him know I got home safely. I did when I got home. No reply. I chalked it up to a con man trying to get laid and control of another person. Then I kinda just decide ehhh Jesus Christ can find another slut because this one ain’t in it for the mind games and the potential loss of my own spirituality and halting the progress I’ve made on my own life.

No one or Jesus Christ, himself, is worth that to me. So, I kind of just ignored him or gave bare minimum back when he finally did reply. So, he was persistent. I decided to hang out with him one more time to fuck him and just, ya know, confirm all my prior opinions and go from there. He asked me to come pick him up again. I finally do. He didn’t answer once I got there. Imagine that 😑. So my slutty ass drove away, blocked him, and won’t fuck with him again. But, it feels kinda surreal to say I fucked Jesus Christ. So, I’m glad to have had the experience even if he isn’t at all Jesus Christ. Him believing it himself was enough for me.

A smart slut isn’t the best person to try to con in this particular situation. He could’ve saved himself the time and effort of the Jesus Christ persona (if he doesn’t truly believe it himself anyways) because I would have willingly fucked him regardless. He didn’t steal any of my stuff or money but had the opportunity so I don’t think it has to do with that at all. I think he just wants to feel powerful. Well, I’m good at making a mother fucker feel powerful. But, I’m also good at *NOT* doing so if I believe I’m being taken advantage of (not in a good way of course). So, he doesn’t get the intended results by playing games. I’ll never talk or fuck him again… he spent a night convincing a slut he was Jesus Christ and the slut would have fucked him without him being Jesus Christ…

and it didn’t even advance to being the good sex so I don’t really care if I don’t get it again because there isn’t anything to miss quite yet. He accomplished wasting his own time and didn’t really gain any superiority or power or control because of it. I gained just another funny experience to add to my memory bank. Good job, my Lord. Better luck next time. 😘 the slut and her spirituality, intact, live on to fuck and to be (willingly and appropriately) controlled by someone else in the future, presumably NOT Jesus Christ. But, based off experience, if another Jesus comes along, I’m not opposed to it, either. Time will tell

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rkmqxe/i_f28_fucked_jesus_christ_for_the_experience_fm