I [F] Thought my Boss’s Wife was Flirting with me, then I Masturbated in her Office. 🤦‍♀️

Was told you all might enjoy this as well! 😁

This happened a few days ago and I still feel a jolt of guilt when I think about it, but also a little buzz of excitement, so I thought sharing here might help me get over the guilt and embrace the buzz? Lol. We’ll see how that goes! 😅

So this year, our company holiday party was hosted at the CEO’s house instead of out at a restaurant like we’d done in the past. I work for a small business of about 30 or so people and at this point have either met or am on speaking terms with everyone’s significant others, except Amanda, the CEO’s wife. She is also a successful business woman in our town – actually even moreso than her husband – and for all the time I’ve worked here, we’d never crossed paths. 

I was one of the first to arrive at the party and sortly after officially meeting Amanda, I realized she was one of those enviable people who always manages to nail a first impression. She radiated warmth, welcoming and self-confidence with every word, tone and gesture, and I found as we talked that I was just intoxicated by her. Her eye contact was so steadfast and genuine that I immediately felt her interest and engagement with my side of the conversation. Her laugh was infectious and I just overall felt emotionally boosted by her presence. 

Her face was so animated and her demeanor so warm that as we talked and joked, some of the winks and playful taps on the arm started to feel like flirting to me, and once that scale tipped in my mind, it was hard for me to think of them as anything else. As the instances of familiar contact increased, so did the warm ache spreading through my pelvis. And her eye contact started to make me feel flush in the neck and collarbone. She noticed that something was up and asked it I was ok. I told her it was the wine and asked if I could use a restroom. She smiled warmly and told me I was welcome to use the one attached to her office upstairs.

I washed my face and took some time to relax and slow my heart rate. (don’t feel great about this part) I was about to leave when a curiosity overtook me and I started to poke through her medicine cabinet. Looking at what make up and lipsticks she wears, the products she uses for her skin and her hair. Then I saw her perfume on the counter and took a quick sniff. The aroma immediately sparked the flame again and I began to imagine her half naked in this room, prepping her war face for some important business meeting and I knew there was no way I was going back down there without taking care of myself.

I closed the office door and locked it, and the closed the bathroom door for good measure (it was connected through to the bedroom). I sat in her office chair and as I admired Amanda’s daily surroundings, I slipped my hand down my pants and my fingers began to slowly spread my growing wetness around my clit. I imagined being her assistant, who was also tasked with taking care of certain needs that her husband couldn’t. I pictured she was standing behind me, her hand down my pants, her fingers rubbing my little clit. I could still hear the sounds of my co-workers downstairs, but that only increased the naughtiness and stoked my internal fire. 

I started slowly tugging on my nipples from under my shirt, imagining it was Amanda teasing me. I was getting close when the fantasy suddenly shifted and I was imaging her watching me pleasure myself, which isn’t a fantasy that always works for me, but it certainly did in this case. A slight panic cropped up in the back of my mind that she might actually have a security camera in here, but was quick dosed by my horniness commanding that no matter what, it was too late now. The thought of her actually watching and enjoying such a tape of me was the final straw. My fingers found my favorite finishing spot and worked their well practiced magic. My hips bucked and my body shivered as the orgasm flooded through me. And I was left shivering and satisfied.

After a few moments of contentment, I gathered my senses, cleaned up in the bathroom a bit, shook out the cobwebs and went to enjoy a nice meal with my co-workers. I still had a hard time catching Amanda’s eye for the rest of the night, but ultimately it was a great party! I do feel a bit guilty about the intrusion on her privacy and I am 99% sure she is completely straight, but I’ve started to feel a little less embarrassed and more that its a dirty little talisman I can use to give me strength in her presence in the future. 

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rkyqdb/i_f_thought_my_bosss_wife_was_flirting_with_me


  1. You are a kinky one.

    But there is a 1% chance she isn’t straight. Why not try to coax that 1% out of her?

  2. Update: I made a plan to go get coffee with her on Thursday! Said I want to ask her advice on climbing the business ladder. I know nothing will come of it, but I am excited just to hang out with her!!

    Thanks to the reddit user who made the suggestion 😃🥰

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