What if… My GF Didn’t Get Amnesia [M/F] Ch. 4


=== ***Anna*** ===

We cleaned up afterwards and slept soundly. We didn’t even bother checking our phones. When morning came and that familiar golden ray peeked through the little gaps in the blind and, somehow it always does, finds my eyes I awoke refreshed and stress free. Chris doesn’t snore loud; he snores a little bit but it’s not like he’s sawing logs or anything. I slipped on a pair of panties, a tank top and went on into the kitchen to cook us up some grub.

The burger is still in the bag, just sitting on our countertop. Do I need to cook breakfast when this is readily available?

I opened it and scraped off the ketchup and the wilted lettuce. It’s gone cold, poor things, and it’s such a waste to just throw it away. So, I did what any person who grew up somewhat poor did: reheat! But I have better equipment now, as before it’s just a microwave. I heat up a skillet and threw the patties in there. Afterwards, in the same pan, I toasted the buns after scraping up all the veggies and that yellow, square cheese that wasn’t even melted, off it. The onions stays somewhat crisp and fresh so that goes back, but tomatoes and the lettuces goes into a small bin. I made a little smiley face with the ketchup and mustard and plated it nice and neat.

“Morning,” came that familiar, soothing voice as Chris walks into the kitchen in his boxers. He yawned again as he sat himself on the table, allowing me to place the plate in front of him. “Hmmm, breakfast of champions,” he chirped, “wait, did you cook this or is this the burger from yesterday?”

“It’s from last night,” I confessed, “but I spruced it up a bit.”

“Oh, yeah you did! Toasted buns, a hot meat patty, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you cooked this from scratch! I didn’t know I’m in a relationship with Gianna?”

I snorted as he mentioned my favorite Italian celebrity chef. “Oh, babe, you… oh just eat your burger so we can go to work.”

Even though I didn’t want to check the phone, I still had to. What greeted me was a huge slew of texts from numbers I don’t know calling me horrible, disgusting names. I suspect a couple of them is his ex and her friends, one of them is definitely Raissa threatening me with violence if she ever sees me again, and the last one kind of broke my heart.

“Sorry, Anna. I’m sorry you had to go through with this. I broke up with Raissa, I’m going to sell the house and move to Florida. Kaz, Greg and Wigs are going to go with me, you know how they are.”

I showed it to Chris and he just hugged me and kissed my cheeks. “Do you want to meet with them before they leave?”

I looked at him and our forehead connected softly, “I’d like that. He’s a good person, you know, and I want to make sure he stays that way for the next girl. Then maybe we can both change our numbers.”


We both came by his house, that familiar, fairly large house that I called a home for two years. He’s already moving, wow he’s moving quite fast, and he’s even got movers.

He came out of the door and saw me, gave me a short wave and jogged up to me and into a hug.

“Oh, I’m so sorry Victor,” I said as I felt his arms go around me, “I am so sorry.”

He released me and gave Chris a simple, knowing nod. “No, no don’t be. I didn’t know she’s like this, you know. I also didn’t know that she was willing to buy the house, so I get to move today.”

“What? She’s buying the house?”

“Yeah, market price too. So for now, I’m just going to stay with the gang. I have to give my two weeks’ notice to my work, so I’ll be around for two more weeks. My stuff will get driven out to Florida where my parents will put it into a storage space until I get a place down there.”

Raissa is out of the house while Victor packs his belongings, which is a lot of furnitures and items, the majority of the stuff in the house. He gave me a little box with what I left behind, a small necklace with an aquamarine stone, my promise ring to Victor which I don’t deserve to wear, and my old ID card in my old job. Those are the ones that stood out, the rest is just mundane items that I can live without.

Kaz, Greg and Wigs emerged from the house too, covered in sweat. They all called for me, hugged me like they used to, with Greg even tussling up my hair like he did before.

“Anna! Anna, we’re going to miss you!” Greg cried. He’s always been the one I’m closest to out of Victor’s friends, because he’s charming in his own way. “N-No more Sushi Sundays!”

“Sushi Sundays!? You two went out for sushi without me!?” Kaz snapped, “I love sushi, why wouldn’t you guys invite me!”

“Because you’re a sushi snob, Kaz,” I laughed softly as I gave him a hug, “you’re always going on and on about the proper way to eat sushi, or we shouldn’t use chopsticks when eating it because the Japanese don’t, or we put way too much wasabi – oh, excuse me horseradish in green food coloring – in the soy sauce. We just want to eat sushi, we’re not in Japan!”

“Yeah! You’re a sushi snob!” Wigs agreed as he rubbed my back, and Kaz looked down in shame.

“I’ll miss you guys so much,” I told them as I kissed their cheeks, “take care of Victor. Don’t let anymore crazy girls get with him, alright? Two is enough.”

“Anna, you were never a crazy ex-girlfriend,” Victor laughed as he gave me a side hug, “you never were.” His eyes turned to Chris, and he reached for him with an open hand. “Chris, was it?”

Chris nodded as he stood next to me, with our hands clasped together and he took his hand and shook it. “Take care of her, alright? And you guys come visit us in Florida sometimes, yeah? Keep my number, don’t lose it!”


I looked back at them as we drove away, watching them as they wave at us. In such a short amount time I went through so many emotions and ordeal, Chris going through practically the same as well, and while we came out ahead what we left behind is such a big mess. Raissa’s relationship is finished, and I guess her last bit of effort to hurt Victor is to take his home away. Isabella is still in denial about her and Chris’ situation, and Victor is forced to leave our city to move closer to his parents.

“We really should move,” I sighed to break the silence, “sadly I don’t have any family anywhere.”

“No family? No parents?” Chris asked in amazement. I nodded and he just took my hand into his and kissed it.

“My parents had me late and by the time I’m in my 20’s they were already in their 70’s. They both died, peacefully when I was 22. They’re both an only child too. As far as I know, I don’t have any living relatives in America, I do have some in Germany, according to my parents, but they’re strangers as far as I’m concerned.”

“I have family in the north, about a five-hour drive from here.”

Now it’s my turn to take his hand and kiss it. “Oh, don’t forget we have to stop and get a new phone number.”


Such a stressful morning, and we haven’t even done our work yet. I wanted to get fucked all day today, but it looks like that’s going to happen later on. Well, I decided to wear a simple skirt today, just so I can freely move my leg around.

I’m crabby, I want sex again and while Chris is willing to grant it, the fact of the matter is we need to show Lanie that we can work together and live together without it affecting our work.

It’s got me thinking how I basically changed a lot since I’ve been with Chris. When I was with Victor, I didn’t have sex with him at all. With Salazar, it was probably 2-3 times a week thing. But with Chris, oh dear lord, I want it almost every day and multiples times a day too. As soon as I wake up, all I want is his dick in my mouth. After lunch I want to ride his cock, and after dinner and before bed I need it again! It’s getting so often that I had to force myself just to let him rest, though I often tell myself it’s just so his balls can have a nice juicy load ready for me. Chris, to his credit, doesn’t complain and is just as ravenous too. He told me before that his ex would often want it every day too, but there’s no affection afterwards. No kisses, no hugs, no cuddles, all she did was come over, have sex and then leave. I couldn’t even call that a relationship.

I’m crabby but I’m not irritated. I don’t snap at Chris, this is not his fault, but my patience run thin sometimes with work. Today I got frustrated with some of the numbers, and my laptop decided to reboot. Thank god I’m the type of person who saves their work every few minutes, because I would have lost it.

I got to the kitchen, and I just let out a big grunt of utter frustration. I poured myself some wine and took a sip, then Chris peeked around the corner and approached me.

“Everything alright? Raissa didn’t already get your new number, did she?” he asked in a joking manner, though it did kind of scared me a bit.

“No, no. My laptop decided to update, so now I have to wait for it to boot up. Then I have to wait for the program to reload and blah blah blah. I’m just… Chris, can I be honest with you?”

He walked closer and took my hand, “I prefer if you are.”

“I… I want to have sex, like right now. I need it! It’s like I need it to function prop–!”

Before I could even continue, he hoists me up, placed me on the countertop, spreads my leg and pushed my panties aside, and dug right into me. “Holy shit! H-Holy shit, you could’ve warned — haanhhh, fffuck!”

He slid me towards him slightly so he can get down on me better. I’ve never had a man so eager to eat me out! Salazar was fine, he’d did it during our tryst but when we were official it was a rare thing for him to do. My first boyfriend never went down on me and he expected me to go down on him. But Chris does it unprompted and so eager! I had to bite my lip just to keep myself from shouting, and he makes it hard for me to stay quiet.

He pressed his tongue flat against my pussy lips and slowly dragged it up. Then, at the end, he flicked his tongue against my clit. He did this several times and each time caused me so much pleasure that I’m screaming his name. I can hear his little slurps too, god I’m so wet for him, and when he was done, I made sure to kiss him and taste myself all over his face.

“Dummy, you didn’t let me finish what I was going to say!” I smacked his chest playfully, “I w-was going to say I didn’t care if you made me cum, just let me suck your dick and I want you to cum for me.”

He just laughed softly at me. “What? Stop laughing!”

“You know I can’t just not let you cum. I need to make you cum first before I start.”

That’s one of his old habits from when he was still with that abusive ex of his. When we started sleeping together, he told me that he always had to make her cum first, always, otherwise she’d get mad at him. I guess this is also how he got so good at oral sex, from having to do it so often with her. While I appreciate his gesture, I would like him to be selfish once in a while.

I slid down to my jelly legs, steadying myself by grabbing onto him. “Th-Thanks, babe, I feel a lot better now,” I told him as I gave him a kiss and walked back towards my desk. I have my own desk in the living room while his is in our room.

But then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. “What? You want some more?”

His lips went to my neck, kissing me slowly as he filled up his hands with my ass. “A-At least let me log into my laptop!”

So, I jumped on him, and he carried me over to my desk, bent me over against it and as I kept trying to type in my username and passwords, he fingers me and bites and licks my ass. “St-Stop! I c-can’t, I can’t type properly!” He didn’t care, or he didn’t hear me, because he just kept scraping up my insides with his fingers while kissing and licking me. I’m squirming around as my fingers shook, forcing me to slowly type in my rather lengthy username.

“Your pussy juice taste so good,” I can hear him say as he plants his face against my bent over body, “and you’re really sensitive down here too!”

Sensitive? Sensitive, how? I think I’m just as sensitive as the next girl, but maybe I’m not. Then again, all of Chris’ sexual knowledge came from his muscular ex, so maybe I’m just more sensitive than her? In any case, his tongue has been magic in between my legs, making me squirm and tremble as I gasp against another orgasm.

“B-Baby, baby let’s go to the couch! Please, let’s go to that – oh!”

He pushed me against my desk, thank god I don’t have a lot of clutter there. He gave me a slap across a cheek, and another on the opposite cheek then I felt his hardness against me. He slapped it across my ass, probably something he saw when he watched porn, and then rubbed it up and down my slit.

“The couch! Babe let’s go to the couch! Come on it’ll be – ungh… oh… f-f-fuck!”

He pressed my head down against my wooden desk and I had to center myself just so I could move my laptop carefully. He was forceful, strong, and very, very dominant as he fucked me deep and hard. He pushed me up and over the desk, so far that my feet were barely on the floor.

“Oh god, oh shit, fuck me baby, fuck me like you hate me!”

He kept slamming his hips against me, grunting with each thrust while his left hand held my head down. His right hand kept massaging my ass, slapping it from time to time but for the most part he just ran it up and down my body. “Take your pussy, take it. It’s yours, just fuck that pussy,” I begged him, and he didn’t answer, he just kept fucking and fucking.

But this is Chris. He can’t not show his romantic side. So he retrieved himself, spun me around to face him, lifts me up and placed me on the desk. My feet went to my side, so I looked like an M, and he glanced down while he penetrates me again.

Then he looked at me and kissed me so deeply, so loving and pure.

“You just can’t stay away from my lips, can’t you?” I cooed against him as my hands went to his face. He just gave me a nod; he’s focusing on what he’s doing is what I’m guessing. “My big, strong, man just can’t stop kissing me, can he?”

I then watched him thrust in and out of me, watching my lips part to make room for him, gripping him tightly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh, fuck, yes! Fuck that pussy, fuck that pussy!”

I just watched with amazement at his stamina, how long he can last without climaxing, and while I want to match him, he just rubs me the right way.

He carried me up, and I crossed my leg around him and threw my arms over his neck. He cupped my ass while he walks over to the couch. He carefully sat down with me straddling him for his favorite position: cowgirl.

Now, why is cowgirl his favorite position was a mystery to me at one point, something he made clear earlier in our relationship. Simply put, he likes kissing and looking at my face while we have sex.

It seems that his ex would often employ reverse cowgirl and other position where she’s in charge of the sex. Cowgirl has been the only position that he liked, and I am more than happy to let him. He still had a trigger, though, one that he recognized when he watched a porn flick. As long as I’m not too forceful or demanding, then his slight ptsd isn’t triggered.

Sometimes I just want to hug him, to tell him that everything is fine. I’m broken too, my childhood neglect manifesting in the most self-destructive behavior for me, and so I can somehow relate to him.

But right now, I just want us to feel good.

He slouched down a bit and nodded at me. “Grab my ass baby, I know you like that ass.” He grabbed them nice and firm while I gyrate myself on him. “Keep then spread, baby, keep them spread so I can bounce that ass on you. You like feeling my ass bounce on that cock?”

“I love it. I love that fat ass on me,” he answered, and I felt elated and happy. I bent down further and kissed him, biting his lip softly.

Unprompted, he sat up a little bit. This allowed him to penetrate just a tad deeper, but deep enough that I’m cumming all over his hard cock. He also started kissing and licking my tits, taking one of them into his mouth and gnawing on my nipples.

“You like sucking my fat tits baby?” I asked and he just nodded with a mouthful of tit-meat. I’ve forgotten that he also liked sucking breast, something his ex never let him do with her despite having a large set of breasts when I saw her. My breasts are far smaller than hers, but he appreciates them just as well and he’s glad to be able to satisfy a kink. Honestly, I’m enjoying have my tits sucked. I didn’t think I’m the type of girl to enjoy it, all my boyfriends sucked my tits but for some reason Chris just does it with such enthusiasm.

But I’m focusing more on what’s going on behind and in between my leg. His massive prick just digging into me harder and harder while I bounce myself on him. I’ve watched plenty of twerking videos, I’ve learned how to do them in case my boyfriend ever wants to see me twerk. So now I’m doing it on his cock.

I want to show him. I want to show him how I can move my ass. So I got on my legs and spun myself around while his cock is still in my pussy’s tight embrace.

“Look at my ass, babe,” I said while looking back. I shook it and swayed my hips left and right, all the while keeping his cock inside me. He groaned in appreciation as he slapped and held onto my ass.

“God that looks so sexy,” he grunts as he pulled me over to him, “so now I’m going to do something I saw.”

Oh? Alright, let’s see what he wants to do.

He laid down on the floor as I got off him and then bid me over. I laid my back on him and he plants his foot down. He then reinserted himself into me and then wrapped his arm around me, one arm over my breast while the other under it.

Then he started thrusting upward. Faster and faster, harder and harder he went, and it just drove me so fucking crazy.

“Oh god! Oh fuck! Fuck! Chris! Chris, keep fucking me! Keep fucking me! I’m gonna cum! I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

Then it started. That electric, feel-good feeling that just ran up and down my limbs and stays in my belly. How it just moves all over, making my stomach churn a bit and it makes me want to curl up. But I can’t because he’s got me locked up in a hold! He kept going and going until he slid me off to my back. He kneels in front of me, jerking his cock off in front of my face.

“Y-you want to cum all over my face? You want to cover me with your delicious spunk? Please do. Please give me your cum. Please paint your little cum whore’s face with your white cream.”

I kept my mouth open, with my tongue hanging out and waiting. Just waiting Then I felt that hot, smelly, spunky rope fly out from his thick head’s slit and splatter all over my chin, my cheeks, a bit on my forehead and my tongue. I don’t particularly enjoy facials, I’d rather he cum inside my mouth or my pussy, but what I do enjoy is whether he enjoys.

But I forget that he cums a lot. So much!

He started cumming all over my tits, covering them with his hot jizz. Then I took his cock and took it in my mouth where I sucked out the remaining cum hiding inside.

“Ahhh, fuck you came a lot babe! Oh my good I’m covered in your hot jizz! I need to get cleaned up, babe.”

I scooped up all the warm jizz and shoved them in my mouth. I love the taste of his hot cum. I love it’s strong smell, and I love how it just slides down my throat with ease.

He helped me up and I got into the shower.

Well, not even a minute after getting in he joins me. I was surprised to see him slip in with me, and he started to gently wash my body. Just seeing his own body, how he takes care of it and go he works out, I’m slightly jealous. I’ve expressed concern about how I look, but he said he’s perfectly happy with how I am, however, it’s my body and if I should work out then it’s to be my choice.

But just seeing him rub me all over, well, I think I’ll just be me.

I couldn’t help but rub and stroke his cock again. Not even five minutes ago he came for me but he’s still hard and throbbing. “Baby? You’re still hard!” I gasped in a feigned shock but he just kissed my forehead. “You know I can’t resist seeing your hot cock just nodding and twitching at me.”

So I got down into a squat and started sucking him off again, with water pouring and pummeling his back. God I really am a dirty slut when it comes to Chris and his cock! He rubbed my head while I started rubbing my pussy. I want him. I want him again!

“You shouldn’t have come in here,” I told him as I rose to my feet, “because now you have to fuck me again.”

“I wouldn’t have come in here if I weren’t going to again.”

Oh my! My heart hasn’t fluttered in a hot minute, but this boy’s got me sweating! I lift a leg off to the side for him and gave him the best “Fuck me” eyes I can give.

=== ***Chris*** ===

I like sex. I used to love it but Isabella pretty much tainted it for me. It took me some time to finally become comfortable enough with myself to stay again, and the first person I get with turns out to like it just as much as I do.

She’s lovely. She’s kind and gentle. While I do guard my heart a little with her, because she has admittedly cheated in the past, I do love her. I meant what I said with wanting kids with her, and I can only wish he meant the same thing too.

And the facial? I don’t particularly like giving facials. It’s messy and I might accidentally shoot my partner in the eye, and I read that it burns too. I like seeing it in porn, but that’s about it. I prefer creampies, but that’s just my fetish really.

I do make exception with a nice titfuck into a cumshot. I don’t think any guy is averse to that.

Seeing her leg spread for me fills me with a feeling of wanting. Of lust. I just came all over her face and watching her gather it up and feed it to herself fills me with excitement. I haven’t felt excitement towards sex in a long time, and this girl just lets me rediscover old feelings I’ve forgotten about.

So of course, I take her up on her offer. Of course, I slowly slide my dick into her wet pussy, and of course I fuck the absolute hell out of her. She’s tight, she’s always tight for me and I love it. That embrace of her warm, wet pussy gives me, it tells me she wants me.

How long will we last together? Who knows, but I’m here until the end for her.

“Fuck this pussy. Fill it up with your cum, please. I need it, I fucking want it,” she begged as she clawed at her thigh. My hand went to her hip while I held my cock up against her, pushing it into her slightly, teasingly.

She whimpered at me, crying softly while I slowly, and barely, penetrates her. “B-baby, please don’t tease me! You already fucked me, just put it in!”

Oh, I enjoy teasing her.

I just looked at her and then down. Her pussy is so nice and wet, its already coating my cock and I’m damn sure it’s not the water because we turned it off.

“Put it in!”

She pulled me in close and I got it in as deep as I could get it. She gasped and her eyes fluttered and she whimpered and moaned. “S-so good… it’s so good…. Being fucked by you is so…. A-Amazing!”

She threw her hand over and held the back of my head.

“Are you my slut?”

She nodded.

“I said, ‘are you my slut’?”

“Yes! Yes I’m your slut!”

I kept my thrust as uneven as I can with varying speed and intensity. “Are you my whore?”

“Yes, daddy, I’m your little whore. I’m your little cum whore!” she gasped and moan against my thrusts.

“Who’s pussy does this belong to?” I demanded and she cried out and howling moan.

“Yours! This pussy belong to you!”

“You’re my cum dump. You’re my cock sleeve, and you’re the bitch responsible for keeping my cock clean. Understood!“

“Yes! Yes! I’ll be your cum dump! I’ll be your dirty cock sleeve and the bitch who keeps your cock clean! I’ll gladly be those things!”

Just hearing her say those things, the things I’ve wanted to say to Isabella when I was really in love with her, it has given me back a sort of control that I lost. It gave me back my self respect that Isabella stole from me, that someone WILL love me and someone IS better than her in many ways.

“I’ll make you happy. I’ll keep your pussy happy. I’ll make sure to breed you when the time is right, and I’ll make you a proud and happy mother. I’ll promise you that.”

She looked at me with a slight twinkle in her eyes. Like a reaffirmation of what I felt for her. I couldn’t help but kiss her again, like putting a seal on what we just announced.

“I’ll get her a ring.” I thought to myself, “I’ll get her a good ring!”

I know I just came before but saying all of those things has gotten me so horny and ready that I’m about ready to burst again.

So, I grabbed her by the waist and slammed myself into her, grunting and moaning while I felt my biggest load exit me suddenly. I felt that punch, that familiar punch in the gut but it felt stronger. It felt much more intense!

“Baby it’s so hot!” She squirmed at me as she looked down at herself, watching my cock twitch and spasm while a majority of it is deep inside of her. I felt her pussy close around me and wring me for all I’m worth, twisting and squeezing me for all I’m worth. “Hoh, shit you came so much! Oh I can feel your cum just splashing inside of me. You… you really filled me up babe!”

I just grunt as I gave her more and more. Her pussy just felt so good and so right, like she and I were made for one another! I gave her another kiss on her sweet, succulent lips as I reach over to turn the shower back o.

“Oh! Babe, we need to go back to work! Let’s clean each other up, come on!”

~ End of Chapter 4 ~

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rk1gi7/what_if_my_gf_didnt_get_amnesia_mf_ch_4


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