Step Sister Corruption Part 193 – Day 112 Drive Home Pt 1 (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


Summer yelled over the car’s surround sound, “WELL IT’S ABOUT FUCKING GOD DAMN TIME YOU TWO CALL!!!”

Yikes Summer is ***PISSED!!!***

Granted we hadn’t talked to her since we first arrived in town for our meeting with Vuse as we kind of got busy with everything that happened and hadn’t talked to her since.

I spoke, “Yeah sorry about that babe. We kind of got busy yesterday.”

Summer audibly sighed, “It’s alright….I guess. So are you two coming home now?”

Kel spoke, “Yes we just left the hotel, Summer, just a few minutes ago.”

I added, “With an entourage at that.”

Summer sounded confused as she spoke, “A what?”

Kel answered, “An entourage. It’s where…”

Summer interrupted Kel, “I know what an entourage is Kelly. I’m asking why you would have an entourage?”

Kel spoke, “Oh. We friended some girl’s from our home who was here with Vuse and one thing led to another.”

Summer spoke, “Ok back up. Explain.”

So we started talking.

We started with us sitting in Vuse’s office as we waited for our *appointment* with the asshat otherwise known as Morgan Guzman. How **I** noticed each and every girl had checked in with the same time with the same person and how **I** thought this could be bad.

Then we talked about how Morgan Guzman brought us in one by one or in groups depending on the situation.

Then how we got brought in and Morgan offered porn or nothing.

Summer immediately voiced her opinion, “Asshole.”

Then Kel spoke, “You should have seen it Summer. Gabe took control of the meeting and basically told him we were there for a sponsorship and nothing else. He advocated the shit out of me and eventually made him agree.”

Summer mused, “That’s good.”

I laughed, “Yeah well that got us the attention of two girls who heard everything that I said to the asshole and wanted me to do the same thing for them.”

Summer immediately blurted out, “They what?”

I laughed and told Summer what happened next as I listened to the two girls now known as Jaime and Heidi Levi. I told Summer how at first I declined my help because I didn’t know a single thing about their situation but the more and more they quickly told me I told Summer it sounded exactly like **our** situation.

Then I explained how I went to the lobby and asked the remaining girl’s; Kumi, Felicity, Anita, Bonnie, Josephine and Georgina if they were there hoping for sponsorships and if they would prefer porn.

Once I got my answers I immediately back tracked my way back to Morgan Guzman and laid out an ultimatum. Give all the girls sponsorship and grow your advertisements with them or continue tricking out unknowing girls and hope that maybe one or two will be your next stars.

Summer chuckled, “Makes sense. Don’t see why they wouldn’t agree.”

Then I told Summer how I was still booted from the building just so Morgan Guzman could *save face*.

Summer instantly growled but remained silent.

Then I explained how **we** all went back to *our* hotel to basically get to know each girl’s as I explained to them what happened in my meeting with Morgan Guzman and help advise them on what was going to happen next.

Then I told Summer how I guessed that Vuse would rescind their generosity of giving away **free** hotel accommodations.

Summer spoke, “Did they do that?”

Kel answered, “Yes they did.”

Summer growled, “Those assholes.”

Then she sighed, “So what happened to the girls?”

I spoke, “I offered to get them rooms for the night at the same hotel they we’re staying at and offered that they could stay for up to a week if they wanted.”

Summer, “Well that was nice of you.”

I grunted, “Yeah after nearly a thousand later I got them two rooms with two queens each to share.”

Summer chuckled.

Then I talked about how the girl’s dashed to get their stuff and came back to the hotel to accept my generosity. Then I treated them to dinner where I got to know them.

I commented on each girl of what I thought:

Kumi seems alright but her boyfriend and focus seemed like an unfit life style to continue doing the *Adult* thing.

Bonnie seemed really shy but I hadn’t checked out her account….could be a freak for all I know.

Felicity seemed reserved like Morgan is….possibly the same way. Might be another person that Summer could possibly dominate.

Josephine, Anita, and Georgina seemed like-able but really aloof as they didn’t speak much.

Then there were the wild cards….Jaime and Heidi Levi.

Summer chuckled, “That’s a lot of girls. So are you their agent now?”

I shrugged and realized I wasn’t on video chat, “More or less. Have to wait to see how Vuse decides before I believe most of the girl’s will decide to agree that I’m their agent for now. Most of them just see me as some nice guy who was making sure they didn’t get thrown out on the street sleeping in their cars hungry.”

Summer chuckled, “Fair enough. What happened next?”

I shrugged and sighed again realizing that I was on phone and not video as the car was moving, “*NO* idea. After dinner I pretty much went upstairs while Kel stayed behind to talk to the girl’s for a few hours before she came up to the room for a romp and then bed.”

Summer mused, “Uh huh. Kelly, what did you talk about with them?”

I looked at Kel, “Yeah big mouth ***What did you talk about with them?***”

Kel looked at me, “I don’t have a big mouth?”

I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, “Then why did Heidi suddenly get very friendly with me this morning?”

Kel growled *damn I told them in confidence*.

Summer spoke over the surround system, “What was that I didn’t hear you?”

Kel spoke, “I just talked to them about their own accounts to see what they do differently than me in the hopes that I could bring in more money.”

Summer spoke, “Uh huh. And what did they tell you?”

Kel blushed but still spoke, “Just different things.”

Before either Summer or I could ask her the obvious question, she spoke, “Like Kumi and Anita have their boy’s act as *helpers* in their live streams. Sometimes taking them or doing stuff to them at the behest of their viewers. They admitted that’s when they get the most money because their *helpers* act as the viewer when they suggest things to them which leads to bigger tips.”

That explained why she suggested to me about being her *helper*. Makes sense now that she suggested it.

She continued, “Or Jaime will do private video sessions with viewers who are willing to pay the most for their time….she has a type she prefers, beyond rich and gullible, Black and Big Dicks. Heidi admitted she prefers using her doll like appearance to get the geek community as she cosplays as certain character’s while she uses items and she admits it’s and I’m quoting here ‘*a fuck ton of money*’. Josephine and Georgina prefer the bdsm community as that satisfies their tendencies and does videos over at Lilith’s Arcade for private users willing to pay. Felicity and Bonnie are like me just doing the whole sending vibes for *donations*.”

Summer spoke, “Ok that gives us enough ammunition to help grow your channel.”

Kel spoke, “Yeah I have other ideas to go over with you once we get home that might help with that that I’m willing to try.”

Summer sounded pleased, “Glad to hear you’re willing to take initiative on this.”

I looked at Kel, “Kel you still haven’t told *us* why Heidi is suddenly so infatuated with me?”

Summer was quiet.

Kel sighed, “Well during the conversation a few of them kind of dissed you and started joking that you probably have a wee one between your legs. It was either stay quiet or voice my opinion. So I voiced my opinion.”

Summer gasped, “You didn’t?”

Kel nodded and confidently spoke, “I did and I don’t know what came over me but I suggested the main perpetrators stay in the adjacent room to us as I gave them a *vocal* show if you were to clarify Gabe’s natural stamina.”

Summer was silent for a moment before she started chuckling.

All while I looked at her in complete shock as I was no longer looking at the Kel of the past as her *transformation* had affected her brain as I knew before she would have **never** done that.

Kel looked at me, “What? They pissed me off,” then her old self came back as she blushed and submissively looked at me, “Are you mad?”

I answered her by leaning over and kissing her letting Summer hear the loud *SMACKING* sound of our lips.

Summer growled and hissed, “Stop that. That isn’t helping me right now.”

Kel broke the kiss and huskily answered, “Too bad Summer. You’ll have to wait until we get home to do what I’m about to do.”

Summer growled, “Kelly you fucking b…”

Kel reached over and hit the end button on her screen ending the call. She looked at me, “Oops we must have gone through a tunnel,” as she smiled at me.

I smiled at Kel and leaned in to kiss her but she stopped me as she spoke, “Oh Faraday.”

The car’s system spoke with it’s semi male tone, “Yes Ms. Michaels?”

She looked at me and smiled wolfishly, “Initiate Program ‘*Affirm*’ please.”

