She fingered [M]y butt in front of a whole hostel dorm

Yeah in hindsight this may have been a bit obnoxious of us, but we were drunk foolish backpackers.

This happened during my backpacking trip along with other stories on my profile.


I knew we were going to get along when we were making vagina jokes about five minutes into the conversation.

I’d just arrived in the hostel and gone out for a few drinks with the first people I had met, and when we came back these English girls invited us to have a few more with them before going to bed. They were loads of fun, and two of them were quite hot, so the night ended very late after more than just a few more. There was a very cute blonde one and one with darker hair who was pulling the best jokes. I liked her energy a lot, and she was definitely cute as well.

In the hostel dorm, beds were made up of double beds with little separators to divide each double into two single beds. When we called it a night, I found out the dark haired jokester was sleeping in the same bed as me. I lifted the separator and said something stupid.

Her: “Fuck off!”

Ah, young lust. I laughed and passed out immediately. The next day, we all went sightseeing together, and at night, we went out together and got completely hammered. By now, two German guys had joined the party and I realized that my girl was into one of them, having longer conversations with him. The night involved Tequila, and as usual when I drink that, I started to make everybody make out with each other. I made my jokester get into a threeway kiss with the German guy and another girl. Then I sat down between the two girls and tried to orchestrate a seven-way kiss, which failed because at that angle, you can’t get your tongue all the way to the center. We all learned something important for life. I make out a little with each of the two girls, but a bit longer with the dark haired one who by now has won me over with her fun energy and a clearly sexual vibe.

The night ends with everybody making their way back to the hostel drunkenly and me passing out immediately. In the morning, another girl who’d joined the party and turned out to be the biggest rockstar during the “never ever” drinking game jumps into my bed for a brief moment. I’m not into her physically but I put my arm around her for a few minutes before she jumps up to get a shower or something. I think her idea of cuddling in the morning was a splendid one, so I move my arm below the divider in our bed and caress my english jokester’s shoulder. She’s into it so we start cuddling and I move to the other side of the bed. I spoon her and say

Me: “This is great. Let’s cuddle for the entire morning, my hangover is already feeling so much better”

She agrees. After a few minutes, I start softly kissing her neck, and get an erection. She notices and starts rubbing her ass against it. We both start breathing more heavily. Now keep in mind this is broad daylight, and although the dorm is empty at this moment, people can walk in at any moment. So we decide to be “subtle” (her words) about it and get under the covers despite the heavy heat in the room. I’m sure everybody who walked in knew exactly what was going on. I start fingering her, she cums once or twice and rubs my cock frantically. I tell her I’m about to cum and she rubs even harder, so I cum.

Shortly after that, the owner of the place walks in and sees us cuddle. Seemingly unimpressed, he asks us if he should move up the divider thing since we’re a “couple” now. We agree and cuddle a bit more. We try to make the blonde join us in bed, but she declines:

Blondie: “That’s totally going to end in a weird orgy or something.”

My girl: “What’s wrong with that?”

I have become quite the expert at finding the most fun girls. We get out of bed soon as it’s hot and one of the girls wants to have a talk to a tattoo artist. We all follow and then sit down in a bar to wait for the rain to be over. We have a few beers but then decide it’s time for a nap because this night is going to be the big night. My little jokester and me walk home together and although we’d acted like nothing happened in public, we make out a little on the way back.

We get home first and get under the covers (by now the AC is on again so it’s a little less obvious). Everybody else arrives shortly after, and the dorm is super crowded with people walking around and talking. We start making out and within a short time I’m fingering her again and she’s rubbing my cock. I pull out a condom and show it to her, and she nods eagerly. I put it on and slide inside her. I realize it’s going to be better for me to be on my back, and let her ride me. She’s loving it. I see her friend on top of the bed next to us, but I’m not sure if she saw us fucking. She probably did, but I cum within two minutes or so. It’s been a while since I had sex (the last place I’ve been to had been absolutely empty of hot girls).

She rolls off me, smiles and puts her fist in the air. I bump it. Cool girl. I pass out.

When I wake up, it’s time for our big night out. We head to some sleazy reggae bar and my girl and me bond over our shared love for tequila. I remember very little after that. Me singing along with the live band. Suddenly another bar and I’m playing pool against some super skilled thai girl.

Then it’s all blackness.

I wake up when the owner of the hostel tells me to scoot over back to my side of the bed because he has to let the divider down again. I realize the English girls have left already and I’m alone here. My mind is doing backflips trying to remember the night but the memories are gone. For some reason, I’m convinced we didn’t have sex again. I think it’s a pity she didn’t get any better fucking out of her encounter with me.

I should know myself better by now.

I overhear rockstar girl talking to some other girl. They talk about not being able to sleep because of the “nightly activities”. I interrupt them:

Me: “What do you mean, nightly activities?”

They look at me as if I just asked whether the sky was blue.

Me: “…oh so you mean me and her had sex again?”

They confirm and then give me the details. Apparently, in our drunken stupor we’d decided that there was no more need to be “subtle”, and just fucked in the open for everybody to watch, going at it for two rounds. I apparently made her fuck my butt with her finger on the second round and in the end we passed out butt naked with my hand covering her pussy. It appears that everybody has been watching us for the entire thing. This gay guy walk past our conversation and goes:

Him: “You gave me my first ever heterosex visual! I’ve never seen anything like this”

I should probably moderate my drinking.


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