My [F]riend and I[M] ended up sleeping together two nights in a row after a night of drinking

So this all happened a couple days ago, and to be honest I’m still pretty baffled it happened. So bare with me here this is my first time writing a story in this context.

Alright so to give some back story I am 22[M] and this girl we will call Sam is 24[F], Sam and I both have relationships but both of our significant others go to different schools across the country. So we both go to the same college and our friend groups generally hang out on the weekends to go around to clubs/bars or whatever is happening on that particular weekend. A few weeks prior to this week we had all gone out to the bars with our friends and we were out unusually late and didn’t end up getting back to my friends house until around 2am, for some context my friend lives in the same house as Sam. So we get back and end up watching some movies and we were kind of cuddling and touching each other in teasing ways but I didn’t think much of it. Especially with how drunk we both were. My friend said we were definitely doing something but I didn’t really believe him haha.

So fast forward to this week, we had all gotten done with finals and decided we would use our last two days before we headed back home for Christmas to have two days of partying and such. So the first night, we did exactly that and were out until around midnight. Well Sam, my friend, and I were walking back and Sam and I decided we wanted to head back to my place and watch a movie, which is totally normal for us so I thought nothing of it. So we get to my house and we sit down in my living room and we put on a movie and start watching it. About 20 minutes into the movie we are both wrapped up on the couch making out. We stop periodically to watch some of the movie but most of the time was spent making out. Once the movie was over we decided to head up to my room, but I was pretty early in the morning by this point so we just made out a bit more and then went to sleep.

The next morning we woke up and both had a laugh about how neither of us thought that this would ever happen and then we realized that we needed to get her back home before me friend got up and realized she stayed here. Everyone knows we are both in a relationship so we didn’t need drama to be started about it. So we headed out and I dropped her off. Though out the day we chatted about what had happened and we both seemed to have a good time but both agreed that we should probably not do that again. Well that night we went out with all our friends as planned and did some drinking at the club. When we headed back this time we went over to my friends house and we decided as a group we would watch a movie. So, we get back and put on a movie, Sam and I are on one couch but we aren’t super close, and my two friends are on the other couch. As the movie is going we are all chatting and still drinking lightly just to keep the party going. As we are watching the movie Sam and I progressively scoot closer to each other up until the point where she decides to rest her legs mine. We finish the movie and my two friends head home and headed off to the bathroom and expecting to go back home when I returned. I get done and when I get back it’s just Sam in the living room and she proceeds to ask me I want to say and watch another Movie with her. I gladly oblige and plop back down next to her and because no one is around now I put my arm around her and she rests her head on my chest.


We start the movie and just as the night before we start making out again except this time we are both quite a bit more handsy that we had previously been. I at one point moved my hand down towards her thighs and my hand grazed her pussy and I could immediately tell how wet she was, which a surprise but a pleasant one. After a couple more minutes of making out and tit play we decided we should go to her room for some more privacy. We headed up to her room and immediately got on top of each other and started making out again. And at this point I started to rub her pussy through her pants and she was quite wet. I then put my hand in her pants and slowly played with her lips and her clit until I slid one finger into her. I have *never* had my fingers slide so effortlessly into someone it was insane. And she immediately let’s out an audible moan and I continue to finger her going deeper and adding an additional finger. As we are doing this we are also making out and she is rubbing my cock through my pants. We do this for a bit longer and then by this point it’s alarmingly early in the morning. it’s like 5am, so we stopped and went to sleep. I woke up a couple ours later and headed back home to make sure my friend didn’t know I stayed at his place that night.

We chatted again the next day and decided as bad as what we were doing was we plan on doing stuff again when we get back from Christmas Break. So I guess we will see what happens when I head back to college. We both seemed pretty eager to do it again so we will see what happens.



  1. It sounds like you and Sam are really into each other. Maybe you guys should talk about ending your respective LDRs and get together.

  2. Hope there will be more to your budding romance! How did the make out session start the first time (20 min into the first movie)? Did you start leaning towards each other, get closer then pull away, gave each other the look and went at it? Either of you think about your SOs during these sessions?

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