[MF] Met a couple [MF] new to the area Follow up 3

Unfortunately nothing new to add. The tornado pretty much wiped out all of our plans.

Perhaps once things get back in some sort of order we can pick up where we left off.

Just a little funny thing I was just made aware of. Not sure why our host waited till now to share this with me but he sent me a photo of a note he found in his mailbox the day after our evening there.

It said “You may want to close your curtains” I thought it was kind of funny, once the initial shock subsided. He on the other hand is concerned since they are new to the neighborhood and he has no idea who left the note.

In all of the excitement that night and how quickly things went from zero to 100 apparently no one thought to close the patio curtains or turn the lights off which left a clear view of everything!

What did they see and how long were they there watching is anyone’s guess.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rk1yel/mf_met_a_couple_mf_new_to_the_area_follow_up_3