**Christmas with the Starship Rimshot Girls**


Bold and daring adventures continue, with Capt. Theremin, the Hermaphrodite King and Android Susie. Lt.McGonagal has romantic relations with three lovely girls, completely human with prehensile tails (our Lt. is suspended by his ankles, and whipped with prehensile tails!) Capt. Theremin fulfills his long desire for the Hragoth Triplets, each Princess of Alpha Centauri giving him special attention, and offering her anus for personal pleasures. After falling in love with Polly, Android Susie reboots her sex-bot programming and consummates her love in wondrous ways. Polly and Billy Quist both enjoy the diverse polyamorous programming of Android Susie. (160 pages of lusty space opera.)

**Excerpt from Dr. Praxilion Fucks Jenny Six Ways to Sunday**

Dr. Praxilion chose six droids from the forty-two most advanced, free-thinking droids in his collection. Each was created for a specific purpose, some for non-human environments, as in the seas beneath the surface of Europa. The Europa-octopus was covered with soft skin and suction tentacles, which would feel pleasant on Jenny’s body. In contrast, a small mining droid, built for high-heat under the radiation of triple-star systems, had a smooth metallic surface, which might be slightly uncomfortable for a naked girl. He chose only two droids with human appearance: Sarasvati, a female droid with four arms, and Ungat, of slightly male appearance, though his dread-locks were three-foot long green snakes. He had a handsome human face, but the snakes could really confuse an timid starship bookkeeper, even a girl as worldly and sophisticated as Jenny.

Only Sarasvati had any programming related to human sexuality. She was designed as a sex-bot for the spiritually inclined, though she contained no spiritual teachings of any kind. She was intended to be exotic and intoxicating for people with spiritual imaginations, playing music, quoting poetry from several human cultures, without knowing anything at all about what the words or music referred to. She was much like an automaton, moving and making sounds, as a playback device, the device having no understanding of the motions or sounds. Sarasvati was self-aware in her emotional responses to music and poetry, but unable to articulate why a verse or a song made her happy or sad. In her capacity as a sex-bot she was fully aware of her own physical sensations, and knew how to create physical pleasure with human bodies.

Jenny lay down on a wide bed, raised three-feet off the floor of an outdoor gazebo. The gazebo stood in warm, summer sunlight near a calm sea. Dr. Praxilion hosed-down the Europa-octopus from all sides to be certain the creature carried no irritating sand or pebbles into the gazebo. Glistening wet, whistling cheerfully, the Europa-octopus climbed into bed with Jenny. (She was uncertain how the beast whistled, as it had no human mouth or lips.) The beast did have a wide, soft octopus mouth, with no teeth or sharp edges. With four tentacles around her legs, it spread her thighs and placed its mouth firmly against her vagina.

Jenny remembered the famous Japanese painting of the Fisherman’s Wife. (Giant octopus eating pussy. Painted in 1814.)

The self-awareness of an octopus is difficult to measure. The beast continued to whistle cheerful English dance tunes, and Scottish jigs as it licked and sucked Jenny’s vagina. Dr. Praxilion could not say whether or not the beast was sexually stimulated in any way, but it was certainly having a good time. Jenny was sexually stimulated beyond her wildest dreams! On the playback video, we clearly see Jenny having at least five orgasms. She reported twice that number, but said she lost count after awhile.

On Tuesday, Ungat, the medusa-haired man was no less stimulating. Jenny was glad he was her sex-partner early in the week, as it took all her energy to keep up with his acrobatic sexual positions. On Wednesday, Sarasvati was a pure delight! Gentle and entertaining, the woman with four arms had almost as many orgasms as Jenny. On Thursday, the mining droid made Jenny laugh. It’s dildo-like little arms thrust in and out of her with great precision, at just the right speed, at just the right depth, vibrating all the while, in both her anus and vagina. It made her come and come and come.

On Friday, Jenny expected her body to show signs of wear and tear, but everything felt great. Her tender vaginal lips had been ruffed-up in no way by four days of action, and she was enthusiastic, ready for more!

The Friday droid was a Gas-Giant Floater, looking much like a deep ocean transparent sea cucumber (see illustration) It filled her mouth, vagina and anus with semen, at the same time.

47 Roscoe Forthright videos.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rjo16q/dr_praxilion_fucks_jenny_six_ways_to_sunday