My first 3-way. Something I did not see coming [FMF].

Several months ago, my girlfriend and I planned a trip to Iceland, but we instead broke up last month. The trip was already paid for and since I did not want to travel alone, I invited my brother to come with me. When we got our COVID test a day before leaving, he tested positive (we know it was a false positive) and basically he was denied travel.

So in the end, I went to Iceland alone. I was pretty bummed, but decided I was going to make the most of it. My flight left NYC at 7 pm and arrive in Iceland before 6 AM local time. The airport was nearly empty so by the time I got my bag, went through immigration and customs and got my rental car it was about 7:45. I learned that this time of year, the sun does not rise in Iceland till about 10 AM and nothing opens until around 10-11 AM.

I decided to drive to my hotel in Reykjavik, hoping that I could get an early check in. I got to the hotel an hour later and checked with the receptionist if I could do an early check in. At this point I was so tired that I could not keep my eyes open. She told me that there were still people in my room and they are not due to check out until about 10 AM. I looked around and found a nice big comfy couch in a corner of the lobby and decided to rest there. I took out my laptop and started watching YouTube.

The next thing I knew, somebody was tapping me on the shoulder and when I opened my eyes it was daylight. The receptionist was waking me up to tell me my room was ready. I looked at my watch and it was 10:15. She saw me give her a confused look and she said she felt so bad for me that she upgraded my room so I can get the first one available. I was so thankful, I asked for her name and offered to buy her dinner. She smiled and said her name was Veronika and it wasn’t necessary but she appreciated it. I got up to my room, took off my jacket and collapsed in bed.

I woke up at about 5 PM and it was already dark outside. I decided to start unpacking and jump in the shower. After I was freshened up, I went downstairs to get something to eat. I was surprised to see Veronika was still working. She gave me a smile when she saw me and I approached her. I learned she was working until 8. I brought up my offer to buy her dinner and she paused. She said that she was meeting a friend for drinks after work and she told me I was welcomed to join them. I agreed and then I asked her for a recommendation for a place to eat. She gave me several suggestions, and I decided to go to a place next door to where she was going to meet her friend.

About an hour later, I was looking out the window of the restaurant and saw Veronika and her friend walking by. She happened to look into the restaurant I was in and she saw me. I waved for them to come in and they did. She introduced her friend, Bianca as they joined me at my table. I offered to buy them drinks, which they accepted and proceeded to order.

As we started to talked, I learned that Veronika was originally from Croatia and has been in Iceland for about a year and a half. Bianca said she was a mutt being half Italian and half Spanish. She’s only been in Iceland for less than six months and has not learned the language yet. So she and Veronika communicate in English, the only language they had in common. Bianca was young and she looked it. She just turned 21 (supposedly) and was enjoying life. While Veronika was about 5’8, Bianca was petite. She probably did not stand more that 5’2.

After we finished the first drink, the ladies suggested we move to the bar next door. The bartender was their friend and was generous with the drinks. So I paid the bill and we went next door.

The bar was not very busy. The bartender recognized the girls and came over to us. Bianca introduced me to her and she was what you imagined an Icelandic woman to be. Tall, blonde, and beautiful. She took our orders and pointed us to a corner of the bar which was pretty much empty. Veronika excused herself to go to the ladies room as Bianca and I sat the the corner of the bar. Bianca asked about me and my plans in Iceland. Not too long after Veronika joined us as we learned more about each other.

As it often does, time flies when you’re having fun and soon enough it was getting late. The bartender said something to Veronika in Icelandic and Veronika said that we need to get our last orders in. Bianca out of the blue said ” you better order her a few more drinks. Veronika needs at least three drinks to sleep with you”. Veronika’s jaw dropped and she turned red. Bianca realized she might have offended her friend. Bianca tried to shift the focus to herself by saying she was a cheap date and was ready to sleep with anyone who buys her a drink.

It was awkward for a few minutes and then I flagged the bartender and asked the girls if they wanted anything else. They ordered a drink each and I just asked for some ice water. I am really not much of a drinker. I had two beers and was nursing a third one for about an hour. We decided to head out and I paid for our bill. As we walked out of the bar, Veronika asked what my plans are and feeling somewhat brave enough after what Bianca said, I replied “I was going to invite you to my hotel room”.

Veronika flat out said “no” and immediate disappointment hit me. Then she continued, “I do not want to give my co-workers the wrong impression. We can go back to my flat if you want”.

“That sounds fun”. Bianca answered. The girls lived a few blocks down from the bar, so we decided to walk. The girls were talking and I was not able to hear the conversation until Bianca said “I’m okay with that”. I asked what was going on and Veronika said that she had an early morning tomorrow and they decided we should go to Bianca’s flat instead so we can sleep in if we wanted while she got ready for work in the morning.

If I am going to be transparent here, I was very attracted to Veronika and my goal was to sleep with her. Bianca was a wonderful bonus, but Veronika was the goal. So in a way, I was afraid that Veronika would back out when we got to Bianca’s place and leave me with Bianca. My worries were alleviated as soon as we walked in the door. I reached out to Veronika, held her in my arms and we started to kiss.

Bianca disappeared somewhere but I didn’t care, I had Veronika in my arms. She stopped the kiss for a little bit as she took off her coat and she suggested I take mine off too. Then Bianca comes walking in the room completely naked. She had a tight little body and here tits were are perky as 21 year old tits could be.

“My turn” she said, as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. Her breath tasted like a mix of mouthwash and cigarettes, but it was not off putting. As we made out, on the corner of my eye, I saw Veronika undress. She took off her bra but for some reason left her panties on as she walked towards me and Bianca. She came around my back and she started to kiss my neck.

Bianca started to undress me and I felt Veronika press her breast on my back. Her nipples were hard and it was then that I got very hard. Bianca unbuttoned my pants in put her hand in to caress my dick. She stopped the kiss, looked into my eyes, smiled, got on her knees and put me in her mouth. I started to kiss Veronika and fondle her breasts.

Bianca was doing a great job sucking my dick. Aside from the up and down movement, she would suck on my dick like a straw and the feeling was unbelievable good. But what drove me over the edge was her moaning as she was going down on me like she really enjoyed what she was doing. I felt all my toes curl.

Veronika asked if I wanted to take this to bed and I said yes. Bianca let my dick go, gave it a kiss on the tip, then held it as she led us to her bedroom. She asked me to lay on her bed as she leaned over and put one of her breasts in my mouth. Veronika on the other side of the bed took me in her mouth.

Bianca took turns feeding her breasts into my mouth and after a few minutes, she stood up, stood above my head and lowered her ass into my face. I decided to return the favor and do my best to eat her pussy.

I heard her encourage Veronika to suck my dick, telling her what to do. It was such a turn on. Then she told Veronika to put me inside her pussy. Veronika asked if she wanted to go first, but Bianca said she was enjoying what I was doing. Veronika got a condom, put it on me before she got on top of me, moved the crotch of her panty aside and put me in her pussy. She was wet, tight and felt awesome.

Bianca was gyrating her hips. I had to hold her down, because as many of you know, it’s hard to hit a moving target. Not long after, Bianca tensed up, her moans got louder and she asked me to put a finger inside her pussy. I felt her pussy throb around my finger as she let out one last moan.

I must admit, I became more focused on making Bianca cum, than Veronika riding my dick. Bianca got off of me and I now I had a good look at Veronika. Like I said earlier, she did not remove her panties and just moved the crotch to the side. I don’t know why but I felt unsatisfied not seeing her in her entirety. I asked her if she wanted to switch positions and she said yes.

She laid down on the bed and I tried to take off her panties. She held my hand and shook her head. “No” she said. Then she brushed her underwear’s crotch aside and I entered her again. Bianca once again disappeared. But that was okay since I wanted to concentrate on Veronika. Looking at her beautiful face was like making love to an angel. She was truly gorgeous. I came not too much longer and I collapsed beside her.

Bianca was sitting on a chair, vaping as she watched me finish inside Veronika. She reached out her hand and I tried to hold it and she replied “no, your condom”. I took off my condom and handed it to her. She stood up, threw it in the garbage can and laid opposite of Veronika.

She asked Veronika if she came and Veronika answer “almost”. Bianca started shoving me towards Veronika. “Eat her pussy. Make her cum.” she demanded. I laughed and conceded.

As I positioned myself between Veronika’s legs, I asked her if I can take off her underwear and again she said no.

“Just let him see your thick bush” Bianca said. This embarrassed Veronika.

I held her hand and told her “I don’t mind. In fact it’s a turn on for me.”.

“Are you sure?” Veronika asked and I nodded. She raised her ass from the bed to let me take her panties off. Her pubic area was really not bad. Yes it was a bit thick, but it was not the worst I have seen and in fact, it did turn me on.

I started to eat her pussy. I looked up to see what Bianca was doing and she was sitting on the bed, still vaping, watching me go down on Veronika. I found that to be such a turn on.

Veronika was very responsive to touch. Every time I hit the right spot, she twitched and moaned. Pretty soon I got her dialed in and concentrated on her sensitive spot. With both hands she grabbed my hair and she started moaning “don’t stop”. About a minute later she started to cum.

I looked at Bianca and she was playing with her nipples. I asked if she would rather have my mouth and she said yes. I laid between the girls as I started to suck on Bianca’s nipples. Veronika, put her arms around me and started to kiss behind my neck. I turned around to kiss her as I fondled Bianca’s breast.

Veronika said she was tired and wanted to rest for a bit. I nodded and said good night as I went back to sucking Bianca’s tits. The last thing I remembered was sucking on Bianca’s right nipple as I drifted off. The jet lag caught up with me.

Bianca woke me up about an hour later and just said “fuck me”. I felt her hand on my dick and as I looked down I saw that she was playing with herself. “I am so wet, just fuck me”. She said again.
I asked for a condom and she said she was on the pill. I guess I was just to dazed and horny to argue. I got on top of her and put my dick in her pussy. I looked at Veronika and she was sound asleep on her side facing away from us.

Bianca from the start wanted me to fuck her hard. I motioned towards Veronika. Bianca pointed towards the couch and I nodded. I got off of her and we went to the couch. I sat down and Bianca took me in her mouth. She gave me a wet sloppy blow job before coming on top of me and put me inside her. Bianca rode my dick so vigorously I thought she was going to break it off. She started to play with her clit she she fucked me and she started to move and moan like a crazy woman.

“Tell me when your cumming, let’s cum together” she said. Her enthusiasm was such a turn on, I willed myself to cum. In the end we did cum together. Bianca fed me her left tit, then her right, then her lips. She got off, took my hand and led me to bed.

I fell asleep with my arms across Bianca.

The next morning I woke up when I felt a kiss on my cheek. It was Veronika saying goodbye as she was heading out.

I fell back asleep and woke up about a couple of hours later. Bianca was still asleep. I got up to use the bathroom. I looked at the clock it was 9 AM and it was still dark as night outside.

Bianca woke up, and said good morning. I asked if she had some coffee. She nodded, got up and went to her kitchen as I started getting dressed.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting dressed. I am getting ready to get out of your hair.” I answered.

“Uh- uh. We are gonna fuck some more”.



  1. Iceland has wonderful women. Unfortunately, the lack of condoms leads to lots of STDs. Hopefully you got ‘checked’ when you returned to the States.

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