Altered Perception [M/F] (aggressive)

Part 1: The Encounter

In the silence of twilight a set of distressed black boots crunched over crisp leaves and clouds of cigarette smoke wafted past flickering street lights. The night air combined with inhaling the toxic mixture of nicotine and other chemicals caused my nerves to be soothed and mind to wander. Jacob, my most recent lover, was on the forefront of my mind.
“How mad will he be when he finds out I won’t be seeing him anymore?” I thought. Tired from hiding the increasingly flirty relationship from my boyfriend, the pretense of friendship was getting harder to maintain every day. I worried James already knew of my transgressions.
Passing a local dive bar I noticed a few stragglers gathered outside swaying in the neon glow. It was long after last call so I quickened my steps to avoid unwanted attention. I could never be sure how my choice of dress would be perceived by intoxicated gentlemen. Regardless of the cold autumn surroundings tattered black thigh highs clung to thin yet shapely legs and too far above them to be considered modest a skirt made of faux black leather covered just enough of my swaying rear so that with every step a teasing glimpse of red lace and garters could be seen. Above that my favorite jacket fit just so, it’s zipper straining to hide the ample breasts that today I had decided would remain unrestrained by conventional lingerie.
A few moments later I neared the gate to the back entrance of the home I shared with my boyfriend. My steps faltered hesitating to enter. A queasy feeling curled in the pit of my stomach inviting the urge to turn and run. Inhaling deep to clear the unease I opened the gate closing it behind me with a soft click then cautiously approached the door disappearing into the dark entryway.

With the flick of a switch fluorescent lighting illuminated the small tidy kitchen I had stepped into. Carelessly removing my boots I moved beyond the kitchen the unease returning. “James?” I called with no response.
“Hmmm… he should be home by now.” Suddenly masculine fingers snaked over my mouth closing off the ability to make sound while a warm pungent breath rushed past my ear. “You’re looking real pretty today.” The voice hoarsely whispered into my ear. Strong arms pushed my body up against the wall with a knee between my thighs to keep me in place. With one hand still over my mouth the other had free roam of my curves and I started to struggle.

Part 2: The Altercation

Equal parts fear and unwelcome excitement coursed through my body as the knee between my thighs pressed firmly against the sickly wet slit yearning to be touched.
“Who is this man?” I thought fleetingly before dismissing the idea that it mattered.
Impulsively my hips pressed back into the body holding me still. The scent of my unwanted arousal could be found amid the distinct alcoholic aroma emitting from the man behind me. “You stupid bitch. You know what happens when little girls dress like that don’t you?” asked the man coarsely. His hand gropped at my breast pinching the nipple hard enough to summon a quiet moan. “I think you do know,” said the man upon hearing the sound ” and I’m going to use your cunt filthy whore.”
“Why am I like this? I should fight.” I asked myself as my body instinctively betrayed my sensibilities. I knew I shouldn’t want this but since I the tender young age of six I knew what my body was for. Unwilling to admit it to even myself I longed for the overuse of the body I inhabited.
The man took his hands away long enough to gather my arms behind me restraining them with a thin hard plastic wire. Releasing my body to slump against the wall he fumbled under my skirt tearing at the panties scantily covering his target. Bringing them to my mouth and forcing them too far down my throat. Gagging, I could taste the tangy flavor that was my arousal. In an attempt to catch a glimpse of the man about to violate me I turned my head only to have a crinkling plastic bag suddenly placed over it. The panties already restricted my breathing so that the addition of the plastic made it nearly impossible. True fear replacing any trace of excitement I tried to remain calm enough to take small gasps of air.
“He’s going to kill me!” my mind screamed when I realized a loss of consciousness was imminent.

Part 3: The Cage

Sunlight. It filtered through a small window as if to call me awake and my eyelids fluttered open. “Where am I? What happened? That man!” my thoughts turned frantic. Realizing I was still alive didn’t lessen the anxiety I felt as I focused my gaze on the surroundings. A cage. For an animal. Humiliation coursed through me as I sat up trapped and unclothed. To my left was a dirty metallic bowl. The name Bitch clearly visible even through its worn appearance. I peered inside and my tongue dryly licked at my lips before I dove in to eagerly slurp at the water it held. Thirst soon became a thing of the past and I sat back to assess any damages done to my body. Cloudy brownish gray streaks of dirt covered much of my skin barely letting a freckle show through. A thick metal of some kind adorned my throat. Reaching a hand up to my matted hair I winced at the obvious signs of bruising. If I had the luxury of a mirror I imagined my appearance to be that of an abused homeless Jane doe.
As I adjusted the position in which I sat a deep ache made itself known at the apex between my thighs. Groaning in pain I gingerly touched the source and felt engorged lips obscuring the entrance to my womanhood. They were yet moist from something I dared not dwell on. “Clearly someone took what they wanted.” I said aloud to the empty room. Sighing heavily I lowered my sore body to the cage floor below and fell fast asleep to sounds of my stomach growling in hunger.

Part 4: The Stranger

How many days had passed I didn’t know but every time I woke the bowl provided for me was once again filled to the brim with water. Wondering if I would ever be fed or let out I could feel my body losing strength. On shaky arms I would maneuver around the small cage seeking whatever comfort I could. Outside there was the occasional sound of male voices speaking. I tried desperately to make out any words but to no avail. Patiently I waited for whatever was on the other side of the door. After all, what choice did I have?
After what seemed like weeks a clicking sound could be heard from across the room and I glanced up sharply to see the metal knob of the door turning. Artificial light leaked into the room as a silhouette of a man appeared. With confident steps the man approached the cage I was trapped in.
“Come.” He ordered.
I quickly moved forward on all fours looking up at him questioningly.
“Turn around.”
Obeying immediately I heard behind me the sound of keys being inserted into a lock and the creaking of the metal door as it opened. Grabbing for my hips he yanked me forward abruptly. I could feel his erection pressing along the crack of my ass. It nestled snugly there and throbbed against me, leaving me aching to be penetrated by him. My sex was instantly fully aroused, anxious and painful, begging each time it pulsed, for him to penetrate it, yet he remained fixed, pressing his rigid cock against me. I leaned back slightly to press myself harder against him, and flexed the muscles of my ass tightly, until I was gripping his cock just inside my sweet, taut rear end. Oh god, I silently prayed, as I sensed that he was about to fuck me.
