The time I spent my night exchanging videos with a student [MF]

Disclaimer: My Reddit username is a pseudonym, not my real name.

I’m currently a professor in a STEM field. I interact with about 200 students each semester. Some of these interactions are more *memorable* than others.

This is a story from only a few years ago where I ended up exchanging videos with a student for hours, which led to something a little more.


It was a normal weekday about midway through the semester. No days off anytime recently or anytime soon. I was lecturing about something super math heavy, and I remember seeing almost a whole row of students nodding off.

I finished class a little early, and told them thanks for being here physically – a little jab at everyone that fell asleep. A couple students came up to me after class. They were in a group whenever we did group work, and they seemed to have become friends throughout the semester. They had some questions about the lecture. *Yay, someone was paying attention!*

We walked through their questions until they seem to understand most of the answers. Then one of them, Morgan, asked me, “Do you mind that I recorded this lecture?”

I paused, probably for an awkward amount of time. I don’t like to be recorded unknowingly. If she asked beforehand then I probaby would have been fine with it, but asking after the fact feels rude. I post video versions of all my lectures anyway (me talking over the slides, not a recording of me in class), so it seems unnecessary.

“Uhhh…well, it’s done now.” I said.

They could sense that I was annoyed. Morgan’s friend, Rachel, laughed a little, and Morgan clearly felt uncomfortable.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Just ask me first next time.” I tacked on with a big smile, trying to reverse the frustration I let out.

“O-Okay…sorry.” Morgan said.

They told me that they planned to come to office hours together later on to talk about the group work.

And when office hours started, there they were. We worked through the last assignment a little bit, but I realized that they needed more explanation of the topic itself. I cleaned off my whiteboard to prep for a mini lecture. Right before I was about to begin, Morgan spoke up.

“Do you mind if I record this?” she asked, with her phone already pointing towards the board.

“Sure, no problem at all.” I told her.

I was being genuine, but then Rachel chuckled and I heard her joke quietly, “add it to your collection.” *That’s a weird thing to say.* I pretended not to hear her (this is very common by the way, I overhear all kinds of ridiculous shit as a professor and just act like I don’t), and started filling up the whiteboard with equations. I tried to explain each one as we went along – what each term is, why we include it, etc. Rachel asked a few questions along the way and seemed to be following me well enough. Morgan seemed lost still – no questions, blank stare at the board, etc.

I tried to give her a chance to ask a question, “Sooo, what do you think?”

“Oh, I’m not going to understand this right now. I’m just going to take this video home and watch you over and over.” Morgan replied. She realized what she said and quickly tried to correct herself, “Uh-I mean the video. Watch the video. Of the math. Of t-the stuff we’re doing now.” She stopped herself, but not before her cheeks turned red.

This wasn’t a bit deal in my eyes. I knew what she meant. I also have to watch and read things a million times to understand them. But then Rachel started laughing like she couldn’t hold it in anymore, and I remembered her comment earlier about “adding to her collection.” *Wait, did Morgan make an honest mistake or was that an actual Freudian slip?*

I tried to ignore it. That’s usually the best way to deflate awkward situations with students. “Okay sure, well I’ll keep going then. Just let me know if you do have a question before you go. Otherwise I guess just email me some questions after you spend more time with the material” I reassured her.


When I got home that evening I found myself thinking (and laughing a little) at the whole situation.

*Ha, that must have been so awkward for her…I can’t imagine…I hope she takes something away from the recording though…assuming she’s actually watching it for the material…she’s a good student so she probably is…unless she isn’t…unless she’s-no…there’s no way she’s doing that…*”

At this point my thoughts took a sharp turn and I couldn’t help but feel aroused.

*What was Rachel’s joke about a collection?…has she been recording me every class?…I’m just talking about math in those videos, fully clothed, surely she can’t be getting off to that…can she?…what if she is?*

My hand pressed on my cock over my pants. I imagined Morgan watching a video of me – alone, in a dark room, touching herself. Her thick dirty blonde hair was down and fell below her shoulders. The screen was the only light in the room. It lit up her thin angular face, and her blue eyes were fixed on the screen. Morgan’s hand reached between a pair of thick thighs and rubbed circles over her clit, and her heavy breasts jiggled as she grew more frantic.

I unzipped my pants and grasped my bare cock. In my head, Morgan’s hips buckled. She moaned as if no one else was in earshot, watching me lecture at the front of the class. I imagined the video zooming in on my face, on my chest, on all the parts of me she wanted to see. And as each part showed up on her little screen in this dark room, she rubbed faster and faster. She wanted me. She wanted to unbutton my shirt and feel my chest, to rip my pants off and grab my cock, to take me in her mouth, to let me do whatever I wanted to her. “Oooh!” she moaned. “Ooh, OOOooh, OOO-”

*OOO-What the fuck am I doing??!*

I snapped back to reality. My hand went still.

*Jesus, I don’t even know if this shit is happening or if it really is just an awkward mistake.*

Precum ran weakly onto my hand and under my thumb. *God damnit…*

I cleaned up and grabbed a beer from my fridge. It was pretty early in the night so I sat down at my computer, turned on some music, and booted up Civ. *Awesome, this is going to be fun. Just me, some beers, and world domination.*

At least a couple hours went by and I was well into my game and my beers. Civ gets exponentially more complex as you go on, and playing drunk was making it even harder. I was in the middle of a war when I got a text from a number I had never seen before.


“Hi Dr. Hand. This is Morgan *** from your *** class.”


*What the hell? How did she get my phone number?*

Her next text explained, “I got your number from the syllabus. I hope it’s okay to text you at such a weird hour.”

*Oh yeah – the syllabus.* I always put my personal number on it, but no one ever uses it so I forget that it’s there. I can’t say that I was thrilled to have a student texting me, but I was definitely willing to talk to *this* student. *Why is she texting me right now? Why am I on her mind this late at night?*


“Morgan – hey! Sure, no problem at all. How’s it going?”


“I wanted to apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable by recording you today in class and in your office. It’s hard for me to learn on the spot in class, so I always record the lectures to watch later on.”


That was…very non-sexual. I reread the text a few times to make sure my altered state wasn’t missing anything. Nope – that was a clean innocent text. *Wow, okay. I guess you can’t win them all.* I collected myself enough to form a thoughtful reply and sent back, “I get that. I had a hard time learning during lecture when I was a student. I don’t mind, really. Let me know if I can help out more.”

I sent the text feeling kind of disappointed. Maybe it’s a getting-older thing, but the thought of this student recording me to get off later was really flattering.

*Oh well, I’ll grab another beer and get back my game I guess…*

Another ping sounded off from my phone. I figured it was a simple “Thanks!” text to end the conversation, but to my surprise it was much longer.


“Thanks! I really appreciate it. It’s nice to have a professor that is so understanding. Do you think you could send a video about *** now? I’ve been studying for a while and I just can’t understand it. Could you send a video going over it?”


*Now? It’s 11pm.*


I read the text a couple times debating if I should oblige her or not. Something I tell/remind myself of with this job is that it’s about helping people. So when students do or say things that get on my nerves, I try to take a moment and say to myself, *My job is to help people and they are asking for help.* Then usually I say yes to whatever they’re asking me. So I did that here. And…*what if she’s doing more than just studying?*


“Sure, but it’ll be a few minutes. I have to improvise a video setup.” I texted back.

I had an idea. I kept a tripod under my bed for scientific purposes with willing partners. I grabbed that and mounted my phone on it next to the desk. I put some printer paper in frame and took a couple practice videos to make sure you could make out what was on the paper in the video. Everything was good…except I forgot to clean my desk. I didn’t notice that my beer can was slightly in the frame, my Game of Thrones book could be seen, and there was a general messiness to my desk that was revealed. My brain was tunnel-visioned on the lecture part. *Can you see the paper? Can you see what I write? Sweet, let’s do this!*

I outlined the topic to start, trying to write down the math behind what I was saying. Somehow I kept it under 15 minutes despite the on-the-fly nature of it. I was proud. I sent off the video with a quick message, “Here you go.”

My phone pinged after only a few minutes. I expected a quick thanks and that would be that. But then a couple more pings sounded off. Once again her text was longer than I anticipated…


“Oh my god, Dr. Hand. Are you drunk????”


“You slurred the whole way through that, and there’s a beer can in the video. Nice taste by the way. Wow, uhh, thanks for trying πŸ˜‚οΈ. That was great.”


“Ah shit…yeah you caught me…I thought I held it together pretty well.”


“πŸ˜‚οΈ The slurring was a dead giveaway. I hear you talk all the time so it was obvious something was off.”


I got a little more ballsy here. I didn’t think about it much beforehand or else I probably wouldn’t have sent it. The question may have embarrassed her. But to my surprise, she seemed very non-chalant about it.


“yeah i overheard something about a collection of videos? do you have like every class recorded?”


“πŸ˜‚οΈ Yeah, you caught me πŸ˜…οΈ. I record each class. If you lecture, I record you up front. If we do assignments, I just record the audio.”


“And do you always watch them late on a Friday night? πŸ™‚οΈ”


She took a few minutes to respond. *Fuck, too much, line crossed.* But then my phone lit up.


“It’s a ritual. I watch them every night.”


“Wow, I’m surprised you spend every night studying ***, isn’t that too lame? πŸ˜„οΈ”


“lol yeah well I do some other stuff too to make it fun.”


*What other stuff?*

I knew I shouldn’t push this further, but I couldn’t help myself. My drunk brain was 5 miles ahead of me – I booted up an anonymous messaging app, created a new number, and sent a message with the new number.


“Hey, my phone is dying, im switching to my tablet.”


“Oh okay.”


Awkward transition. *What do I say? What do I say??* Luckily I didn’t have to say anything. Ping!


“Cool book you’ve got there, are you just starting? :)”


“πŸ˜†οΈ No I’m on like my 5th reread. I’m obsessed.”


“Me too! I’m dying for the 6th book to come out.”


“Yeah, /r/asoiaf is the only thing that keeps me going.”


“Same!! That subreddit is almost better than the books!”


We chatted for a while longer about random stuff – Game of Thrones, tattoos, restaurants in town. Then she brought us back to this topic…


“Sooo, do you think you could try the video again? I’ve been studying all night, and I still don’t understand…”


Here is where my drunk brain really took over. In hindsight I shouldn’t have sent this message. I should have said no and called it a night. But I think we had been talking for long enough that I forgot I was talking to a student…


“I don’t know. It feels imbalanced. You have all these videos of me, but I have none of you.”

My phone was silent for minutes. *Okay now I’ve definitely gone too far.* But once again, eventually, my phone lit up.

“I’m not sure what video I could send. But here, you can see my setup I guess.” she texted, and sent a video right afterwards.

The video was pretty short. It was focused on the center of her desk at first. A laptop was in the middle, and there was a mouse pad to the right. She panned left to reveal the textbook from my class opened with a notebook on one side. A makeup mirror stood above the book. I noticed her reflection for just a moment – all I could see was a plain white t-shirt and her hair pulled back. It was enough to startle me though. A Starbucks mug came into view as she rotated the camera right. Her desk seemed very organized.

*Very innocent video, damn.* I wasn’t sure how to respond so I complimented her cleanliness…

“Wow your setup is tidy. I’m impressed. I wish I could be that organized. I had to spend a few minutes cleaning mine up before sending it to you, and there was still a beer can in it πŸ˜…οΈ”

And I quickly followed up with a hint that I could see her, “And, nice mirror πŸ™‚οΈ”. I asked her if she had any specific things she wanted me to spend more time with on the video…


“Any specifics you want me to focus on in the video?”


“No, just talk as much as you want to πŸ™‚οΈ”


I redid the video. I focused really hard on not slurring and I tried to write legibly, which took a whole new level of focus. It felt like I was doing the video for half an hour, but in the end it was only 10 minutes. *Wow, great job self!* I sent it over right away, and jumped up towards my fridge to beat back all the sobriety I gained from focusing so hard. I jumped up a little too enthusiactically though – I knocked my tripod over on the way there. *Whoops!* I picked it back up and just guesstimated where it was. I wanted to get back soon – I was sure that video would work for her.

I went back to playing Civ and drinking, assuming it would be a while before she finished the video. But barely 10 minutes later – ping! My phone went off telling me she sent a message.


“wow, you sound like a robot in that one 🀣️”
“can you do it again, but just be natural? forget about writing stuff, just try to explain it.”


I was feeling a little annoyed, but I wanted to keep this going just in case it could go further.


“what, a robot?? youll have to send one first after that insult”


“oh nooo, anything in particular you want to see? πŸ™‚οΈ”


My heart rate shot up. Was that an invitation? What did she expect me to say? *Yes, I want to see you, without clothes, masturbating.* That would have been a *bit* too forward though, so I tried to keep it simple.

“just you” I sent back.

My hands shook waiting for her next message. I didn’t put my phone down at all while I waited, and I pressed frantically on the notification when the video came through.

It was short – less than a minute long. Her face was centered in the frame. “Hi Dr. Hand…” she said softly with a devious smile. She flipped the phone around to reveal that she wasn’t at her desk. She was standing up in front of a full length mirror. Her hair was down now, and her nipples poked through the shirt she had on. Baggy pajama pants with a blue flanel design covered her legs. “Here I am. This is what you wanted right?” she said grinning from ear to ear.

I felt my face flush when she spoke. *Was she tempting me? Could have I asked for more? Did she want me to ask for more?* I pushed my hand onto my cock over my pants and breathed hard through the feeling. *Will she show me whatever I ask for?*

I took a few moments to myself, rubbing the top of my cock while thinking about what I *could* have asked for, thinking about what she *wanted* me to ask for, thinking that she probably *was* getting off to videos she took of me. *Was she using these videos now for that?* I responded with only one hand…


“there you are! truly dressed for a night on the town.”


“πŸ˜†οΈ nooo I’m dressed for a night in, sooo much more fun”
“assuming you will help me study πŸ˜…οΈ can you give the video another try now?”


“coming right up”


I was still rubbing against my frenulum thinking about how she might be getting off to whatever I send. I couldn’t bring myself to stop, so I redid all the same material while touching myself under the desk. I tried to suppress any obvious noises, but I’m sure there were times my voice hinted that something was off. I could still hear her in my head, *This is what you wanted right?* I imagined she was right next to me, in person, and then my mind was torn between imagining I was explaining the material to her and imagining she was going down on me. *Will she notice one hand is missing? Well, it’s too late now.* I finished up (the video) and sent it over.

I killed the time between messages by re-watching the video she sent. “This is what you wanted right?” played on repeat while I squirmed in my chair trying to resist the urge to pull my cock out.


“that was better. i think i’m getting the gist of it. more? πŸ™‚οΈ”

*More? How many times do I really have to go through class stuff? How do I get us past this?*


“😦️ really?? I thought that one was great!”
“here, let’s do this…you try to explain it to me. then i can see what to focus on”


“that sounds fun πŸ™‚οΈ” she agreed. Even though I had my suspicions about where this was going, she hadn’t sent any obvious signals about how she felt. I *thought* she wanted this to turn sexual, but I was waiting for a more clear green light. I kept asking myself, *Was this going to go further?* The next video she sent was a resounding *yes*.


“here you go, i hope you can tell what to focus on πŸ˜‰οΈ”


She was back at her desk. It looked like she moved some stuff around, and her book was in front of her laptop. The frame was motionless so she must have mounted it somehow. The camera wasn’t focused on her book – I could see a lot of stuff around it. Actually the book was pretty low in the frame, and I could see nearly her whole laptop. *That’s weird, but okay.* She pointed to spots in the book that she was explaining, going back and forth to different sections when necessary. *All good so far, she hasn’t said anything incorrect. Great, we’ll be done with this soon.*

Then something caught my eyes – motion. But not by her book. Above that. *Her laptop.* The screen came on and I could see her moving on it – I guess she had a video stream going using her laptop camera.

I watched her point and talk in the laptop screen for a minute or two, nothing notable. But soon her hands disappeared. I squinted, wondering where this was going. Then…I gasped. Her shirt was scrunching up, her arms were rising. Her hands came back into view, pulling her shirt up to flash her breasts. I’m sure I stopped breathing at this point. Her tits looked like a perfect 45:55 shape with small pale nipples…*that were pierced.* Unable to control myself, I pulled my cock out of my pants and jerked away the precum onto my hands.

She kept talking about our class stuff while pulling up her shirt and showing her tits. Her demeanor remained calm, until she reached up and squeezed one of her nipples. A moan came through, but she kept going. “and so if you, *ah*, umm, if you…*mmm*…if you transform this matrix by…*fuck*” she struggled to say while squeezing her nipples.

She came to the end of the book section, and slowly she lowered her shirt back down. She ended the video by saying, “I really liked what I saw in your last video Dr. Hand. I hope I can see some more…”

*Wait, what?*

I jumped up, almost startled, and looked into my camera’s frame. *Oh shit.* I didn’t move it back to the correct spot earlier. You could see under the desk in my video. *She watched me rub myself throughout the entire last video!* I stood there, petrified momentarily, *fuck fuck fuck!* But then her words came to me again, “I really liked what I saw…”

I breathed slowly. *It’s okay…it’s okay…she liked it…is that what she meant by “more?” in her text?*

I sat back down in my chair, exhilarated. *What next?* I sent her a quick text…


“wow yeah i definitely saw what to focus on :)”


“great :)”
“so can you send me another one? i need one bad”


“how bad? how do i know that youll use it?


“im desperate. i promise i will use it well ;)”


I angled the camera down more so that all you could really see was my lap, and the book was barely in frame. I buttoned my pants back on, hit record, and sat back down. I started bullshitting about the course content, going over what I had gone over several times already. After about a minute, I unbuttoned my pants and slowly unzipped them. I kept up the guise of lecturing while reaching my hand under my waistband. At a sloth’s pace I pulled out my dick, first revealing only the head, running circles over it with my thumb, and then slowly pushed my waistband down and down and down some more until my cock was fully out.

I wasn’t able to keep my composure once I started stroking. Just like her, I couldn’t get through a whole sentence without moaning, even while going slow, “This matrix is interesting be-*mmm*…because of…*ah*.” I did my best to keep stroking slowly…but that that didn’t last long. “And if you take, umm, if you take the-*fuck*…the inverse, then…then……” I started going faster and abandoned the sentence. I closed my mouth tight and focused on jerking off. I envisioned her watching it, watching me masturbate, getting herself off to it. I imagined her being next to me, telling me to keep stroking so that she can get off. Then…I stopped once the feeling wore off some. I sent the video over and anxiously waited.

And waited. And waited. Five, ten minutes went by. Until finally, ping!


“oh my god, that was amazing professor”
“that’s just what i needed”
“can you send another one right now? i think if you go over that again, then ill get it.”


“right away? i think i need one first.”


“but you know what i need ;) i will use it well like i said. pleaseee!”


“will you? im not sure. show me how you used the last one first πŸ™‚οΈ”


“ah okay, fine! just make sure you’re still ready to send another ;)”


I kept my cock out while the time passed, watching her previous video repeatedly. I edged once within a single viewing of it. *Fuck! I have to calm down.* Miraculously I willed myself to let go of my cock and scroll through Reddit. Ten minutes later, ping!

The next video was a little jarring at first. When I opened it, I heard my voice from the audio of the last video I sent her. And I saw myself in the screen of her laptop sitting in her lap backwards. She held the laptop up closer to the camera (I’m guessing she mounted her phone to face her in the chair) so I could definitely see it, and she placed the laptop up on her desk. *Okay so she’s watching me.*

When she leaned back, I saw that she was naked from the waist down. She smiled into the camera, and one hand reached between her legs. I held my breath. Her middle finger made slow circles on her clit as my voice from the video droned on. She moaned, and I could hear that I was also moaning in the audio. A finger slipped into her, “*mmm*”, her voice made it into the video. I watched with my jaw open as she started going faster on her clit. “*Oooh,*” she moaned louder, “*Oooh fuck, fuck!*”

She kept going the whole length of the video I sent. Knowing that she was watching me jack off felt incredible. I wanted to talk to her through the video. I wanted to tell her to go faster, go slower, not to stop. Suddenly I was startled by precum dripping onto my hand. I was gripping my cock tight through all of this, but hadn’t started jacking off yet – I was too mesmerized by her.

The audio from me ended, but her video kept playing. “*Oooh!*” she moaned loudly. Her fingers still moved wildly. “Professor, please, I need more. Send me more. *Ooh, fuck, mmm!*”

I didn’t waste time sending her a text. I hit record on the camera and started stroking. I let through every moan and audible breath. I held nothing back. I imagined being in the same room as her…I would pull her hair back, suck on her neck, and squeeze her nipples until she yelled. I imagined putting her on the bed stomach down, spanking and fucking her until I had my fill. I imagined turning her over and shoving my cock into her mouth for her to swallow my cum.

*Oh fuck!* I was going to cum. *No!* I stopped. I held my breath as my dick throbbed. *Don’t cum, don’t cum, don’t cum.* A small white circle appeared at my tip and a very thin stream ran down my cock onto my hand, but nothing more. I exhaled, glad that it wasn’t over. I sat there for a moment holding my dick…*Oh, I’m recording!* I jumped up and hit Stop on my phone. I sent it over and waited. Two minutes…five…ten…ping!


“can we video?”




I set up casting from my phone to my desktop monitor. I wanted to see her, but I also wanted my phone’s video to stay what it was. My cock was still out when I called her. My hands lightly grazed it waiting for her to connect. The ringing tone stopped and I heard, “Oh my god…yes.”

The video popped up on my monitor right away. It was the same view as before – I could see all of her. *All* of her. The camera’s light reflected off her nipple piercings, and near the bottom of the frame I saw a pink dildo in her hand kissing the front of her slit.

“*Mmm*,” I said, “Put it in you.”

“*Oh!*” she exhaled as the front of the dildo slowly pushed into her. Her other hand came down to rub her clit. I watched while she pleasured herself, and soonafter I started stroking myself.

“Professor, *fuck!* Professor, talk to me!” she moaned.

“Push it in further.” I said sternly.

“*Aaah, ahh!*” she yelled as she pushed the dildo further in. I saw that the dildo had a clit vibrator attached, so I knew what to say next.

“All the way in. Use the vibrator.” I told her.

In it went. She yelped and let the vibrator sit on her clit for a moment.

“Now out.” I said.

Her chest heaved as she followed the command. Her look was begging for me to say something. “Again” was all I gave her. “Again. Again. Now don’t stop.”

I watched her move the dildo in and out at a slow speed, and I tried to match my strokes with her. But it was too slow. “Faster,” I told her, “Faster!” I stopped pushing her once the speed of my matching strokes felt good, which was pretty fast…

“Oooh! Oh fuck, oh fuck!” she moaned as she tried to keep up the speed.

“That’s good. Keep going,” I said loudly. I could feel my own orgasm rising. “Don’t stop. Keep doing that. Y-You got it. *Fuck!* D-Don’t stop. *Oooh, fuck!* Don’t stop Morgan, don’t stop.”

The more I spoke, the more I could see her melt. She was erratic now with the toy, trying hard to continue but unable to keep a steady pace.

“Okay stop. Stop with the toy.” I said.

She relaxed and slowly took it out of her. I could hear her catching her breath through the audio. I knew she was getting close, and my swollen cock told me I wouldn’t last much longer either.

“Good girl…” I praised her.

“*Oooo*” I heard her whimper through the screen. She had one of her nipples between her fingers, and her other hand was rubbing her clit.

“Talk to me,” she said through fast breaths.

“*Mmm,* I love watching you do that,” I started. “Rub your clit for me.”

I couldn’t stop myself from stroking again.

“Do you like watching me? In your videos?” I asked.

“Yeah, *mmm!* Yeah, I do it all the time.” she admitted.

“Tell me what you think when you watch them. How does it make you feel?” I said.

She was losing control again. I could see her hips buckling through the screen and her moans were getting louder. I pressed her to talk more, “Tell me. What do you do when you watch videos of me?”

“I-I…*fuck*..I masturbate. *Oooh*, I-I-I watch them and fuck myself. I think of fucking you. I think of, *oh,* of ripping your clothes off right there in class and-and-*oooh fuck!*” She gasped each word, barely finishing each one, “*a-and fucking you!*”

I knew she was reaching a tipping point. So was I. My legs were starting to tense up, and I had to stop several times just long enough to push down the climax and keep going. My pace was fast and I grasped myself as tight as I could. I wanted to finish her.

“Mmm, good Morgan. You’re doing great. *Fuck!* I’m going to cum soon.” I said in a determined tone.

“*Oh fuck please keep talking!*” she yelled while furiously rubbing her clit.

“Don’t stop Morgan, don’t stop. I want to watch you cum. Don’t-*ah, fuck!*- don’t fucking stop! Cum for me Morgan! Cum for me!”

“*Oooooo-*” she started a long deep moan and her whole posture shifted. “*-oooh fuck! fuck fuck fuck! Oooh my god…” She let it all out like there was no one to watch her. Her fingers kept moving but her body leaned forward as she let it all wash over her.

Watching her cum was overwhelming for me. I was next. I felt it building up in me, rushing to the surface.

“*Ah fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m cumming!*” I barely said. I saw her eyes dart up to the screen before I closed my eyes.

I felt a thick glob hit my shirt, and then warm thick cum rubbed onto my hands. I couldn’t stop. I kept the motion going, my cum becoming lube and my voice moaning deep and loudly, until it hurt.

“Holy shit…” I said softly when I regained my composure.

“Yeah…wow, this was like a dream come true for me.” she said sweetly.

“Well I’m glad I could do that for you.” I chuckled. “Better than a lecture video?”

“Oh my god yes!” she exclaimed.

“Well, what now?” I asked.

“I think I’m good for now Professor,” she said smiling, “thank you.”

We said goodbye and disconnected. I burned the number I was using, and cleaned up. I chugged a glass of water and hit the bed (this is what I always do when drinking, would recommend).


I was setting up my laptop in class the following Monday when I saw someone approaching me in my peripheral. It was Morgan.

“Hey there.” I greeted her.

“Hey Professor,” she said with a big smile, “mind if I record today?”

A huge grin came onto face thinking about what she would do with the video. “Not at all.”



  1. K that’s cool and all, but which Civ?

    (Genuinely excellent story but this I must know.)

  2. Oh god that’s so hot! Please write a follow up of the time you guys fucked! Maybe pm me if u got any pics or chats you’re willing to share personally.

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