Step Sister Corruption Part 192 – Day 112 Breakfast End (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I looked at Heidi dumbfounded that she was still willing and wanting to be added to our *circle of fun*. I would say my circle was small but for some *odd* reason it was ever expanding.

Was I emitting some type of *whore* pheromone that attracted the fairer sex?

Did my enhancement increase my attractiveness by ten fold?

I looked at my reflection in a spoon.

Nope still look the same to me.

My facial features seemed the same though I had grown enough facial hair to where my face could be considered sand paper against a girl’s most tender area.

Looks like once I get home I’ll need to shave. And a hair cut, this whole having my hair drape over my eyes randomly was beginning to piss me off.

I wonder if I can get an emergency appointment at Gent’s where they give hair cuts and hot towel facials with their close cut shaves.


I doubt it that place is always fucking packed and booked solid for at least ten weeks out.

Why is it packed? Simple when you have hot girl’s in skimpy clothing, all professional hair dressers and stylists, giving guy’s hair cuts and shaves it’s easy to see why they’re so packed.

Granted there were some guy’s in Gent’s who did the whole wax and specialized weird gimmicks like using an actual fire axe or powder and a blow torch or some weird ass gimmick to give someone brave enough to have their hair cut.

Maybe on my way home I’ll see if they can’t fit me in somehow.

Heidi smiled with her doll face making it look more doll like, “So are you gonna tell me?”

I shook my head as I got out of my mind as it went WAY too many different directions at once, “Are you sure you know what you’re asking?”

Heidi thought about it before she nodded, “Yes.”

I sighed, “Alright.

If you truly want to be added you’re gonna have to meet the one person who will determine your fate….Summer.”

Heidi nodded, “Sure I can do that.”

I continued, “She’ll go over the rules. Which are:

1. Summer controls *our* little group and she approves or disapproves every girl.

2. She keeps everyone in line and reminds everyone that when it all comes down me and her are an item. She’s the one who allows so many girl’s to have fun with *us*. Meaning if she wants to play with you you will allow it.

3. All feelings are checked at the door. If you start having feelings like love or change your mind and can’t handle the whole sharing anymore say something and you’ll be removed until you either come to your senses or no longer want to be part of the circle.

4. You will always have either an IUD or O Plug to avoid any oops moments don’t want to get any girl pregnant. Same thing with a pussy ball will always be dissolved in your pussy to avoid both pregnancy and STD’s.”

Heidi held onto every word before she nodded, “Wow have to admit that’s a detailed list.”

I chuckled, “Yeah we’ve had a couple of bad eggs grace our circle that forced us to have so many rules before it was just knowing that Summer and I are the real items.”

Heidi looked at me, “And we’re the play things?”

I shrugged, “If you want to see yourself as a play thing sure.”

Heidi looked at me as she got serious, “And what do you see every girl as then?”

I could just hear my brain scream *IT’S A TRAP!!!*.

I looked at her, “Beautiful sensitive creatures I’m honored to have join our circle of fun.”

She looked at me for a moment before her facial features softened and smiled at me, “Would you be willing to make an introduction?”

I smirked at her and nodded, “Sure.”

She smiled, “I’ll think about it and let you know.”

I smiled, “Fair enough.”

I looked down and realized that I had eaten everything I had brought to my table. The only thing left was the coffee and the juice.

I looked around and thought Kel should have been back by now. I lightly mused, “What’s taking Kel so long?”

Heidi smiled a mischievous smile, “She’s probably still packing.”

I looked at her thinking that smile meant something was going on but **what** I have no idea.

I looked around for a second and caught sight of two more girl’s….Kumi and Jaime.

They instantly found us and quickly made a bee line for us.

Jaime instantly smiled at me, “There’s the stud.”

Kumi smiled, “Yeah mister marathon man.”

Both girl’s winked at me and I felt my face flush as I knew I was turning crimson.

I coughed knowing they were referencing to last night as Heidi had confirmed they heard **EVERYTHING** as Kel was quite vocal last night in her pleasure, “Yes Well if you ladies shall excuse me I’m going to get myself another plate and maybe go find a noose.”

I got up and Heidi quickly spoke, “But You’re *cumming* back right?”

She enunciated the word *cumming* which brought laughter from the other girl’s.

I meekly nodded as I couldn’t find anything confident to say. If it were Summer or Kel sure I’d have a smartass comment to fire back at them but these girl’s who I just met yesterday I got nothing.

I went back to the buffet glad to be away from them as I knew they were talking about me from the few instances I looked back at them.

I grabbed a plate and decided on an omelet as my last meal for the day. With the omelet on my plate I made my way back to the girl’s as sat back down hearing them laugh about something.

Kumi instantly spoke, “So *marathon man* what’s your plans today?”

I ignored her quip and shrugged, “Probably use the bathroom before Kel and me hit the road it’s going to be a long drive.”

Jaime groaned, “Don’t remind me. Not looking forward to the drive back.”

Kumi nodded, “Yeah Same here I was going to hit the road later when traffic isn’t so bad.”

Jaime looked at Kumi, “Seeing how we are so far away I don’t think it matters.”

Kumi sighed, “You’re right.”

Heidi quickly spoke, “Hey you know what sounds like a fantastic idea?”

The two looked at Heidi, “What’s that?”

Heidi spoke, “Seeing how we’re all going to the same place we should car pool together so we can make sure none of us get lost and make sure all of us get back home safely.”

Jaime sighed, “I don’t know sis. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Heidi blinked at her sister, “Why not?”

Jaime pointed to Kumi, “Like Kumi said she was thinking of doing something until traffic dies down. What if the rest want to do something before they leave.”

Kumi added, “Like go shopping.”

Jaime nodded, “My point exactly. Besides I don’t think Kelly and Gabe want to wait around for us just so they can get home. It is a long drive after all.”

Heidi leaned forward, “Well if you all want to stick around that’s fine. I’ll just catch a ride with Gabe and Kelly and meet you home.”


I basically spit out my food, “Say huh?”

Jaime sighed, “No Heidi. You can’t just assume Gabe and Kelly will allow that. Besides we hardly know them.” She looked at me, “No offense.”

She returned her attention to Heidi, “Even if **you** think he is cute and he sounds like he can please a girl.”

She winked at me making me blush, “Besides I thought you wanted to hit a couple of different stores before we left.”

Heidi folded her arms and huffed, “Well I changed my mind.” She leaned forward at her sister, “Besides aren’t you the one always telling me we need to watch how we spend **our** money. This gets me from spending **our** money and gets us home sooner so **you** can prep your meals for the week sooner.”

Jaime sighed and looked at me, “Do you mind if we follow you home?”

I shook my head, “I don’t think it’s a problem. Just gotta follow Kel’s car. I’m not driving.”

Heidi smiled, “Be doing something else will you?”

I coughed and ignored her.

Kumi sighed herself, “Guess I’m in on our group getting home.”

Heidi smiled, “I’ll go get the others.”

She jumped up and ran off.

I blinked watching her go.

Jaime sighed, “That girl I swear she’ll be the death of me one day.” She looked at me, “Sorry again Gabe.”

I shrugged, “No big deal.”

I stood, “If you shall excuse me I’m going to test the endurance of a bathroom.”

Kumi scoffed, “We already know your endurance.”

I froze for half a second nearly tripping before resuming my walk of shame to the bathroom.

Last thing I thought was *Yep Kel has a big fat fucking mouth*.

