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***People fuck for specific reasons.*** Most reasons we can name: Entertainment, Vanity, Physical Need, Physical Pleasure, Piles of Cash (and even small amounts of cash) Social, Economic or Political Favors, Making Babies, and at least 20% of all people fuck because they honestly love someone. Most people do not swallow semen or drink vaginal fluid as a religious practice, as part of rituals or prayers, as a form of Holy Communion. ***In our century, sex rituals are considered extreme, and nonsensical. Getting closer to God through fucking is considered an impossibility.*** Just as people 200 years ago considered Men Walking on the Moon an impossibility, and nonsensical. Our understanding of reality changes as new information comes available.

***Religious sex in nothing new, having historical precedent, here and there, over the past three thousand years.*** Specifically in Tantric Buddhism, and most clearly stated by the Tachikawa-ryu School in Japan in 1113 CE. These monks and nuns taught specific sex rituals, to reach Nirvana “in this very lifetime, using our own sacred bodies.” ***Tachikawa-ryu rituals taught boys to drink vaginal fluid, and taught girls to drink semen.*** We can say these ancient nuns and monks were nuts. Or, we might consider the possibility: They understood an aspect of reality which we do not. In the 21st Century we tend to believe we have a better grasp on reality than previous centuries. And, 200 years from now, people may laugh at us, saying “How could 7.7 billion people be so very self-delusional most of the time!?”

***Our spiritual and sexual imaginations are often limited, constrained by our arrogance, constrained by the technological age in which we live. We are certain our future relies on our machines.*** We ignore the possibility our survival and our civilizations might rely on the further development of our souls, our spiritual development. And by extension, our understanding of sexuality as a religious experience. It is quite possible: 21st Century girls suck cock, and 21st Century boys eat pussy, for reasons they do not fully understand. The fact is: swallowing semen and swallowing vaginal fluids have no biological purpose. The intense and enjoyable action of oral sex does not make babies. It is neither the an act of nutrition, nor a function of defecation. It serves only pleasure. So why do millions of people like oral sex so very much? Physical pleasure is far too superficial as reason for such intense desire, among millions of people. Something else is going on. ***Perhaps the Tachikawa-ryu monks and nuns knew something we do not.***

***By now, most erotic literature readers have clicked away, to read about Daddy’s little girl taking it the ass, as she talks to Daddy on her cell-phone.*** Swallowing cum for Jesus is outside the imagination of most people! Eating pussy to Attain Oneness is outside the imagination of most people. I am aware, this article is not for everyone. ***In my story, Daddy’s little girl is praying with her sacred anus.***

***There is more to say on this subject.*** A blast of thick semen on a woman’s tongue; a boy’s tongue deep inside a fully aroused vagina– these things have far more potential for spiritual revelation than any AI attached to a super-computer. ***In sexual acts, we use our own minds and bodies, and rely on no passing fad of technology.*** (Except perhaps, the modern invention of silicone and water-based lube. 21st Century lube is handy, and sometime essential to satisfying orgasms!!) ***Let us praise the sacred chemists who create new and better types of lube!!*** Considering the spiritual possibilities, most of our 21st Century reasons for fucking each other, are shallow and hardly worth talking about. Even sex between people who love each other, remains a limited understanding of the wider spiritual possibilities of sex.
***Why just fuck one person, and share pleasure with one person? Both lovers can go further, and merge their consciousness with God! That is infinitely more interesting than a few really good orgasms.***

***And the merging of consciousness does not just apply to religious experiences with God***, or Oneness, or the Infinite, or whatever word one chooses to use. Merging of consciousness can occur among small groups of serious-minded people. ***This makes group sex, threesomes, foursomes and more, far more interesting than any average New York City heterosexual orgy, and more meaningful than any San Francisco gay orgy.*** What becomes obvious is this: We know much less about the spiritual potential of sex the monks and nuns did 1000 years ago. ***And many of us are too busy fucking, fucking and fucking to think clearly about larger ideas.***

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