New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus (CH 119-121) [Futanari][Futa/Female][Futa/Futa]

**Synopsis:** An old man dies, torn by regret. Due to his high karma, he has “near-limitless possibilities for reincarnation”. He chooses to reincarnate in a fantasy world as a voluptuous futanari succubus with big tits and an irresistible smile.

Erotic fiction that contains: Futanari/Dickgirls, Genderbending, Futa on Female, BDSM, Nymphos, Masochistic characters, Threesomes, Orgies, Facefuck, Deepthroat, Dom/Sub, Taken by Monsters, Corruption, Game elements, etc.

## 119: Steve Versus Three

“H-huh?” Steve blinked twice, not believing his own eyesight. Steve was not so innocent to not understand what that thick white liquid was that stained the half-naked green-haired mage. What he did not understand however was the source of the liquid, since the enemy group he encountered was comprised of females only, while all the men that were not Steve were already dead. That’s when Steve finally noticed the bulge between Beatrice’s legs, hidden in her panties.

“W-what… What are you!?” Steve shouted at Beatrice in disbelief. He could not understand how he missed it before, nor could he comprehend why or how such a stunning female beauty—perfect in every way—would have an organ that did not belong to be located anywhere on stunning female beauties.

“What do you mean?” Beatrice asked. The succubus had very little desire to exchange any words with the abhorrent, traitorous man who hunted helpless girls after slaughtering their parents. However, she was more than willing to stall for time to give Olivia a chance to recover.

“Y-you were so perfect!” Steve shouted in frustration.

“Were?” Beatrice raised an eyebrow.

“Obviously!” Steve couldn’t understand what the big-breasted, defective bimbo couldn’t understand. “Decently symmetrical face! Smooth skin! Wide hips! Breasts as big as your head! Your body screams ‘fuck me and fertilize my womb’! But then why do you have a penis between your legs!? A perfect body ruined!”

“Ugh,” Beatrice groaned in disgust. “Such shallow thinking.”

“Beatrice is not ruined!!” Tabitha shouted. “She is the perfect being! Capable of granting levels of ecstasy that your wrinkly penis and non-existent sexual technique could not even dream of beginning to approach!”

“My penis is not wrinkly!!” Steve shouted. “That’s it! You all die! The one-trick ninja, the defective beauty, the slut that lets herself get fucked and creampied in mouth and cunt while her teammate fights—”

“It was an anal creampie!” Tabitha corrected Steve.

“AAAARGH!!” Steve screamed and sent all eight of his spears flying straight at Tabitha. And while the spears flew away from him, Seve adjusted the angle of his forearm as if to block something and shouted, “Shield of Dignity!”

A snow-white heater shield materialized in Steve’s arm. Big enough to cover over eighty percent of Steve’s body. All four angles of the shield were sharp, the top part of the heater shield had two arcs that united in the fourth sharp angle. The shield’s material was impossible to tell as it was surrounded by a white glow. It was certainly thick enough to withstand a blow even if it was made of wood. And Steve wielded this shield effortlessly despite its size and thickness.

Steve spun around in place, just in time to block an attack aimed at his back. Olivia crashed into the shield at great speed, her kunai-bearing arm bent at an unnatural angle. The force of suddenly stopping as running into a brick wall would have already been enough to knock Olivia back, but by adding his own strength to the counterblow Steve violently hurled Olivia back, sending her flying back-first into a nearby tree.

“GUAH!” Blood escaped Olivia’s mouth as she crashed against the tree sideways, her back arching. For the third time today, Steve saw blood fly out of the ninja girl’s mouth. But this time there was no puff of smoke, no body double to replace the ninja girl and take on the damage in her stead. She collapsed to the ground under the tree with a broken arm and possibly broken back.

“So, you really can’t use your replacement techniques while attacking?” Steve asked though he did not anticipate nor care to receive an answer from Olivia. Her defeated body lying on the ground was enough confirmation for his theory.

Olivia either used an illusion to hide her presence among an enemy group or cast an illusion on one of her enemies to cause confusion. Or both. The illusion caused Steve to think that Olivia ran at him with weapons ready for a killing blow, but in reality, the attack would never have come. Similarly with how Olivia replaced her own body with that of a corpse. Corpses could not attack unless moved by high-ranking magic that very few people possessed. Clearly, this barely average female warrior was not capable of such magic.

Within two seconds from when Steve sent his flying spears at Tabitha, Olivia was defeated, and her body laid on the ground before the flying spears even reached Tabitha or Beatrice. Steve did not even bother wasting his time to finish Olivia off and instead turned his attention to his fresh opponents.

## 120: Steve Versus Two

“Arcane Shield!” Tabitha put up a thin, glowing, yellow magical shield in front of her before Steve’s spears reached her. Unfortunately for Tabitha, Steve’s spears broke right through the thin shield, shattering it, and nearly impaling the mage.

“WUAH!!” at the very last second, Tabitha dodged the spears by falling on her face while three of the spears flew over her body. The rest lodged themselves deep into nearby trees, two times outright shattering the thin, brittle trunks and causing more splinters to shower over Tabitha.

Steve recalled his flying spears for another attack when two big-breasted succubi appeared before him, both with raised arms, they looked as if they were about to hug Steve and snuggle him with their giant, soft breasts.

“This would make for a very pleasant afternoon,” Steve said with a melancholic tone and sighed before shouting, “If only you weren’t defective!!”

Steve’s resolve allowed him to see that instead of a hug, the succubi unleashed their sharp, long, deadly claws from where their fingernails were supposed to be. Steve swung his heater shield and aimed to maim the head of the succubus on the left side. But that succubus vanished as if it never existed and the succubus on Steve’s right side pointed her index finger directly at Steve’s eyeball.

“Extend Claw!” Beatrice said with a tone of a cold-blooded killer and her already sharp fingernail rushed forward, extending directly where Beatrice was pointing—into Steve’s eyeball.

“Ghuh!” Steve moved his head and leaned away, but the extending claw was fast enough to nick his cheek.

Beatrice had no chance to do further damage as—with a motion of his free hand—Steve commanded his eight spears that returned from the attack on Tabitha to impale Beatrice. The futanari succubus was just barely fast enough to avoid being hit, but that was mostly because she was directly between Steve and the spears, and Steve had to restrain the speed of the spears to avoid impaling himself.

“I’m the one who marks female faces! Not the other way around!!” Steve shouted as he stopped the spears in front of his face and straightened his posture. This revealed a bloody scratch across the right cheek from which a thin stream of blood poured down.

“In that case, I’m taking over your face marking job,” Beatrice declared, putting on a confident front while she considered her options.

“Your breasts are a hundred ounces too light to take me on!” Steve responded and took one of his spears into his right hand, keeping his giant shield in his left while seven spears hovered above him.

Beatrice was now 15 Stamina down from using her [Illusionary Split] and [Extend Claws] Skills, both of which were now on cooldown, as well as losing 6 Stamina per minute that she kept her [Sharp Claws] active.

But before Beatrice decided on her next move, both she and Steve noticed sudden movement through the trees.

“Sadist’s Whip!” Tabitha shouted while a magical, brightly glowing yellow whip flung through the air toward Steve’s neck. Tabitha approached from Steve’s left side with her whip in her hand.

But before the whip could wrap around Steve’s neck and strangle him, Steve simply moved one of his spears to intercept the whip. It neatly wrapped around the spear, Steve commanded the spear to fly to his right side, which suddenly jerked Tabitha’s arm who did not let go of the whip in time and sent her flying straight into Steve’s giant Shield of Dignity. Steve prepared an intimate introduction of his shield to Tabitha, and—like with Olivia—intercepted the hapless mage with full force and a heavy thud, before knocking her back and sending her body flying: broken and unconscious. When Tabitha landed with another thud she did not so much as twitch.

Beatrice barely resisted the urge to facepalm. Within four seconds of extending pleasantries with Steve, Beatrice was down her second ally who had no right engaging into melee range.

Steve was turning out to be a far tougher opponent than all his dead lackeys combined, while most of Beatrice’s allies turned out to be the opposite. In the end, Beatrice’s fears of Olivia being indeed too overconfident and rash were confirmed. It did not really surprise Beatrice, because otherwise, Olivia would have probably tried to take on Belmot’s fortress on her own by now.

Meanwhile, Tabitha proved to be a barely competent support mage whose both defensive and crowd control capabilities were easily outmatched by the first semi-competent opponent they’ve encountered. And this left Beatrice re-evaluating her combat stats as well as her chances of victory.

## 121: Steve Versus One

“I will give you this one chance,” Steve said to Beatrice after swiping Tabitha away like a bug. “If you surrender now and hand over the fox girl, I will take you to captain Gamesh. He practices holy magic, and he might be able to cure you of your deformities.”

“Thanks, but no thanks,” Beatrice said while still wondering what to do.

The succubus’s only accomplishment thus far has been that she was the only one that succeeded in actually drawing blood from Steve. The 25% Physical Attack boost from [Sharp Claws] Skill brought up Beatrice’s Physical attack to 15, which seemed enough to chip at Steve’s health, but Beatrice did not hold much hope that that puny number would be enough to cut through Steve’s Shield of Dignity. She wasn’t even sure she’d be able to cut through his armor.

That was the consequence of devoting so much of her attention to Eros Craft Skills, even though that did pay off in its own way because Beatrice managed to gain 11 levels in less than 24 hours while having lots of fun and with minimal fighting.

If Combat Craft was not cutting it, and Eros Craft was out of the question since Beatrice had no desire in engaging in any sort of sexual conduct with this particular opponent, that left Mischief Craft as the only remaining option. However, Mischief Craft Skills had a particularly nasty drawback in that they could be resisted by high-level enemies. And by each passing second, Steve proved himself to be just that.

*This is my wish-fulfillment world!* Beatrice reminded herself. *I will not be undone by some prude who can’t handle a girl with a big, fat dick between her legs!*

“So be it!” Steve shouted and charged Beatrice.

“Ah!” Beatrice was quickly running out of options. Putting all her faith into her status as a Saviour and a hero of her wish-fulfillment world, crafted for her by the Goddess Luluna herself, Beatrice raised her arms forward and pointed the palms of her hands at Steve as if intending to block all eight of his spears with her bare hands. The succubus channeled her recently acquired Mischief Skill and shouted “STRIP!!”

As Steve ran at Beatrice, his armor vanished in an instant. His helmet, purple cape, boots, pants—everything except his spears and magic shield was gone in an instant.

“Wuah!” Steve lost balance because of the sudden change of weight and misplaced a step, causing him to stumble and fall face first at Beatrice’s feet.

Beatrice was stunned herself for a split second—shocked that her Skill worked so well. But the momentary lapse passed and Beatrice lunged with her Sharp Claws at Steve’s exposed nape.

“GARGH!!!” Steve grunted like a beast and knocked Beatrice’s claws away with his shield.

Beatrice leaped back to avoid the same fate as Olivia and Tabitha while Steve rolled on the ground away from Beatrice before jumping to his feet.

Beatrice cursed her own inexperience with combat. If she did not get surprised by her own Skill and delay her attack or if she did not waste her [Extend Claws] on a pointless attack and waited for a better opportunity, Steve would have been dead already. Instead, they were both again at some thirty feet away from each other, though this time Steve had no clothes to speak of.

“Defective Monster! What did you do!?” Steve shouted and covered his nakedness with his Shield of Dignity.

“D-do you… You have no willpower, do you?” Beatrice asked.

“I have tons of willpower!” Steve protested.

But the [STRIP!] Skill’s description was quite clear.

Great Willpower or E-Rank and higher protective spells are required for the target to remain unaffected.

Beatrice smiled. Steve was literally wide open for her attacks. With no armor to protect himself apart from that annoying shield, Beatrice only needed one slice across a major artery. The only issue was Steve’s offensive capabilities. But since it turned out that Steve’s willpower was so weak that he could not even withstand an F-Rank Skill, Beatrice had an easy way to finish.

“What’s that behind you!?” Beatrice pointed behind Steve’s back and ran forward.

“As if I’d fall for such an old trick!” Steve said and prepared to take Beatrice on.

But that was exactly what Beatrice wanted. Her only goal was to reduce the distance from her opponent from thirty feet to twenty feet, and as soon as she was in range she cast her [Daze] Skill.

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