Lisa (46) gives into temptation with a younger man from her past (31)

Lisa was having her first night out in over a year. Her mother had agreed to look after her son so she could go out with the girls. 20 years ago she might have enjoyed it, but she knew what was supposed to be a night to let loose would really be spent talking about the same old things, just in a different location. She still made an effort though. She put on the knee-length, cerulean dress she’d bought last Christmas but never worn, straightened her dark red hair so that it fell silky smooth down to her shoulders. In her best pair of heels she gained a couple more inches on her diminutive 5 foot frame.

The bar had been busy, it would have been easy to miss him. There was a brief moment of recollection when she caught his eye, both of them turning at the same moment. It had been eight years since they last met. Andrew had been a long-haired, lanky 23 year old back then. Lisa almost didn’t recognise him with the trimmed beard and close cropped hair. The smile gave him away. Bright-eyed, coy and boyish. They had worked together for two years and had gotten on well. He was sweet and always ready with a compliment. Rumour had it he’d had a crush on her, which flattered her, given she was 15 years his senior.

They made small talk, discussing where their lives had led them in the years that had passed. Conversation had always been easy between them. She realised there was a greater confidence about Andrew now. Not surprising, she thought. He’d been so timid that he was bound to grow out of it.

“I barely recognised you at first. The beard really suits you,”

“Thanks,” he replied, “I recognised you straight away. You look like you haven’t aged at all. You always looked gorgeous.”

Lisa blushed and noticed Andrew had gone slightly red too.

“Thanks. It’s probably my make up and flattering light.”

“Are you still married?” he asked.

“I am. It will be 15 years next June. Steve still works away most of the time though. This is the first time I’ve been able to get out of the house in so long.”

Andrew explained that he was out with some colleagues to celebrate a birthday, but wasn’t too keen on sticking around. As he walked away she hoped she’d find him again before they left.

Her night went as predictably as she expected. After a couple of hours the girls had decided to call it a night. All they had talked about were kids, homes and their marriages. Her first night out in months and Lisa would probably be home by 10. Was this what life had become now she was in her 40’s? She smiled when she thought of Andrew. Had he been flirting with her earlier? Maybe that was how he spoke to everyone at the bar.

Her friends departed while she went into the restroom. By the time she stepped outside she was met with a torrent of rain. As she pressed against the wall for shelter she noticed a group of smokers under a canopy nearby. Andrew was among them.

“Hey,” she called out, “I never had you down as a smoker.”

She walked over to him so they could talk.

“Are you leaving already?” he asked.

“I am. I must be too old to keep up. Supposed to be catching the bus but in this weather I’ll probably have to go for a taxi.”

“I can give you a lift if you like? I haven’t been drinking. Designated driver,” he added rolling his eyes.

She assumed he was just being polite.

“Don’t be silly. The night’s barely started. No need to miss out on my account.”

“To be honest you’d be doing me a favour. I could do with an excuse to leave. I only came because it was straight after work and I’d feel awkward turning down the invitation.” he explained.

Lisa glanced at the rain. She didn’t know how long she would have to wait for a taxi, and she’d get soaked waiting for the bus.

“I suppose I could do you a favour then,” she smiled up at him. “Won’t they wonder where you’ve gone?”

“Oh I doubt it. I’ve been out here half an hour already. I don’t even smoke.”

He offered his hand. Lisa hesitated, then took it.

They both stepped out into the pouring rain. As they huddled close, cowering from the weather she felt Andrew’s hand on the small of her back. It made her heart beat a little quicker. They covered the short distance to the parking lot before hastily climbing into Andrew’s SUV. The drive was filled with more easy conversation, occasionally interrupted by Lisa giving directions. It shocked her how comfortable she was even though they hadn’t spoken for years. He listened to what she was saying and seemed genuinely interested in her life. She started to think about the agreement she’d made with her husband. The one she’d considered a few times, but never acted on.

She wasn’t sure when she made the decision. It was almost like something unspoken was communicated between them. Tension seemed to fill the car until it felt like it could shatter the windows. Silence had fallen between them and every sound that filled that space seemed amplified. The rain thundered onto the roof. The ticking of the turning signal pounded in her head. The only time she uttered a word was to direct Andrew. Deeper and deeper they drove through country roads. Passing cars grew more scarce. Through the droplets on the windows the scenery seemed to creep closer and closer. They approached a passing place lit by a lone street light at the side of the road when she finally broke.

“Pull over,” she commanded.

Andrew steered to the side and turned off the engine. They unclipped the seatbelts almost in unison. They crashed together like wild animals released from a cage. Their lips locking, pulling apart and coming together again. Andrew grasped her thigh tightly while she held him around his neck as if they feared letting go. Minutes past before Andrew broke away.

“We can’t do this. I mean I want to but…your husband.”

Lisa leaned back in the car seat, bathed in the pale glow of the street light outside.

“What if I told you it’s fine? He’s away for such a long time – we agreed we could sleep with other people when we’re not together.”

“So you’ve done this before?”

She shook her head.

“I guess it’s just never felt right. Until tonight. I just felt so…bored. Like I needed to do something exciting…something outrageous.”

She couldn’t read the look Andrew was giving her.

“What is it?”

He opened the door without warning and went out into the rain. In seconds he was round the car and opening the passenger door. He grabbed her arms and pulled her out of the car.

“What the hell!” she shouted, “I’m getting soaked.”

“I know,” he replied, “it’s outrageous.”

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, holding her body tightly, hands exploring her body over her dress as it stuck to her skin. With surprising ease he lifted her onto the hood of the car and forced her flat. The warmth from the engine on her back contrasted with the icy onslaught from the rain on her face and chest. She felt his hands work up her thighs, tug on her underwear and pull them from her legs. His beard tickled her inner thighs, followed by gentle kisses as he worked his way upwards towards her centre. When his tongue softly teased between her lips she reached out to grab his head and force him into her. He nuzzled his face into the soft curls of the hair between her legs before his tongue made a long, slow pass over her clit. A wave of excitement flowed through her and she began rocking her hips into him. His tongue carefully and skilfully darted over the centre of her pleasure.

“Oh god, yes, keep going,” she shouted as Andrew gripped harder, squeezing her thighs around his head as he made her writhe around on the hood. He slid two fingers inside her and massaged her softly, desperate to make her lose control.

Without warning she squirmed from his grasp, her body convulsing, contorting in ecstasy as took her over the edge. As she turned face down on the car his palms grabbed the soft skin of her ass as his tongue darted for her sex again.

“Take me in the car,” she said breathlessly.

She felt his hands around her waist as he guided her back towards the passenger door. He opened it, flicked the catch to recline the seat and they both tumbled into the car on top of each other.

“Well…was that exciting?” he asked with a grin on his face.

In response, she kicked her heels from her feet, placed her steamed up glasses on the dashboard and peeled off her soaked dress. Instinctively she covered herself but Andrew moved her hands away, exposing her nakedness.

“Don’t hide,” he said softly, “I want to see all of you. I want your whole body.”

He leaned in and kissed her lips, then her chin, down to her neck, then her chest. His hands grasped at her small breasts, his thumbs caressing her erect nipples. Lisa closed her eyes as if resting one of her senses would heighten the others. His tongue made circles before he took her in his mouth, his lips a soft, loving caress.

She opened her eyes again and watched him at work. As his grey shirt clung to his skin she felt the urge to rip it off. She resisted the temptation but began unbuttoning. He leaned back to pull his arms from the sleeves as Lisa placed her palms on his chest. She felt the soft, dark hair between her fingers, digging into his massage his muscles before sliding her palms down over the hardness of his abs. She savoured the touch of his toned young body. She felt so wild.

“I want you so badly,” he said in a low voice that was almost a growl.

She sat up and carefully guided him onto his back while she crouched in the footwell. After she removed his shoes, Andrew hastily fumbled with his trousers until he slid them off.

Before removing his briefs, she gently traced the outline of his thick cock with her lips, kissing gently through the fabric. He was growing harder and harder the more she teased.

“I need to fuck you,” he groaned.

Lisa tugged his underwear down his legs. Still crouched, she reached and grabbed his cock in her hand and held it upright, she couldn’t suppress a giggle. She pulled herself upwards to straddle him, ducking forward to avoid the low ceiling of the car.

“Well that’s certainly more than I was expecting,” she said, biting her lip.

Andrew lifted his hips and pressed his erection between her legs, sliding his length along her wetness. She enjoyed the teasing foreplay for a few moments but she was aching for him now.

“Fuck me, Andrew, please fuck me,” she begged, lying flat against his chest and biting his neck.

He grabbed his dick and guided it to her entrance. She backed her hips against him, slowly feeling the pressure build until her lips succumbed. He lay still and allowed her control. She rocked back and forth on the first couple of inches, waiting for her body to accommodate his size. Gradually she worked him further and further inside her until any pain had given way.

She began grinding on him, working her way up to a comfortable rhythm. His hands explored her petite body, caressing her thighs, her hips, sweeping up her back before he covered her breasts. Her nipples felt so tender against his palms, her pussy so sensitive to every movement. Their body heat soon erased any remnants of chill from the cold rain. He seemed to enjoy her mounted on top of him. She paused, breathless. She positioned herself upright and leaned back. The angle forced his thick length deeper inside her. She held still for a moment before collapsing back down on top of him. As if sensing her tiredness, he wrapped an arm around her and shimmied her beneath him. He grabbed hold of her legs and placed them on his shoulders.

Lisa let out a cry of apprehension, her sex completely at his mercy. She felt him slowly slip his full length inside her before withdrawing. She closed her eyes and savoured each long stroke, waiting for desire to take hold, for his pace to quicken, for the moment he loses himself inside her.

“Fuck yes,” she cried out as he moved harder and faster. His hands reached out and pressed down on her breasts. She was pinned to the seat and completely under his control, loving every second that she surrendered to him.

“Let me have you from behind,” he commanded.

She felt him slip from within her. She turned obediently, desperate for him to continue. He prolonged her agony by kissing along her spine, slowly working down towards her cheeks, caressing her, kissing her.

“I need your cock inside me, please Andrew,” she begged.

She felt him grab her hair. She could only look straight ahead at the back seat as she waited for him to enter. When he pressed his cock inside her again it was pure bliss. She felt vulnerable in this position yet thrilled. His left hand rested on her hip while the right tugged on her hair, arching her back as he fucked her.

She felt herself approaching the edge and was determined to get there. As she reached both hands down towards her core she fell face first into the car seat. She didn’t care. She breathed hard into the fabric as her hands massaged between her legs.

“Yes, keep going,” she called out, “I’m going to come,”

Andrew cried out, desperate to keep his momentum going.

Her legs shook as her orgasm took hold, coursing through her body, her muffled screams filling the cars confined space.

“Come on me,” she gasped.

Andrew withdrew and began stroking his cock. His anguished grunts built her anticipation before he finally released, his warm cum painting her bare back. He sat down in the drivers seat panting heavily while Lisa laughed giddily.

“I think I might need a hand,” she said.

Andrew opened the glove compartment and pulled out a pack of tissues, then began gently wiping down her back. The both began dressing, grinning from ear to ear whenever their eyes met.

“Have you seen my underwear?” she asked.

“Erm…I may have thrown them into the bushes,” he replied sheepishly.

Lisa laughed as she tried to straighten out her dress which was still soaking.

I think you better take me home now.

Once dressed they drove home in a satisfied silence, their hands touching every so often. As she arrived at her house and it came time to leave, she took out her phone

“I take it you want to do this again?”

Andrew read out his number and she saved it in her phone. They said goodbye and she walked to her doorstep. As she turned Andrew was watching her. She smiled and gave a small wave before he drove away. Once she was indoors she collapsed on the sofa and sighed. She was so light headed she passed out on the spot.


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