Just Watch Us [FM]

Been writing some stories based on a relationship I was in a few years ago, hope you enjoy this one!


Things with Evan had just been getting better and better since our first date a few weeks before. I was pretty sure my roommate, Jesse, was getting sick of hearing me rattle on about him and how thoughtful he was.

“Can you get that?” Jesse called, from the kitchen, after our door buzzer went off.

“Sure thing,” I called back, and walked from my room to the intercom on the wall.

“Delivery for Ms Harris,” came the delivery guy’s voice.

I buzzed him in, and went to the door, to be given a bottle of wine and a card. I thanked the guy, and gave him a tip from the bowl of singles we keep by the door.

The card was addressed to me. I already knew it would be, because I’d clocked that the bottle of wine was the same one Evan and I drank on our first date. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I tore open the envelope excitedly.

*I had a lot of fun drinking this with you, wanna dispose of this one together, tomorrow night?*

God, the effort. I loved it. It was a *yes* before I even finished reading the card. I took out my phone to reply.

*Hey there. I just got a pretty nice delivery, I think there’s some guy who wants to drink wine with me.*

*Oh damn, does this mean you’re letting me go?*

*Yep, sorry Evan. I need to find a man who can make me cum at least five or six times a night, three times just doesn’t cut it.*

*Well that’s just not fair, I’ve only had a couple of tries. Gimme another chance to improve. Tomorrow?*

*Ugh I’d love to, but Jesse and I are having a movie night. Unless you wanted to come hang out with us? I’d like for you two to meet after how much she’s heard about you haha*

*Ohh and what have you been saying eh? That sounds fun! Fyi I can’t stay over though, I’m going to visit my parents for the weekend and my flight is at like 3am.*

*So you’re telling me I’ve gotta wait till next time for you to prove your skills? Hmph. I’ll give you a temporary extension then, I guess.*

*It’ll be worth the wait. So I’ll come by at like 8ish?*

*See you then 😘*


I was so nervous. It felt like I was introducing him to my parents or something. In a way I’d have preferred to be doing that; my parents are super nice while Jesse is… frank. She isn’t afraid to tell people what she thinks, but I was pretty sure she and Evan were pretty like-minded, and there wasn’t much that could go wrong.

He knocked at the apartment door, I’d given him a key of the main door of the building already. I leapt out of my seat to go greet him. As soon as I laid eyes on him, smiling at me, I felt a rush of endorphins. He had me bad. He leaned over and kissed me, just a peck. I looked down and he was holding a shopping bag in one hand.

“Hello,” he said. Then looked over my shoulder and clocked Jesse sitting on the couch – sitting right where we fucked the first time he came over.

“Hi, Jesse,” he said with a little wave from his free hand. “Sorry, I hope she didn’t mind that,” he said under his breath, worried that our PDA might have annoyed her.

I laughed. “Hey Jesse, can you believe this dude, kissing me hello?”

Jesse and I had a pretty funny relationship. We were constantly making jabs at one another, or just generally trying to embarrass or outdo each other. The week before, we’d gone shopping together and had to stop by the drugstore on our way home. It was crowded, and I was grabbing some moisturiser. Jesse pretended to search through the shelves next to me and delighted in announcing “Rachel! I found it! Extra strong fungal ointment, that brand you like!” Anyway…

“How fucking inappropriate,” Jesse replied, not taking her eyes off the TV, “I think he should leave again.”

Evan laughed, “well you guys definitely seem as fun as I’d hoped.”

“Hey Jesse, he says were fun!” I shouted, beaming at him and grabbing his hand.

“What a loser, dump him,” came her sarcastic reply.

“I like her,” Evan said with a smirk.


We sat down and chatted for a while, and were getting on like a house on fire. Evan brought popcorn and beer, and we got started into those as we debated which movie we were gonna watch. Evan suggested *Knives Out*, which it turns out we’d all seen, but were up for re-watching since we could talk a little without getting on each other’s nerves or miss anything important. I had changed into my pyjamas, or well, a long t-shirt and a pair of boy shorts. I didn’t hide the fact that I wanted to be close to Evan, we sat beside each other on the couch, and I rested my head on his shoulder. As the movie went on, I snuggled in closer to him and rested my arm across his chest. Our couch is L-shaped, so Evan and I were on the long part while Jesse sat across from us on the shorter length.

“How long is the journey to your parents’ place?” Jesse asked.

“It’s about six hours, door to door,” Evan replied, “my buddy is getting a flight tomorrow from the same airport, so I booked an earlier one than I usually would, so we could drive there together.”

“Your buddy is lucky, frankly if I were you I’d tell him to go solo so you could just stay here tonight instead,” I said.

“Well at least I know never to rely on you if there’s dick up for grabs,” Jesse laughed. Evan and I laughed in return.

“Hey I’m just kidding, I mean, I didn’t cancel our plans tonight did I?” I replied.

“Well I mean, if you guys wanna go take care of business then don’t let me stop you,” Jesse said sarcastically.

“So romantic! Evan, let’s go to my room and leave Jesse here, and maybe we’ll get back in time for the big twist,” I said, laughing.

“Of course. Like, it’s our second time watching it, it’s not like we won’t see it coming,” Evan joked.

“If we stayed… I think Jesse would see definitely something coming,” I teased, lifting my head and looking at her, before we both burst into laughter.

We settled down again, watching the movie in silence for the next ten minutes or so. But god damn I’d awakened something in myself. All I could think about was how Evan was right here beside me, and how much I wanted his dick again. I felt a tingling sensation between my legs, and the unmistakable feeling of my pussy getting warmer and wetter. Evan must have been feeling the same way, because I could feel his hand caressing my back, running his fingers along me in a far more sensual way than he had been prior.

I was overcome with desire. My heart started racing, but I figured fuck it, I wanted it.

I lifted my head off Evan’s chest, and pulled myself onto his lap, facing him. He looked a unsure what to do, a smiled up at me with a quizzical look on his face. I stared into his eyes, and I’m sure he knew what the look on my face meant. I leant forward and started to kiss him, my hands on the side of his head.

“Wooooah what the hell got into you,” Jesse said with a laugh.

“Maybe I do need to take care of business,” I replied, breaking away from Evan’s face, which was now covered in a big dopey smile.

“Well yeah, I kinda figured that,” she said, “I guess I’ll catch you guys after.”

“Nah, we’re not leaving,” I said with a smirk.

I had figured this would be fun payback for the pharmacy joke, but, of course, our one-upping sides were now in full control.

“Hey it’s my living room too, I’m not going anywhere,” Jesse said with a mock stubborn tone.

“Then just watch us,” I answered, stepping off Evan’s lap.

I didn’t really know what the hell I was doing, or what came over me. But I was hornier than I had ever been, and honestly the thought of Jesse *not* leaving was driving me crazy. But I figured she’d crack first, so I reached under my t-shirt, and pulled down my panties.

“Rachel I’ve seen you naked plenty of times, it’ll take more than dropping your panties to get me out of here,” Jesse said.

Fuck it. I pulled off my t-shirt.

“God damn, not even gonna lie, your body is great,” Jesse said. Still not leaving.

“Thanks,” I smirked, even more emboldened, and straddled Evan again.

“Holy shit,” he said to me, “are you for real?”

He must have felt me trembling with the adrenaline, but I could see in his face that he was as excited as I was. I had expected Jesse to be gone at this point, but I didn’t care. I started kissing him and unbuttoning his shirt. I kissed down his neck, and his chest, and made my way to his belt buckle.

“Alright alright, I’m going,” Jesse said. She was keeping her tone flat, but I could see a hint of red in her cheeks.

“I knew we’d win,” Evan said with a smirk, knowing exactly what he was doing.

Jesse, who had uncrossed her legs and was about to stand up, planted herself back down more firmly than ever.

“Actually, nah, I’m reverting to my ‘not going anywhere’ stance,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Suit yourself,” I said as I undid Evan’s belt and pulled down his pants and underwear in one motion.

I’d normally have gotten down on my knees and started sucking his dick, but I knew I was so fucking turned on at this point that I was ready for him. But Jesus, was I really gonna just fuck him right there with Jesse watching?

“Last chance to back out,” I said. I was suddenly becoming aware of how insane this was, and starting to feel a little embarrassment creep in.

Jesse said nothing, she just stared at us, with a devious smile on her face.

I climbed back onto Evan’s lap, sidled my way along it, and reached my hand behind my back, to grab his dick. With the biggest fucking adrenaline rush of my life, I guided it into me as I sat down, letting the weight of my body push him deeper.

I moaned. So fucking loud. It just escaped me, totally out of my control.

“Holy fuck, you’re actually doing it,” Jesse said.

“And it feels so fucking good,” I said, as I moved up and down slowly. Moaning a little each time his cock sank deep into my pussy.

I looked down at Evan and I could see that we were both so fucking turned on by this. He was looking at me, mouth open a little from the pleasure, but he occasionally glanced over at Jesse. I could feel him tense up a little when he did, as if seeing her watching us brought him a little closer to the edge each time.

“I’m not gonna lie, you guys look amazing,” Jesse said, clearly enjoying the view.

“Thanks babe,” I said, mustering the closest thing I could to sarcasm that moment. I had sped up a little; Evan had one hand on my hips and the other grabbing one of my tits.

“Your pussy is so fucking tight,” Evan said, “I’m not sure how long I can hold on.”

“Jesus I thought you said this dude could fuck like a champ?” Jesse laughed, “it’s only been a couple minutes.”

Neither of us responded. We had both sped up, getting more and more breathless and feeling our bodies getting closer to climaxing. I wasn’t even trying to hold back my moans, and I could feel the pleasure building fast.

“You guys are really fucking into this,” Jesse said.

“Keep talking,” I gasped. I wanted to know she saw us.

“His dick looks so thick. At first I thought it was a little short when you pulled off his pants, but now… seeing how much it’s stretching you out,” Jesse continued.

“Those hands too… the way he’s gripping you, leaving an impression on your skin, fuck that’s hot,” she carried on.

That was it. I couldn’t hold on. I started cumming. Hard. I forced my hips down onto Evan as hard as I could, trying to get every inch of his dick deep inside me. I felt his hands gripping onto me tight, pulling me down in tandem, as he emptied his load into me. I looked into his eyes and ground my hips against him, savouring every moment.

We both looked over to Jesse, and the three of us blushed, hard.

“Jesus… that felt good,” I said, breaking the silence.

“It *looked* good,” Jesse said.

“I think we put on a good show…” Evan said, “and we had a great audience,” he continued as he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

“Maybe we should grab a quick shower, and come back for that post-movie chat?” Evan said.

“Do you think you two can handle that by yourselves?” Jesse snarked.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/rhbq62/just_watch_us_fm


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