A Christmas Gift From My Sister: Part Two

“It doesn’t change anything,” Becky said. “I mean it, Jack. We did what we did, and don’t get me wrong, I really fucking enjoyed it, but that’s all that’s ever going happen.”

It was about ten minutes after the text from our parents revealed that we would be spending the night alone in the cabin. It was also about ten minutes since I had watched her finger herself to orgasm just a few feet away from me. I remembered watching a little bit of my cum land on her thigh, and thought about how it would still be there, drying on my sister’s skin.

My cock was soft in my boxers, but that image sent a little pulse of desire through it.

“I know,” I replied. “Just looking. No touching. You said already.”

“Fuck!” she shouted, dropping her head into her hands. “We shouldn’t have done anything! You’re my little brother, for Christ’s sake. What the fuck were we thinking?”

I know what I was thinking; I wonder how wet her panties are right at this second. Are they sticking to her? Is she aware of her wetness? How would she smell if I got down on my knees right there and then and pressed my nose against them? Would she stop me if I did?

And then she started crying. Low, breathless little sobs escaping from her. My fraternal love for her rushed to the surface, pushing away all sexual thoughts. Well, almost pushing them away. 

I got up from my chair and went to her, sitting on the couch and putting an arm around her shoulders. She tensed as I touched her, started to pull away a little, but then (maybe because she realised my intentions weren’t incestuous) she relaxed into my half embrace. 

I rubbed her arm, trying my very best to ignore just how good she smelled. True, now that I was closer I could definitely detect the sweet tang of her pussy in the air, but it was more than that – she smelled of memories and childhood and home. 

“It’s okay, Becky,” I soothed her. “I promise no one will ever know.”

She drew in a loud, snotty sniff, then exhaled loudly through her mouth.

“It’s not okay. It’s not even close to okay. We should never have done it. I should never have done it. You’ve got no idea how many times I told myself that, Jack. What the fuck is wrong with me?”

How many times had she told herself? 

What was she talking about? It had only been a few minutes since we touched ourselves for each other. My sister was clearly becoming hysterical.

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Becky. And maybe we shouldn’t have done it,” I said, intending to go on but her cutting me off before I could.

“Maybe?” she asked. “Maybe?? There’s no fucking maybe about it, Jack! I just watched my brother touch himself, then let him watch while I did the same!”

She shrugged my arm off, pulled herself away, shuffling quickly on her ass until she was at the furthest end of the couch. I obviously noticed the little damp patch on the material where she’d been sitting. It looked good enough to lick, but of course I didn’t. Instead, I said…

“You’re always telling me I’m the sensible one, right?”

She didn’t reply, but after a few seconds I saw her nod her head, which was still in her hands.

“Okay, then let me be sensible, and explain what happened.”

“I’m well aware of what fucking happened, Jack.”

“I don’t think you are, because if you were, you wouldn’t be reacting this way. And before you interrupt me again, just be quiet for a minute and let me speak.”

She rubbed the heels of her hands into her eyes, dragging and smearing mascara over her skin. But, she didn’t try to stop me talking, so I continued.

“You’re freaking out, sis. That’s all this is. Silly thing is, there’s really no need for you to feel this way. Firstly, no one will ever find out what happened. I’ll take it to the grave with me, and I’m sure you will too. Secondly, if you calm down and think about it, nothing actually happened. I’m sure you’ve made yourself cum lots of times before. I know I have. That’s all this was – me and you making ourselves cum just like we have hundreds of times before.”

She had stopped crying, and was now just staring into space. My words seemed to be getting through to her, so I pressed on.

“Third, we’ve both had more than a little bit to drink. Think about it, Becky. Even though nothing actually happened, and even though neither of us will ever talk to anyone about the nothing that happened… would tonight have gone the way it did if we were both sober?”

I left the question hanging in the air, determined not to speak until she did. It was close to two minutes later before she did.

“You’re too sensible for your own good. You know that, right?”

She turned to look at me and I was pleased to see she was smiling.

“You’re not the first to say it, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m right.”

She ran her hands through her hair, wiped some of the messed up makeup away from her eyes with her fingers.

“God, now I’m more embarrassed about freaking out than anything else. I must look a complete mess.”

“Nah,” I said. “You’re fine.”

I didn’t add that she looked so fucking sexy sitting there with wet cheeks and black-streaked eyes that all I wanted to do was push her to the floor and fuck that still wet little hole. 


“Yeah, maybe a little bit,” I said with a grin.

She leaned over and punched me gently on the thigh.


“But a sensible dickhead,” I reminded her.

She stood up, picked up her wine glass and walked over to the kitchen area where she turned on a tap and rinsed it out. 

“Well, Mr Sensible Dickhead,” she said, placing the glass upside down on the draining board. “Even though deep down I know what you say is true, it’s still going to take me a bit of time to process and regain my composure. And that’s definitely enough wine for me tonight. I think I’m going to take a shower then go to bed, if that’s okay with you, Jack?”

“Oh, right. Yeah, sure, obviously. Whatever you want.”

“Mum and dad will be here super early and it’s already late.”

“I get it,” I said. “And you’re right. I’ll maybe give it another half hour then I’ll turn in too.”

She lingered in the kitchen, like there was something else she wanted to say to me but couldn’t get out. Eventually she turned, waved, and walked out of the room. I heard the stairs creaking as she climbed them, then her bedroom door opening and closing.

I got up, walked over to my chair, poured another whisky and sat down. Becky was right when she’d said there was a lot to process. Maybe for her that meant working through guilty feelings, but for me it was much more simple than that. I closed my eyes and concentrated on visualising exactly how my sister’s pussy had looked. 

So closed up. So tight looking. So completely perfect. And how sexy had she looked when she’d cum? That shuddering, shaking little body. Those strangulated cries of ecstasy. There was so much more I wanted to do to her. I wanted to fuck her, to have her suck my cock, to lick her. Fuck, what I wouldn’t give to just be able to smell her pussy properly.

Upstairs I heard her bedroom door open again, then a few seconds later the bathroom door closed. A moment or two after that, I heard the shower start.

The distant sound of the water falling brought back memories of my teenage years. That soft noise had always meant that I was only minutes away from getting the prize younger had always craved most; Becky’s panties.

My cock was working its way towards being fully engorged as I stood up.

Maybe I wouldn’t ever get to do most of the things I wanted, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t do any of them. Those wet red panties that had soaked up all of her pussy juices were lying upstairs somewhere, just waiting for a horny brother to collect.

I downed my whisky in one gulp, and headed upstairs.

I took the stairs slowly, trying to minimise any creaking, rubbing my now solid dick through my trousers as I went. When I reached the top landing the bathroom door was immediately in front of me. I figured it was a fifty fifty chance whether my sister had gotten undressed in there, or in her bedroom. I heard the sharp pop of a plastic bottle being opened from inside the bathroom. I knew the shower screen was made of clear plastic. If she was shampooing her hair, eyes closed, maybe she wouldn’t notice me opening the door just enough to retrieve her panties. But, if she was washing her body I was fairly certain she would notice my presence.

Her bedroom door was to my left, and lay open. I decided to check there first. On tiptoes and with an erection, like the world’s horniest cartoon character, I crept towards the room.

As I crossed the threshold, I almost fist pumped. There, lying on the floor at the bottom of her bed, open with the crotch facing upwards, was what I was looking for. The waistband was a lighter shade of red than the part that cupped her pussy. I squeezed my cock as I realised it was because that part of them was completely soaked. 

Moving quickly, as silently as I could, I stepped fully into the room and plucked then from the floor. They felt wet and deliciously warm between my fingers. I knew I didn’t have long, but couldn’t resist lifting them to my mouth, stretching the crotch wide, and licking her fresh, silky cream from the material.

Fuck, she tasted good. Just like I remembered. Sweet and earthy and heavenly. I’d gone down on more than a few girls in my life, but none of them had tasted quite as good as Becky.

The water stopping in the bathroom jolted me back to reality.

I balled the panties in my hand and quickly left her room. My own room was next to hers, and I was in it with the door closed in less than ten seconds. I stood in the darkness, my fingers rubbing her wetness, until I heard the bathroom door open, and her soft footsteps walking to her room. 

I thought that maybe she paused for a second at the door, possibly noticing that her underwear wasn’t where she had left it, but before I could react, I heard the hinges softly creak and the door click closed.

I hoped she had noticed them missing. There was no way she was going to challenge me over it, not after her meltdown earlier. She just wanted to forget the whole thing, and anyway, I’d return them the following morning, once I’d finished using them. I loved the idea of her knowing exactly what I was doing in my bedroom with her panties. It was just like we were teenagers again.

As soon as her door closed I pulled off my clothes and jumped into bed. 

I held her panties to my face and inhaled her scent as I worked on my cock. I was fast and rough with myself. I opened my mouth and sucked the crotch of the panties in, using my tongue to clean them, swallowing down my sister’s cum as I got closer and closer to orgasm.

It took no longer than a couple of minutes before my body tensed and my orgasm gripped hold of me, sending my thigh muscles into a spasm so intense that they felt like steel. I let out a muffled roar of pleasure as I came, feeling my cum spurt out onto my stomach, a few drops landing on my chest. 

It wasn’t as good an orgasm as the one I’d had earlier, but it was fucking close.

I lay there, letting the feelings wash over me, milking the last of my cum onto my pubes, breathing hard.

When the last of it had passed, I took her panties from my mouth. My sister’s smell was diluted now, but still there. I sniffed them a few last times, then used them to clean myself, wiping my sticky cum from my body. Her juices, my saliva, and my cum meant that when I finally dropped them to the floor they landed with a squidgy, wet noise.

The warmth of the whisky coupled with that post-orgasmic feeling of total calm made my eyes heavy. I closed them and was asleep within seconds.

It was the squeaking of the door hinges that woke me. It could have been minutes or hours later; I had no idea. I opened my eyes and saw a thin sliver of light stretching from the narrowly opened door, across the floor and over the bottom half of my legs.

I felt a presence, knew that someone was near, even though I couldn’t hear a sound.

I stayed silent, knowing the only person who could be standing outside the door was Becky. 

The door opened another couple of inches, slowly, hesitantly. The light it let in now spread across my thighs.

“Are you awake?” she whispered.

I didn’t answer.

“Jack?” Louder now.

I closed my eyes, made a quiet, snoring sound.

“Jack?” Louder again, full volume.

I stayed perfectly still, hoping she wouldn’t be able to hear my now thundering heartbeat. I had an idea what she was doing; checking to see if I was awake. 

When I was younger I had slept like the proverbial dead. It was a habit that was knocked out of me when I left home and started having to get up early every day for work, but when I was a teenager my family used to joke that I’d sleep through an earthquake.

I remembered what Becky said about touching herself thinking about me with her panties. And then her words from earlier popped into my head.

*I should never have done it. You’ve got no idea how many times I told myself that*

*I* should never have done it. Not we – I.

How many times I told myself that.

It had seemed weird when she said it, but suddenly it all clicked into place, and my cock twitched at the realisation. This wasn’t the first time my big sister had snuck into my room while I was sleeping. 

And I’d felt so guilty for just stealing her panties and trying to see her pussy! 

The door opened wide enough for her to come in, then closed gently behind her. She was maybe eight feet away from me. So close I could hear her breathing.

“Jack,” she said again, back to a whisper. “Are you awake? I’m worried about mum and dad.”

She wasn’t worried at all. She knew exactly where they were, and that they were safe. Her question was just a premade excuse, ready on her lips incase I was awake. 

A creaky floorboard, less than four feet away from my bed. She was getting closer. 

The room was dark. I was lying naked without any covers. I wondered if she could make out the shape of my cock in the darkness. If she could, she would have seen it was solid.

I heard her breathe in deeply, like she was inhaling something. It took me a second to realise what it was; my dirty big sister was smelling the sopping wet panties I’d dropped on the floor. She was breathing in the scent of her pussy and my cum combined. 

She sighed, then I heard a wetter noise. Was she… licking them? She was! She was licking my cum from them!

I almost jumped when her hand brushed against my chest, but I managed to hold it in. Her fingertips felt so delicate as they traced around my nipples, the sensation heightened due to my closed eyes. My cock flexed, then fell back against my body.

She was still circling one of my nipples when I felt hot wetness on the other. Becky was sucking it, quiet but for the wet noises of her mouth.

She had moved onto sucking my nipple so quickly that I was now completely certain this wasn’t the first time she’d done this.

As well as the almost imperceptible sound of her suckling me, I could hear something else, low and to my right. She was fingering herself, her wet, hungry pussy schlucking and popping round her digits.

I didn’t know how much longer I could just lie there and not react. But, her secret nighttime visits to my room were obviously something she felt a massive amount of guilt over. If I let her know I was awake her secret would be out, and that might be enough mental trauma to ensure she never did anything with me ever again.

I wondered about my dick. Like I said, it was fully hard now. If (please God) she touched it, would she know I was awake? Or did I get hard in my sleep? I mean, I’d woken up with an election lots of times, so surely a sleep-boner was fairly common?

My question was answered a few seconds later when she began to (thank you God) stroke it, running her fingers up and down my shaft. My dick responded, twitching against her touch. 

She didn’t scream, didn’t stop. Definitely not her first time.

When her mouth left my nipple I almost grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back, but instead I just lightly gripped the sheet.

I felt her weight shift lower down the bed. I guessed she was resting on her elbows. The mattress made a pinging sound as a spring settled.

She froze, listening, her fingers snatched away from my cock.

Then, when she was certain I was asleep, they returned, only this time she held it properly, and started giving me the slowest, gentlest, most incredible handjob I’d ever felt.

It was the fact she was my sister, and the furtiveness of the situation, and imagining how horny she must have been feeling that made it so amazing. I couldn’t thrust my hips against her hand, couldn’t grip her wrist and get her speed right, couldn’t squeeze her tits. All I could do was lie there and take it.

And that’s what I was going to do. I was honestly just going to let her do it; let her rub me off while she fingered herself, but then she did something I couldn’t not react to.

One second she was jerking me, the next I felt her mouth wrap around my tip.

That was it. 

That was my absolute limit.

I couldn’t just lie there while my sister sucked me off.

I sat up, grabbed her by the hips and lifted her entire weight before lying back down, this time with her wet little cunt right on my face.

She tried to say no or something, but I pressed the back of her head down deep onto my cock, cutting off her voice with my meat. At the same time I pulled down on her ass, smearing her pussy onto my face, my tongue lapping, my mouth sucking. I licked her from her clit right round to her asshole, big, wet, slobbering passes that for the first few she struggled against before I felt her weight settle in and she started to grind on me.

I pulled her ass cheeks apart and tongue fucked that little hole. I bit on her clit. I fucking chewed on that pussy. 

And the whole time, I was holding her head in place while I fucked her mouth, enjoying her choking, feeling her drool run over my balls. My sister sucked cock like a pro. Even when I could feel the tip of my dick banging against the back of her throat she kept sucking like a fucking champ.

I reached up over her ass and pushed a finger into her tightest hole. She shuddered against me, her asshole trembling. I clamped my mouth around her clit and sucked while I flicked it with my tongue. She grinded harder and harder and fucking harder.

She came on my face in less than a minute. I wanted to pull my dick out of her mouth and fuck her, but man, by that point I was much too far gone. Instead I grabbed both her ears and held her mouth tight in place while I shot my cum right down her throat. 

Neither of us made much noise, what with her pussy almost smothering me and my dick choking her.

My sister swallowed every drop I had to give, pulling my dick out and licking all over the tip to make sure she hadn’t missed any.

It was the most intense encounter of my entire life.

After she had cum, and after she had finished cleaning my dick, she lay there, her pussy still touching my face.

“I thought you said no touching,” I said eventually, my voice no doubt muffled.

She groaned, my softening dick still in her mouth, her still sucking it gently.

“Sis,” I said. “Me and you have got *a lot* to talk about.”

She pulled my cock out of her mouth. I could feel her breath on my balls.

“Jack,” she said quietly. “You don’t even know the half of it…”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/rham1g/a_christmas_gift_from_my_sister_part_two


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