Need your help [F/F]

Hi everyone. Just to be clear from the very start, what I am about to say is not my fetish. This is happening for real and I actually want some answer to it. So I am posting it in different subs so that I have many answers to it and I can study them all and finally reach to a conclusion.

I think my daughter has a crush on me. I don’t know if its just infatuation or she actually likes me. I don’t even know if its just me or she actually has a crush on me. I am all confused.

I doubt this because of recent change in her activities like being extra close to me like hugging and kissing me again and again. Sometimes when I return home, she is in my bed. In her defence she says that she finds my bed more comfortable. Her dressing sense is getting kinda seductive. The list could go on.

My question is, how should I deal with it. And the bigger question is, should I actually indulge in sexual activities with my own daughter?

I really really need your advice on this. Any sort of help is appreciated. Thank you



  1. You’ll probably want to address this with her first. But don’t accuse her of anything. Just point out maybe weird behavior she’s been engaging in. You could pursue therapy from there. Don’t know why you’re asking this in a porn sub tho…

    And no. You should under no circumstances have sex with your underage daughter. If she’s adult, then it’s up to you guys

  2. This could be a reaction to another life altering or emotionally traumatic event that maybe you aren’t aware of. She may be reverting to someone she knows is safe. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, should you engage in sexual activities with your daughter. The long term damaging effects that could cause are extreme.

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