Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [?/?/?/?] Part 52-1


=== ***Chris*** ===

The girls seem to be getting along well. Bella and Alexa have been going to the gym with Roxxy and Alana, and I’m glad that they’re all bonding together. I just want them to be happy, that’s all I want.

Victor has invited me over for lunch, which I gladly accepted. He’s been a good friend and we have a lot in common with one another.

So I walked into the restaurant, a Mediterranean place near the hospital, to see Corey and Victor sitting on a booth table facing me.

“Yo, Chris!” Victor called out as he waved me over, but I’ve already seen them.

I sat across from them, their smiling faces. I’ve met Corey a couple of times before, he was in the party with Alana last year when she got her BSN and at my birthday party. Corey looks a bit younger than us, despite being a year older than I am, while Victor always looked about the same, though he’s cut his hair now.

“What’s up guys,” I asked as soon as my butt hits the seats. The waitress soon followed and I ordered a gyro and water.

“Chris, you’re probably the only one out my entire friend group that regularly has sex,” Victor started and I gave him a weird look, “don’t give me that, out of all of us you have the most experience.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” I laughed softly, “I’m just as inexperienced as you.”

Victor didn’t believe that, I could tell. Corey leaned in slightly, “well, Emily told me you’ve had some, uh, interesting reaction to some pills.”

“What the- that’s doctor-patient confidentiality!” I said, trying not to shout, “she can’t say those things to you.”

“Oh drop it, dude,” Victor scoffed, “just admit that you’re the only one of us that gets it almost everyday.”

Have I been having sex that often? That much?

“Bella alone, I bet you guys do it once a day. But you have Alana, Roxanne and, from what I’m hearing, another girl. Dude, what’s up with that?” Corey laughed slightly, “I’d ask you for tips on how to get girls, but I’m already with Emily, but you have to admit that’s pretty unusual for a dude.”

“Bella’s the one who’s been bringing all the girls in,” I confessed as I give a sigh, “she’s said to me that she likes seeing me have sex with other women, but then these women ended up wanting to be my girlfriend.”

“Dude, you’re living the life! Good lord, having sex regularly must be heaven!”

“I’d like to agree with that,” I laughed in defeat, “but truth be told, it’s tiring. As soon as I get home from work, Bella wants to have sex. After she gets her, Roxanne wants one too, and then Alana, and then Alexa. I have to make four girls happy, every day, it’s really tiring you know.”

“Holy shit, and you do it regularly? Everyday?” Victor gasped.

“Every day. I’m lucky if I only have sex once a day. But, I gotta admit I like it too.”

“Alright, well having said that, Corey has some, uh, proposition for the two of us.”

I looked at Victor with curiosity as he looked away. Corey kind of looked sad for a second.

“Emily wants to… uh… have a, uh… um…. f-f-foursome.”

“Hi, here’s your gyro!”

I’m looking at Corey with my mouth ajar. The waitress slipped my plate in front of me and placed the ice-cold water next to it. I’m still looking at Corey like he has another head growing out from the side of his neck. “Can I get you something else sir?” she asked with a gentle smile. I finally managed to tear my eyes from Corey and to her.

“Um…. not at the moment, thank you very much…”

“You’re not serious, are you?” I asked as soon as the waitress is gone, with my voice climbing a tone higher, “please tell me you’re not serious.”

“I asked the same thing, and she wants you, me and Corey.” Victor said as he points to me, him and then to Corey.

“Why does she want a foursome, first of all?” I prodded as I leaned in closer to Corey.

“She went out drinking one night, with her college friends, and they were telling her about all the fun they had during their college days. Partying, hooking up, all of those until they settled down. Emily never did any of that back then, she was too focused on studying and keeping up with school. So now that she’s established, successful and stable, well she wants to do it.”

It kind of makes sense, to be honest, but this kind of request is something you would do if you’re not in a committed relationship. If Emily is single, and Corey, Victor and I are single, then yeah, I’m for it. But we’re not. We’re all in a committed relationship!

“Corey, you know what happens after this, right? There’s a chance, a CHANCE, that you’ll lose her,” VIctor pointed out, “in something like this, you two have to be damn sure, DAMN SURE that you’re really in love with one another. Because once sex with other people come into play, emotions can just make a fucking mess of other people’s head.”

“Take it from us. If Bella, Alana and Roxxy weren’t in love with me, I could have lost one of them to Victor, and if Raissa and Victor weren’t in love with one another, Raissa could’ve been my fourth girlfriend.”

Victor laughed at that, “yeah, she could have. Man, she really pestered me about that night, you know.”

“I didn’t know. I wasn’t really for it, you know, I wasn’t sure about that night.”

“It was kind of fun,” Victor admitted and I agreed, “but I don’t think its something we could do… often.”

“Yeah, not often.”

“Guys, then what do I do? I don’t want to lose her!”

“Corey, Victor and I won’t take Emily from you, it’s Emily you have to worry about. Just be damn sure you want to do this. If you do, then you gotta talk to Bella and Raissa.”

=== ***Bella*** ===

“So, what’s this I hear about you wanting to fuck our boyfriend?”

Chris has told me about the proposition, so Raissa has set up a meeting in her restaurant. Raissa and I sat together with Emily sitting across from us.

“Emily, why? Why my querido? Why him?”

Emily looked down in shame.

“I can say the same, why Chris?”

Emily just sighed. “You wouldn’t understand,” she said in such a small voice.

‘Oh? Try us,” Raissa chirped.

“I spent my entire 20’s glued to the book, studying and practicing and working and doing all the shit I’m supposed to do! I never went out, never had a relationship and a boyfriend because it might distract me from my goal. The next thing I knew, I’m 35 and I realized that I wasted my youth? I’m supposed to have fun when I’m in my 20’s!”

Raissa scoffed, “bullshit excuses. I spent my 20’s working too! I spent it growing my brand into what it is now. You do not see me asking for-”

I stopped her before she got too far, “Um… you kind of did, Raissa. Remember? New Year’s Eve?”

“Oh… oh shit, you are right. Um… ahahah, uh…. ok.”

Raissa settled back down meekly, all the wind in her sail is gone.

“Emily, first of all, why Victor and Chris? Secondly, why? I get that you missed out on your youth, but why now?”

“I got invited to a reunion with my college friends recently. They talked about all the stuff they did during our 20s, going to bars, hooking up with random men, you know? Then I realized I didn’t do any of that. I never got to be wild and spontaneous back then.”

I understood where she is coming from, though Raissa took some convincing since she was in her shoes once. But Raissa got married young and settled down, even then she found another person she can dedicated to.

“So because you did not sleep around, or whatever, in your youth, you now want to sleep with my Victor? I do not see the correlation her, you are still not telling us why you picked Victor and Chris?”

“Victor and Chris are the only people I can trust. Demi is really protective of Ro, and I do not want to sleep with any of my colleagues. Doctors are really selfish lovers.”

Raissa and I exchanged looks with one another. “So, did you ask anyone else other than Victor and Chris? Or are they your first choice,” Raissa added. Emily nodded and Raissa fell against her chair.

Raissa and I got up and walked away from earshot in our own conference.

“I do not think you know this, but both Victor and Chris are so… easily manipulated,” Raissa laughed, “more than likely those two are waiting for our decision.”

“Chris has started becoming more confident, but you’re right he’s fine either way. It’s her I’m worried about.”

“Meaning?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“What if she falls in love with Chris? Or with Victor? What then? Corey will be devastated.”

Raissa looked over to Emily and then back to me. “What do we do? I do not think I can share Victor. But you-“

“Chris has enough girlfriends,” I interrupted before she can put her own narrative in my relationships. She immediately understood and gave a slight nod. “So what do you want to do?”

She earned a wicked look on her face, something I’m unfamiliar with. “I am not sure about you, but having a doctor owe you a favor is very favorable in my country.”

I see her point. With Emily, we can ask her for favors. But, unlike Raissa, I’m not fond of using friends or blackmailing them. “Raissa, no blackmails,” I told her and she gave me a glare, “No blackmail, I’m serious!”

“I was not thinking of blackmail, silly kitten. I’m just saying that she owes us a favor. You think of the most suspicious things,” she coyly said with a wink, “do not fret, I am no criminal.”

Sometime, I wonder.

=== ***Emily*** ===

I had to agree with their demand. I had to. Bella’s was pretty easy, but Raissa was a bit of a stretch. She wanted to ask me for medical questions whenever she wanted, and I’m not to ask her why.

Bella just wanted to watch, and so did Raissa.

Despite me being older than them, I’m 10 years older than Bella and 5 years older than Raissa, I’m probably the least sexually experienced. I just recently lost my virginity and now I’m craving for something more! Does that make me a slut? A whore? Dear god, I’m a doctor and I’m doing something so inexcusable.

I’ve been doing my best to clean my anus, but it can never be clean. But I don’t care, I want the full experience of three men fucking me.

Bella and Raissa soon walked into the hotel room, along with Alana, Roxanne and the new girl Alexa. They all sat on the couch, looking and judging me. I’m not as muscular or as fit as any of these girls, especially Bella, but I’m confident in how I look.

“I hope you l know what you’re getting into Ems,” Alana chirped as she crossed her arms, “and try to stay awake.”

I haven’t the clue what she’s talking about.

=== ***Corey*** ===

“Uh… how do we do this?” I asked surreptitiously.

“H-How do we- does it look like we have foursome on a regular basis?”

Victor is a little on edge while Chris is nonchalantly stretching. “Vic, you need to stretch, man, you’ll get a Charlie horse if you don’t.”

“Chris, how can you be so calm about this?”

“Probably because I have four girlfriends,” he answered flatly, “but just think of it as a favor, and now Emily owes us.”

“I don’t even know what to do right now. She probably wants anal,” I pointed out, “we just started having sex, like literally a month ago!”

“Well then think of this as a new experience,” Chris huffed as he flexed his arm a bit.

“Chris, you regularly have sec with four women at once. What else have you not done?”

He thought for a moment and then laughed. “Well, what we’re going to do is something I haven’t done. That and sex in a hospital… wait, I did that last week. Um… I’ll get back to you on that.”

“Chris, you motherfucker, did you and Alana fucked inside the hospital!?”

Chris only laughed. “You gotta try it, it is thrilling.”

Oh boy.

“Now, y’all took the pill, right?”

=== ***Emily*** ===

What kind of life is this? What kind of friendship? The kind where we share boyfriends, maybe. Who knows. Who really knows now. I don’t want to share Corey, I never did, yet I asked these two to share theirs. Bella does have a habit of sharing Chris, but that’s only to single women. Raissa, as far as I know, is overprotective of Victor.

But then these three men walked into the room with only a bathrobe on. Corey is obviously a bit shy, while Victor and Chris stands with confidence. Corey is shorter than Victor and slightly taller than Chris; however, he’s not as muscular as the other two. Corey has a nice body, but Victor and Chris are regular gym goers and it shows. Their chest are wider, shoulders and arms are more toned, abs are nice and cut. They’re just built more.

Corey also looks less confident. I don’t know if it’s because he’s about to have sex when there’s an audience or because Victor and Chris is performing with him.

“Yo, calm the fuck down dude. Just act like yourself, we’re all friends here.” I heard Chris whisper, obviously trying to calm him down.

“Yeah, easy for you to say porn star,” I heard Corey answer.

“Hello boys, you’re here for your appointment?”

They each smiled at me. Victor and Corey sat beside me while Chris moved behind me. I looked at each of the girls eyes as their men handled my body, rubbing and massaging me all over.

Do I feel like I won over them? A little. I can kind of see the anger building up in their eyes, and I don’t blame them. But they agreed to this, so they can only blame themselves.

“Sit up for a second,” I hear Chris say and as I lifted myself up, he inserts himself down below while Victor pulls my scrub pants down. I then sat down on Chris face while he happily licks and slurps up my already wet push.

I felt his tongue invade me and flicked and fluttered inside of me. Shit, I’m already cumming, and it’s only from this guys tongue playing around inside of me. I started moaning, louder than I thought I would as I grabbed his hair and pressed down harder into him.

“Shit! His… his tongue is like… holy shit he’s so good!”

“Heh, that’s his specialty,” Bella smirked as she crossed her arms and legs, “make sure to enjoy it.”

“His skills have gotten better? Ay, my Victor will need to have pointers from him. Please, Bella, can your Chris teach my Querido?” Raissa asks as she laid her head on Bella’s shoulder.

I focused more on what’s happening between my legs, the magic that he’s giving me. I’ve just cummed and now I’m about to cum again! The way he used his tongue is something else, and now he got me to tilt my torso forward a bit, causing me to angle my ass up and my crotch rolled backward, so now he’s got his lips around my clit! He’s sucking on it, tightly at first and then softly, and then with sudden intensity!

“Shit! Oh my god, he’s making me cum again!”

“God damn, our boy just made your girlfriend cum three times in a fucking row,” Victor lightly chuckled, “meanwhile I can’t even make Raissa cum with my mouth.”

“Ay, Querido please! Do not say things like that!” She stomped and fussed.

As soon as Chris slid himself off from underneath me I fell to my back. Victor and Corey basically took scissors, they hid them in their robe pockets, and cut my scrub off from me! The nerve! These things cost a lot of money!

They played with my tits, slapped and sucked it, and pinched my nipples roughly. Chris disappeared from my view, I don’t know where he is, but right now I got two boys all over me.

I eventually did find him sitting with Bella, making out with her while fondling her massive tits. He then had Alana sit on him and kissed her too, sucking on her tits as well.

“Hey, lover boy! You’re supposed to be over here!” I called out and he just laughed at me.

“Emily, you’ll get plenty of me in a second. Just let Victor and Corey have some fun with you first.”

Fuck, the bravado of this man. Just because he has a big dick doesn’t mean he can act like a total douche.

Wait, is he though?

“Chris, come on man it feels awkward if it’s just me and Victor,” Corey whined.

Chris shook his head and shrugged. Alana got off of him and pouted as she sank back down on the couch.

Corey stood me up and got me down into a squat. He took his robe off to reveal himself, still wearing underwear. I dragged it down and allowed his dick to pop up. His majestic dick, a hard 7 inch poking and grinding against my cheeks.

“I always like seeing your cock, babe,” I told him and he smiled shyly. I don’t think he’s used to me calling him “babe” just yet, but I’ve wanted to call my boyfriend that. I took him into my mouth and tasted the salty sweat off of him. But then, I noticed his balls. Bigger than normal, much bigger!

“Did… did you take something? Why are your balls bigger than before?!”

“Chris gave us some pills. He said it’ll make us produce more semen.”

I looked at Chris and he just gave me that smug shrug again. Did they all take a pill?

Corey’s cock already started leaking precum. It’s sweet! Much sweeter than before! Did he also take a pill for this? The same pills that Chris took? But he didn’t get an inch like Chris did, though. Disappointing, but realistic.

“You asked for more than one dick, why are you only giving him your attention?”

Victor presented himself as he opened his robe to reveal his boxer briefs. I pulled it down and when his cock sprang up and flicked my chin, I knew he’s got a good one too. Long, much longer than Corey’s and much thicker as well. I took him into the mouth as well, marveling at the sweet and saltyness coating his already wet cock.

“Oh god, I’m starting to go crazy!” I whined as I stroke both of their cock. But I know the last one is the best one.

Chris went up to me as he took his robe apart and already I can see the outline of his enormous dick through his boxer brief. He’s got it pressed against his stomach, and as I pull it down his thick cock fell on my face with a dull thud.

I’ve seen it before, but I don’t even think it was fully hard. Here it is, sitting in my face, pulsing and throbbing like mad.

“Holy… shit… I said.”

My eyes went up to Chris face, and to Corey and Victors own with their eyes wide and mouth wide open.

“Dude… did you get bigger from New Year’s Eve?!” Victor gasped, “y-you weren’t this big before! You’re definitely thicker too! What the, how?!”

“Is this why you wanted his dick? Emily, did you know he has a monster of a dick!? You told me he had a reaction, but you didn’t tell me he’s this big!”

I couldn’t answer him. My hands wrapped around his dick, both hands, and they couldn’t even grab the whole thing. I opened my mouth and took the head into my mouth. Nope, can’t fit unless I really try, and even when I did get it into my mouth I could only go a couple of inches before gagging.

“You need to do better,” he grunts as he grabbed the back of my head and shoved me down. My mind went blank, and he’s being so rough with me. Oh god, his dick is intoxicating!

“Be a good bitch and suck their dick. I want more of your pussy,” he snarled as he took me off his cock. He soon disappeared from my view and crawled himself down underneath me. I watched as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down on top of him.

His cock is still standing before me, mocking me.

“Bella, what… his dick… it has gotten bigger!” I hear Raissa gasp. Bella only chuckled, looking at us with that haughty superiority.

“You wonder why I needed to get a fourth girl? The three of us couldn’t handle him before, that’s why we needed a fourth!”

I felt his rough tongue under me again, but then Corey took my head and shoved his cock in. “You wanted to get fucked by him, that’s why? Right?”

“No! No, I… maybe a little…”

He shoved his dick in deep, all the way, and I could feel the anger in his eyes. Tears welled up around my eyes as I felt myself start to loose it, and then he let me go and I coughed and took deep breaths.

“Chris and Victor are the only guys I can trust, that’s why I picked them. I only know his dick is big because he needed to get himself checked out, that’s all!”

Corey shoved his dick in my mouth again and roughly fucked my face. I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s usually so passive, so recessive to my needs, but now he’s so aggressive.

“You just wanted a big dick to fuck!” He growled at me as he pressed and kept my head pressed down against him. I tapped his thighs a few times, trying to tell him I needed air, but he held me there for a couple for second until he finally let me off, coughing and gasping for air.

Meanwhile, my pussy hadn’t stopped throbbing and spamming from Chris assault. He lifts me up slightly so he can breathe, but then he spoke, “Alana, Roxxy, come here babes.”

The two brown skinned beauties bounced their way to him, all smiles with their perfect hair and skin. “Yes, daddy,” they said in unison.

Chris just pointed to his throbbing manhood and the two girls smiled gleefully. They got down to their stomach, atop his thighs, and started slobbering and sucking all over his shaft. Alana positioned herself over his cock and in one fell motion took it all the way down, all the way to the base. She held him there for a few second as she came up with tightened lips and a satisfied moan.

“God, your cock taste so good daddy,” she cooed as she brushed her hair back. Roxanne took his cock away from her and sucked on the head a couple of times. She, too, brought her lips all the way down to the base, coughing and gagging a couple of times but she held him there for a bit longer than Alana did. Her tight lips painted his cock with her red lipstick, and she laughed when she got off of him.

“Thank you daddy, you taste so good,” she laughed. Then they both started kissing, kissing with their lips pressed against his cock. Their tongues would wrap and flick his thick head, moaning while doing so.

I don’t know, but something about watching them kissing in front of me while their tongue danced against Chris cock got me so hot and horny.

Victor tore my attention from them, pressing his big dick into my mouth too while Corey kneeled down and started sucking on my tits. Victor is just as rough as Corey, and I felt his dick thrust down into my throat and I gagged against it.

“You liked what you see Emily? You liked seeing Alana and Roxanne make out with one another while they suck Chris’ cock?”

I nodded as I looked up at him with blackened tears running down my cheeks. My mascara is a mess now, shit.

My slurps and sucks joined Alana and Roxanne’s own as they enjoyed their lover’s meat, giggling and laughing. It’s funny, even though they took Chris’ cock down their throat, they didn’t cough or choke or gag.

“We practiced,” Bella answers unprompted, “at first we could barely go halfway down. But every time we had sex we tried to go as low as we could.”

“Bella, kitten, his dick was not that big before,” I hear from the sidelines. I watched Bella just smugly looked at Raissa, and the Brazilian soon pouting. “You will not tell me? That is mean of you.”

Bella just smirked.

“Oh, daddy’s gotta go to work,” Chris softly laughed with a grunt as Alana and Roxanne kissed his cock good bye.

The trio removed their bathrobe at this point, tossing it aside. Chris, for some reason, folded his and set it down gently.

Victor and Corey hoist me up to the bed where they rubbed their dicks all over my face while rubbing and pinching my tits. Chris took my scrub pants off but fixed my thong back against me and then, as Bella reiterated, went for my exposed cunt as he really worked on my clit, sucking and gently nibbling at it. Then, he inserted two fingers and dragged it roughly back, with his pads pressed up against the roof of my pussy. Instantly I am once again filled with that mind numbing sensation, just jabbing at my brain.

“Oh, fuck, you can finger just as good!? Oh, Chris you’re going to make me cum again!” I bellowed. Chris had been scraping against my feel good zones, the buttons that Corey hasn’t visited yet because he didn’t know where they are.

“Dude! Really, you made her cum four times already! You gotta tell me your secrets!” Victor groaned in defeat.

“Tell you!? Tell me, she’s MY girlfriend!” Corey retorted as Chris just laughed.

“It’s different for each girls, you two just need to explore more,” he answered and while he is correct, the general area where our “spots” are is usually in the same area. But he’s right in the sense that Victor and Corey needed to explore more.

“You want vaginal, or anal first?“ Corey asked Victor.

“Hey, what about me!?” Chris yelled out but was shushed by Victor.

“You really want one of us to go after you? Come on, man,” Victor laughed and Chris couldn’t help but agree. “Corey, bro, it’s up to you. She’s your girl.”

“Yeah, yeah your right. Right now, you’re not a doctor, Emily. Right now, in this moment, you’re just a dirty slut that wants all of her holes filled.”

The way he looked at me, with such cold eyes, it kind of scared me. But he’s right. In this moment I’m just some slut that wants to be fucked and deeply satisfied.

“Yes, fuck me, please. Fuck my ass, my pussy and my mouth.”

“Good, that’s a good slut. I’ll take her ass first, then,” he decided as he slapped his cock against my face, “be a good slut and get on my friend here. Chris, make sure she doesn’t make a lot of noise.”

As I climb over Victor’s muscle, he grabbed my hips and slapped my ass hard. “Fucking fat ass you got, I always knew you had a dump truck back there.”

I giggled as I grabbed his cock and guided the head up to my pussy. As he pressed me down, I moaned loudly as his head separates my walls wide open. I grit my teeth and bit my lip as I continued downward, enjoying his girth.

“Hoh, fuck you’re so thick! Holy shit!”

Chris went up, kneeling by Victor, grabbed my head and stuffed my mouth with his duck. “Open wide, doc, and breathe whenever you can.”

I nodded at him but then he slapped my face. He stuffed my cheeks with his thick girth and then slapped that bulge in my mouth. “Oh, I’ve always wanted to do that,” he laughed softly, “don’t tell them I said that it’s our little secret, alright?”

Again, I nodded at him, moaning while I bounced on Victor’s dick. While I moaned and cussed, Chris’ cock muffled me, while Victor ground up my pussy.

Then I felt Corey grab my hip. “Spread her cheeks, Vic,” he said, “her ass is so fat and juicy, and my hands are just shaking right now.”

And as he slides his cock into me, I felt that sense of fulfillment that I craved for. He did it carefully, that enormous amount of pressure in my ass, it’s undeniable! Having Corey fucking my ass in unison to Victor just gave me an overwhelming amount of intense pleasure, and with Chris fucking my mouth it didn’t take me long to finally achieve climax.

“Shit, man her pussy is just clamping down on my super hard!” Victor moaned as he bit my tit, “she’s just so fucking tight!”

“I’ll be honest, I am loving anal! I can’t believe I haven’t tried this with her yet,” Corey piped up as he slammed his cock into me, “it’s just a different feeling!”

Chris didn’t say anything. He’s not being rough with me, like he did before, but he’s being cordial with it and going along. I can understand, though, he sleeps with four women on the daily, and my oral skill lacks in comparison to what he’s probably used to.

“You alright there Chris? A bit quiet over there,” Corey asks what was on my mind.

“Oh, sorry, I’m just savoring the feeling. It’s not every day I get to have sex with someone else other than my girls.”

“Dude, you have sex with 4 girls! You’re lucky you have a girl that’s into you being polyamorous, but to find 3 other girls who’s into that? You know how lucky you are!?”

Just hearing Corey talk about being in a polyamorous relationship, how he talks about it with such awe. Maybe he wants to be in one?

Chris just shook his head, as he continued thrusting himself into me. He only went halfway down, just enough for me to taste his precum and not choke and gag on his cock. “Okay, Doc, take a breath now,” he said, and I looked up at him in confusion.

Then he really stuffed his hog down my throat. I gagged, choked and yelled in protest but he held me down against him. “Fuck, her throat is just squeezing me out of control. Take it easy, doc!”

Then he finally let me go, slowly. I remembered how Alana and Roxanne did it with him, so I tightened my lips around his shaft until the very end, drawing a loud groan from him.

“Good girl,” he said as he drummed my lips with that big head of his.

Then he bent down and kissed me, in a way that I haven’t been kissed before. His lips are so soft, his tongue so skilled and quick and he pulled me into it so firmly too. I just lost myself in him, in how he is, and found myself reciprocating. I can understand how Bella and the others have fallen in love with him, he didn’t even hesitate to kiss me fully knowing his dick has been in the same area mere seconds before.

“Chris! No kissing!” I hear Bella roar from the distance.

“Oops, sorry babe! I’m so used to kissing that it’s just a part of me,” he laughed gently as we parted. A part of me wanted more of him, more of his lips. Corey doesn’t kiss me like that, with the same hunger and intensity. He also doesn’t kiss me after I give him a blowjob either!

Steady, girl, steady…

“Well, I expect extra kisses tonight when we get home, not just for me, alright, for all of us!” she continued, “a-and, some more cuddles too.”

“That goes without saying. I was going to do those anyway!”

Chris lifts his log up against his torso and pulled me against his balls. “Suck it, slut, make sure you get underneath it,” and I’m happy to obey. My tongue went over and around his large balls, and he forced it into my mouth and I strained to contain him. “More tongue, use your tongue more,” he demanded but he just occupied a lot of my mouth that I couldn’t really do more.

I gasped in defeat, looking up at him apologetically. “I’m sorry for not doing more!” I begged but he just slapped me with his cock. I want more, I wanted more, I wanted to be degraded and used like some sleeve for them.

“Chris, do the pills make us more sensitive? We’ve only been fucking for 15 minute but I feel ready to blow!”

Victor’s been wincing and struggling, I can tell. “Corey, what’s the protocol here bud? We cumming inside or no?”

“W-what…? What?” Corey moaned, being lost in the pleasure of his head, “I… I don’t…”

Chris has to slap him upside the head. “Focus! Are we allowed to nut inside of your girlfriend or not!?”

“Oh! Y-yeah, she wanted us to. She’s on birth control, so she’s safe.”

I want them to fill me up. I want Corey to fill my asshole with his cream. I want to feel Victor’s little soldiers to swarm my pussy, and I want Chris to fill my mouth up with his jizz.

“Hey, how long are you guys gonna fuck? Just call us, because I’m ducking hungry!”

I glanced over to the girls, I can’t really move my head much on account of Chris holding me, but Bella is slightly miffed.

“I… I dunno, a couple hours maybe?” Chris said with a shrug.

A couple of hours!?

“Shit, alright we’ll be back. You want anything?”

“A lot of sports drinks,” he replied.

Bella and the girls walked over to us. Chris kissed each one of his girlfriends, not a quick peck on the lips but a long and passionate kiss, every one of his girls. Raissa bent down over to Victor as she brushed his face.

“Querido, pace yourself. Do not loose to them,” she said softly as they shared a kiss too. “I love you,” she added.

“I love you too sweetheart, I’ll see you soon.”

Fuck, these people are just fucking charming as hell! I picked an interesting bunch to be friends with.

The door slammed shut, and Victor and Chris drew a collective, relieved sigh.

“I thought they were gonna kill his!” Chris laughed with relief, “oh god I was so scared!”

“Right? I thought they wouldn’t be alright with this,” Victor added.

“Something tells me you guys did this before,” Corey pointed out. These assholes are just talking like I’m not even in the room! Hello, I’m currently being spit roasted here!

“Something like that. We did something like this in New Year’s Eve, the girls thought it’d be something Chris and I would enjoy but we’re really not the type for this.”

“Alright, then why did you two agree to this then?” Corey pressed further, “if you two were uncomfortable, we didn’t have to do this.”

“Well, Raissa and I talked about it, and we both agreed I could do this only if Emily owes us,” Victor said as he took his lips to my nipples again, “you owe us, slut.”

“Bella said the same thing,” Chris added as he looked at me with savage eyes, “we have a doctor in our pockets,” he said with a wink.

Corey just slapped my ass, “you whore, you wanted to get fucked like this right? I didn’t think I’d get with such a slut.”

“Oh god… I’m… It feels so good!”

I can’t really form cohesive sentences. All the various pleasures I’m experiencing first hand has gotten my brain melted into a pink soul. I couldn’t even hold myself up as I fell atop Victor.

“Better wake up, we’re not through yet,” Chris laughed as he picked me up, “you wanted this, so you’re going to get fucked for a couple of hours.”

“S-shit! I’m going to… fuck!”

Corey was the first to dump his fat load inside of me. His cock twitched and spasmed, and then in a burst of hotness his seed spewed inside of me. I’m used to his cum, it’s a normal amount, but when he kept going and going and going did I begin o get surprised! His hips kept slamming into me harder and harder, pumping more and more load into my asshole.

“Shit! Chris, your fucking pills works like a god damn miracle!” Corey belted out, “her ass is just squeezing me more and more, and it feels so good!”

“Fuck me more! Fuck me like some cheap whore!” I begged as I stated to climax again, and I reached out for him. Again he slammed his hip into me, releasing his final load with a deep grunt.

He released my ass when he slumped down against the head of the bed. I got off of Victor and laid down against Corey’s hip, sucking up his slime covered, and still hard, erection.

“I’m sensitive there, take it easy,” he took a deep breath as he tried to catch up. His semen taste so sweet and so thick, it’s like he hasn’t released any in days!

Victor, seeing me in all fours as I slurped up Corey’s cock, pushed his dick into my vagina with little resistance.

“Emily, you know your pussy clamps up whenever your thick ass gets slapped?”

He demonstrated it with a huge, resounding slap as his hand connects with one of my cheeks. I screamed in both pain and pleasure as I felt my walls squeeze him tightly. “Shit, you’ve got a nice pussy there doc. It’s so nice and tight! Wait, where’s Chris?”

Victor looked around and spied Chris partaking in some bottled water. He tossed it to Corey who hungrily chugged the whole thing. “Cumming hard like that drains your body, so you better hydrate well,” he grinned as he slapped my add again. His cock bent low, looking like a third arm between his legs, and he sat next to Chris like they’ve known each other for years.

“Well? You think his dick is the only thing around here needing attention? Suck it you fucking bitch!”

He grabbed me by the hair and pushed me against his huge cock. He rubbed the shaft against my cheeks, rubbing his leaking precum all over my forehead until he finally pushed me down his dick.

He fucked my face for a couple of minutes and then hands my head over to Corey where I sucked his cock for a good minute or two as well, and then going back over to Chris.

“We’ll get you nice and trained. You’ll be begging for more later on,” Corey grinned at me, “if I knew I have a slut for a girlfriend, I could’ve let loose a bit more.”

I gasped and took in much needed air, as my vision blurs from tears and sweat. “Thank you, please train me to become a good cum slut, please,” I cried out. I didn’t know I was this kind of person before. I didn’t know I could be such a whore! Was I always like this, or did Corey awakened this when we started having regular intercourse.

“Shit, her fucking pussy is really squeezing me so tight!” Victor bellowed as he grabbed my hip tightly, “gonna cum!”

He pressed himself against me, bending over on top of me and panting as he unloaded himself into my cunt. I couldn’t help but scream out in pleasure as I started cumming with him

I felt complete. I felt so powerless, but at the same time I felt like I held all the power in the world. Two men just came inside of me, filling up both of my holes with their warm cum.

He kept thrusting into me harder and harder and he kept pumping more and more of his hot load into me. “Chris, fuck, is this normal!? I’ve never ejaculated this much before!” He called out and Chris just bayed out.

“Yeah, that’s normal,” he answered as he laid back comfortably, “make sure you drink some water afterwards.”

As Victor grind his pelvis against me, I felt his meat stick stir my inside, making me orgasm again. I shook and trembled against his hands as I bit my lip to contain my voice.

“Jesus, how many times did you cum, doc?” Chris wondered. I wondered too as I laid down in defeat, with an avalanche of white flowing out from every hole.

“Switch!” Corey called out and Victor chugged his water down while Chris got up. Victor got on his back while Corey grabbed me by the wrist and leads me over to Victor.

“I’ll stay up here,” Chris said, “you two just enjoy her holes.”

“Alright, suit yourself,” Corey shrugged as he gently laid me atop Victor’s rough body. I can feel his muscles, every fiber of it, against my warm body.

“L-let me rest,” I begged but Corey just slapped my face.

“You can rest when we’re done with you,” he said roughly, “now shut up and suck Chris’s dick!”

That somewhat familiar cock stuffed itself into my mouth, muting me. I just looked up at him with my tear stained eyes and face and he looked down at me, devoid of compassion.

Just the way a whore like me likes it.

I felt Victor’s cock head enter my anus and Corey looked over me as he sneered while penetrating my pussy. Their cock seems to have grown, like it’s bigger than before. It might be my mind playing tricks on me, but they felt so different in that moment.

My head is just swimming in all of these pleasures. Chemical reactions and the balance of things going awry. I wanted them to continue, I wanted them to keep on defiling me, and defiling my image to them. I want them to forget the clean cut doctor that they worked with or treated them, I want them to replace that image with what they see now, the person before them.

This is going to be the best couple of hours of my life!

~ End of Part 52-1 ~



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