Nightswimming (MF)

August in the south can be scorching hot, even through the night. It’s why I’m so happy that I have my own swimming pool.

It’s at least 1 am, the stars are out and the moon is a little more than half full and there’s not a cloud in the sky. Driving through my sleepy little suburb, there aren’t many lights on in the windows of these cookie cutter houses. Most folks around here don’t have later shift jobs like I do. Reaching my house, I pull into my driveway, get out of my car, open the gate to my 6 foot tall wooden privacy fence that surrounds the back part of my .5 acre yard. After stepping through, I close the gate behind me and walk towards my target of the night: my underground swimming pool. There’s no real light source back here, the closest street light is on the other side of the house, so it’s pretty dark. However, the moonlight is more than bright enough for me to know exactly where I am in relation to my pool. Pausing at the cement at the edge of my pool, I strip off all of my clothes and take a deep breath. My 6’, 205 pound, slightly athletic body covered with a light sheen of sweat glistening in the light of the moon. After a few more seconds of just staring off into the distance, I dive in.

The heat of the day has warmed the pool to almost bath water temperature, but it still feels really refreshing after a long day on the factory line. I swim around a little, duck under to cool my head then surface and reach over the edge for a float. Pulling the float into the water, I climb on, lay back and relax. The light hum of the pool pump is barely noticeable over the songs of the crickets and frogs that fill my ears while I lazily float around, half in, half out of the water, stargazing. A shooting star wizzes by and I wish for an ice cold beer. While dreaming of that beer, I hear the light click of my fence gate latching shut. I struggle to sit up in my float without falling over, but from the deep end of the pool, I can’t see anything in the darkness surrounding my gate. Maybe there’s a little movement in the shadows? Shaking my head, I slide off the float and back into the deep water. Gliding down, I kick off the bottom and swim towards the shallow end of the pool, so I can investigate.

Reaching the beginning of the shallow end of the pool, I break the surface of the water and stand. I wipe the water from my eyes to find a dark figure standing at the steps of the pool. Your dark robe tied tightly around your body absorbs the moonlight. That is, until you slide it off to reveal your sun kissed body, au natural. Tossing the robe aside, you move forward gracefully, stepping into the water. I stare, mouth wide open, as you enter the pool. The sway of your hips and the light bounce of your breasts put me into a bit of a trance. When the water reaches your belly button, you pause, look at me sensually and say, “Mind if I join you?” innocently.

My mind races as I finally look back up into your eyes glinting with the moonlight. Am I dreaming? Has the goddess Aphrodite stepped down from the heavens to be with me? Who is this beauty before me? Then, panic begins to take over. Is this a trick? Who sent you? You have to be coming into the wrong backyard pool. I quickly reach down and cover myself with my hands, splashing water around me. Stammering, I reply, “Uh, who are you?”

“Forgive me,” your smile gets even bigger as you take that last step down into the pool, bringing the water up to the bottom of your supple breasts, drawing my eyes downward again. “It’s Judy from next door, don’t you recognize me?”

I shake my head briskly, scattering droplets of water from my blonde hair. I bring my ice blue eyes up from the water line back to meet yours. Of course I’ve seen you before: at the mailbox, pulling into your driveway, carrying groceries into your house, things like that. I’ve even seen you sunbathing in your backyard once or twice. But I’ve never seen you like this. Your long brunette hair falling softly on your shoulders, a slight curl at the end, framing your ever so soft face and haunting green eyes. Lips that look like they’ve already touched the water with just a hint of red to them, beckoning to be kissed. Your smooth, tan skin barely visible in the half-moon light with just a hint of tan lines.

My eyes drift back down to your chest where the water is quietly teasing the bottom of your breasts. Your nipples are becoming erect as you reach down into the water and then slowly reach back up to wet them. The water beads in places on your breast, and I feel the urge to lick them as though I were dying of thirst and your water would save me. I feel myself begin to rise behind my hands and turn slightly in embarrassment. “Where are you going?” you ask, stepping closer to me.

“Judy, I, what about,” the words catch in my throat, “Aren’t you married?”

At that you stop and a look of anger flies across your face. “That bastard cheated on me months ago!” you exclaim, looking towards your house. “I’ve kicked him out and we’re getting divorced.” Your chest heaves a little from the sudden rise of anger and I watch as your breasts bob up and down out of the water. As your breathing calms, your face softens and your focus returns to me. “So, he’s none of your concern,” you say as you take another step towards me. “I’ve been waiting to properly introduce myself to you. I’ve been watching you for a while now and I never see any girlfriends or a wife…”

“Um, uh, the dating world out there sucks right now,” I find myself admitting. “It’s all about likes and rewards and swiping and shit and no real connection. Besides, there’s like 40 guys for every girl out there on these dating apps, so I rarely even get to have a conversation, much less bring someone home.”

“I can help you with that, you know,” you say with an evil smile as you take one more step closer to me. “Nothing brings women to a guy like another woman showing interest.” You are close enough now to reach for me and touch me on the shoulder. Your hand slides slowly down my arm until it is just below the elbow. Then, you gently pull my arm towards you. I have to turn back towards you to keep my hands covering myself, although my hands truly cannot do enough to contain the rise you have brought out of me. Your hand leaves my arm and comes up out of the water to touch my face. Drops of water fall from your hand onto my chest and I get a little gooseflesh.

“And I’m definitely interested,” you breathe.

You take one final step closer to me while your hand moves to the back of my head. You gently pull me to you, our lips meeting awkwardly at first, then finding each other firmly as the passion begins to build and the surprise melts away. Our tongues begin to play while we kiss as our breathing gets heavy. My hands come up and out of the water to wrap around you, water trickling down my arms and your back, pulling you close into me. I pull away to kiss and lick your jaw, down to your neck then back up to your earlobe where I begin to nibble. After a sharp intake of breath, I can feel your warm breath on my neck and then in my ear as you seek to return the favor. Your hands move down my back, tracing the droplets of water back to their source until finally reaching below the surface and grabbing a hold of my ass. You pull my groin right up to yours, my erect member pressing hard against your abdomen. I distinctly feel the warmth of your breasts, your arms against my body where we touch, while the light breeze cools me everywhere that is not otherwise submerged. The stark difference between the temperature of our bodies above and below the water adds to the overflow of sensations.

I reach down to grab you by your ass and pull you up a bit out of the water. Instinctively, you grab on to my neck and wrap your legs around my waist. Your breasts are now directly in line with my mouth, so I eagerly engorge myself on your left nipple, sucking hard. A moan escapes your lips as you look to the sky and push your chest harder into my face. The section breaks with a loud pop as I release only to turn my mouth to your right breast, its nipple standing erect, pointing towards the watching moon. I surround the nipple, but don’t suck, lightly touching the skin of your breast with my lips. I feel you kissing the top of my head as you moan in anticipation. My tongue lightly teases your areola, then touches the tip of your nipple. I feel one of your hands move up to the back of my head where you grab a little of my hair and with that, I bite down lightly, causing you to once again moan and pull my head harder into your chest.

As I come up for air from your ample bosom, I begin to walk towards the stairs, carrying you. I can feel your butt lightly tapping on the head of my cock was I walk through the water. I look up into your eyes as you are looking down at me. Eros, the God of lust has fully taken over both of us now and won’t let us go until we are spent. As I reach the stairs, I lift you slightly and you unwrap your legs, seeking solid ground. Standing on the stair, you push me away forcefully, causing me to fall backwards into the water with a huge splash. As I surface, I can hear you laughing loudly and your glee is infectious. Chuckling, I try to run back to you, the water slowing me down. Before I reach you, I use my hand to send a large splash of water towards you and you back up a step, throw your hands up, squealing before returning to your laughter.

Once I reach you, your position standing near the top of the stairs has placed your groin just below my eye level. I reach out again, grab your ass and pull it to me, burying my face into your mound, if somewhat awkwardly. “Mmm, here, let me help you with that,” you say as you sit down on the top step in the pool, lay back slightly, one arm behind you and open your legs. In this position, you are sitting half in and half out of the water that is only inches deep. What remains of the waves we created from our play lap lightly against your legs and groin, leaving drops of water in their wake on your tanned skin. Without a word, I place my hands on your legs, licking and kissing lightly along your inner thigh, capturing some of the stray droplets on my tongue. Moving up your thigh, I lightly kiss and lick all around your vulva, gathering more of the water as I go. I feel you shiver slightly in anticipation, so I pause, letting the tension build. You reach down and put your hand on the back of my head while I move in to lightly kiss your engorged labia. My tongue moves slowly up and down, seeking your inner depths. On a downward dive, my tongue goes a little deeper and finds purchase within you. I hear your response, confirming my actions have your attention. I swirl my tongue around your entrance until you start to squirm. At this point, it is very difficult to determine how much of this wetness is from the pool or from you. However, your essence fills my nose as I leave your entrance and lick ever so softly northward, seeking your pearl. A small shock travels up your body as my tongue finds what it seeks. You let out a short scream as your body visibly jerks a little from the sensation. Knowing I’ve hit the right button, I begin to move my tongue in a circular motion around it, teasing, driving you to the edge before I stop, take a breath and return for more. I heartily plunge my tongue back into your depths and wiggle before travelling back up for round two, the sounds of your pleasure once again guiding my journey to its destination. However, this time, after only circling for a couple of laps, I bury my face a little further and suck hard on your love bud. Unprepared you fly into a frenzy of electric sensation and I can feel your juices flow onto my chin as you orgasm loudly, grinding against my face.

Once you have caught your breath, you look down at me with an evil grin. You stand carefully and walk the few steps down into the pool. Draping your arms around my neck, you lean in for a kiss. Wrapped up in your kiss, we turn around, my back to the stairs. Instead of letting me go, though, you sit me down halfway down the stairway, leaving me submerged from the waist down. At first I think that you are about to mount me, but then you take a few steps back and go under. I can barely see you see you in the dim moonlight swim underwater the short distance back to me. When you reach me, you stay under the water, take hold of my cock in one hand and then take me into your mouth. You stop your lips just past the tip, kissing it lightly. Then your tongue sneaks out and runs around the base of my head, causing little shocks of electric sensation to ripple through my body. Latching on and then sliding down a little further down the shaft, your mouth fully covers my head and you start to suck. Your hand still grips my member as your mouth slides down even further. Your hair floats up and down in the water as you begin to work my shaft up and down. Little ripples form on the surface of the water from your movement. Each time you come back up, you pause slightly at the top and lick the base of my head, driving me insane!

Even though I’m in ecstasy, you’ve been doing this for what seems like forever now. I’m getting concerned that you will drown sucking on my cock. That would be one hell of an explanation for the first responders! I start to sit up and you break suction, quickly bringing your head out of the water, taking a huge gasp for air. Your soaking hair sends a wave of water right at my face and into the sky as your hair flicks back around and you continue to stand. Chuckling, I reach up to wipe the water from my face, then crab walk back up the stairs a couple of steps. Positioning myself to where you could continue without being a mermaid, you get on your knees on the stair in front of me, grab hold of me, slide me into your mouth and begin again. As your mouth travels down my cock, I can feel your tongue licking the shaft the entire way. You pause a second at the bottom as I reach down to pull your hair away from your face. You work up and down, slowly, looking up at me with huge doe-like eyes. Every few strokes, you pull me out so you can lick me up and down before sucking me up again. I can’t help but moan in pleasure, my breathing getting a little deeper than before. Turning your eyes down to concentrate, you start sucking faster and faster. The feeling is amazing and I start to pump a little in time with you, until one particularly poorly timed thrust causes you to gag and you disengage, taking a deep breath.

Leaning forward, I grab your face to kiss you. I can taste a little of my pre-cum on your tongue as we kiss each other deeply. While still kissing passionately, I carefully get up, bending over and slowly start moving down the steps into the pool, backing you in until we are both standing in the shallow end. Guiding you towards the edge, I turn you around and then wrap my arms around you. My swollen cock presses up against your ass as I run my right hand up to your breast and my left down towards your mound. As I pull you in tightly, I start nibbling on your ear again, then move down to kiss your neck. My fingers find your nipple and start to pinch it slightly, then I let go and just cup your breast. My left hand continues down until my fingers find the folds of you. I press lightly and hear you release a soft gasp. For just a few more seconds, I run my finger in a circle, pressing firmly but without entering.

Then, I slowly take a step back, moving my right hand to your back and my left hand to your hip gently guiding you into position. You reach up and put your hands on the edge of the pool and spread your legs, knowing exactly what I intended for you to do. Sliding my right hand down and turning it around, I gently pass my fingers over your asshole. I circle it once with my finger as I hear you moan quietly before sliding on down to your lips. Carefully, I slip two of my fingers between your lips and up to your love bean, pressing firmly. “Oh, fuck!” you exclaim as I feel you jerk, so I retreat and instead move to slip my fingers deep into you. I slowly slide them in and rotate my hand so it is palm down. I carefully reach my fingers in as far as I can and then start sliding them back out, tease your entrance and then slowly slide them back in. This time, once inside, I press firmly with the tips of my fingers and start making very small, circular motions. After a about a minute of this, your moans get a little louder and I can feel your knees start to buckle. Reaching up with my left hand to help hold you up, I return to the circular motion with my right. I can feel a little area swell under my fingers while you scream out loudly, “I’m cumming!” Even though you reach down to pull my hand away, I don’t let you and keep moving ever so slightly inside you until it seems you can take no more.

Removing my hand, you turn to face me. I can see a bit of fire in your eyes as you reach to grab behind my neck and kick your legs up to mount me. You pull your face close to mine and kiss me intently. I reach my hands down to your hips and help to set you into place on me. The wetness of the pool helps me slide easily into you and we both moan loudly at the initial penetration. You wiggle your butt a little, settling yourself down onto my cock and then lay back, holding onto the back of my neck. I take a couple of test thrusts, feeling out how things will work with us standing in the water. Gaining confidence, I start thrusting into you faster and faster. With each thrust, it feels like I’m driving deeper and deeper. The water splashes around us as we move. Our breathing speeds and deepens as we work on our pleasure. Escalating moans escape from us as wave upon wave of water emanates from our epicenter. Each wave driving out until it crashes into the pool wall, sometimes spilling over the edge. I slow my thrusts a little, taking the time to really enjoy just how deeply I am penetrating you. I look up at you to see that you have thrown your head all the way back, your hair dancing on the water; your breasts pointing up towards the sky, bouncing with each thrust. My lust grows even more and I start to dig what little fingernails I have into your butt cheeks, digging a little deeper with each thrust. You look back at me and scream, “Yes!” and wrap your legs a little tighter around me. Grinding now more than thrusting, I impossibly feel like I’m even deeper in you than before. Your legs and abdomen begin to twitch a little as you grind me harder and your moans turn into screams, “Oh God, I’m cumming again!”

I can feel your walls starting to squeeze my cock, trying to milk it dry. The increasing tightness and your exclamation have taken me now to the edge and I’m dangerously close as well. “I’m going to cum too!”

“Don’t you fucking stop!” you exclaim.

“Oh fuck!” I say as I dig my fingers into your ass and shove as hard as I can into you. Within seconds, my cock explodes in your depths, hot cum shooting into your depths. We both scream loudly in ecstasy with your body shuddering in my hands from the shock waves of pleasure. If there are any other neighbors up tonight, they definitely heard us that time! I can feel you spasm on my cock as you continue into aftershocks. I ease my grip of your butt now as I ride the wave of rapture back down to reality.

Our breathing starts to level out and I ease you up and off of me, back to the floor of the pool. We stare into each other’s eyes for a few minutes, listening to the sound of the waves dying down as the crickets and frogs in the distance seem to grow louder.

“Well Judy, that was completely unexpected.” I say, breaking the relative silence. “It was also amazing.”

“You were pretty good yourself,” you say with a playful smile. After a few seconds pause, you wink at me and say, “I hate to fuck and run, but some of us have to work in the morning instead of the afternoon.” With that, you turn and swim over to the steps. I admire your shapely tanned body as you step out of the pool, bend over to retrieve your discarded robe and wrap it tightly around yourself.

You walk slowly to the gate, turning only once you’ve opened it. “Maybe it won’t be completely unexpected next time?” you say, smiling brightly.

I nod in reply and watch the gate close with a click.
