Lisa in Toronto (part 2)

Part 1:

The dark bar continued its nightly business. At the same time, Patty was in the rainbow lounge. She and Eliot had met there at eight and, though Patty was an accomplished drinker, Eliot had managed to get her completely smashed. After successfully concluding their business, Eliot had challenged her to match him drink for drink with bourbon shots. Two hours later, eleven shots apiece had been ordered and drunk and they were still going.

Patty was sitting at a table in the dark. Her big boobs, the cleavage of which was exposed in an obscenely low-cut neckline of her tight black dress, were resting on the tabletop in front of her. Eliot, a good-looking man in his fifties, was slumped back in his chair. They were staring at each other drunkenly. The twelfth shot for each of them was sitting on the table in front of them. Patty was trying to muster the stamina to drink it.

Patty managed to break the silence. “You gonna dring thasshot or


“I’m gonna drink it, don’t worry.” Eliot was not as drunk as Patty, but only because he was a man and was bigger.

“Thass good ‘cause I thought you mi’ be finissssshed. The night iss still young an’ we gop plenny more t’go. Wha’ the fuck time’s it? par’on my Frensh.”

“It’s eleven.”

“You’re are one sessy muzzer Eliot baby, you know that?”

“I believe you’ve mentioned it. Time for another shot, Patty.”

Patty stared drunkenly at the shot in front of her for a moment, trying to

see it clearly. Without a word she picked it up. She closed her eyes and concentrated on drinking it without passing out or spilling it. She opened her sexy mouth and poured the amber liquid down her throat. When she was done, she put the glass face down on the tabletop and slowly opened her bleary eyes.

“Y’wanna go ‘stairs ‘n fuck or what?” She slurred. “These bad boys need some ‘tention.” And she jiggled her big bosoms with her hands. Patty laughed and Eliot nodded.

Saxon had re-buttoned Lisa’s blouse. He wanted more. “Come on, teenager,” he said reprising their joke, “I’ll take you to your room.” Saxon stood and helped Lisa stand up. He noticed her shoes were off and he reached under the table to retrieve them. He placed the high heels upright on the floor in front of her. “You better put your shoes on” he said. She looked down and had to hold on to him while she tried to slip her toes into the shoes. She said ”My toesies muss be drunnnk, I can’t get them into my shosies” After several tries she had them partially on but he had to reach down and slip them onto her heels. He picked up the half empty bottle of peppermint and walked her out of the bar. It was easier said than done as she was staggering quite profusely. She was only five two, but still it was a struggle to keep her upright.

“Ya’ know somesing Misser Sasson?” she said as he helped her to

the elevator, “That Peppermint wzz goooood!”

“Call me John,”

“OK, Misser Sasson,” and Lisa giggled at her joke. “Those peppemin shoshs iz reeeeeeal goooood.

“We still have some more” he said as he held up the bottle in front of her.

She reached out and took the bottle, put it to her mouth and had a long drink.

“Like I said, peppemin shoshs iz reeeeeeal goooood” she slurred.

The walking made her come out of it a little, but she did not remember having an orgasm or even undressing in the bar. She felt a little sick during the elevator ride, but when she got to her floor and was on solid ground she felt better. When they got to her hotel room, Lisa insisted on trying the key card herself. She bent over from the waist, sticking her plush ass way out as she tried to maneuver the card. Saxon wanted to fuck her right there in the hall. When Saxon tried to help her with the card she kept saying: “I goddit, I goddit.” Finally she gave him the card and said, “Here, mebbee you sh’try it.” Saxon opened the door and he pulled her in by the wrist.

Lisa staggered across the room and fell on her back on the bed, her huge breasts took a moment to settle after rocking back and forth, her high heels slipping off her stocking feet.

“You wanna do some more shots, Lisa?”

“Suuuuure, why not? The seals deals, isn’t it?” Lisa giggled. He pulled her upright, her tits hanging down under the blouse, her bra still pulled to the sides. “Wait – wha’ time ’zit?”


Lisa shook her head for a long moment as though she didn’t know where the time went. When last she noticed the time it was 9pm. Her cute black hair fell disheveled into her face.

“I’m sposa meet Patty inna lounge.”

“We’ll go down after we do some shots. Does she have a cell phone?”

“Thass good,” said Lisa as she raised an index finger for emphasis. I’m gomma caller onna phone.” Lisa picked up the phone and dialed. She stuck her beautiful tongue out of her mouth to increase her concentration. She dialed three or four wrong numbers before getting the right one. As she waited for it to ring she unbuttoned her blouse, slipped it off and threw it on the bed. As she leaned over to talk on the phone her young tits stuck straight out, being supported by her bra “Hello Patty thissiz Lisa. I’m im my room sealing a deal wiss Sasson.”

She hung up the phone, “It wassa machine,” She staggered over to the dresser, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She took off her bra and put on a sheer black robe which did nothing to cover her half naked body, now that she was wearing only panties, garter and dark brown stockings.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. You expecting someone?”

Saxon asked.

Lisa started unsteadily toward the door, but Saxon stopped her. “I’ll get

it.” Lisa sat down on the bed contentedly and Saxon looked through the peep hole.

“Who is it?”

“Is meeee! ” It was Amy. She was wearing only a white blouse, red panties and garter and light brown stockings, leaning drunkenly against the door in the hall.

Saxon started to get hard. “Who is me?”


Lisa said, “Letter in.”

Saxon opened the door and Amy lurched in. Oopsie,” she said and giggled.

“Pleased to meet you,” said Saxon smiling.

Amy was a young-looking eighteen and had absolutely no fat anywhere on her extremely tight body – except for her tits and ass. Her cute pale stomach was rock hard and her round ass stuck out like she was a rapper’s girlfriend.

“Amy you’re drung!” said Lisa drunkenly but with some edge.

“I was atta party downa hall and we’re playin’ strip poger and I got

locked out.” Amy sat on the coffee tablet. She looked at Lisa’s sexy black robe and smiled crookedly. “Sorry, I din meana innerupt.”

Lisa raised her eyebrows and tried to look down on her in her drunken way. “Nossing’s going on,” Lisa said haughtily, “I juss needed to change.”

Saxon looked both sweet young drunk girls. “We were just gonna have

a party in here, you want to join us?”

“Wha’ kinda party?” said Amy letting her blouse fall open reveling her firm breasts and hard nipples.

“To celebra’e us closin’ a deal,” Lisa slurred and she stood up very clumsily. She had to hold onto the wall to stand.

“Lisa, are you drung?” asked Amy in surprise.

“We had drings, but I’m am not drung.” Lisa said with arrogance and she gingerly took her hand off the wall to prove it. She swayed back and forth, her stocking toes flexing up and down on the soft carpet as she tried to balance. “However, my leggs and my feet may be a little drung” She could not stand up unsupported for long however, and had to put her hand back almost immediately.

Saxon in the mean time had pulled out the bottle of Peppermint “Lisa is too good a drinker to get drunk,” said Saxon slyly.

“Thass right,” said Lisa, whose tits now looked like twin torpedoes in her see through robe. Her nipples were the size of gumdrops, the smooth robe material was gently rubbing across her nipples as she swayed from side to side, making them hard.

“So we’re going to do some shots to celebrate…” And he poured three shots and handed them around.

“I don’t thing Amy shou’ dring anymore,” said Lisa and she took Amy’s

shot away like a mother hen.

“Please! Lisa issa weekend! I never hab any fun im Bosson!” Amy whined.

Lisa still teetered as she held onto the wall. “OK, bu’ juss one.”

Amy beamed drunkenly and the three downed their shots in a single gulp. Amy’s ripe tits pointed straight, but the two young women didn’t seem to notice, or mind.

Moments before, Patty’s cell phone rang to let her know she had a message. “Sssscuse me,” she said retrieving her phone from her purse. She managed to punch in the correct numbers to get the message. “S’Lisa,” Patty said, as if Eilot knew who Lisa was, which he did not. “I forgot I was supposa meet ‘er.” Patty pressed the return dial button and the phone rang in Lisa’s room. “Helloooo, Lisa. S’Patty…How’z it goin, girl?…Thass great, Baby! You havva party up in your room?” Patty hung up the phone. “Party in Lisa’s room,” she said. And she stood up and grabbed Eliot and stood him up. He put his arm around her waist and they both staggered out of the lounge.

In the elevator, Patty pulled the top of her dress off her shoulders and let Eliot

suck on her tits, which bobbled back and forth. She moaned drunkenly with satisfaction.

“Thassit, Baby, suck my big titties! Suck ‘em good!” When the elevator door opened Patty managed to put her globes back in her dress.

“What floor iz zis?”

“I have to make a call.” Eliot said. “You go on ahead.”

“No, lemme suck your cock while you make the call.”

Eliot and Patty went drunkenly to his room where she kept her promise. She sucked his cock while he made his call. But after reaching orgasm, Eliot fell asleep on the bed.

Patty drunkenly pulled on his arm, but to no avail. “Damm,” said Patty, “he’s down fer the count.”

Soon Patty was by herself in the elevator, but she forgot which floor was Lisa’s. After riding the elevator for ten minutes she found it. Patty staggered down the hall, bumped into Lisa’s door and Patty pounded on it. After a moment of pounding, Saxon, who was now in only his underwear, opened the door. Slow, sensuous music was coming from the radio.

“Hiiiii, I’m Patty,” Patty slurred, “I’m the ennertainment.” And she grabbed a big boob in each hand and shook them up and down, laughing. Patty staggered in.

Amy was dancing topless in the corner. She had lost her blouse and was naked except for her tan stockings and garter. She was rubbing her juicy tits slowly with one hand as she danced and was drinking from the bottle of Peppermint with the other. With the music going she was too out of it to notice that someone had come in the room.

Lisa, completely hammered again, was sitting on the bed cradling a bottle of rum to her

chest like it was gold. She was still in robe , but it was open and half off one shoulder.

“Hiiii, Pattyyyyy!” said Lisa over the music. “We’re havin’ a party!

Thississs Misser Sasson.”

Saxon smiled at Patty.

“Wass yer firss name, sweetie?” Patty said as she swayed back and



“Pleasa meechoo, John.” And Patty gave Saxon a short, but full kiss on

the lips.

“Heyyyyyy!” protested Lisa.

Patty, swaying a bit, turned to Lisa with her arm around Saxon. “Lisa. I do b’lieve you’re a li’l bip tipsy.”

Lisa was going to protest, but instead she surprised herself by saying: “I am soooooo fuckin’ smassed I can hardly staan up!” Then Lisa pointed to Saxon and said, “an iss all his fault!”

Laughing, Saxon held up his hands in defense and sat down on one of the chairs.

“Welcome to the firm!” said Patty and she grabbed the bottle out of Lisa’s hand and took a swig of booze. “We are now gonna inissiate you into the company proper lil girl, but firss….” Patty gave the bottle back to Lisa and turned around to Saxon. “John honey, take my dress off, I wanna relax.” She leand over him and her tits threatened to pop out. She stroked his cock through his boxers. “You don’t mind, do ya honey?”

“You’re the entertainment,” he said. Patty stood up and turned around, almost falling backward onto Saxon’s lap.

Saxon unzipped her from behind and Patty let the dress fall to the floor. Her big breasts almost overflowed out of her black bra. She stood there swaying back and forth in her lace underwear and black stockings.

Amy looked over the first time, “Hiyaaaa, Patteeeee!” Then she said,

“I thinn I’m a little drunk!”

Patty and Lisa laughed. “If you’re still stanning,” said Patty, “then you’re not drunk enough!” And Lisa laughed some more. “OK girls, fron’an’ cenner.”

Patty went over to the bed and took Lisa by the hand and stood her up. Lisa, bottle in one hand, was unsteady so Patty grabbed her by the waist to keep her standing.

“Hang on,” Patty told Lisa, “we’re gonna need annoether bottle for me! Come on, Amy Baby, you too.” And Amy staggered over to the other two. Patty had to hold both of them up. “Ol’ Patty’s gonna show you girls how ta have fun.” And she took a bottle of Vodka from the liquor cabinet, opened and took a long drink. “OK girls this is–your inissiation. We all have to drink as much as we can and the lass one stanning issa winner.”

With that Patty took a step back, put the bottle to her lips and swallowed hard. She started to dance, her breasts barely contained by her strapless black bra. Her stockings shimmered in the light as she swayed back and forth drunkenly and seductively to the music. “Come on girls, show what you can do.”

Lisa and Amy laughed and started to dance as well. Patty took a swig from her bottle, which was about 3/4 full. Lisa took at swig from her bottle. Amy took another drink and almost fell over backwards. She giggled, staggered and lifted the bottle over her head as she shook her tits from side to side.

The music continued and Patty and her two young protégées continued to drink from the bottle and dance. Patty staggered over to Saxon and told him to undo her bra. She took it off and let her big tits hang down.

“Wow!” said Lisa, in amazement. “An I thought I had big tiss!”

“You do, Baby. Come on,” said Patty, “give it up,” and she tugged at Lisa’s robe. Patty pulled the robe off of her and threw it to the floor.

Amy suddenly said, Thiss’z fun!” and with that she passed out on the bed. Lisa grabbed her bottle from her just as she fell.

“Amy’s out!” said Lisa. Lisa still danced and staggered, trying to maintain her balance and took a big swallow from her bottle.

Patty grabbed one of her own giant tits and squeezed the nipple seductively. She walked over to Saxon who was sitting on one of the chairs stroking himself. “Come’on, Baby,” she said to “Check these tiss out.” Patty sat down, straddling one of Saxon’s legs, her wet pussy rubbing back and forth as he began to suck on one of her big breasts. Patty continued to drink from the bottle as she rubbed her clit on Saxon’s leg.

This really turned Lisa on. Lisa, who was roaring, stinking drunk, as few 22-year-olds have ever been, raised her arms in the air and yelled, “Woo-hoo!!!!!” She jiggled her white juggs from side to side.

“Holy fuck!” said Patty in admiration as she turned to look at Lisa.

“Whaddya think o’ these babboys, Misser Sasson?” Lisa slurred drunkenly as she squeezed her tits and pointed her nipples at Saxon. Lisa had brown nipples – bigger than her thumbs – and in this light you could see that her pebbly, dark areolas covered almost half her boobs. They were a stark contrast to her fair smooth skin. She staggered backward, her legs bumping into the bed, and she sat down all in one motion. She blinked trying to understand how she was now sitting on the bed.

“Chrise, those’re some big titties!” laughed Patty and Lisa laughed also. “Lemme see those.”

Patty took a break from Saxon sucking and walked over the bed and sat beside Lisa, taking one of her tits in her hand.

“To your big fucking titties!” Patty toasted drunkenly and she took a drink from the bottle spilling some down her boobs and onto Lisa’s tits.

Lisa raised her bottle over her head., “To my big FUCKIN’ titties!!” She drank the last two mouthfuls of booze out of the bottle and tossed it into the corner. She said “Come’ere Misser Sasson an’ suck my big ol’ titties!”

Saxon walked over and knelt in front of the two drunken women. He moved back and forth between Patty and Lisa, sucked their young tits until they both ached with pleasure. Lisa Marks, Harvard graduate, was now mostly naked, plastered and horny as hell.

Amy woke up. She sat up on the bed and reached around Lisa’s now spread legs, pushed her panties to the side slipped her fingers into her clit. This was a sensation of pleasure that Lisa had never experienced before.

Truth be told, though Amy had said that she never had any fun in Boston, this was not entirely true. At Revere High, Amy was known as something of a little slut who liked to get wasted and would do anyone available. In fact, though Amy had not shown her true colors at the office, she could, as the saying goes, do you six ways from Sunday and she liked to go both ways.

Amy got up on her knees and licked Lisa’s ear in the most expert manner while Saxon sucked Lisa’s tits. Patty slid off the bed and started sucking Saxon’s cock. After a good while of this, Amy pushed Lisa onto the bed and began to drunkenly eat her pussy. Even though Amy was completely wasted she still could eat pussy like a pro. Patty pulled Saxon off of Lisa’s tits pushed him onto the floor and fully undressed him.

Amy reached over her head and grabbed Lisa’s huge tits as she continued to lick Lisa’s sweet young pussy. Even though Lisa was on her back her breasts still stood up like two mountains and they rocked back and forth. There was too much tit for Amy to clumsily grab, but she did her best, tweaking and pulling on Lisa’s abnormally large brown nipples. Amy was in heaven, devouring Lisa’s pussy. Lisa’s body was swathed in sweat and Amy’s hands moved clumsily over Lisa’s slippery firm white skin. Lisa’s head was spinning and her pussy was spinning. She arched her back in pleasure, wrapped her legs around Amy and wiggled her stocking toes up and down. Amy’s blonde hair brushed seductively on Lisa’s thighs as she did her work.. For some reason Lisa’s mind drifted drunkenly to images of her graduating from school and driving a really nice car. Then it drifted to images of a naked, blonde, drunken teenage girl giving her really great head. Lisa felt a delicate hand pulling hard on her left tit. Boy did that feel good. Lisa gyrated her crotch as each erotic sensations moved through her. The tongue relentlessly stimulated Lisa’s tight wet pussy giving her electric shots of pleasure. Lisa stroked Amy’s hair as this went on and on, harder and harder and suddenly Lisa’s body shook powerfully with an incredible orgasm. When it was over, Amy crawled up on the bed, rolled over and pulled Lisa’s head into her wet crotch.

“Now ea’ my pussy!” Amy slurred. “Lisa you’re are sooooo fucking sessy!“

Lisa lay on her stomach with her face buried in Amy’s tight blonde snatch. Her tits hung down onto the bedcover and her young, smooth, incredible ass stuck way into the air, her stocking feet pointing at the ceiling. Suddenly she felt a dick in her pussy from behind and she moaned aloud. As it pumped her she licked and sucked more hungrily at Amy’s pussy.

Lisa decided she liked to drink, she liked to get naked, she liked to eat pussy and she liked to get fucked by a big dick. Lisa thought to herself hazily, “I am one drunken slut!”

Patty staggered over to the bed, bottle in hand, and straddled Amy’s face with her now wet snatch. Amy starting licking Patties pussy as Patty continued to drink from the bottle and squeeze her own large tits.

Amy began to moan as Lisa plunged her tongue deep into her wet snatch. Amy came as she yelled “Fugging orgy, Baby! Fuck, fuck fuck!!!”

Lisa began to eat her more furiously.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“Fuck me!” said Lisa the best she could between mouthfuls.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Amy came and Lisa came and Patty came and Saxon came.

All four of them. All at the same time.

Amy passed out again.

Saxon was exhausted and fell to the floor.

As Lisa passed out a final thought came into her pretty drunken head:

“If only Harvard had been like this…”
