Aunt Sally 6

I’m naked, wrapt in the introduction my Aunt Sally is providing to the landscape of a woman’s body. This is the second section after she made sure that it is understood that arousal starts in the mind and the body takes time to catch up. She has demonstrated the exquisite detail of her breasts, the almost ticklishness of the globe, the mobile tightness of the nipple and the rougher texture of the areola. She has also shown me the effects of that arousal of mind joining the arousal of that body at her wet vulva. My hand gently strokes in time with hers at her slit. Mine vertical, hers sideways, light, languid. Even though I look into her eyes lying back I am aware of the motion. I am also leaning back in my chair, ass barely on the edge, my stroking motion also in her view. The heat from her body, our heady aroma feel my senses as I watch, listen and learn. I don’t want this to end, like a spell of pleasure that is too good to last.
“The vulva is a collective term for a number of parts, all of those parts affect the pleasure and response of the whole thing, just like the whole body committed to arousal is magic.” Her fingers slide between larger outer lips. “The labia majora may just be a pad but beneath lies the clitoris legs but I’m getting ahead.” She moaned and let her fingers slide lower and duck into her wet vagina, losing a dribble down her ass crack and another moan before breathing in. She ran the index finger of each hand gently opening herself to me. “The Majora keep a lot of sensitive places within but don’t overlook their own sensitivity. Tug them a little…” and she took each between her finger and thumb and pulled down a little. “…and the whole citoral structure settles beneath the skin. It’s a bit like having your cock stimulated all over in a blowjob.” With the reference to my cock I tensed it and glanced at its head fit to burst, slick with precome all the way to the root and I’m sure a trickle had tickled down my balls. “Maybe not that intense but I don’t have a cock.” she laughed. She stretched it down again a few more times, moaning, before spreading them wide. “These are the really sensitive parts and a bit of caution is required, a lot of consent is required but the pleasures are glorious. I’ll start at the bottom and work up. That’s a bit of a joke, lighten up. Are you OK? OK. ” I nodded stupidly before assenting in a hoarse dry voice – sounded like someone else.
She raised her knees, feet pointed but loose. Hand came round beside her thigh and pointed inward. “You know, this is the butt hole. One message though – cleanliness, infections are serious. There’s all sorts of sensations from down here but we’re not covering that today except to say contrary to porn almost all pleasure down here can be got without poking inside – although it has to be said the edges are the most delicious sensation but that’s for another day.”

My mind just clicked. I’d be here with Aunt Sally all year. Here we were in week one and I’m watching her poke her butthole while I pump my cock. I’m not even from a huggy family.
“Just above here is the taint, or the perineum. It’s between the ass and the … ah…. kitty opening or vagina. Just like the labia there’s nerve-endings all over here – mainly of the pressure type so when warmed up you can try out where pressure works and check in. Sometimes it’ll be amazing, sometimes nothing.” Her index and forefinger rolled circles and butthole clenched a few times in response. Her feet dropped to the bed and her knees dropped wide. Lord was she bendy, she was almost flat, knees hovering just above the bed, soles of her feet together. Her hands snaked over her thighs and one went high, gently undulating her mons and the other low and slipped between the lips. “Just give me a moment, I’ve got to catch my breath a bit.” I thought we were having a break but she inserted two fingers knuckle deep in her pussy, crooked into her and I could discern an increased pressure on her other hand, becoming another two fingers and furiously rocking back and forth as she moaned. “Nnnnnnngg, ah, ah, ah nnngggg. Oh, oh…..ah”. With that she stopped for a moment and panted before looking across her breasts and smiled. I noticed a little reddening at her cheeks and neck. “Shit, sorry, sometimes that’s fantastic without toys.” She took a couple of deep breaths and continued. “Right, come over here. I’ll be able to concentrate a bit better now. Are you OK?” She looked at my straining cock as I climbed on the bed a little further down from her legs akimbo. “He looks fine. Don’t bust anything though, do what feels right around me.” With that she sat up a bit and stroked the shaft a few times before thankfully stopping. She lightly ran her nails up my scrotum and my hips involuntarily bucked forward. “Love that, sorry, that’s a bit mean.” She lay back and ran her fingers through her labia, pinching the lighter inner lips and separating them. “…and there’s the pussy, the vagina, the tunnel of love. ” I leaned over dutifully and examined her closely. The larger lips were pale next to the browner labia minora. Her fragrance was joined by an indescribable attractive scent. Every part was glistening with wetness and I could see the opening lead to and part of the thinner inner labia. “As you go into here the warmth increases. Give me your hand.” She took my hand in hers and roughly placed it first over her mound. Then she separated out two fingers, my index and forefinger – and raked them though the labia. They were drenched. Then she raked them through again, this time stopping as the fingertips passed the opening and pressed the back of my hand driving the fingers deep into her pussy. She drew breath and said “like I said, someone elses touch is so different to your own. You align that mind, body and spirit this is religious.” She pushed and pulled, guiding me into and out of her. She was both soft and tight at the same time. She was yielding and resistant at the same time. Her breathing was now in time with my unguided but slow invasions. She sighed and I felt her hand on my cock and I shifted to ensure she had all the access she wanted. She stroked me with the pace I entered and withdrew from her. I was going a little deeper now, a little wetter, her hips a little wider. “Three fingers.” she sighed and I complied, much tighter now. I couldn’t restrain my orgasm much longer watching my hand descending and out of this profoundly sexual woman, watching her hips move and her breasts roll with our motion. Her hand left mine and returned to her clit slowly rolling the flesh against the bone. She groaned and I felt her resistance triple, expelling me, pushing as my orgasm came. I heard my own cry and that involuntary thrust against Aunt Sally’s hand as the first stream arced across her perfect white belly and her cries joined mine as the second hit her hip, thick but immobile until my next hip thrust squashed it between us. Her hand stilled mine and I looked across this magnificent creature, this conjurer of joy beneath me.
Mind, body, spirit. Oh yes.

End Part 6


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