Mommy’s Self Care Weekend: Part 7 [FF] [Toys] [Public] [Voyeur] [Exhib] [Public Orgasm]

I walk back into the room and Jess has kicked off the covers. Her glistening pussy, bright pink and puffy. The self-thrusting dildo lying on the sheet between her legs, wiggling away diligently on the bed.

“Holy fuck,” she groans, her glazed eyes traveling down from the ceiling to make unfocused eye contact with me. “Holy. Fuck.”

The cum of the young hotel worker…did he ever say his name?…starts oozing out of my freshly-fucked cunt as I walk to the table where he left our food. I can feel it slipping out it dripping globs and coating my inner thighs. “I like being your live porn,” I tell her, picking a piece of bacon off my sandwich and popping it in my mouth.

“Ha, yeah,” she laughs, sitting up, and making ‘gimme’ hands at her own food. “I’m not exactly sure how the internet is ever gonna do it for me again. This might have ruined me.”

I pass her her plate–some sort of chicken wrap and fries–and then grab mine and climb onto the bed next to her. “Same.” We both dig into our food.

“Oh my god, you really fucked that guy right here,” she marvels out loud after a few bites, as if she’s realizing for the first time what just happened.

“Mmmhmmm,” I say, with a mouthful of sandwich, his cum puddling on the sheet underneath me.

“This is like some hot, alternate universe shit. This is not what my life is like,” she continues.

“Mine either,” I reply.

We let the silence sit between us for a minute. She reaches toward my plate, pilfering a bacon crumble. It’s an easy motion, like we have been friends for a lifetime. I reach for the remote and turn on the TV. We are greeted with the shrill bickering of the Real Housewives of Whothefuckcares. “I’m not even going to lie,” I tell her, “I love this shit.”

She laughs, “Oh thank god, me too!”

“You think they’d fight less if they spent afternoons like we are?” I ask, gesturing to the aftermath of our orgasmic escapades.

Jess lets out a cackle, “They couldn’t air the show on Bravo then, that’s for sure.”

“So,” I start, steeling myself to broach the topic again. “How does this afternoon end?”

Her face crinkles, like she finds that thought unpleasant. I definitely do. “Rob will be back around 5ish. And then we have drinks and dinner with a business associate of his tonight downstairs around 8:30. Which means I’ll have to leave around 4 so I can clean myself up and be in the room when Rob gets back.”

I nod, hating the idea of her leaving, but I know this is neither of our realities. I glance at the clock. It’s 2:15. “So, we’ve got time for an episode or two.”

“For these bitches? Always!” she laughs, as we both make ourselves comfortable in the bed.


I’m disoriented when I wake up a few hours later. The lights are off and the curtains are drawn. The low sound of some Real Housewives nattering in the background. I sit up and realize Jess is gone.

I must have dozed off. Which makes sense, I suppose. As turns out, masturbating all night, getting only 3 hours of sleep, then getting finger fucked discretely in a pool, followed by devouring another woman’s pussy to 4 orgasms, fucking myself on a dildo, and then fucking the room-service guy until I came on his cock…is kind of exhausting.

I look at the time–7:03pm–and then mute the TV. Listening for sounds of movement in the next room. I hear none. I stand up, and reach for the glass and press it against the wall. Silence. They’ve probably gone down for drinks. I can’t help but feel disappointed that I didn’t know she was leaving the room.

Then I notice my phone, on the table. With my remote controlled panty vibe next to it. And a note underneath.

“Didn’t want to wake you. You needed the rest. Put this on and come sit at the bar? Pretend we haven’t met. I have the remote ;).”

My clit throbs at the thought of Jess pleasuring me discreetly in public for the second time today. She didn’t have to convince me. I quickly start getting ready.


About 45 minutes later, I have showered, shaved, and smoothed a light lotion over my soft body. My long blonde hair is dry and I am running a flat iron through it as I stand in front of the mirror in a lacy blue thong and matching bra that is holding my soft, full, mommy tits higher than they normally rest now. The underwire digging uncomfortably, and the strap cutting into my side unflatteringly. I tug at the fabric self-consciously a bit, before I decide it’s a lost cause. I unhook the bra entirely and chuck it on the floor. I pull the navy blue, body-hugging, cleavage-baring dress from it’s hanger and whisper a little prayer, “god, please fit.” before stepping in.

I pull the dress up, over my ample hips and ass and tummy. I slide an arm in each short sleeve, and then scoop my soft tits into place. Before I reach behind to pull the zipper up, I hike the bottom hem up and pull my thong to the side. I secure the u-shaped panty vibe, with it’s g-spot vibe and it’s clit pulser, against me in the right spots and then pull my thong back over it. I am wet. Just like I have been every other second of this weekend.

I smooth the hem of the dress back down where it sits just above my knees. Then I reach behind me and pull the zipper up. I drop my arms to my sides and appraise myself in the mirror. The dress is snug, but not uncomfortable. Hugging my hips and ass, lifting them. The softness of my stomach is evident, but not unflattering. And my tits–ditching the bra was the right choice. My full, supple breasts held together in the navy fabric, supported just enough that it isn’t obscene. The shadow of my erect nipples flirting with visibility through the fabric. I flash myself a smile and then swipe on eyeliner, mascara, and a stain of berry-colored lipstick. I slip on a pair of nude heels before giving myself one more once-over in the mirror and stepping out of my room toward the elevator.

It’s about 8:10pm when I walk into the dim hotel bar. I pause to scan briefly, looking for Jess or her husband. I see her, sitting on a plush bar stool, turned toward her husband on her left, and another man beside him–his colleague, I assume. She’s engaged in conversation, and never turns to acknowledge me. But her hand is reaching into her purse, and I know she knows I’m here when I feel a light pulsation against my clit start to hum.

The bar is fairly crowded. I can only see two open seats–one right next to her, and the other, about 4 or 5 seats away. I start to head to the further seat, thinking discretion may be key for this evening. But as I start to move in that direction, I feel a chaotic pulsing of the clit vibe as she flickers it on and off to get my attention. I stop and the pleasant thrumming resumes–she wants me in the seat next to her. I move her direction and I feel the intensity of the clit pulsations increase slightly–and affirmation I’m doing what she wants. And as I perch myself onto the stool next to her, she still hasn’t acknowledged me, but I feel the internal g-spot vibration turn on as well. A “hi there” of sorts.

I browse the cocktail menu as I cross my thighs, bouncing my foot lightly as I enjoy the toy nestled inside me and against my clit. Jess–the woman who is responsible for the last 24 hours of the most intense arousal and orgasm I can remember every having–is once again, sitting just a foot from me. I can smell her shampoo, wafting from her softly curled blonde ponytail and I just want to whip her around on her stool and dive between her thighs. I want another of her orgasms for me today.

Instead, I order a dry martini from the bartender, and listen to her husband Rob as he talks with the man to his left. Jess swivels to face the bar, watching my cocktail as it’s made. She doesn’t say anything yet as she turns to look at me, smiling like you would a stranger. But I watch her posture shift as she takes in my dress fully for the first time. Her hips tilt a little. Her legs uncross and cross again. Her lips flare upward just briefly as she smiles at me, approvingly. She slips her hand back in her purse and changes the clit pulsation from a low hum to a faster tapping sensation. She raises an eyebrow, and I nod once, sucking in a breath. Indicating that, yes, my she is making me feel good, and yes, if she wanted me to she could make me cum right here at this bar.

The bartender slides my my drink, and Jess uses this opportunity to break the ice, “Gin or vodka?” she asks me, casually.

“Gin,” I reply, “Always gin.”

“Ah, a woman after my own heart.”

I smile and take a sip, feeling the cocktail warm my throat and stomach, while at the same time the buzzing of the toy warms my clit and cunt.

She lifts a hand to get the bartenders attention and says “I’ll take one of those as well please.”

Her husband Rob turns toward her as she orders, and raises his eyebrows with what appears to be pleasantly amused surprise, “Oh it’s that kind of evening?” he laughs, gesturing to the cocktail she ordered.

Jess smiles back at him, and swats playfully, “What? Just one. I’ll sip slow.” She opens her body toward me, “Hers just looks good. Couldn’t resist.”

Rob nods toward me, “Ah, well then if you’ve inspired her this evening, I might need your help with her later.” He chuckles, as does his colleague. I have only ever seen Rob in passing in the hallway that first night, so this was the first time I am getting a good look at him. He is tall, over 6 feet, with broad shoulders and a solid build. His head is shaved, embracing baldness–instead of clinging to his hair as it leaves him. It suits him. Particularly with his rusty beard that he wears. His cheek are ruddy from the sun he got today while golfing. His hazel eyes warm. He fits the mold of the suburban dad, but he fills it well.

“Oh no,” I laugh, with faux-alarm, sipping my drink as the toy vibrates between my legs. I gesture toward Jess “How wild does she get?”

“Who knows,” he jokes, “I guess that’s your responsibility…” he trails off, prompting my name.

“Caitlin,” I laugh, “I’m Caitlin.”

“Nice to meet you Caitlin,” Rob continues, jovially “This is Dan. I’m Rob. This is my wife, Jess. And this…” he nods to the drink the the bartender is sliding to her “is your doing.”

Jess giggles and swats at him with one hand. The other hand on the remote, ratcheting up the internal vibrations inside my pussy making my body feel electric. I smile at her, and then to him, thinking about how the load she road out of him him last night as I moaned and fucked myself on other side of the wall was also my doing. As were the multiple orgasms she endured earlier this afternoon with my face and fingers buried between her legs.

“Well Rob, I suppose I’ll accept the responsibility.” I feel both the clit pulsations and g-spot vibration escalate another notch or so. Jess is keeping me at an exquisitely pleasing hum, as we all engage in small talk like the new acquaintances Rob and Dan think we all are.

I can feel the skin on my chest flushing lightly and my rigid nipples pressing through the fabric of my dress, as we all chatter about what brings us here this weekend. Business for Dan and Rob. A tag along weekend for Jess on Dan’s company dime–“I mean, the hotel was booked, so I might as well come.”

I mention I’m here alone, and this is my first weekend away from my kid since having her.

“A little ‘me-time’ while your hubby holds down the fort? Good for you. I wish my wife”–I thought I saw a wedding band on Dan’s hand–“would take a little more time for herself away from the kids” I can’t quiet read the tone in his voice. It sounds light and casual when he says it, but there’s an edge of something…wistful underneath it.

I sip my drink, the warm buzz amplifying the mounting pleasure Jess is orchestrating silently, “Me-time, yes,” I say, my voice catching just slightly, “husband, no. She’s with her father, but we aren’t together.”

“It’s so important to get time for yourself,” Jess says, leaning toward me and placing a hand on my thigh. My entire body tenses at her touch and I have to fight to relax myself. I am getting close and I want her to make me cum. I start to ever-so-slowly grind my hips into my crossed thighs.

She raises an eyebrow that Dan and Rob can’t see with her back positioned toward them, and then slips a hand back in her purse and clicks both the clit pulsations and g-spot vibration down to their lowest level. Taking the stimulation from my aching cunt just as I was climbing toward climax. I want to mount her thigh right there on the barstool and grind against her until I get it back. Jess has already made me cum once today in plain view of everyone around us at the pool. I can tell she wants to do it again, and she’s going to do it tonight. But as the host come over to tell Rob their table is ready, and Jess asks “Why don’t you join us for dinner?” I realize she’s going to torture me for it. And I’m going to love every second of it.

I accept her invitation, “I’d love to.”

Rob signals to the bartender to close our tabs as we head to the table, and while I already know he’s about to cover my drink, I still start to charge mine to my own room. “Room 711,” I say casually to the bartender and see Rob quickly turn to look at me. And so does Dan. I know immediately Rob has realized I am the woman through the wall. But also, that he must have told Dan something about it while they golfed today. I feel both of their gaze scorching my skin as they imagine me ferociously fucking myself. I acknowledge nothing.

He recovers and places his hand on the small of Jess’s back, I see him squeeze lightly, signaling to her, oblivious to the fact that she knows good and well who I am, “Why don’t you ladies head to the table, we’ve got this.” I watch the meaningful eye contact they make, knowing he is now replaying the filthy scene from last night that he doesn’t think I know was them. I wonder how rapidly his cock is hardening.

“Sure honey,” Jess says breezily, “take your time.”

We both slide off our bar stools. I half expect to have left a wet spot with how wet my cunt feels between my legs. My clit aches and throbs with every step toward the table. The further we get from the bar, the closer Jess walks next to me. When we are out of earshot, she giggles, “This is fun.”

I smile at her, biting my lip, “Fun is one word for it.”

“You’re close aren’t you?” she asks, as we each slip into once side of the round booth, sliding around until we meet next to each other in the middle.

I grab her hand below the table, part my legs, and guide her fingers to feel my wetness around the just barely humming toy. “Yes. Very.”

“Good.” She grins, “I think it’s probably time for an appetizer.” And with that she reaches back into her purse and I feel both stimulation points increase in intensity a click.

I let out a sigh, “Fuck. Please.”

“Of course,” she says, as she delivers my cunt another increase in intensity.

My fingers curling into the plush upholstery, as I glance at Rob signing the tab at the bar, “Please, Jess.”

She notices him too, setting down the pen, “Patience, Caitlin.” Another increase. My clit throbbing, slick arousal spreading from my hungry lips.

Rob and Dan start walking across the room toward us, as she brings the stimulation up even more. Each step they take in our direction coinciding with my mounting orgasm. As they approach the table, I am both desperate for them to sit down and terrified I won’t be able to control myself when Jess pushes me over the edge.

The arrive at the table as the thrumming pulsations on my clit reach a crescendo, Jess pushes all stimulation to its maximum, seizing control of my body, as I lose it. My thighs clamp together as I clutch the seat, trying to prevent my hips and body from bucking as as orgasmic contractions and spasms tear through me. I want to moan as my body endures electric waves of pleasure in the middle of this restaurant. I want to turn to Jess and kiss her right here as her husband and his colleague watch me cum in her arms. I want to scream her name as she makes my pussy explode right there in the booth. But I can’t. All I can do right now is let the waves of pleasure pour over me as Dan slide into the booth next to me and Rob next to Jess, trying to hold enough composure that I don’t completely give myself away.

As they pleasure ebbs, I release my grasp on the plush seat. Grateful for the dim lighting, because I know I look flushed. I can feel a light sheen of sweat on my face from holding so still. I try to maintain control of my breath as I feel Jess turn off the toy completely, giving me a break. I take a sip of my drink to calm my racing heart.

I feel Dan’s body next to me, the smell of his cologne pleasant in my afterglow. As he and Rob get settled, Rob asks “Have you ladies thought about an appetizer?”

Jess giggles, knowing she’s just served me mine, “Yes, I think that’s definitely in order.”



  1. I’ve been waiting for the next part and it was totally worth it, great stuff, keep it up!

  2. Loved this story. So incredibly hot 🔥 I must be behind and missed a few, as I remember Part 1. Guess I’ll be going back to read the others now 😈

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