How to create the best possible lover in my book?

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Ok, so here me out, in the last few days I set my self a challenge to create the best BF material in my books setting. (Basically lots of women and man want to have him and I am trying to find logical reason on why)

I did some research and even asked some of my female friends and here are some of things I found out.

But before we start I would just like to mention my book is sort of mix of cyberpunk and fallout, with the main characters are super soldiers who turned into Mercs, just so you can get a better Image.


+Alright so first thing I noticed is that the man who have get a clear sense of personality usually get more attractive, especially if that personality is funny, intelligent, strong, mysterious ecc…

Some famous actors have a clear sense of personality, for exp; Will Smith, who basically plays the same character in different worlds.

Also, there are some of the really clear-hearted actors (like Keanu Reaves) that gain major popularity for their good intented actions.

I thought that If my main character in the past played in some of the famous movies where his personality reflected upon the world, It would make him much more attractive.

+Tragic but not too edgy backstory, it seems like both males and females are into that


+Singing and Playing instrument
+Planing, having a clear idea for a future
+Discussing, this one is really important, it’s like woman who like man who are able to put a smile on their faces on their worst times
+Hunting and cooking, just a manly job I put in,
+Martial Arts
+Some others


+Some people are really curious about rumors and want to see if they are true or not, I have put my in my story like this;

1-There are X and Y who are friends

2-There is C, who was in relationship ship with Y but broken up

3-In order to humiliate Y publicly, (Which was having a bad reputation at the time), C says that she had slept with X and it was so much better than X,

4-Even though that’s a lie, people now wonder about if it’s true and want see it for themselves herself

+Because of this event, X becomes even more popular and many famous woman and man want to be with him in high amounts of price. The Mega-Corp decides to turn X into a money making machine by using some illegal ways, (The X doesn’t know about this)

Such as;

1-Filling the Room with pheromones
2-Filling their drinks and food with special chemicals that make them have much bigger orgasms

This helps his reputation build up more and more and price to have a week with him gets higher and higher.

Note; Forgot to mention that they make sure that their clients are really pent up before the main event. Teasing is a effective way to make any orgasm grow stronger, at least that’s what the internet says

Note 2; They also hire lots of erotic workers, artists and dancers to show him the secret ways to get better at bed


+He has a thick and slightly bigger d*** and balls
+He has very good endurance
+Very fit, tall body with big shoulders and handsome face, with white hair and mismatched colored eyes (Exotic features seems to be more attractive)
+He has a thick voice, Something mix of Gerald from Witcher and BJ from Wolfenstein

Other Notes;

+He is Pansexual

Keep in mind that I am not necessary trying him to be sexy in our view but just trying to justify why so many in my world find him sexy, I was going to ask how many of them are true and how many of them are false.
