Fucked a co-worker at a pool party with her bf around [MF]

Sexy time after the *****

Back in my (M mid 20s) early days as a bartender, from my early to mid twenties, I definitely got around the restaurant. One day, a girl named Cole (F early 20s) (her nickname) came into apply. I chatted it up with her, told her about the job. A few weeks later, she had been trained and had started with us. A little while after, I went on vacation for about a week and a half to a music festival, and she and I had spoken but we hadn’t hung out or anything so I didn’t really know much about her.

I got back from vacation and that same night I went to the bar the staff visited after a shift. Once I was there a while, a co-worker, Danielle, up and tells me to stay away from Cole, don’t sleep with Cole, etc. I’m telling her I know nothing about the girl besides the fact that she had a kid and I wasn’t trying to do the baby daddy thing (at the time I wasn’t about relationships). But of course, like some people, the more someone tells me not to do something I just wanna do it all the more.

Some time after, I invited Cole over, we ended up doing some MDMA and having sex.. multiple times. Soon after that, she started dating another co-worker, David, and moved her and her kid into his place. Eventually, she called me up after she got off work to come by and smoke, and we ended up hooking up again. From then on, I knew she was down.

One day, I decided to throw a night time pool party at my apartment complex and invited everyone. The thing was that day was also one of our managers birthdays, and some wanted to go celebrate with him as well at a bar. Cole’s bf was working at the restaurant at the moment, so Cole decided to follow me to the bar to have a couple drinks with the birthday boy, then back to my apartment.

We got back to my apartment about 10 minutes or so after the party started. People were already down by the pool, so Cole and I dashed to the apartment to change. After a few minutes Cole had changed into her bikini and was standing by the stove. We hadn’t hooked up or talked about it since the car, but I decided to go for it. Cole and I had always used a condom each time we hooked up, so I grabbed one and walked behind her and started feeling her up and getting myself hard. She instantly took to it, and put her hands on the counter and just let me feel her up. I pulled her bottoms down, put the condom on, and slid it in from behind her. We had a five or six minute quickie, until someone called asking me where I was. We stopped, got ourselves together, and went down to the pool.

Party was awesome, everyone was either drunk or high (weed) or both. Pretty much everyone was there including people that were just at the bar, as well as Cole’s boyfriend, David. When it hit around 10:30 or so I told everyone we should move the party upstairs as I didn’t want complaints from neighbors or cops showing up to kick us out. Everyone started leaving, and as I’m walking up the steps to my apartment I hear Cole shouting my name from behind and running up to me by herself. We walk upstairs to my apartment together, and as we walked in I locked the door. She starts grinding up some weed to put in a bowl and we take a couple hits, but then I just grab her and start making out with her. It didn’t last long as I heard a knock at the door, and when I answer it of course it’s David. I let him in and noticed that Cole has gone into the bathroom. After a couple seconds of chit chat I go into my bedroom and close the door to get changed. I lived in a one-bedroom apartment so the bathroom was attached to my bedroom. There was a door from my bedroom to the bathroom, and outside in the living room to get to the bathroom, and I hear David open the door to the bathroom and start talking to Cole. I KNEW Cole followed me so quick cuz she wanted to fuck and I did too so…

*****Sexy Time*****

I poked my head out of my door and asked David if he could make sure everyone was leaving the pool and basically ferry them to my apartment. He agreed, close the bathroom door and started on his way out. He wasn’t even out of the apartment yet before I closed and locked my door, opened the bathroom door in my room, peeked my head in and whispered to Cole to lock the bathroom door on her side. I heard the front door close and as soon as it did I walked right up to Cole and started to kiss her. We stood leaning against the counter kissing each other and I untied and pulled down her bikini bottoms. I didn’t want to waste any time so I moved us over to the bathtub and I sat down and pulled her down to straddle me. I pulled my cock out, realized that I didn’t have a condom with me, had a split second moment of panic at the thought, realized I didn’t give a shit at the moment, and started to push it inside of her. She was a little tight at first but then she slid right on.

Cole sat there riding me, both of us holding and squeezing each other with our heads buried in each other’s necks trying as hard as we could to not make a sound. I kept her top on, but I lifted it up to lick on her nipples and kiss her breasts. At some point she leaned back and rose herself up slowly, just popping my cock out and rubbing it for a bit before she just sat back on it. The way I was sitting on the edge of the tub started to feel a little awkward so I had to get up and I sat on the toilet lid and had her to turn around and sit back on it. I love when a girl is sitting reverse on me, and just leans herself into me so I can feel her hips and her stomach, reach up and grab her tits, wrap my fingers around her throat, biting on her neck and on her shoulders. With her head leaned back, she whispered “this is so bad….” as she was grinding on me, very slow and deliberate.. Fuck it was so hot. I know it’s bad, but I just didn’t give any fucks back then, I was very selfish and all about my satisfaction, the hell with anybody else’s relationship.

We had been at it a total of maybe 5 minutes or so before we heard the front door open again with at least a few different voices coming in. We paused for a second but I knew my bedroom door and the outside bathroom door were both locked so I kept pushing in some. Of course pretty immediately we hear the door handle jiggle and we both froze. The jiggle was followed by a knock on the door and David’s voice saying “Cole, you all good?” Bless Cole.. without missing a beat she replied that she was good she’s just trying to take a shit in peace. David says oh my bad, and asks where I was. Again, with no hesitation, Cole immediately says she doesn’t know she thinks I’m on the phone with someone in my room. David just replied he wanted to know if he could smoke some of my bud.

About 10 seconds later I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, and I take it out and see it’s David texting if he can smoke some weed. I figure I better not push my luck, so I stood up walked out the bathroom door to my bedroom, opened and stuck my head out the door with my phone up to my ear pretending like I was on a call to tell David it was okay. I closed my door and locked it, and back in the bathroom cold was standing exactly where I left her. I sat right back down and she climbed on top, and I was so turned on.. the fact that I had this girl that wanted to fuck me when her boyfriend was probably no more than 20 ft away was such a turn on. I barely lasted another 3 minutes before I started to cum. Cole hopped up and I grabbed the first towel I saw to cum into. Neither of us wasted any time, I darted back into my bedroom closing the door behind me quietly. I ran into my closet and quickly changed all my clothes and put some deodorant and lotion on to get rid of any lingering smells, and walked into the living room. Music was playing, a couple people were smoking, people were laughing and enjoying themselves, and the bathroom door was still closed. By the time Cole came out she was dressed and smelled like she had just sprayed some perfume.

The rest of the night went off perfectly. By the time everybody was heading out, call and I had exchanged many knowing looks. Her and David were two of the last people to be leaving, and while David was waiting for her to get her stuff together and put her shoes on, Cole told him to just go on ahead and she’ll meet him at home. I knew she was trying to get a little bit more alone time with me, and for a moment I thought it would work and I thought we would be able to fuck again. But David has any good significant other should, told her he would wait for her and walk down with her.

Cole and I hooked up a handful of other times afterwards, but after a couple months or so she made the decision to move back to wherever she was from for her baby to be near her family. I don’t think anyone ever knew or suspected.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/re74k6/fucked_a_coworker_at_a_pool_party_with_her_bf


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